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单词 Guidelines
1. The hospital has issued new guidelines on the treatment of mentally ill patients.
2. The government should issue clear guidelines on the content of religious education.
3. There are strict guidelines on how the work is to be carried out.
4. The organization has issued a set of guidelines for builders to follow.
5. The new guidelines have been issued to all doctors.
6. Clear guidelines need to be drawn up.
7. Subsequently, new guidelines were issued to all employees.
8. We are aiming for guidelines, not cut-and-dried answers.
9. These guidelines do not have the force of law.
10. Safety guidelines had been blatantly ignored.
11. Staff should adhere strictly to the safety guidelines.
12. Clear guidelines have been set down for teachers.
13. We laid out the economic guidelines and followed it.
14. The article suggests some guidelines for healthy eating.
15. The guidelines were not always fully adhered to.
16. Manufacturers may fall foul of the new government guidelines.
17. Read the manufacturer's guidelines before discarding the box.
18. Teachers can choose books within certain broad guidelines.
19. The government has drawn up guidelines on the treatment of the mentally ill.
20. The accord also lays down guidelines for the conduct of American drug enforcement agents.
21. We have to follow the safety guidelines laid down by the government.
22. These guidelines will be used to inform any future decisions.
23. Certain guidelines can be given. First, have a heating engineer check the safety of the system.
24. Playground guidelines come under the Department of Health and Safety.
25. The same general guidelines on when to dress formally apply to both men and women.
26. Most teachers think the government's guidelines on homework are too prescriptive.
27. There are no hard and fast rules, but rather traditional guidelines as to who pays for what.
28. Planners seem a little uncomfortable with the current government guidelines.
29. The minister is accused of allowing the company to breach guidelines on arms sales.
30. The officer involved was relieved of his duties because he had violated strict guidelines.
1. The hospital has issued new guidelines on the treatment of mentally ill patients.
2. There are no hard and fast rules, but rather traditional guidelines as to who pays for what.
3. The government should issue clear guidelines on the content of religious education.
4. There are strict guidelines on how the work is to be carried out.
5. Planners seem a little uncomfortable with the current government guidelines.
6. The organization has issued a set of guidelines for builders to follow.
7. Safety guidelines had been blatantly ignored.
8. We laid out the economic guidelines and followed it.
31. We follow very strict guidelines on the use and storage of personal details on computers.
32. The EU has issued guidelines on appropriate levels of pay for part-time manual workers.
33. The effects of the sun can be significantly reduced if we follow certain guidelines.
34. Today most planning authorities enforce fairly strict guidelines on new houses.
35. Within clear guidelines, managers can use their budget to entertain clients.
35. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
36. When starting a new business, try to follow these general guidelines .
37. This chapter gives you some guidelines to help you in your work.
38. It is intended that these guidelines should be applied flexibly and pragmatically.
39. The document gives clear guidelines on the use of pesticides.
40. Make some pencil guidelines before you cut into the wood.
41. The following guidelines do not aim to be totally comprehensive.
42. Employment training guidelines discriminate directly against older people.
43. Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines. Robert H. Schuller 
44. And now guidelines advise on same-race adoption policy.
45. Report on local authority guidelines on elder abuse.
46. The guidelines say electronic tagging should only be used with the consent of residents or a proxy.
47. Page 2 of the consultation paper refers to the guidelines that the Government considered for the new council tax.
48. The profession should draw up guidelines on rotating audit partners. 1.
49. But vintners made headway last year with the publication of new federal dietary guidelines that for the first time described those benefits.
50. Please note these wordings are only guidelines and can be adapted for each individual case.
51. The guidelines reflect a growing concern among ministers that the planned escalation of the programme could spark severe social tensions.
52. The guidelines may not have been sufficiently widely disseminated, or they may have been viewed as impractical or unrealistic.
53. The vagueness of guidelines and frequent and inconsistent ministerial interventions were frustrating for management of nationalized boards.
54. It is appropriate that I here take the opportunity of welcoming the thrust of recent authoritative reports detailing guidelines for good corporate governance.
55. Instead, the agency now avoids guidelines on the issue altogether and simply states the lack of scientific evidence.
56. Read in studio Still to come on Central News, new guidelines for a big business.
57. Official materials and guidelines do not always find favour with parents and governors.
58. The safety element sets guidelines for emergency response to catastrophes and the reconstruction that would follow.
59. In workshops, staff were given examples of a hotline call, and how the guidelines would apply.
60. We recommend the following guidelines for antibiotic treatment of acne in both hospital and general practice.
61. Experts have called for the establishment of new health guidelines.
62. According to the guidelines, only a small proportion of people with drug or alcohol problems have any contact with social services.
63. Thirty years ago, a national commission chaired by Kenneth Ryan produced guidelines for research on living human fetuses.
64. In order for a society to operate effectively, these guidelines must be shared by its members.
65. Confusion reigns for the future direction of the industry in the absence of clear guidelines and leadership.
66. Guidelines would give a degree of certainty to everyone, including the Transportation Department.
67. On-screen guidelines are given for changing the ink cartridge, which does 60 pages at a cost of around 2.5 pence each.
68. Applied to broadcast programmes, then, the public service principles were in the nature of flexible guidelines.
69. Maxwell could spend some time in the slammer for failing to keep up with court-ordered guidelines after a marijuana conviction.
70. An experimental study from Plymouth reported a 23% reduction in general practitioner referrals after local guidelines were distributed.
71. I am fully aware that setting guidelines is a tough business and that covering all bases is impossible.
72. Dole campaigns vigorously against federal mandates that require states to provide stipulated social benefits or meet a variety of federal guidelines.
73. Institutions administer the access funds under general guidelines provided by the Department.
74. Guidelines to deal with compassion issues were proposed in 1998, but were never implemented.
75. Guidelines require that an expiration date appear on every page of an Internet-Draft.
76. If one follows these guidelines, the risk of hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia and their complications is reduced.
77. Fats - Saturated and Unsaturated All major dietary guidelines advocate a need to reduce our average national fat consumption.
78. Along with the relevant directorates of the MoD, it furnishes financial and other guidelines to the General Staff for its detailed planning.
79. To do so follow two simple guidelines. 1 Keep to the low-fat dishes. 2 Keep to the very simple dishes.
80. The positive heuristic is comprised of rough guidelines indicating how the research programme might be developed.
81. The group may provide guidelines for behaviour such as a professional ethic or a code of conduct. 5.
82. Many institutions are formulating guidelines to insure the protection of the rights of persons housed by that institution.
83. It is understandable for health authorities to err on the side of caution, as these guidelines will not apply to everyone.
84. The process of care differs considerably from recommended guidelines, and the outcome of attacks is a continuing cause for concern.
85. They cited internal government guidelines against talking to reporters without prior approval of agency public affairs officers.
86. These guidelines keep hawa in check, for when the community is threatened, it can drag the ship down into chaos.
87. State which method would fit in best with healthy eating guidelines and explain why.
88. The World Health Organisation has published guidelines for safe emissions of carbon monoxide.
89. Your directors would consult the appropriate investor protection bodies before making any cash issue in excess of the guidelines.
90. Federal guidelines require that tower personnel clearing aircraft for arrivals and departures have clear views of runways below them.
91. Since humans have no instincts to direct their actions, their behaviour must be based on guidelines which are learned.
92. These guidelines for learning should be given to the student at the beginning of her time on the ward.
93. Under Government guidelines, anyone is entitled to free accident and emergency treatment.
94. So just what are the rules, regulations and guidelines governing the depositing of skips on the public highway?
95. Of course, these media do operate under constraints,(http:///guidelines.html) based on regulatory guidelines for balanced and accurate content.
96. Obviously there has to be guidelines but we find cycling very compatible with quiet enjoyment of the forest.
97. Several investigators have suggested guidelines for reporting of meta-analyses.3,19 However, a consensus across disciplines has not developed.
98. The family may need help with financial support and with clear dietary guidelines.
99. The guidelines, due for final approval next year, will have little practical effect.
100. By applying a set of pragmatic guidelines to software choice a clearer picture of the more attractive options emerges.
101. The revised guidelines are expected to avoid giving care workers specific advice on how to physically restrain absconders.
102. If you follow the guidelines below your complaint will be dealt with in the most efficient manner possible.
103. The Guidelines are neither a technical code of practice nor a manual for risk management.
104. Every family health services authority should enter into discussions with its general practitioners to establish guidelines for the employment of counsellors.
105. The guidelines are geared toward three groups of people based on their ages and the most prevalent causes of death.
106. Home Office guidelines suggested that refugees from religious, racial or political persecution had the strongest case for a C registration.
107. Creative cooks can devise their own oxtail dishes following some basic guidelines.
108. It is odd that these harsh criticisms were issued before the guidelines were completed and publicly declared.
109. It has also produced very comprehensive guidelines about to appear in their third edition.
110. No money ever left the federal coffers without carrying a baggage of conditions, guidelines, and restrictions.
111. As an aspect of culture, roles provide an important part of the guidelines and directives necessary for an ordered society.
112. The dietary guidelines can be achieved by eating more fruits and vegetables.
113. Looking at the economic mess this country is in demonstrates clearly that we need some guidelines and we need them fast.
114. Senate approval of the programme guidelines, as amended by the Sejm, was given on Oct. 20.
115. Beginning in 1980 the Agriculture and Health departments have issued dietary guidelines every five years, based on the latest scientific evidence.
116. Education and housing departments, water and electricity boards have often failed to follow policy guidelines or to co-ordinate their work.
117. Activities i. Develop, evaluate, and assist in the implementation of guidelines for preventing emerging infectious diseases.
118. But it tells authorities to seek legal advice when writing up their own guidelines to staff.
119. The guidelines contain a foreword by the Data Protection Registrar who had a few reservations about the guidelines.
120. The teaching force then has the task of meeting the criteria established by these guidelines.
121. FoE says that the stations are sited in areas where World Health Organization guidelines on sulphur emissions were breached last year.
122. The Guidelines will be of benefit to those delivering the modules in colleges, schools and other centres.
123. Federal guidelines are cramping the state's ability to adjust its own budget.
124. Discrimination based on race, gender or nationality would also be barred under the proposed guidelines.
125. What regulations, rules or guidelines do environmental consultants have to abide by?
126. The 1995 version was the first set of guidelines to include oral testimony from special interest groups and individuals.
127. By systematic monitoring and evaluation, they can produce guidelines about approaches, recruitment methods, curriculum and outcomes.
128. We wanted them to develop new applications from scratch, applications that would closely follow our interface guidelines.
129. Detailed guidelines defeat the very purpose of guidelines. which is to allow considerable local flexibility and adjustment.
130. The same guidelines apply as at more conventional interviews, including presenting yourself confidently and being smartly dressed.
131. The committee submitted guidelines that applied to off-air recording by nonprofit educational institutions.
132. But Congress overrode those draft guidelines before they were finalized and imposed a total ban two years ago.
133. Prospective software developers had to learn the secrets of the toolbox so they could follow the guidelines for human interface.
134. In setting out general guidelines for a solicitor negotiating on behalf of a plaintiff, Pritchard counsels caution.
135. Neither the federal copyright law nor guidelines mentioned above apply to copying computer software, and such copying is not fair use.
136. They've devised a series of guidelines that will enable the beauty spot to stay both commercially viable and beautiful.
137. The structure of the Guidelines follows that of the code itself.
138. This is in spite of the existence of clearly articulated curriculum materials and guidelines.
139. All MicroSparcs are uniprocessors capable of one instruction per cycle and again follow the 32-bit Sparc V8 guidelines.
140. Council must take the guidelines into account when deciding whether to grant planning permission for new developments.
141. By following a few simple guidelines it is possible to establish a very productive breeding programme.
142. The guidelines exclude the possibility of assessment of the bargain under the contract as described above.
143. Besides, food and exercise guidelines may not be the conclusive benchmark for mortality after all.
144. The Countryside Commission has called for planning guidelines on wind farms to be issued to local authorities.
145. The second way in which national guidelines for curriculum policy have emerged is through conferences, reviews or national commissions.
146. Age Concern believes that the Department of Health should develop a policy and issue national guidelines on the provision of such care.
147. And the proposals are likely to contain guidelines for teachers dealing with dyslexia and other reading problems in the classroom.
148. But there are no such guidelines for determining compensatory damages.
149. Teachers' notes illustrate where the resource fits within the new national guidelines for environmental studies for pupils aged 5-14.
150. Values provide general guidelines for behaviour and they are translated into more specific directives in terms of roles and norms.
151. In summary, the research to date provides few definitive guidelines for the clinician.
152. So now the Commission and other countryside conservation groups, have produced a series of guidelines for the private landowners to follow.
153. The guidelines introduce into local planning the concept of protecting the environment through sustainable development.
154. It is seen throughout and in combination with other items proposed in the guidelines below.
155. It is for this reason that the proposal writer follows with care the grant application guidelines for writing the proposal.
156. Any companies which seriously breach the code face expulsion from the Direct Marketing Association( ), which is behind the new guidelines.
157. A clingy child was also an abused child according to these guidelines.
158. Agencies for Development Assistance provides profiles of international donor agencies as well as guidelines on how to submit support proposals to them.
159. It was to act as a subject board, consider and where appropriate approve proposals which fitted the CNAA-university guidelines.
160. A third case concerned changes in the policy guidelines governing the release of prisoners from gaol before expiry of their sentences.
161. This earlier project provides a comparative data base which will be used in assessing the impact of new guidelines.
162. When analysed at this more fundamental level, the database will also give clear guidelines about overall corporate image.
163. Until the courts do decide these issues, educators are probably best advised to follow the federal guidelines described above.
164. But they are guidelines to what acting is basically about.
165. Guidelines have been issued to them on the point at which they must desist from the chase because of danger to the public.
166. The guidelines are widely believed to reflect the personal antipathy towards animal experiments of the foundation's chairman, Lord Wolfson.
167. In 1984 the Institute published its first work experience guidelines for the training of students.
168. It often happens that the greater the area of choice, the less clear cut are the guidelines.
169. One possible outcome of this would be a working group to look at producing guidelines for certification.
170. According to the DoT's own guidelines such a figure is too much for a dual carriageway.
171. Other activities address the development and implementation of guidelines for preventing emerging infectious diseases and the provision of prevention information.
172. For this reason the guidelines here tend to err on the cautious side.
173. But it provides guidelines as to what constitutes reasonable behaviour and it carries considerable weight at an industrial tribunal.
174. Norms and values Norms Every culture contains a large number of guidelines which direct conduct in particular situations.
175. Estimates of risk aversion vary widely, and no quantitative guidelines are available.
176. Ellis evidently wished to negotiate downwards after Atkinson had set the guidelines.
177. Job grading systems, time in grade and inflation guidelines compound the constraints.
178. Begin by creating your own design portfolio using these guidelines.
179. The current ACIP revision is intended to replace and update earlier guidelines.
180. Governments have also promulgated guidelines for non - inflationary behaviour by unions and management.
181. Prosecutors, through internal guidelines, prosecute only violations which will result in incarceration.
182. I understand and agree the Enrolment Guidelines listed at the back.
183. If no specific guidelines are recommended for a particular country, use reverse - chronology .
184. Therapeutic guidelines for the treatment of renal infarction have not been established.
185. Remember that these are only guidelines: I don't have a crystal ball.
186. This is what they call guidelines to regulate the market.




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