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单词 Clouded
1 The windows have clouded up in the steam.
2 Fog clouded the road ahead.
3 His brain was clouded by vapours and dreams.
4 The sky clouded over and it started to rain.
5 His judgement was clouded by jealousy.
6 Fear had clouded his vision.
7 Our windows were clouded up with steam.
8 The sky clouded over before the storm.
9 The sunny sky suddenly clouded.
10 Then suspicion clouded his face.
11 His judgment was clouded by selfishness.
12 Old age has clouded his judgement.
13 His face clouded when he heard the news.
14 His last years were clouded by financial worries.
15 In his latter years religious mania clouded his mind.
16 Steam had clouded the mirror.
17 Her eyes clouded with tears.
18 Thick mist clouded the mountaintops.
19 The steam has clouded the windows up.
20 Her face clouded over with anger.
21 His face suddenly clouded over.
22 His brow clouded with anger.
23 Her eyes were clouded with tears.
24 His face clouded over in disappointment.
25 The mirror clouded beside her cheek.
26 Ann's eyes clouded with the pain.
27 After a fine day,[] the sky had clouded over and suddenly rain lashed against the windows.
28 Her happiness was clouded by having to leave her son behind.
29 Tears clouded her eyes.
30 Perhaps anger had clouded his vision, perhaps his judgment had been faulty.
1 The windows have clouded up in the steam.
2 Fog clouded the road ahead.
3 His brain was clouded by vapours and dreams.
4 The sky clouded over and it started to rain.
31 The atmosphere has already been clouded by the BJP's anger at the media.
32 The water clouded and I could no longer see the river bed.
33 The sun is clouded.
34 The sky clouded over; we could see there was going to be rainstorm.
35 His reputation was clouded.
36 His face clouded over when she walked into the room.
36 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
37 Worry clouded his brow.
38 Age clouded his memory.
39 Suspicion clouded his face.
40 The morning was quite bright, but it clouded over in the afternoon.
41 At the mention of her dead husband, her face clouded over.
42 The evening air was clouded with mosquitoes and other flying insects.
43 His face clouded again at the thought.
44 His face clouded when he saw her.
45 Alcohol had clouded his judgment.
46 The glass cases are clouded with dust.
47 Sometimes the pressure we were under clouded our judgment.
48 All sorts of doubts clouded my mind.
49 The display cases were clouded with dust.
50 But images of the period are shrouded in myth and clouded by partisan rhetoric.
51 He said he never has spoken at an event clouded by a bomb threat.
52 Toward late afternoon, a strong wind came up and the sky clouded over.
53 Her eyes clouded over for a second, but even then all was not lost.
54 When I ask about Gerald, Susan's usually kind face clouded with fear and suspicion.
55 The second is that their long-term view may be clouded by immediate short-term factors.
56 Daylight broke, a stiff breeze struck up and the sky clouded over.
57 That day, the skies had clouded and, for the first time, the weather was cooler.
58 Meanwhile, Intel's plans for the 80860 CPU family remain clouded.
59 Bach's last years were clouded by financial worries caused by declining receipts and heavy expenditure on the Hanover Square concerts.
60 Insurance group Sun Alliance was clouded by a £466m loss on the back of its exposure to mortgage indemnity insurance.
61 But those wines give only momentary pleasure and thereafter the senses are dulled and the mind is clouded.
62 Steam from the water had clouded the mirrors in the bathroom; condensation had formed a dewy veil over the tiles.
63 He frowned, and the handsome face clouded momentarily, petulant as a child's.
64 The outlook for sterling is clouded by confusion about whether the Chancellor has set a new floor for the pound.
65 But as in all aspects of forecasting the greenhouse world, the task of prediction is clouded by uncertainty.
66 Perhaps this unhappy memory has clouded the overall impression of the country, which is unfortunate.
66 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
67 The prehistory of that good, however, remains clouded to us in obscurity.
68 Deep lines were etched in the corners of his clouded eyes, which seemed dull and lifeless.
69 The face relaxed and slid from view, the brick wall clouded and the screen blacked.
70 The failure of the talks held in Geneva at the end of September has clouded the horizon and increased tensions.
71 It was as if the lithium severed that connection, or clouded it so much as to basically make it ineffective.
72 But if we think more carefully about this definition, it becomes clouded by ambiguity.
73 The issue is clouded by myths about minimum-wage workers that go back 40 years.
74 The team's victory was clouded by the tragic events in their hometown.
75 Plans for the May 4 poll are clouded because the House of Lords has rejected the government legislation governing election expenses.
76 Even a discussion about typography or paragraph spacing would be clouded with danger and twisted by subtle probings or innuendoes.
77 Unfortunately a flu bug attacked most of the crew during this week which clouded our impressions of Shetland.
78 Occasionally, a long, dark pike-shaped shadow passed through the clouded water like a small enemy submarine.
79 His virtuosity and clarity is a welcome oasis in the current clouded debate: whither modern architecture?
80 As he looked at Katherine, great sorrow clouded his eyes.
81 They say he also suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, a condition that produces intricate delusions that may have clouded his judgment.
82 The controversy over lethal-versus non lethal methods of predator control is clouded by uncertain science and by politics.
83 For a moment his eyes looked at her beseechingly, then they clouded over and were vacant.
84 The decision to put a parent in a nursing home can be clouded by guilt.
85 Yet drink clouded his mind, and in his heart Cranston knew that Athelstan was right to disapprove.
86 But her happiness is clouded by having to leave daughter Amber behind.
87 But the future is clouded by past deeds and associations that raise questions about their ethics and trustworthiness.
88 But his mind had clouded over again at the wrong moment and now it was too late.
89 For Coventry, the issues had become clouded even before setting foot in the Tigers lair.
90 But money itself is a slippery concept, clouded in priestly mystery.
91 His brows clouded at the allusion.
92 His brain was clouded vapours and dreams.
93 His acute perception was often clouded by mysticism.
94 Steam clouded the mirror, ie covered it with condensation.
95 The sky is darkly clouded.
96 Smog clouded the whole city.
97 Many people suffer memory loss, or a clouded memory.
98 The WWF's camera trap survey also snapped the Sumatran tiger, clouded leopard, golden cat, and leopard cat.
99 She also says that her judgement was clouded by her drug abuse.
100 Your judgment has been clouded by the sunk-cost fallacy: you hoped to get a master's degree, great food and an Italian paramour.
101 THE definition of electrical power in a nominally sinusoidal electrical power system becomes clouded when waveform distortion enters the picture.
102 The cloth was light brown in colour, clouded by patches of yelllow.
103 The clouded leopard is the largest predator on the Borneo and Sumatra Islands.
104 Lachman's team also looked out how adaptive it was for people to have either rose-tinted or darkly clouded views of their past and future.
105 The meeting was officially meant to clear the air clouded by electioneering rhetoric.
106 When Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn brought the nine-year old boy before the Council, Yoda sensed much fear in him, and felt his future was clouded.
107 The discovery of the clouded leopard comes weeks after the W. W. F. reported that scientists had identified at least fifty-two new plant and animals species on Borneo.
108 There had been no indication of any loss of mental faculties. His whole life had nevertheless been clouded with a series of illnesses.
109 The Danum Valley also serves as a sanctuary to more than 110 mammals, including the Asian elephant, the clouded leopard, and the flying lemur.
110 The Indo-Malayan lowlands are home to Asian elephants, clouded leopards, wild water buffalo, gaur, hornbills, cobras and geckos.
111 An unusually grim expression clouded his plump face: he was thinking hard.
112 Clouded view: The Sun appears in the sky over The Fens in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, in the midst of a partial eclipse.
113 Even today, I clearly remember how the view finder was clouded over with my tears.
114 The camera-shy Sunda clouded leopard has finally been snapped by a camera trap in Indonesia's Berbak National Park on the island of Sumatra.
115 Unfortunately, it also rough enough, we may be a preliminary analysis SILVER WRAITH or clouded leopard.




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