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单词 Right off
1, We stayed in a small village inn, right off the map.
2, All that talk about abattoirs turned me right off!
3, He said yes right off the bat.
4, Kay answered right off the bat.
5, His attitude put me right off him.
6, The handle came right off in my hand.
7, We're getting right off the subject.
8, I'm right off the newspaper while eating.
9, I could tell right off that something was wrong.
10, The car spun right off the track.
11, She turned right off mathematics when they got the new teacher.
12, He learned right off the bat that you can't count on anything in this business.
13, Right off I want to confess that I was wrong.
14, I told him right off what I thought of him.
15, It's a small place in Nebraska. Right off the map.
16, An economic recession could throw it right off course.
17, What, you thought I would tell you right off?
18, Their house had been jolted right off its foundation.
19, At least not right off the bat.
20, For this you turn sharp right off the road from Saint-Jean to Saint-Palais, about half-way between those two towns.
21, I could see right off the bat that there were going to be problems.
22, I dropped right opposite her and began scheming right off.
23, No wonder people sometimes start right off with an official complaint or even a writ.
24, He asked his father for the car,(http:///right off.html) but his father said right off that he couldn't have it.
25, All I need to do is lie down,and I can pop right off.
26, Foreign aid is one of the issues we have to deal with right off the bat.
27, It let out that high-pitched whine, that shrill insistent nagging squeal that puts a burglar right off his feed.
28, The husband tried to seize a portrait of her, an oil painting, rip it right off the wall.
29, We take great pride in our shows, we get right off on playing live, always have done.
30, The shower is the only time in any twenty-four-hour period I take my underpants right off.
1, We stayed in a small village inn, right off the map.
31, Maryland Coach Gary Williams looks so tense sometimes I think his head is going to pop right off his shoulders.
32, I asked him to help, and he said yes right off the bat.
33, Gingrich debuts as a House freshman trying right off to prevent the seating of a 24-year Democratic member.
34, They gon na be parked in a squad car on Fox Street, right off Prospect.
35, I wanted all those wonderful colors to collide in ways that could blow your voice box right off.
36, If you brush against their hair it rasps the hide right off you.
37, As they are quite tiny, quail are most often savored by nibbling the juicy meat right off the bone.
38, Rates range from $ 65 to $ 95 and include a tropical breakfast with papayas right off the tree.
39, It pulled it right off in the hospital carpark, and had me hopping around.
40, She has a problem with some little gland or other, which can throw her right off balance.
41, Geoff wanted to sit at the head desk and be the man right off.
42, I got fifteen bullets I bought right off the street from some school kid.
43, You can tell a Poetry Club member right off.
44, Then we ate pinot grapes right off the vine.
45, Whoever told you that was right off the mark.
46, He says the funniest things right off the cuff.
47, He won three games right off the reel.
48, Her answer was right off the beam.
49, They hit it off very well right off the bat.
50, Right off the bat you should have put two and two together.
51, That said, there is an important distinction established right off the bat.
52, I was all prepared to put up a fight, he gave in right off the bat.
53, Right off he did some work for a client of mine up to Albany.
54, After presenting a few packaging concepts for the foam hand-wash three - pack, they hit it right off the bat.
55, With Alpha, you can type in the full recipe and the site produces a completed graphic that looks like it came right off the side of a cereal box. Read about a CNN test of 'Alpha'
56, If the Oscar nominations made you feel well-disposed towards Hollywood again, the Oscar ceremony was enough to put you right off it.
57, Let's get this out of the way right off the bat.
58, And right off I was on guard against Mencken's books.
59, "I've had candidates ask if they can work parttime from home right off the bat, " Ms.
60, I got home and right off the bat my mom told me to cook dinner.
61, Water based wood filler cleans up easily, washing right off hands and tools with water.
62, If we put this up. And she comes close, We beam her right off the starship. This is holy oil.
63, I was all prepared put up a fight but he gave in right off the bat.
64, Neither player hit a setMoon netted nearly 50 million in chips right off the bat.
65, Right off the bat , Dan agreed to the deal.




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