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单词 Helplessness
1. The incident left me with a sense of helplessness.
2. I remember my feelings of helplessness.
3. A feeling of utter helplessness washed over him.
4. Most rape victims confess a feeling of helplessness.
5. Jim signaled his helplessness to Mary to leave the party.
6. I was overwhelmed by a feeling of helplessness as I watched her being wheeled into the operating theatre.
7. This feeling of desperation and helplessness was common to most of the refugees.
8. The undergarments are fear,() guilt and helplessness.
9. Our helplessness, outrage and fear were not collateral damage.
10. Adam kept his silence and cursed his helplessness.
11. I distinctly remember the overwhelming feeling of abject helplessness which this incident brought about.
12. This helplessness had been clear, in fact, as early as 1945.
13. This induces a feeling of helplessness and engenders a belief in hidden explanations and conspiracy theories.
14. The inevitable revolt shows only too plainly the helplessness of the seamen against the power of authority.
15. He had that resigned helplessness which hospital patients and people in the thrall of religious experience have.
16. An air of helplessness and despair spread about, punctuated by stirrings of an uglier mood.
17. More of the helplessness of simply not being on the same wavelength as the person you were supposed to be closest to.
18. He drew long, soft, angry breaths, waiting mute and dangerous inside his helplessness like a beast in its lair.
19. I choose to rise up out of that storm and see that in moments of desperation, fear, and helplessness, each of us can be a rainbow of hope, doing what we can to extend ourselves in kindness and grace to one another. And I know for sure that there is no them - there's only us. Oprah Winfrey 
20. What happens to your body then is that feelings of helplessness and hopelessness soon translate into depressed immune function.
21. The region's new political masters turned to them in a desperate hope that their expertise would make good their own helplessness.
22. But our actions only aggravate their passivity and feelings of helplessness.
23. And in that instant her heart seemed to burst with love inside her and simultaneously shrivel with grief and helplessness.
24. As I swabbed the table with disinfectant I had the old feeling of helplessness.
25. I wept, as I had so many times in my research, in surprise and disbelief at her helplessness.
26. She screamed loudly, but it was a bellow of rage not helplessness.
27. Aware of a hex and sure of its power, the victim falls into learned helplessness and slides into submissive death.
28. Fair enough, but do we want to equate personal helplessness and failure with mental disorder?
29. Battered women are often depressed, anxiety-ridden, suffering from low self-esteem or displaying a countenance of helplessness.
30. Her ability to endure his violence is not seen as helplessness or masochism, but rather as evidence of her moral strength.
1. The incident left me with a sense of helplessness.
2. A feeling of utter helplessness washed over him.
31. He knew that he had served Zeus well and that he had done right to pity mortals in their helplessness.
32. Many would agree but this system ignores the customers who may be full of emotions like fear and helplessness.
33. Now we are overtaken by guilt,(http:///helplessness.html) and the pain of fear and helplessness is interpreted as punishment for nameless sins.
34. Orphans of Addiction Children whose parents abuse drugs live daily with fear, neglect and helplessness.
35. Something in her that had, at first, revolted in anger and frustration at her own helplessness, now shrivelled and atrophied.
36. She draws an overpowering picture of human helplessness.
37. Compared with the foreign teachers, the domestic have to confront more work contest, as a result, more mental disorder, professional accidie and sense of helplessness.
38. In fact, I support of this view. Behavior of the elder is helplessness of the state, but his behavior is also violation of law.
39. The unwilling submissiveness shown by a weaker person is helplessness; it is called cowardice.
40. In addition, we compare ourselves favourably with others. Low self - esteem can helplessness, powerlessness and even depression.
41. We were both afflicted permanently with a feeling of sad helplessness.
42. Avant-guard, revolutionary, helplessness, femininity, fashion, conservatism, affectionateness , rupture...all of these can be seen in that puny thing.
43. Carrie hung in a quandary, balancing between decision and helplessness.
44. That was doublethink. He had a feeling of deadly helplessness.
45. It specifically means that the sufferer shows helplessness, who intends to depend on others and is timid as well as inadequate, together with introjection.
46. To me, these reactions epitomize the learned helplessness that proprietary software usually encourages.
47. Lonely Indus Shen Yuan, lock Spring and Autumn, this is a lonely helplessness.
48. Her eyes were dilated as if in a kind of swoon of fascination and helplessness.
49. Some common signs and symptoms of depression include feelings of hopelessness, pessimism worthlessness, and helplessness.
50. Under the premise of the primogeniture, the Queen is usually when no other male heir choice of helplessness.
51. She has revealed the truth of the common marriage: helplessness and endurance, crudity and warmth.
52. She had probably alienated love by the helplessness and fretfulness of a fearful temper, or been unreasonable in wanting a larger share than any one among so many could deserve.
53. Sigmund Frend dismissed religious mysticism as "infantile helplessness" and "regression to primary narcissism".
54. Owen was alternately dejected and maddened by the knowledge of his own helplessness.
55. The essential ingredient is a nightmarish sense of bewildered helplessness against a vast sinister, impersonal bureaucracy.
56. Often when people come here , they are struggling with feelings of hopelessness, helplessness , or worthlessness.
57. Sigmund Freud dismissed religious mysticism as "infantile helplessness" and "regression to primary narcissism."
58. That fear, helplessness, choking feeling filled with me, at the momentSlice turbid.
59. Helplessness, they made a decision at length, however, they only drink the creamer, it tasted like milk as grandma described.
60. Numerous vicious cycle of anxiety attack , sorrowful weeping, exhaust and helplessness, I sensed that my mind is slipping into a down-ward spiral, falling toward a bottomless abyss of depression.
61. From this extremity of helplessness as an illiterate prisoner in a primitive, barren country, Temujin rose to become the most powerful man in the world.
62. As the desire-cutting carrier, there hides many undesirability and helplessness behind the interlaced neon lights and shades.




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