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单词 Next to nothing
1. Her job's so cushy: she does next to nothing and earns a fortune.
2. Charles knew next to nothing about farming.
3. He knows next to nothing about antiques.
4. Johnson still knew next to nothing about tobacco.
5. The speech said next to nothing.
6. I got it for next to nothing in a jumble sale.
7. This is piecework and it pays next to nothing.
8. Phil earns next to nothing.
9. I know next to nothing about Belinda, but I must ask him how she died.
10. It costs next to nothing to go to an afternoon movie.
11. We knew next to nothing experimentally of the elementary properties of matter at such high temperatures.
12. I learned next to nothing at school - the teachers were awful.
13. The company's profits climbed from next to nothing to $6 million in just two years.
14. My parents know next to nothing about the men I date.
15. With little or no industry, Savoy exported next to nothing apart from agricultural produce.
16. It was nuts-and-bolts work, with a salary next to nothing, but he was prepared to bear the sacrifices.
17. We know next to nothing about philosophy thanks to television, but lots about the nocturnal habits of cute animals.
18. He said I could sublease them for next to nothing and feed them dirt cheap.
19. I knew next to nothing; how could I peddle myself like some middleaged woman?
20. We may get something in total, but averaging it out, each of us will get only next to nothing.
21. Its high rise flats are steeped in monotonous poverty: families survive on next to nothing, heroin is a hard currency.
22. A drive down Highway 880, past the Coliseum complex, reveals next to nothing new.
23. She doesn't dodge questions; at the same time, she gives next to nothing of herself away.
24. For he was obliged now to concentrate on what he was doing, even if it was next to nothing.
25. Do-it-yourself wills are becoming ever-more popular; and a wealth of information can also be downloaded for next to nothing from the internet.
1. We may get something in total, but averaging it out, each of us will get only next to nothing.




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