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单词 Relative pronoun
1 Relative pronouns and adverbs introduce attributive clauses.
2 The word'who'in'the man who came'is a relative pronoun.
3 In 'the man who came', 'who' is a relative pronoun and 'who came' is a relative clause.
4 The most notable is the relative pronoun that, which can only be used with a restrictive relative clause.
5 Is a relative pronoun necessary here?
6 The relative pronoun is often dropped if it is the object.
7 The relative pronoun is often dropped if it is the subject.
8 In the sentence 'The woman who I met was wearing a brown hat', 'who' is a relative pronoun.
9 List the conditions we need to take into consideration when we choose a relative pronoun?




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更新时间:2024/7/9 5:59:19