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单词 Ethnically
(1) New York is a very culturally/ethnically diverse city.
(2) Somalia is an ethnically and linguistically homogeneous nation.
(3) Surinam is culturally and ethnically diverse.
(4) The hill people are ethnically distinct from lowland Laotians.
(5) The parish was large, poor and ethnically diverse.
(6) Even ethnically united communities are deeply divided on points of doctrine.
(7) By creating the ethnically balanced ticket, something new, he put together the most powerful political machine in Chicago history.
(8) It is hard to imagine two ethnically identical and adjoining societies so dissimilar in style and philosophy.
(9) Statutory agencies can encourage the establishment of local ethnically focused voluntary organizations by targeting specific grant aid.
(10) In our culturally and ethnically mixed society the degree of emancipation of women was uneven.
(11) Russia is ethnically relatively homogeneous.
(12) This user is ethnically Chinese.
(13) The neighborhood is ethnically diverse.
(14) Taiwan is currently a culturally and ethnically homogeneous society.
(15) They are Mediterranean Caucasoids and are ethnically distinct from Arabs and Jews.
(16) Ethnically, the Portuguese people are a combination of several ethnicities: pre-Roman Iberian and Celtic tribes with Romans and Germanic tribes.
(17) I'm ethnically Chinese(), but I'm not Chinese in my thinking and my mental outlook.
(18) Ethnically most Norwegians are Nordic/North Germanic, while small minorities in the north are Finnish.
(19) Traditional Hawaiian culture and Hawaii's ethnically are an integral part of the social fabric.
(20) "Scarborough-Agincourt being one of the most ethnically diverse ridings in the world, when something happens abroad, it lands on our doorstep, " he says.
(21) Violent incidents in east Incidents of serious violence continued in ethnically mixed eastern areas.
(22) None the less, there is probably no major public university campus quite as racially and ethnically diverse as Cal.
(23) The garment needs to be curvy and fluid as well as functional, warm and ethnically in keeping.
(24) Mostar, the would-be capital of Herzeg-Bosna, remains split between two ethnically cleansed halves.
(25) Its dreamlike construction of our sceptred isle as an ethnically purified one provides a special comfort against the ravages of decline.
(26) Because the school is located just west of Downtown, it attracts an ethnically diverse student population.
(27) The study was based on interviews with a racially and ethnically diverse group of sixty-one girls from Boston's poorest neighborhoods, all with histories of intimate-partner violence.
(28) Historically, there has been a lot of deep - seated prejudice against ethnically mixed people.
(29) Sutherland said progress was also being made in cobbling together a measure of political consensus in the ethnically diverse province, home to more than two dozen major tribes.
(30) Destroyed cars and other debris littered the main street in Tottenham, an ethnically diverse, lower-class section of London with the capital's highest unemployment rate.
(31) Ethnically, the Yuan Empire comprised most of modern China's ethnic groups.
(32) Susan Rice, America's ambassador to the UN, has accused Sudan of ethnically motivated violence in South Kordofan, which it is required to stop under the 2005 CPA.
(33) The ethnically diverse food includes Japanese, Chinese, Korean, native Hawaiian, Thai and Vietnamese food.
(34) In both of these countries, those who seek ethnically and religiously pure nationhood increasingly dominate politics.
(35) As a diplomat and someone who is ethnically Mongolian, I am a natural nomad.




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