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单词 Ego
1) He's my alter ego we go everywhere together.
2) That man has such an enormous ego - I've never known anyone so full of themselves!
3) Richard has the biggest ego of anyone I've ever met.
4) Barry Humphries's alter ego Dame Edna has taken the US by storm.
5) Gissing used his fictional alter ego to attack Victorian morals.
6) That promotion really boosted her ego .
7) His ego was impervious to self-doubt.
8) I need someone to massage my bruised ego .
9) Winning the prize really boosted her ego.
10) Their singer's on a real ego trip.
11) Superman's alter ego was Clark Kent.
12) The caustic remark dented her ego .
13) He is absolute ego in all thing.
14) Clark Kent is Superman's alter ego.
15) It was a huge blow to his ego to find out he was so unpopular.
16) He's a small man with a big ego - that about sums him up,[http:///ego.html] doesn't it?
17) The great success has bloated her ego to an alarming degree.
18) He was on another one of his ego trips, directing and taking the main part in a film.
19) He has the biggest ego of anyone I've ever met.
20) To possess power is the ultimate ego trip for most people.
21) He had a massive ego, never would he admit he was wrong.
22) She'd dented that enormous ego of his, hadn't she?
23) Only by some one with a bigger ego.
24) She likes to mix with people who flatter her ego.
25) Getting that job did a lot to boost his ego .
26) Losing the match made quite a dent in his ego.
27) Mrs Reagan was widely regarded as the President's alter ego.
28) The portrait painter had the power to massage the king's ego or to expose his flaws.
29) I don't think it broke Steve's heart when Cherise left him, but it certainly bruised his ego.
30) He was lucky to escape with just a bruised ego when he fell off his bike.
1) She likes to mix with people who flatter her ego.
2) That man has such an enormous ego - I've never known anyone so full of themselves!
3) Richard has the biggest ego of anyone I've ever met.
4) Barry Humphries's alter ego Dame Edna has taken the US by storm.
5) Getting that job did a lot to boost his ego .
6) Gissing used his fictional alter ego to attack Victorian morals.
31) He had ego and no ego, both at once.
32) Not getting the promotion really bruised his ego.
33) My ego was massaged constantly by applause.
34) A man's ego is the fountainhead of human progress. Ayn Rand 
35) Ego is recessive in wisdom. Toba Beta 
36) This does nothing for my ego.
37) The ego will brook no delay,[] he wrote.
38) The same goes for feet, hands and ears-though there may be some correlation with ego.
39) This need for self-esteem can be carefully nurtured so that the horse will want to perform to boost its own ego even further.
40) It was also probably in part a defensive measure on the part of the ego itself.
41) But such an identification was probably more than merely an exercise in wish-fulfilment by the ego on behalf of the id.
42) If he feels some one is not applying themselves 100 percent, he won't spare reputations or ego - whoever you are.
43) He needed a little boost to his ego and she was better than nothing.
44) You can see that in the faces of those who do it for positive reasons unconnected with ego.
45) It feeds your ego to flirt with me, doesn't it?
46) But Rhee, self-righteous and unaccommodating of divergent viewpoints, had the biggest ego of them all.
47) What are the dastardly deeds, thoughts and fantasies which your Negative Ego pokes and taunts you with?
48) Their impeccable timing was usually designed to cause the maximum amount of ego deflation.
49) During the past couple of years, Jerry had practically become his younger alter ego.
50) Drop envy and jealousy, otherwise there is no possibility - because love cannot exist where envy and jealousies exist. Then your search is only for a certain type of power: that in the name of love you are just trying to fulfill the ego. And it is arduous to drop, because love exists only when all the negative elements of the mind are dropped. It is very arduous. Osho 
51) Right now there are two Wilsons with all the ego and appetite that involves time travelling across the city of their dreams.
52) The humiliation of standing beside a woman who smelt, dressed and looked absolutely wonderful was doing little for her ego.
53) Wash out your ego every once in a while, as cleanliness is next to godliness not just in body but in humility as well. Terri Guillemets 
54) He was driven by an enormous ambition and unrelenting ego, making him a living symbol of black self-determination.
55) Messenger's only desire is to talk about himself, to confess, to give expression to his huge ego.
56) His talk about not wanting her had been nonsense, stuff handed out by a man salvaging a bruised ego.
57) Ego takes great pleasure in wallowing in self-pity, and defending itself against all charges, whatever the cost to others.
58) Goals must never be from your ego, but problems that cry for a solution. Robert H. Schuller 
59) Ellen knew it was more an affront to his male ego than losing Jackie.
60) Marriage to her was the armature of my ego; remove the armature and I might topple like clay.
61) Faced with these twin assaults on his ego it was hardly surprising that many players were found wanting.
62) And most recently, Freud eliminated the discontinuity between the rational world of the ego and the irrational world of the unconscious.
63) And if he too was stumped, it would be no small consolation to my ego.
64) Sandra knew just what to say to protect Mike's fragile ego.
65) The dialectic between actual ego and ego-ideal is prefigured here in primordial form.
66) Unconditional surrender was more than his fragile ego could bear.
67) I knew little of psychology but enough to be aware of the impact on the unformed ego of an absent father.
68) One of the great self-deceptions - and one of the great foolishnesses - is to tell yourself,[http:///ego.html] Only I will know. Only you will know that you are a liar; only you will know you deal unethically with people who trust you; only you will know you have no intention of honoring your promise. Whose knowledge or judgment do you imagine is more important? It is precisely your own ego from which there is no escape. Nathaniel Branden 
69) When we observe the Ego instead of identifying with it, we discover our Self.
70) Some little pieces of sand are so full of ego that they see themselves as a giant rock! But then the wind blows, the big ego flies in the air! Mehmet Murat ildan 
71) Atlanta is on a massive ego trip, mixed with a congenital inferiority complex that makes Atlantans overly eager to impress others.
72) Straus was Ickes's alter ego a newspaperman, a liberal, a fighter, a curmudgeon.
73) Social feelings arise, too, through identifications with other members of a group who all internalize the same ego ideal.
74) It must be done in a context that makes it worth while or it is just an expression of talent or ego.
75) The mystic is seeking to transcend his ego and acquire a disciplined compassion - a crucial virtue in all religions.
76) The Dallas Cowboys are owned by Jerry Jones, an oilman with an ego that would dwarf a gusher.
77) The chance of an ego trip, to add to all the ones I've already made?
78) The ego ideal, or super-ego, results from two important factors, one biological, the other historical.
79) A glossy magazine designed to satisfy the CEOs ego may go wide of the mark with the factory workers.
80) A big ego so utterly ungracious and another big ego, Niki's(), that had to swallow that kind of shit.
81) Max is a jazz musician, a black cat with Negro features, who owns a talking saxophone, his Alto Ego.
82) Margara seems very much the alter ego of her creator.
83) The problem is, the supermodel's new exercise video could give you more than a bruised ego.
84) A fat ego can blind a corporate executive to reality like a bad cataract.
85) My aggressive five-year ego trip along the path of separatism was over.
86) If there's anything more important than my ego around, I want it caught and shot now. Douglas Adams 
87) The maintaining of the male ego in perfect condition remains an essential activity of the nuclear family.
88) The most important controlling factor in these families is not the male ego but hierarchy.
89) The Ego was designed as a mere postal service which delivers messages to our conscious mind.
90) For those people whose ego ideal has ruled them with especial strictness, the group situation can appear particularly attractive.
91) But in the presence of a strong ego identity such manoeuvres would not be necessary.
92) Brown wrote his novels and faded back into his first love like a man whose ego needed fresh air and nothing more.
93) Equally Odette and her alter ego Odile attract the prince less through their enchanted beauty than through their artlessness.
94) Freshfields's new marbled offices off Fleet Street would pique the ego of the grandest City banker.
95) Conscience is a function of the ego ideal, and is critical of failure to live up to the ego ideal.
96) They started to talk about the ego, id and superego as if they were physical realities located in the body.
97) The ego is that part of the id which has through perception been modified by the external world.
98) Marty is a cold-blooded killer with a warm heart and a vulnerable ego.
99) Really big ego, dark hair, he used to play wild, wild music whenever operating.
100) Easy Rider was like an ambulance arriving to perform an emergency resuscitation on his ego.
101) He was not much closer to Belafonte, whose alter ego he played in the show.
102) Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it. Colin Powell 
103) They must exchange subservience to the pressures of the id for acting in accordance with the ego.
104) To possess power is the ultimate ego trip for many people.
105) The staggering ego of this brilliant, creative artist needs your help regaining its feet.
106) According to the ancient wisdom, spiritual growth involves transcending the limited and short-sighted Ego to make way for the Self.
107) Eric's ego was bruised when the crowd jeered a wayward shot and he tore off his shirt in disgust.
108) He agreed to do it because it flattered his ego.
109) I have no ego problems with people using my ideas to suit their tastes.
110) The individual gains no narcissistic gratification from his ego ideal.
111) Expressed in terms of individual psychology, the danger was one of dissolution of the painfully acquired superego and corresponding regression in the ego.
112) To say that a furnace with a thermostat has a self is not to say it has an ego.
113) But you see, for all the boasting, he didn't have ego problems.
114) In the East a man becomes divine only when he is no longer jealous, a man is thought to be enlightened only when he is no longer jealous. Jealousy is a by-product of the ego and when the ego disappears jealousy disappears. You cannot offend a buddha. Whatsoever you do you cannot offend him. Osho 
115) It is Ego which drives us to be dutiful and fulfil false obligations.
116) Her instants of selfless love, so focused upon me, are balm for my abraded ego.
117) The Negative Ego is quite bemused by the concept of equality.
118) The Ego loves making comparisons - and this can be useful.
119) Drop jealousy and love wells up. Jealousy means that I am the owner. It is an ego trip, and wherever there is ego there is poison, and the poison kills the very source of love. One has to become aware of just these few things and discard them and one's life becomes a lotus of love. And then there is no need to go in any search of god, god will come in search of you. This is my observation, that god always comes seeking the true seeker. Whenever the disciple is ready the master appears. Osho 
120) Problems arise when the Ego not only makes comparisons, but makes value judgements.
121) For the Ego, it is highly dangerous to get too close to anyone.
122) But instead of admonishing him, they were handling his ego as if it were the most delicate of flowers.
123) But this day had sent my spirits and my ego crashing back down to earth, or rather water.
124) Why would anyone renounce their entire career just to boost their ego?
125) So whether is Da Vinci swashbuckling, is ego acclaimed?
126) The ego is an illusion, separateness, and trouble.sentence dictionary
127) They are superego, ego and ID.
128) She is, first and foremost, her husband's alter ego.
129) We can't transcend the limitations of the ego.
130) In changeful environment, whether already have lost original ego.
131) Freedom, gravity, ego, and electron are constructs.
132) Not another ego tripper running for public office!
133) Psychologists talk about ego , id, and cognitive dissonance.
134) I love testimonial dinners. They're like an ego massage parlor.
135) Comic - book superheroes have an alter ego, and so do immigrants in the United States.
136) The core symptom of narcissistic personality disorder is ego centrism.
137) You also asked if attempts to improve the body reaffirm an attachment to the ego.
138) The ego, as a complex , is extremely malleable and invadable.
139) Yamaha Ego - S, a new automatic bike, at the Sheraton Subang Hotel.
140) The ego with the most effective what treats a method about insomnia?
141) Of all the reasons for using the new technology, pure ego raises the most hackles.
142) Fraud's psychoanalysis theory holds that a person's personality is composed of id, ego and superego.
143) I wouldn't give a straw for you female ego - it's a rag doll.
144) She has been on an ego trip since she sang on television.
145) Chuang Tzu's theory on use and uselessness focuses on ego and non - ego, and selfishness and selflessness.
146) Since arisen day, devote oneself to ego desensitization, gain legal status.
147) People may even consider their online behaviours to arise from an online alter ego.
148) Try walking on water to cool off an overheated ego.
149) From another perspective, Dionysus and Pentheus are each other's alter ego.
150) I wish something would happen to puncture her ego, ie lessen her conceit.
151) It was a side high on ego but low on team spirit.
152) On June 25, it got fussy, rebellious, selfish, ego - driven fat cat Garfield.
153) Nothing could deflate his ego / pomposity , ie make him less self - assured or pompous.
154) Objective : To understand characteristics of coping styles and their relationship with ego - resiliency.
155) I say: girl, I don't want to know about your mild - mannered alter ego.
156) Ego - delusion is the foremost of the unwholesome kamma of old and accompanies beings incessantly.
157) I hope they can bounce back, because this was an ego - deflating loss.
158) A wine cellar is a sanctuary, a museum, a larder or an ego trip.
159) Surrender is the transcendence of ego and the release of control.
160) However, in agriculture machinery consumer however complainant is less, ego protects recognizant weakness.
161) Overstep the ego, common development, is a target that We always struggle for.
162) In order to meet these requirements a mixture of empathy and ego - drive is required.
163) Descartes corroborated the existence of ego from the fact of consciousness, viz.
164) The humanistic ego psychology is the basic conception of psychological education.
165) It's not like I'm on any kind of a personal ego trip.
166) There's nothing like a little golden statuette on the mantelpiece to burnish a fragile ego.
166) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
167) He's just acting out the secret agent portion of his ego trip.
168) Raj: Your ego, identified with and as body, equates alertness with physical movement, physical accomplishing.
169) Any corporate chairman appears in his company's ads has got to be on an ego trip.
170) Mostly unconscious, it is composed of the ego ideal and the conscience.
171) That ever - enduring, ego - less, omniscient Awareness or Knowingness is the True Self.
172) The ego, as a complex, is extremely malleable and " invariable. "
173) Woolf herself was attracted to both men and women, and although her literary alter ego, Mrs.
174) And a negative correlativity between frangibility and ego resilience, crisis coping method, and social support.
175) Any attempt to endow the ego with the attributes of the Soul, is merely confused thinking.




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