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单词 Darlington
1. In Darlington, queues formed at some polling booths.
2. He owns a house in his Darlington constituency.
3. A company from Darlington has just launched its latest range of fashion jewellery.
4. Darlington could become a regional centre of excellence for nursery nurse training.
5. Darlington scored a late consolation goal through Paul Adamson.
6. Tables are bookable in advance by phoning Darlington.
7. Saturday, Under-19: Semi finals: Blyth 3, Darlington 0.
8. All are detained in Darlington Memorial Hospital.
9. Sister Philippa leaves the Carmel convent in Darlington soon.
10. A NEW environmental charter for Darlington was launched yesterday.
11. The incident was dealt with by firemen from Darlington.
12. Darlington featherweight Jacob Smith signed a pro contract yesterday.
13. Anyone who can help should contact Darlington CID on.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. Canon Bob Spence, the senior Catholic priest in Darlington, said he was delighted with the news.
15. Councillors agreed with the recommendation by Darlington Borough Council not to have special exemptions for disabled drivers.
16. Darlington council officers say £3,500 damage has been caused to works in the Myles Meehan Gallery.
17. One of his teammates will be former Darlington assistant manager Tony McAndrew.
18. The standard return fare between Darlington and York would rise from £18.80 to £26.32.
19. Darlington borough council is to be approached for a donation.
20. While in Darlington, Mr Rifkind is to present special certificates to two local businessmen.
21. Candidates from all three parties were out canvassing in Darlington today.
22. Richmondshire Rifle and Pistol Club members fear a public backlash against their sport after an armed siege in Darlington.
23. Bioplan's scheme for traffic control had been accepted by Durham county council and Darlington council officers.
24. All emergency cases needing surgery were taken instead to Darlington Memorial Hospital.
25. Diving gear: Diving equipment and clothing worth £1,145 was stolen from Beaumont Street car park, Darlington, at the weekend.
26. Beam fire: A wooden beam in a chimney caught fire at a house in Darlington Road, Northallerton.
27. My application form went off to the town hall first class, posted in Darlington on the morning of Friday March 20.
28. Corden's playing career ended abruptly when he smashed his knee on his debut for Darlington.
29. A racial equality steering committee has now been set up to monitor discrimination in Darlington and the county as a whole.
30. Generator stolen: Thieves stole a £1,000 generator which was chained to scaffolding at Bondgate, Darlington on Monday afternoon.
1. In Darlington, queues formed at some polling booths.
2. He owns a house in his Darlington constituency.
3. Candidates from all three parties were out canvassing in Darlington today.
31. Mr Whitmee gave his last singing performance to Darlington Folk Club and is fondly remembered by many members.
32. The teams made Darlington the first club ever to collect medals in the championship in the same season.
33. Neighbourhood houses could soon be set up on many housing estates in Darlington, Coun Bill Dixon said.
34. The advice came after almost 50 burglaries from homes in and around Darlington in the last week.
35. Death probe: An inquest will open soon to establish how a 37-year-old man died while in custody at Darlington police station.
36. School joy: Eastbourne School, Darlington, will take delivery of a brand new £14,000 minibus on Wednesday.
37. On Monday Darlington council's transport committee will be recommended to join the steering group and appoint a member.
38. Darlington council house rents will rise by £2.85 from April an average increase of 14 percent.
39. He believes any merger with Darlington could have a devastating effect on health provision for Bishop Auckland.
40. Members needed: Darlington branch of the Friends of the Earth has launched a recruitment drive.
41. Members also agreed to ask Darlington Borough Council to plant some more bulbs on the village green.
42. Every full-time student at Darlington College of Technology will be able to travel abroad by 1994, according to a new report.
43. Neighbours say a new flats development in Sun Street, Darlington, has created no end of problems.
44. The threat of all Darlington Catholics voting against him was the most astute piece of political blackmail I have ever seen.
45. Anyone with any information should contact Darlington CID on 467681.
46. He said there were 2,000 orange badge holders in Darlington alone and the system is abused.
47. At a full council meeting in Darlington members heard the appeal is going well.
48. The 8.16 from Darlington and the returning 10.38 behaved as impeccably as the reception class at a Victorian Sunday school.
49. James Forster, 68, of Manfield, near Darlington, was convicted of seven offences at Teesside crown court.
50. Darlington Borough Council staff have sent out more than 70,000 bills which are expected to arrive today and tomorrow.
51. A one-time county cricketer, he still plays for Darlington with whom he has a reputation as a high scorer.
52. The latest developer claims to have carried out extensive research into the feasibility of providing medical treatment in Darlington.
53. And the move, if successful, would be part of a package used to attract new businesses to Darlington.
54. They came courtesy of Elliot Conway, prolific Darlington author of western novels, who likes a cigar himself.
55. Following the decline of the Stockton to Darlington railway, the station gradually fell into disrepair and was repeatedly vandalised.
56. Pool simply coasted along, and Darlington, for all of their honest endeavour, played with the confidence of condemned men.
57. She said Darlington had been chosen because it was a marginal constituency.
58. Safeway wants to build a £15m supermarket with 700 free parking spaces, an application rejected by Darlington Borough Council last year.
59. Assault claim: A 15-year-old Darlington boy appeared before the town's Juvenile Court yesterday facing accusations of assault.
60. The car park was immediately closed upon advice from Darlington council, which carried out the tests in line with national safety standards.
61. Large heatsinks are not required as the dissipations in the Darlington switch and the diode are very small.
62. The Darlington group also suffered from an extraordinary charge associated with the imminent sales of £2.5m.
63. The two heatsinks for the Darlington transistor and diode D1 should also be readily available.
64. A TORY councillor says Labour advertising on buses in Darlington will put people off using them.
65. Durham 1 arrived at Darlington minus Beeson and Dave Smith, but could never have conceived that they could lose.
66. Sadberge met their rivals, Haughton-le-Skerne, near Darlington, in Haughton church hall yesterday for a championship game.
67. However Darlington was one of the first towns to apply to the Public Health Board to clean up its area.
68. Linda Davies is a tax consultants at accountants Haines Watts, Darlington.
69. Johns made a second-half appearance for the Reserves in a goalless draw at Darlington and caught the next train back to London.
70. Seven out of ten families in Darlington would be better off under Labour's fair rent proposals.
71. Throughout his time in Darlington he maintained that the football club would never succeed while it played at Feethams.
72. Darlington magistrates were told Mr Siddle had been suffering from clinical depression triggered by business problems.
73. The next circus I attended, still before the war started,( ) was Bertram Mills at Darlington.
74. Darlington borough councillors heard the two-storey extension at Walworth Castle Hotel would not affect the ancient part of the building.
75. Tories fail to halt pedestrian plan A last-ditch attempt to delay the introduction of pedestrianisation in Darlington town centre was defeated.
76. The comments were made during a live radio debate from Polam Hall School, in Darlington.
77. Instead, complaints will be dealt with at main centres in Durham, Darlington and Bishop Auckland.
78. The biggest allocation for a district council in the region goes to Darlington which receives £700,000.
79. They regard a last-minute request to spend the weekend collating figures in Darlington as proof positive of their triumph against chauvinism.
80. Death crash: A man died last night following a road accident between Brompton and Darlington.
81. Lifted: Darlington police want to hear from anyone who has had weights and bars stolen in burglaries at their homes.
82. He said if Darlington received the regional average increase the town's health services would be £1.3m better off.
83. A year after the Darlington Help Furniture project was launched, volunteer workers are still busy organising furniture switches throughout the town.
84. Darlington will be eager to follow on from their encouraging performance at Peterborough United.
85. Maggie Bosanquet, from Darlington Environmental Watch, welcomed the charter but was cautious about its benefits.
86. How much this will do for the hard hit Darlington to Hartlepool commuter is anyone's guess.
87. Using the bus wherever he goes, the Rev Harper travels to 24 old people's homes in Darlington as a chaplain.
88. Darlington LibDem man Peter Bergg, meanwhile, launched his daily Press conference yesterday with an audience of one.
89. New covers for stalls in Darlington market will cost £4,600.
90. The information should be sent to the communications department at Darlington Police Station, where it will be kept on computer file.
91. Darlington Community Health Council yesterday discussed the problem of delays in reaching patients who live in the more remote areas of Teesdale.
92. Earlier in the week Darlington council's controlling Labour group refused to meet the all-white delegation.
93. Long distance trains from Darlington to Hartlepool or Newcastle to Carlisle should arrive within ten minutes.
94. Darlington had only eight wins in 31 League games, with the worst defensive away record in the four divisions.
95. Copies of the winning entry will be on display throughout the town and at Darlington Building Society.
96. Mr Greenhow said at an inquest in Darlington yesterday his wife became depressed because of anxiety over her health and home.
97. Alan Milburn, Labour's prospective parliamentary candidate for Darlington, claims the figures are only the tip of the iceberg.
98. The hut at North Park, Darlington, was destroyed in an arson attack last year.
99. Restaurateurs have already been warned they could face hefty fines if they fail to join the Darlington Council register before April 3.
100. Middleton-St-George, near Darlington, has been without a rector since Martin King left last summer to become rural dean of Sedgefield.
101. But there were no complaints from the capacity crowd at Darlington Civic Theatre on opening night.
102. Meanwhile, in May, Darlington Camra will be celebrating its tenth birthday.
103. In Darlington applications have been sent to scores of businesses which are subject to regular environmental health checks.
104. A LOW-FLYING duck was fatally injured in Darlington yesterday despite the rescue efforts of shopworkers.
105. Volunteers handle hundreds of cases every year helping Darlington people to come to terms with being victims of crime.
106. The terraced house in Station Road, Darlington, is already in multiple occupancy and retrospective planning permission had been applied for.
107. The union reacted bitterly to a toughly worded edict from Darlington area delivery services manager Spencer Hindmarsh to keep costs down.
108. An interrogation of all our fanzine sellers has revealed that none of these devoted Darlington fans actually said those fateful words.
109. Nearly all the accidents in Darlington occurred at junctions, when cyclists were waiting to set off or just starting to pedal.
110. The former Branksome Comprehensive and Darlington sixth form college pupil is now doing a postgraduate teaching course in Birmingham.
111. The land is owned by Darlington Council, who are funding the conservation work.
112. Which is why two of the candidates in the marginal Darlington constituency have said such strange things about cigarettes lately.
113. Among items discussed were the Skipbridge village proposal and the resiting of Darlington cattle market.
114. Darlington has been boasting about its forthcoming attraction at the Cornmill.
115. And a report to Darlington borough councillors says the plans could affect small housing developments to the south of Court Arcade.
116. He was a celebrated folk hero in his adopted Darlington from his arrival in 1919 to his death in 1946.
117. Already a number of police forces have issued directives against discrimination making it inevitable that Darlington police will have a homosexual policeman.
118. A TRAFFIC calming scheme on a Darlington estate has been modified after bus companies threatened to boycott the area.
119. It's pure electioneering and I know the people in Darlington have got more sense.
120. Anyone who has time to spare and would like to help can contact Moira on Darlington.
121. But even cricket-mad Darlington businessman Mr Ian Wright was amazed to find just how fervent is their love of the game.
122. He has sung in church choirs and is a tenor with Darlington Choral Society.
123. Test results showed air pollution in Darlington was well below recommended safety levels.
124. She was suffering amnesia and taken to Darlington Memorial Hospital.
125. Pedal pushers in Darlington often go unnoticed by a magnetic loop system at a pedestrian crossing on Parkgate.
126. Pity he didn't fulfil a promise he made to Darlington Business Venture when he came up last November.
127. The story starts in the middle of the last century when Darlington was expanding rapidly.
128. A RACIAL equality council could soon be set up in Darlington.
129. Cop shop: Police have opened their own cop shop at Darlington police station to sell personal attack alarms and security devices.
130. While she was trying to restart her Mini Metro car another came round the bend from Darlington.
131. Negotiations were reported to be close to reaching agreement on the sale of the empty Cummins factory in Yarm Road, Darlington.
132. Mrs Turnpeny had returned to Darlington but rejoined her husband at the airbase near Munden.
133. He is able to run his part-time practice in Leyburn he worked in Darlington and Richmond before that around the racing calendar.
134. Break in: Burglars have stolen electrical equipment and jewellery worth £1,500 from a house in Cedar Road,(http://) Darlington.
135. Kelly, 28, is charged with stealing money and jewellery worth £1,624 from the Nags Head, Darlington.
136. They are all from the contemplative, strict and enclosed Order of the Carmelite in Darlington and are repeating history.
137. He believes the council is in danger of giving Darlington a bad image as an unemployment blackspot.
138. Darlington council has a sophisticated computer system to cope with the poll tax process.
139. The scheme would involve the relocation of the United Bus depot to another site in Darlington.
140. The children beat off a challenge from nine other Darlington schools.
141. Please enter your Username and Password to enter the Darlington Virtual Center.
142. Darlington: A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.
143. Lord Darlington: A man who knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing.
144. The former Republic of Ireland manager will be Darlington Arena by former Everton midfielder Kevin Richardson.
145. Darlington . Stevens's angst is clandestinely disclosed while he makes contact with other people.
146. Former Red Steve Staunton has been appointed as the new manager of League Two outfit Darlington.
147. Young Liverpool left - back Robbie Threlfall has joined League Two outfit Darlington on loan.
148. Lady Windermere. You don't think it will rain, Lord darlington, do you?
149. Darlington. I couldn't help it. I can resist everything except temptation.
150. Lord Darlington: Ah, now - a - days we are all of hard upthe only pleasant things are compliments.




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