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单词 Editing
1) He's editing a book of essays by Isaiah Berlin.
2) He spent all morning editing the book.
3) A few mistakes always creep in during the editing process.
4) You'll need a powerful machine for editing videos.
5) She's just finished editing "A Miscellany of English Cookery".
6) You can save the audio for editing later.
7) Editing requires great attention to detail .
8) She changed over to editing from marketing.
9) I'm having difficulty using my video editing equipment and can't fathom out the various connections.
10) Throughout the editing of this book, we have had much support and encouragement.
11) The content of the media course includes scripting, editing and camera work.
12) He is editing together excerpts of some of his films.
13) editing a prolix manuscript.
14) On-screen editing has become the norm for all student work.
15) Before long he took over the editing of the magazine.
16) They're trying to untangle a snarl-up in editing.
17) Typically,[http:///editing.html] much less memory will be required for editing.
18) Kate Scott did a superb job copy editing.
19) Editing was done via express mail.
20) I told him it needed no editing by me.
21) A comprehensive range of editing features is provided.
22) Editing tables requires some planning and careful action.
23) Some one was asleep at the editing switch.
24) In text editing, moving the cursor is a single-click.
25) Doing the filming for the documentary took two months, but editing took another four.
26) The film show was followed by an open forum on editing techniques.
27) He was certainly not cut out to combine the jobs of editing and writing as a journalist.
28) The data entry terminal is connected to an online database while editing is taking place.
29) He sat in on much of the filming and early editing.
30) Usually, you can run a Web browser at the same time as you're editing your Web page.
1) He's editing a book of essays by Isaiah Berlin.
2) He spent all morning editing the book.
3) A few mistakes always creep in during the editing process.
31) Version 4. 2 offers some new editing features in addition to those discussed earlier in this chapter.
32) Transfer will normally occur shortly after editing the material in the table is complete.
33) The notes tell us that all the music was recorded in straight takes, and that no subsequent editing has taken place.
34) Whenever you delete highlighted text using the Del for Delete key, it disappears from the text editing window into the scrap.
35) Jake was reviewing the Ireland match on video, editing out all the passages of time where the ball was dead.
36) Final editing of a technical report on the Telford 1:25 000 sheet, which includes the Coalbrookdale coalfield, is in progress.
37) Tapes of local examples can be put together quite simply, by editing together selections from appropriate recordings.
38) There are new integrated editors for digitised sound play and editing - sound can be imported from Windows or AdLib files.
39) I learned about editing, and, because the magazine had a staff of six, I learned some-thing about management.
40) At another he speculates that none of them knew much about news or editing.
41) He looks at a film in the editing room like a sculptor and assembles the pieces.
42) It runs under Windows 3.0 and combines Axxiom's 700 series data systems with a mouse-driven graphic interface for programming and editing.
43) If this is to be your approach see pages 87-92 for the actual process of post-production editing.
44) It didn't matter for, apart from minor details that necessitated some new editing, they were the same.
45) Graham complains that some sound bites that survived the editing process were so short as to defy understanding.
46) LabVision features interactive 3D building and editing of small molecules as well as proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids.
47) The result is that, chapter after chapter, there are errors ranging from factual detail to total distortion through drastic editing.
48) The company capitalized on burgeoning demand for workstations designed for highly graphical applications, such as video editing and engineering design.
49) Reflective abstraction is the abstraction of new knowledge from editing knowledge gained by reflection or thought.
50) Tom Hanks delivers Oscar-worthy work in Robert Zemeckis' latest; the editing and script, unfortunately, do not.
51) We will also review some basic techniques for editing tables.
52) The identified block is ready for the usual editing options - cutting, copying, moving and pasting.
53) For example, every Disney animator had a Moviola for viewing and editing film.
54) The best way to create solid structure without expending extra editing time is through the fast and simple process of listing.
55) This can make editing a time consuming and confusing exercise when working with a large piece of music.
56) For the next two decades he made a sort of living finding bits and pieces of editing and translation work.
57) He cut a lot of corners, but even with editing, it affected her.
58) Before editing, the reporter will play the tape and take notes.
59) This presents problems when video is being edited unless frame-accurate editing equipment is being used - see Chapter 8.
60) The storage of standard letters, with editing facilities, allows for personalised letters and reports without the need for constant retyping.
61) Nearby, DayStar Digital was selling its pricier, super-performance Mac clones for high-end publishing and editing.
62) The transient nature of speech does not permit editing of the speech signal.
63) All other text editing and file commands are made with an active cursor in the Command Area.
64) But the exercise of editing had become for him a mechanical one, and he was glad to be rid of it.
65) Finally, the complete unit of work is approved and the system will make these entries unavailable for editing.
66) Recently, video cameras and editing desks have been developed that could enable everyone to become a film-maker.
67) The speechwriters go back to work after his editing and bring him a new draft.
68) This will give you insight into your writing strengths and weaknesses so that you need less editing help the next time around.
69) The film producers retired to Hollywood for a massive job of editing.
70) A new development called time-coding is in the process of revolutionising video editing at the advanced amateur level.
71) Having spent some time loading and editing complicated vector graphics files in CorelDRAW I can vouch for the accuracy of this claim.
72) Nor is there any way of inputting or editing individual records.
73) If you already started the document and saved it on the disk, recall it for editing or addition.
74) Colleagues presented him with video editing equipment which was handed over by Michael Larkin,[/editing.html] senior manager in Research Group.
75) The set-up for inserts is the same as for assemble editing.
76) The sections cover news writing, feature writing, interviewing, editing and newsletter production.
77) Viewing and editing documents on screen can be much quicker than working on paper.
78) During the process of editing and using critical consultation, your first draft copy could disappear.
79) Female, she decided(), then wondered how much editing had been done.
80) That said, editing in the old-fashioned way - with cursor keys - is probably quicker anyway, and works just as well.
81) There is certainly no defensiveness nor any sour grapes from me or any of the Editing for Industry committee.
82) Promenade also boast a digital editing system to cater for DAT.
83) Six 12-hour days of editing later, the film was finished.
84) The keystroke in the Command Area which selects the text editing window is Esc for Escape.
85) For upholding the dying art of editing, eternal gratitude to my marvelous editor Liz Maguire.
86) Making and editing getting on for fifty films would take time, but Karajan was well ahead of the game.
87) Whenever a lexicographer obtains an entry for review and/or editing, the entry is marked as belonging to that particular lexicographer.
88) The process will include editing, so that sub-standard slides can be identified for replacement by new photographs when possible.
89) Several committee members never saw the final version that emerged after government review and federal administrative editing.
90) Option 2, Set Initial settings, affects all of the document creation and editing default settings.
91) The following editing keys are available when the single line editor is active.
92) A rough draft is no place for editing.
93) XMLwriter has no support at all for data-oriented editing.
94) A concrete control which supports editing a longitude value.
95) Below the Post Editing textarea box are three buttons.
96) NET grid control for data editing and presentation.
97) A: Is film editing a complicated job?
98) Background color for unselected text in the editing area.
99) Another typical sound editing procedure is looping.
100) You can do this by editing the highlighted text as shown in figure 34 and changing this code to the highlighted text in figure 35.
101) This archetype system adopted modularization framework and had the following functions : automatically designing and editing coordination charts, calculating coordination accuracy and man-hour cost.
102) Overall, XML Notepad is probably more suitable for editing data-oriented XML documents than prose-oriented ones.
103) In this paper the software for the information processing system of Chinese characters is introduced. It includes monitor, text editing, file management, print control, data retrieval etc.
104) As of now it's going into book publishing[/editing.html], but what are the odds I will get a copy editing job right out of college?
105) Speaking of your past, how did you get started in film editing?
106) To delete lines or characters from a program during text editing.
107) He joined the French resistance to combat Nazism, editing an underground newspaper, Combat.
108) The vi editor has a number of options that determine the look and feel of an editing session.
109) Responsible for log curve splicing, editing, depth shifting, normalization and log curve process, such as environment correction.
110) Instructions to present to the user on the editing form.
111) It may be a primary device in terms of time spent on it, but we expect people to have other computers too()," he said when asked about more powerful editing software not being able to run on Chrome OS.
112) Objects can be defined by means of editing functions in an online session or with the load utility in a batch session.
113) For Tarantino, soundtrack scoring happens throughout the moviemaking process -- starting just after he decides to write a movie and "keeps going until the final editing, " he said.
114) The teacher is editing famous speeches for use in school books.
115) Example of CDS anti - counterfeit measures operating on image editing software.
116) Whether the column should disallow editing of its bound field.
117) The save options for projects and solutions determine whether unsaved changes will be included as you build projects and solutions while you are editing them.
118) This usually means nappy editing techniques, upbeat music and striking images.
119) If you define new text entities in your internal subset at the beginning of the document, you will need to reparse the DTD to pick up the newly defined entities during your editing session.
120) You can do this whether you are editing the capture file using the pureQuery XML editor or viewing the SQL outline.
121) A control that supports editing of a number of numeric fields.
122) Save and Continue Editing :Below the Post Editing textarea box are three buttons.
123) Set the Drag and drop text editing option in the General , Text Editor , Options Dialog Box.
124) For information about adding a memo field to a table, see Enable rich text editing in a table, earlier in this article.
125) Manual Editing of Automatically Recorded Data in an Anesthesia Information Management System.
126) Provides the main entry point that the designer uses to obtain the editing model.
127) University journals develop their own editing network, which has four factors advanced by Social Network Analysis.
128) Zwei-Stien Video Editor : Zwei-Stein 3.01 is a freeware non-linear, non-destructive video compositing and editing system which offers many advanced features unavailable elsewhere.
129) On the Tools menu, click Options, then click the Module tab and select drag-and-drop text editing.
130) The software supplies beautiful operation interface, mighty functions of drawing and editing graphics and three-dimensional graphics library, which enable users to design more vivid flow charts.
131) Supports rich - text editing of notes, quotes, and bibliographic entries.
132) The paper focuses on the programming logic, editing commands and the interface module linking the CEDT.
133) Create a Web service test manually: You can create a Web service test without recording by simply adding the test elements as required and manually editing the test element details in the test editor.
134) Photo editing software, you can love for you to edit out according to the effect you want!
134) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
135) Graduated from Central Conservatory of Music, majored in piano, has many years experience on piano education, participated in editing of many books published by China Music Book Publishing House.
136) The key points involve the control over the reprinting rate the quoted rate and the error rate of editing and proofreading.
137) Interviewer: Can you explain to me how film editing works?
138) You can start using the additional function for your editing work.
139) Sed loads lines from the input into the pattern space, applies sed editing commands to the contents of the pattern space, and then writes the pattern space to standard output.
140) What is the name of the VTP mode of operation that enables a switch to forward only VTP advertisements while still permitting the editing of local VLAN information?
141) A concrete control that supports editing a hidden text string.
142) This process includes designers of art editor, text editing and processing of the database.
143) The thesis is editing the sequence of these ideas from the oddments of modern female's text(), to conclude the female's outlooks on life and value.
144) It makes editing and then testing your changes much quicker.
145) I have a solid background in technical writing, editing, and print media production and management.
146) This article discusses the speciality of editing thinking ho the angle of scientific thinking, pointing out that the editing thinking should be creative, forward, all-way and critical.
147) For example, localization in title selecting, grassroots tendency and typification in characterization, and the traditional editing form with innovation.
148) The film camera is associated with a lengthy effort of photographing, cutting, editing, and dubbing, which may involve months of work.
149) Memory overflow exception when editing the . atlas file has been fixed.
150) The constructing strategy of language links on netnews editing can be discussed with the stand of fractal theory.
151) Changes you make through this menu persist only for that particular editing session.
152) Thirdly , be familiar with editing, typesetting , double - checking process and inspection of a large - scale publishing house.
153) Once message editing is complete and you click OK, the Toolbar widget sends a send save request event to My_ToolbarAction.
154) Manual editing of the /etc/fstab file is required to have the auto-mount of shares done at log-on time.
155) But no one is going back to mailing grocery store-developed photos or reel-to-reel film editing anytime soon.
156) The integrated software package, PDS2000 allows for seamless use of data files between data aquisition editing and chart production.
157) This article presents the problems appeared in the test on MFC editing routine and brings forward a basic way to solve the problems.
158) This includes editing virtual system settings and configuring each virtual machine as one of the parts available in the virtual image.
159) In order to improve the efficiency and editorial quality, medical editors should know how to apply medical information retrieval in editing medical journals and acquaint medical database in common.
160) A simple editing trick stopped the camera so that a prop man could replaced an unlit saber (which is just a handle) with a lit saber (one with a blade attached).
161) Editing floating-point values can result in minor inaccuracies because of decimal-to-binary conversion of fractional components.
162) Trypanosome belonging to kinetoplastid protozoa is host to a variety of intriguing and unique features, including RNA editing.
163) Support statement editing, can be customized statement sequence, to meet with various users automatically chat.
164) This hot fix affects the performance of VS 2008 when editing web pages.
164) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
165) The comparison of the proposed method with the Poission image editing algorithm shows that the simulation image effect of the proposed algorithm is closer to the real gourd pyrography image effect.
166) The Image menu, which appears only when the Image editor is active, has commands for editing images, managing color palettes, and setting Image Editor window options.
167) Filmmaking was transformed by digital editing, digital f/x, and digicams.
168) Describes the framework for interacting with the visual property editing system.
169) Meanwhile, BFD 2 Groove engine offers advanced editing, performance and humanization functions for creating realistic drum parts.
170) Examples of function editing include gain change, normalisation of amplitude and filtering.
171) Auto-detect When you select the "Fix Out-of-focus Blur" filter in your image editing program (or "Focus" in the Windows stand-alone program), Focus Magic will auto-detect the Blur Width.
172) The editing, production, and sales staffs grew fast as well.
173) Basics for photo editing are all there: cropping, rotating, red-eye removal, airbrushing, layers, you name it.
174) Creating a public API for an existing website is always a risky venture, and StackExchange's open editing policy makes it even riskier than most.
175) You can better control the contrast, brightness, and color balance in your image - editing software.
176) Additionally, it has the function of dealing with data-in editing, stamping and output.
177) The design of the data management system is editing systems journals.
178) "at the same time, influenced by Griffith' s american films, montage was developed as an editing technique in "Potemkin (Battleship)"(1925) and "The End of St. Peterburg"(1927). "
179) Add to that capacity what Apple brought to editing voice and video, and the ability to edit and produce audio and audiovisual content, and everyone is a potential telecaster.
180) Much of what constitutes me being at work—especially when I am editing photos—is vast swathes of time where I sit alone at a computer for hours and hours and hours.
181) The programming design of the keyboard interface circuit and the display circuit with MCS - 51 editing language; finishing the multipolar LCD menu design with less key-htting.
182) This algorithm includes clonal selection, hyper - mutation and receptor editing.
183) Since 1950 the Husserl archives are editing Husserl's collected works, Husserliana.
184) You can alter this behavior by editing /etc/kboot.conf — for the purposes of this article series, you'll want to run in one of the RGB modes, either 480i for NTSC users or 576i for PAL/SECAM users.
185) From osculatory website, curassow is engrafting for me normal treatment network, want to set out from the angle of the user, go editing each article.
186) A small but interesting survey run by crowdsourced copy editing service GooseGrade concludes that they do.
187) One very handy spin-off of constructing the schema is that XML editing tools can now be used to write valid DOAP files.
188) Some nice-to-have source editing features have started being added to PyDev in the latest release, including block comment/uncomment, and shift code right/left (see Figure 4).
189) Combining the reform of textbooks system, the attempt to build up a complete picture editing management system has been illustrated.
190) The paper introduces the relative database of medical information retrieval and discusses the effects of medical information retrieval on editing medical journals such as, references, etc.
191) A new method is presented, which is suitable editing graph model by GWPLUS. EXE and high language. It make up defect of importing graph by FOXBASE, and provide exist form of graph data.
192) Services that help for reuse tend to be IT common services such as editing services, logging services, security services and so forth.
193) Despite some artful editing, the anthology is a weak one.
194) He won an Emmy Award in 1986 for sound editing on the NBC series Amazing Stories.
195) Represents a virtual container service associated with an editing context and design view.
196) Upon completion of this tutorial,[http:///editing.html] you'll have learned everything you need to know to perform basic text editing with Emacs.
197) In this paper, we introduce the research and applications on the image editing method of digital photomontage.
198) A concrete control that supports editing a hidden text string. Generally used to edit confidential information such as a password.
199) Provides a Search function for properties and events when editing XAML files in the designer.
200) In achievement issue subsystem, involved a large amount of operation of text editing such as text display of the achievement, editing.
201) It was nominated for six Academy Awards and won three -- Best Picture, Best Film Editing and Best Writing (Original Screenplay) by Paul Haggis and the kid from Hell's Kitchen.
202) A true language feature should also include an editor -- whether an extension of an existing editor or one built from the text editing framework -- to support your language.
203) This article analyses some common editing problems in machine-readable bibliography data-record and puts forward some specific methods to deal with them.
204) The film camera editing rhythm and tempo can strongly stimulate the audience's emotions.
205) I've been very hands-off at Wikipedia, particularly when it comes to detailed editing conflicts.
206) Tally up your costs, including printing, graphic design, artwork, photography, copy editing and other expenses.
207) Up to my neck writing a movie, editing another movie. Writing a piece for the New Yorker.
208) To keep your annotations, move them from slide show to normal and other editing views.
209) This paper takes the book Chinese Modern Chorography as a case and presents its own opinions on the editing theories, functions as well as the disadvantages and creations in chorography editing.
210) Now that you have your cassette tape deck connected to the computer, we can use the open-source audio recording and editing software Audacity to capture the audio.
211) If you do not save your password, you might be prompted for it (depending on the host system configuration) when editing the configured location or when running test schedules that use the location.
212) This software has functions of graphic editing, network topological analysis, power information database management, power flow calculating, power loss and reactive power optimization analysis.
213) It is called "Master Class: Editing James Franco — With James Franco.
214) After editing a file's contents in the large text box, click the " Update File " button to save your changes.
215) "This possibility of memory editing has enormous possibilities and raises huge ethical issues, " said Dr. Steven E. Hyman, a neurobiologist at Harvard.
216) Main window contains subtitles list, main menu, toolbar, filed of text editing.
217) Experiment 3 provided more sufficient evidence for automatic learning of definite-state grammar, because it adopted a kind of powerful differentiating means (matching and editing).
218) Sed opened the /etc/services file, read a line into its pattern buffer, performed our editing command ("delete line"), and then printed the pattern buffer (which was empty).
219) When text editing on a Unix-like system, it is safer to use one of the many commands intended for use by programs such as sed, tr, gawk, or perl.
220) After working through this tutorial, you'll know how to change every aspect of the Emacs editing environment, and how to save your customizations so that they can be recalled later.
221) And if you know something about something, do your bit by adding, editing or correcting entries.
222) I live in Beijing, the liberal professions, hobbies, photography, editing done.
223) The analysis of the duplicate data types of CALIS is helpful for editing catalogue data, and providing a guideline for improving the quality of cataloging .
224) Through editing color, geometry, material attributes of point primitives part, a variety hierarchy model is constructed.
225) One night, after a Piranha editing session, Cameronwent to sleep with afever and dreamed that he saw a robot clawing itsway toward a coweringwoman.
226) Graphical editing tools for many ESB capabilities, including flows. data mapping, endpoint configurations[http://], etc.
227) He spent his last years ( in ) teaching and editing earlier writings.
228) The processing of data in random order, not subject to preliminary editing or sorting.
229) Computer Supported Cooperative Editing ( CSCE ) is one of the most important application fields in CSCW.
230) Editing of financial statement divide into articulated concept and non - articulated concept.
231) Editor like this film editing software, but more simple and easier to use.
232) Easy editing. Cross out with pen and write something new.
233) The system include building sample plot database, logging in, editing, modifying, statistics and analyzing, comprehensive sample calculate and result output.
234) It defines the various styles that are available in the editing session for the document in terms of font, pitch, decorations, spacing, tab stops, and the like.
235) You'll have some special code for editing cards in the view, so you'll use nil in place of what would otherwise be some view-to-model method name.
236) While advanced users are likely using a more sophisticated video editing program, there's no denying that Movie Maker is an excellent, full-featured option for the average home user.
237) Javassist is a revenue analysis, editing and the creation of Java byte code library.
238) Be able to view pictures of local variety of formats, and can rotate the picture, zoom in (wheel, buttons), full screen, picture editing and so on.
239) The basic code is provided by Arduino as part of the examples collection and requires some editing to adapt to your own requirements (see Resources).




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