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单词 Attributable
1. Their illnesses are attributable to a poor diet.
2. Is this painting attributable to Michelangelo?
3. Death was attributable to gunshot wounds.
4. Do you think that these higher-than-average temperatures are attributable to global warming?
5. The product's success cannot be attributable solely to the ads.
6. Almost all the rise was attributable to the banlieues.
7. As a result,() attributable profits are trimmed to £1.33m.
8. This is directly attributable to this major new installation.
9. This figure was directly attributable to better package management.
10. This is only partly attributable to technological improvements.
11. Are most significant social changes directly attributable to violence?
12. The reducing properties of monosaccharides are attributable to the presence of a free aldehyde or ketone group.
13. The price increase is attributable to a rise in the cost of paper.
14. Some of these were directly attributable to her personally, others to her campaign team.
15. The high frequency of cases of diarrhoea is attributable to poor food hygiene.
16. This high level of growth is largely attributable to the current extremely low level of industrialisation.
17. But its influence is attributable to more than its accessibility.
18. The illness of Miller is directly attributable to his conduct.
19. Studies show a disproportionately high amount of crime attributable to kids born after long, difficult labors with forceps deliveries.
20. Shareholders' funds should be analysed between amounts attributable to equity interests and non-equity interests.
21. The profit for the year attributable to ordinary shareholders amounted to £20,618,000.
22. This is partly attributable to the increased opportunity for away travel which has increased the contact between rival groups of supporters.
23. It is not officially known whether this is attributable to the greenhouse effect or natural climate variability.
24. 10,000 deaths a year from chronic lung disease are attributable to smoking.
25. I could mention the names of several persons whose influence over their flocks was solely attributable to this circumstance.
26. This suggests that critical evaluation has point where the object in question is attributable to some person or group of persons.
27. Some of the changes are the result of afforestation and reservoir construction so that not every change is attributable to agricultural development.
28. Purchasers may buy clinical care but will not want to pay the extra costs attributable to research.
29. The adverse reactions experienced by the patient reported on may therefore be attributable to the drug regimen and not solely to dexamethasone.
30. Answer guide: Marginal costing only includes costs that are directly attributable to products.
31. It was also attributable to the increasing demands and expectations of the newly enfranchised working population.
32. In most economies the bulk of net worth is attributable to the personal sector, i.e. private individuals.
33. The queasy stomach common to hangovers is often attributable to the increased acids secreted by the stomach in response to alcohol.
34. The difference in reported earnings is solely attributable to the difference in inventory accounting.
35. But that claim assumes that every such accident is attributable to this cause.
36. Immediately after issue the amount attributable to an instrument within non-equity shareholders' funds should be the net proceeds of the issue.
37. Approximately 53 % of total revenues were attributable to Web hosting and other enhanced services.
38. Meanwhile Europhiles delude themselves that material prosperity attributable to membership can move emotions.
39. The requirements for State responsibility for an international wrongful act are breach of an international obligation which is attributable to the State.
40. The Tribunal decided that the mental condition was attributable to service and allowed the Appeal.
41. The fiscal problems of the city, since 1979(/attributable.html), have not been attributable to decreases in federal aid.
42. However, the assertion that the poor examination results were largely attributable to the low expectations of the department went forward unamended.
43. In 1999, the Water and Light Department did not make any energy conservation grants attributable to the two arenas.
44. The gain so computed will then be apportioned to determine the gain attributable to basic life assurance and general annuity business.
45. These costs are relevant because they are directly attributable to the decision to take up an opportunity.
46. Some continental-margin orogens show evidence of deformation attributable to contraction in the back-arc region.
47. Much of this trend is attributable to a strong economy, but there are other forces at work.
48. Much of that growth is attributable to increases in mortgage banking and recent acquisitions.
49. These differences were not attributable to differences in age or duration of diabetes.
50. One is an analysis of the amount of shareholders' funds attributable to non-equity interests between classes of shares.
51. In addition, peptic ulcer disease represents a heterogeneous group of disorders attributable to a variety of genetic and environmental causes.
52. After 1994, all the autonomies were allowed to keep 15 % of the direct income tax revenues attributable to their region.
53. Patients attending hospital clinics had worse glycaemic control, but this seemed to be attributable to the case mix and practice characteristics.
54. For most industries, costs attributable to environmental regulations rarely exceed about 1.5 % of the total.
55. The increase is partly attributable to the success of the group's savings scheme, introduced in 1984.
56. Any increase or decrease in the money stock is thus directly attributable to the activities of the central bank.
57. An impressive 14 % of Czech exports are attributable to Skoda and its suppliers.
58. The provision would be reversed when profits attributable to the minority shareholders started to make good the losses that were made earlier.
59. This is all attributable, directly or indirectly, to administrative costs and the work of the Bar Council and its committees.
60. The methods of calculation for the Cornfield confidence intervals and the population and relative attributable risks are given by Breslow and Day.
61. Well, all those conditions also are attributable to Stuff Happens, and perhaps even genetics.
62. Illnesses attributable to fatness are on the rise.
63. All these accomplishments are attributable to our recent exertions.
64. The error in the calculation was attributable to rounding.
65. His illness is attributable to overwork.
66. Damage result totally attributable to ships latent defect.
67. This was apparently attributable to faulty packing.
68. Total earnings of a company less expenses, attributable to the shareholders.
69. The increase in the latter period could be attributable to natural sales growth from the market penetration and cultivation that were already evident.
70. Lack of investment in securities of faith that blindly follow the trend of retail investors, mainly attributable to a lack of incentive to have a rational understanding of and investment expertise.
71. Are attributable to silence all sound, all noises are as soft music.
72. Mr. Gioia said that the decline in book reading might be attributable to a falloff in the reading of nonfiction, although he offered no explicit evidence of that.
73. In each case, the level of cell multiplication attributable to zeatin is shown.
74. In addition, 44% of the diabetes burden, 23% of the ischaemic heart disease burden and between 7% and 41% of certain cancer burdens are attributable to overweight and obesity.
75. This difference could be attributable to differences in carbohydrate type and (or) fat content.
76. Direct damage to structures attributable to air blast can take various forms.
77. The cracking of busbar during bending is found to be attributable to the coarsing of the grains.
78. The drop in debt-to-equity ratio was mainly attributable to the continued improvements in the operating results of the Group.
79. Earnings attributable to common shareholders were reduced by $1.28 billion of preferred stock dividends to the U.S. government and other investors, compared with $361 million in the year-ago period.
80. Some divergence may be attributable solely to natural selection of landrace traits, other differences may be attributable to selective breeding .
81. The effect appears to be attributable to psychological changes that increase a person's ability to cope with stress and maintain feelings of well-being.
82. The sought-after wines of Burgundy (Bourgogne) possess particular qualities attributable to the region’s 400 soil types.
83. As for your prediction of a seroconversion, I think it may be equally be attributable to his Interferon treatment, if it does happen.
84. In many countries with good measles control, an increasing age at onset of SSPE has been observed attributable to cases that acquired measles infection at a time when the disease was more prevalent.
85. Such a significant change is attributable to a great extent to China's reform and opening - up.
86. Should any Force Majeure is attributable to the failure of performance of the agreement, it shall be deemed as termination automatically.
87. To this end, the Aggregate Balance and forecast changes to the Aggregate Balance attributable to the currency board's foreign exchange transactions are disclosed on a real time basis.
88. The collapse of the movement was attributable to a lack of morale.
89. The aetiological fraction attributable to differences in work environment exposures was calculated to be 40 %.
90. The first recorded episode of animal poisoning attributable to cyanobacteria occurred in Australia in 1878.
91. Price rise only superficial or temporary mainly attributable to short covering also partly speculative purchases.
92. Postoperative lung function was better than predicted, attributable to the therapeutic benefit of deflation of the hemithorax.
93. He believes that narcolepsy is attributable to an inability to suppress REM sleep during waking.
94. Rumple child produced mainly attributable to the paper around the edge of the deformation ( tight ).
95. Approximately 30 % of cases of essential hypertension are attributable to genetic factors.
96. If the vessel is not in free pratique on arrival at the berth due to causes attributable to the vessel, then a new notice of readiness shall be tendered.
97. It was concluded that the effects of TXZRB on antler growth and its quality may be attributable to the promotion of hematopoiesis function and metabolism of antler.
97. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
98. Third, the rise of commercial house price is attributable to both the supply and demand sides.
99. If the survey was limited to a few patients of a certain dentist, the results might be attributable to those particular individuals and that particular dentist.
100. Its medicinal properties are attributable to a substance called methylglyoxal (MG), which is created as the bees turn nectar into honey and has also been shown to exert an anti cancer effect.
101. But how many of Drogba's haul are directly attributable to Shevchenko?
102. The expenses attributable to the current period but not yet paid in current period shall be recognized as accrued expenses of the current period.
103. Signs of growth mightbe attributable to inflation rather than the economy.
104. The per-share earnings included a 10 - cent - per - share hit attributable to restructuring and impairment charges, the company reported.
105. A significant impediment to the success of cancer chemotherapy is multidrug resistance (MDR)and this could be attributable to concomitance of multiple intricate mechanisms.
106. The melting of snow on Mt Kilimanjaro was " mainly attributable to human - induced climate change ".
107. The investing enterprise should reduce the book value of the investment by its attributable share of the invested enterprise's profit or cash dividend declared to be distributed.
108. Acid rain is not straightforwardly attributable to the burning of coal.
109. The mess was directly attributable to a corrupt and incompetent official.
110. The variations found are attributable to well - defined geochemical processes.
111. Summers said the jobless rate in this recession is running about 1 to 1.5 percentage points above what would normally be attributable to a slump of this magnitude.
112. The reduction of ? - cell mass is attributable to accelerated apoptosis.
113. And the biggest profits are attributable to the most advanced devices.
114. The expansion in domestic loans was partly attributable to increased borrowings for purchasing new equity shares.
115. In addition, treating all Muslim women's problems as monolithically attributable to their religion is a cul - de - sac.
116. Mutation was not detected in all patients indicating that other factors be attributable to hypospadias occurrence.
117. This represents a doubling of the 1,500 MW installed in 2008 and is attributable, in part, to the improved project economics resulting from the decline in module prices.
118. The emergence and development of imputation theory result from that in many cases causal theory can not be given for the results attributable to the full argument.
119. It is the type of construction is not entirely attributable to the functional division of a class of special construction.
120. About 90 % of type 2 diabetes is attributable to excess weight.
121. Rarely in the view of the authors will things be so one-sided that the difference between a planned and actual activity duration will be attributable only to one party.
122. Recent research has found that the diagnoses of autism is on the rise, some of which might be attributable to greater awareness and increased availability of autism services, experts said.
123. The root for the failure of exchanges can be attributable to the narrow value orientation, education system constraints and the negative impact of traditional culture.
124. The resistance can be attributable to the influence of many factors and is strategic.
125. Antihistamines are systemically administered most widely in dermatology , which may be attributable to the important roles of histamines in common diseases such as urticaria and atopic eczema.
126. Crop insurance will cover a portion of farm production losses attributable to Hurricane Katrina, the drought and other adverse weather conditions this year.
127. Previous findings from the same team suggest coffee may ward off dementia, but it wasn't clear whether the effects could be attributable to caffeine or some other compound found in coffee.
128. We find positive price reactions to stock splits and conclude that these may be attributable to the favourable signals that stock splits send and the improved liquidity they provide.
129. It is amazing that the difference in odor is attributable solely to a difference in chirality of the carvone in the two oils.
130. If the enterprise carries on business as aforesaid, the profits of the enterprise may be taxed in the other State but only so much of them as is attributable to that permanent establishment.
131. The origin of the concept of obtaining posterior probabilities with limited information is attributable to Thomas Bayes.
132. If the enterprise carries on business as aforesaid, the profits of the enterprise may be taxed on the Other Side but only so much of them as is attributable to that permanent establishment.
133. But the authors admit that the improvement in symptoms may simply be attributable to the length of time a child has symptoms of cough and that the common cold will improve over time anyway.
134. Globally, 57 % of cirrhosis was attributable to either Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C.
135. The shortening observed over time may be attributable to inflammation induced by the TCP.
136. The researchers found that 78 % of hepatocellular carcinoma was attributable to Hepatitis infections.
137. Evidently the wave properties of light are not attributable to the beam acting as a whole.
138. The global adoption of ISO 9001 may be attributable to a number of factors.
139. The association did not appear to be attributable to bedding choice as part of an asthma management strategy.
140. Their other name, Mola mola, is -- it sounds Hawaiian, but it's actually Latin for millstone, and that's attributable to their roundish, very bizarre, cut-off shape.




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