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单词 Banquet
1. The banquet was permeated with an atmosphere of friendship.
2. In banquet halls folding partitions are very popular.
3. The meal that followed was a veritable banquet.
4. He celebrated his birthday with a banquet.
5. We had a banquet, which ended up with soup.
6. At the banquet we chin - chinned and tried to look cheerful.
7. At the banquet all the foreign guests wore evening dress.
8. The banquet was attended by 200 guests.
9. They disposed of all the food for the banquet.
10. They commemorated their victories with a grand banquet.
11. The whole of the banquet scene is mimed.
12. The kitchens are preparing for a lavish banquet.
13. The Lord Mayor attended a state banquet last night.
13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. I remember him at a banquet on that night.
15. The banquet is permeated with an atmosphere of friendship.
16. Everything you cook for me is a banquet.
17. We should get some wine in for the banquet.
18. She ushered at the banquet.
19. A banquet was held in her honour.
20. They held a banquet of epic proportions.
21. The ambassador is giving a banquet for the visiting president.
22. Last night he attended a state banquet at Buckingham Palace.
23. The banquet is being held in an atmosphere of friendship and cordiality.
24. He was suddenly taken ill at a banquet given in his honour.
25. Do we have to wear evening dress for the banquet?
26. She disgraced herself by drinking too much at the banquet.
27. The never-ending quarrel among the visitors certainly spoiled their appetite for the banquet.
28. He is in the person of his father for the banquet.
29. The president was guest of honour at the society's banquet.
30. The people of the city laid on a victory banquet in honour of the world champion.
1. In banquet halls folding partitions are very popular.
2. The meal that followed was a veritable banquet.
3. We had a banquet, which ended up with soup.
4. At the banquet all the foreign guests wore evening dress.
5. Do we have to wear evening dress for the banquet?
6. I remember him at a banquet on that night.
7. Everything you cook for me is a banquet.
8. They held a banquet of epic proportions.
9. He is in the person of his father for the banquet.
10. The banquet is being held in an atmosphere of friendship and cordiality.
11. A banquet was given in honor of the distinguished guests.
31. It's a great happiness to us to have a grand banquet in your honour here.
32. The banquet gave the chef a chance to flaunt his talents.
33. A banquet was given in honor of the distinguished guests.
34. Visitors to the castle can enjoy a medieval banquet with entertainment, in an authentic setting.
35. We filed out of the banquet hall.
36. That night there was a State banquet.
37. The entire village was invited to the banquet.
38. You saw the settings at the banquet.
39. A servant knocked and announced that the banquet would begin in an hour.
40. They fight, and fall, in strophes appropriate for recital in a warriors' banquet hall.
41. He decides, literally, to play for time and makes a debut at Nero's banquet that evening.
42. The banquet recommenced but the fray had dampened and soured the atmosphere.
43. An awards banquet, the first ever specifically for blacks in the broadcast industry, was held at the Waldorf-Astoria.
44. He was overseeing the banquet and had Sir Thomas under his surveillance nearly all the time.
45. The event also includes a golf tournament, banquet and barbecue, all featuring the Olympians.
46. Wishart thought back to what he had heard about that fateful night at the banquet.
47. They drew back from the horrible banquet and they turned upon the criminal who had contrived it.
48. A huge banquet was planned to celebrate the city's millennium.
49. That evening we attended a royal banquet in the magnificent setting of Wolsey's hall.
50. The hotel also offers huge banquet facilities and the recently opened bar, Point Moorea, sports an open kitchen as well.
51. Cho and Lee celebrated their new partnership at an elaborate banquet.
52. The socialists were not alone at the banquet of graft(), but they had a particularly voracious appetite.
53. Winners will be announced during the event's award banquet on Saturday.
54. Its big annual event in Dade County, a banquet honoring the judiciary, just made me impatient.
55. They are to attend the banquet as Antony and Cleopatra and hoped to outdo Taylor and Burton.
56. She sits at the marriage banquet, apparently in a cafe, and the harlequin has just presented her with a bouquet.
57. Even at the best of times, a kitchen after a banquet for over seventy was hardly appetising.
58. He was at a banquet in honour of a Little League team of which his son Robert was a member.
59. Often after lavish feasting, enormous pies would be brought to the banquet table.
60. On the Friday evening, a fancy-dress banquet was held for the high ranking guests who had attended the Tournament.
61. They regularly appeared as part of the banquet fare of the day.
62. The other bulky envelope contained the invitation to the formal Sunday banquet in the City Hall.
63. A banquet in honor of Nordlie begins at 7 p.m.
64. They did more; they came to a banquet in his palace; they condescended to dine with him.
65. Then he turned to seek his reward: a banquet cooked by Auguste Didier.
66. Several delegates turned up to the banquet wearing dinner jackets with camouflage bow ties and cummerbunds.
67. The course ended with a magnificent banquet and uproarious party, despite the prospect of a 6.30 a.m. departure next day.
68. I went to the congress banquet last night - very grand.
69. He was expected to superintend a grand banquet looking like this.
70. I stayed at the banquet with my brother the entire evening.
71. Then they wrapped them in warm purple mantles over fine tunics, and conducted them to the banquet hall.
72. Nowhere else in the world, the chef confided, could he have the freedom to create such a banquet.
73. The Nobel banquet was more difficult: the booklet containing the precise seating arrangements had been mailed out days in advance.
73. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
74. Caterers from Lexington were providing a banquet, and the local bakery had designed a huge oval birthday cake.
75. Already early on this Saturday morning he and his pupils were beginning to prepare for the banquet in the Imperial kitchens.
76. Rosy statistics on aggregate food production offer small comfort to nations that can not afford a seat at the banquet.
77. They oversee the hotels' restaurants, cocktail lounges, and banquet facilities.
78. From the mound, he heard voices of people singing, as if at a banquet.
79. He provides the feast for rejoicing, as well as the fine clothes for the banquet guests to sit before him.
80. Johnson tacked on an extra $ 500 because Alomar also missed a team banquet in April.
81. The house has plenty of large rooms and places to seat a sizable banquet party.
82. I am glad to preside at this banquet.
83. The banquet is for David Smith , our manager.
84. Cook a Polynesian feast or an ancient Roman banquet.
85. a state banquet in honour of the visiting President.
86. His Eminence graced the banquet by his presence.
87. It was a regal banquet.
88. The culture attache aches over after attending a banquet.
89. Highchair banquet. Baby cup in sterling silver. 2.5" high".
90. The king gave a sumptuous banquet.
91. An auxiliary banquet was prepared in the diningroom.
92. At the banquet table, I had the good fortune to sit vis - a - vis an old school chum.
93. Prestigious clubhouse facilities include a three star banquet room ( left ) and outdoor swimming pool.
94. In addition, they have also visited the banquet facilities of Mandarin Oriental Macau, Hotel Lisboa, Wynn Resorts , Macao Tower and Grand Plaza Chinese Restaurant .
95. After meeting, Xiao Yang hosted a banquet for Guyanese guests in the Great People's Hall.
96. Your presence is requested at a banquet to be given at the Friendship Hotel at 7:30 p.m. of March 2.
97. Signor Pastrini had promised them a banquet; he gave them a tolerable repast.
98. Marie Curie , in a simple, dark evening dress, glanced down the long banquet table.
99. Guildhall interior at a banquet given for Queen Victoria in 1839.
100. After sumptuous banquet, they also took us to a dance hall to dance and sing.
101. We need some slap-up food and beverage for the banquet. What can you offer?
102. The gatecrasher was forced out of the banquet hall by security staff.
103. The "pillow talk of noodles" is the most famous in datong noodles a, a lot of nonlocal guest would abandon big fish big meat of luxurious banquet, also want to come here special taste./banquet.html
104. An epicurean banquet of exquisitely prepared food accompanied throughout by vintage champagne.
105. These unions are satirically called "naked marriages", in which a couple forgoes the traditional ceremony, wedding banquet or owning an apartment.
106. The whole accident turned a previously good spirited banquet into a heavy-hearted affair, and everyone felt quite helpless.
107. The newly - married couple had a three - tiered wedding cake at the banquet.
108. The host between banquet asks about Afandi well water of country.
109. To prepare function rooms according to event orders and amendments issued by the Banquet Sales Office.
110. The city leaders held a banquet in honor of the sportsmen who had won glory for our nation, and among them was the outstanding track-and-field athlete from our county.
111. Barbecued Suckling Pig is a dish that can't be missed in a Chinese Restaurant or Banquet in Singapore; it represents the high status of the host.
112. International hotel ballroom equipped with advanced equipment immediately - and landing stage, a spacious luxury, can satisfy 576 people to 650 people banquet cocktail parties.
113. A grand victory banquet was served in the royal dining room.
114. In order to cover his participation in the kidnaping, the landlord pretended to mediate the affair through puppet troops, preparing a banquet on the tenant's behalf.
115. I told him about the fried milk I once ate at a banquet at Guangzhou's White Swan Hotel. They were perfectly round with a paper-thin shell that unleashed warm sweentened milk upon biting.
116. In 2009, SOC attended the state banquet performance for welcoming the visit of President of Kazakstan in China.
117. JAMIE OLIVER has been invited by Gordon Brown to cook a banquet at No 10 for President Barack Obama and other leaders of the G20, offering a cut-price menu to reflect recessionary times.
118. The banquet Song was created a whole system both in its tone and the musical feature. The Banquet Song in Hehuang area has evolved a style of its own which is imbued with rich local an...
119. Organizers said they expected the People's Banquet to attract a range of attendees from students to scholars to white collar workers.
120. So the king and Haman came to banquet with Esther the queen.
121. Nobel Prize banquet is at the Stockholm City Hall Blue Chamber.
122. No matter is the daily meeting, the commercial banquet, Ma Ligan red is the extremely good choice.
123. Tantalus, king of Lydia, once treated the gods to a banquet.
124. Shandong saves machinery to do Xushu of director Feng Hang, deputy mayor to overbrim banquet uncovers card ceremony and speak.
125. Ghanaian dancers performed at the official dinner at Accra's State Banquet Hall, which was renovated for the 50th anniversary of Ghana's independence last year.
126. John Bold, publisher of Graphic Arts Monthly, presented the award to Hammer at a banquet March 3 at PIA's Presidents Conf. in Champions Gate, FL.
127. Juliet was folding her banquet gown and making her bed.
128. Noble and elegant chait covers , ideal for banquet and conference applications in various high - grade hotels.
129. Co - ordinate any additional set - up requirements with Banquet Service Manager according to guest's need.
130. Characteristics: Being appetising and nourishing, it is a delicious dish in a banquet.
131. If a banquet is to be served, the menu must be planned; tables, napery , and table silver must be provided and set up.
132. Arthur and Guinevere were married. There was an enormous banquet. Everyone in the kingdom was happy.
133. A new couple in the wedding banquet hall in preparation for a fruit sangria bar (wine mainly for orange juice and soda), let a guest himself.
133. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
134. Royal palace banquet, flying pizza, Prince Edward, landscape royal fish is desire.
135. In the meantime, I'd like to thank Under Secretary of Commerce Glassman for attending this banquet.
136. On the banquet, he sits together side by side with a young and fine - looking lady fitly.
137. Feng Yuan was ordered to prepare a state banquet for him and his retinue.
138. The big banquet hall has a seating capacity of 200 people.
139. The bellman will show you the way to the banquet hall.
140. Ingurgitation in a banquet in dream is very happy. Sudden wakening up from the dream makes you feel something lost and regretful.
141. Korean Central News Agency reported that the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee alternate member of the east and the Foreign Minister Yu Fu Xiang Kim attended the first meeting and banquet.
142. Banquet menus are specialized ones with elaborate designing and reflection of the organic structure of the banquet food.
143. Both the Chinese banquet cuisine, buffet or cocktail parties are all meticulously produced, well-arranged[], celebrated.
144. According to the prearrangement, male guests in the wedding banquet will be entertained by the bridegroom.
145. The banquet was held in the brightly - lit Great Hall of the People.
146. Fruit Juices that are used on all Banquet Coffee Break Set Ups.
147. One of the earliest bronze percussion instrument, evolved from cymbal, used in memorial ceremony and banquet.
148. Camilla, the new wife of Britain's Prince Charles, wore a royal tiara for the first time at a banquet honoring the visit of Norway's King Harald V.
149. All the banquet—the meat dishes and the Lenten fare alike—was sumptuous, but still he could not be perfectly at ease till the end of dinner.
150. Provide all kinds of necessary service for Embassy Banquet, such as organizing and planning activities, arranging ceremony, planning meeting-place arrangement, and arranging show etc.
151. The result is, these investor were shared finally gluttonous fill a banquet.
152. Want to encounter famous caricaturist only on the banquet, I ask him to give me autograph accept as a souvenir immediately.
153. Braised big dress in the wings is the senior banquet, senior dishes.
154. Learn in Italy; clothe yourself in Germany; banquet in Poland.
155. Lavishment , ostentation and extravagance, banquet, all these are to fulfill personal selfish desire, power and battle.
156. An exquisite minimalist banquet was laid on for their benefit.
157. There is a good banquet scene, a lissom Lady Macbeth and a clever solution to the Birnam-comes-to-Dunsinane problem.
158. The banquet was full of cordial and friendly atmosphere from beginning to end.
159. A kind of banquet where Manchu and Han is served.
160. After the banquet came a firework display in the garden.
161. Banquet Loge: 10 top-grade banquet loges with sea view, adapt to hold various slap-up banquet.
162. On the same day, Wang held a small meeting with Zhukov and hosted a welcome banquet for him.
163. Ingurgitation in banquet in dream is very happy. Sudden wakening up from dream makes you feel something lost and regretful.
164. Assists the hotel sales outlet and the banquet department western - style food promotion.
165. He met the foreign friends and gave a banquet in their honour.
166. We return to the restaurant for another banquet, this time including the bony wildfowl .
167. Addison: The occasion is its annual banquet and presentation of the highest honor our Theater knows, the Sarah Siddons Award for the Distinguished Achievement.
168. In the meantime, I d like to thank Under Secretary Commerce Glassman for attending this banquet.
169. The five-course banquet was the first in Mr Bush's presidency to demand a white tie dress code.
170. And opposite at large portfolio, careless basket, compare diminutive, hand to take form or the portfolio that late banquet uses is with filar socks lie low in chest drawer.
171. Then the king returned out of the palace garden into the place of the banquet of wine; and Haman was fallen upon the bed whereon Esther was.
172. She goes to the Assyrian camp, pretending to be an informer against her people, and charms Holofernes, who invites her to a banquet in his tent.
173. In February, I drove to Brinkley, about an hour east of Little Rock on the interstate, to speak at the Lions Club banquet.
174. The Banqueting Hall. Banquet prepared. Two thrones are placed on Stage. Enter Macbeth , First Murderer.
175. The banquet was a masked ball, where all the guests wore masks.
176. Has pushed to the high tide the entire wedding banquet.
177. So the king and Haman went to the banquet with Queen Esther.
178. The Interlaken OCT Hotel Beverage outlets plus an abundance of multi - functional meeting and banquet facilities.
179. Later in the evening, a banquet is held where Rameses is named Prince Regent who joyfully names Moses as the Royal Chief Architect.
180. At the banquet table, I had the good fortune to sit visvis an old school chum.
181. The festival holds screenings in the public library, the high school auditorium, on the basketball courts in the racket club, banquet rooms in a hotel, and at a small town convention center.
182. Banquet room, fitness clubs, a children's play room is not small, the pool is no longer a matter of thermostatic outdoor movie, the public art is fresh and hot laugh uproariously .
183. Random examples: In the Philippines a family opened their last can of tinned meat as a banquet for me, a stranger who needed a place to crash.
184. They were hosted for a banquet by government officials, and on the menu was 'wood frog fallopian tubes.' 'It turned out to be some sort of vegetable preparation, ' said Mr. Hwang.
185. If a Chinese is invited to a meal, he will try to find an opportunity to give a return banquet to the inviter, otherwise, he would be regarded as unacquainted with the ways of the world.
186. The banquet was held in an atmosphere of friendship and cordiality.
187. On the same night, Cartwright held a welcoming banquet for Hu and his wife.




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