单词 | Staying |
例句 | 1, We have guests staying this weekend. 2, We'll be staying at the Hotel Ibis. 3, Pam's staying overnight at my house. 4, How long will you be staying in Paris? 5, You have to houseclean the room before your staying. 6, Lucy was staying in the nearby town of Hamilton. 7, I'm staying late at the office tonight. 8, I don't intend staying long. 9, Does good marketing mean playing safe and staying traditional? 10, Do you plan on staying here another year? 11, I'm staying at the Benson Hotel. 12, She fabricated a good excuse for staying home. 13, You'll be staying the night, I take it. 14, Society undervalues staying home and looking after children. 15, We ended up staying for lunch. 16, You frightened me to death,(http:///staying.html) staying out all night! 17, I wonder why she is staying away. 18, Which hotel are you staying at? 19, He disliked her staying away from home. 20, The helicopter is staying over our heads. 21, How long will you be staying in the United States? 22, While staying in Paris we fell in with a party of Swiss tourists. 23, She tried to brownnose the boss by staying after work and helping him clean the room. 24, The athletes are acclimatising to the heat by staying in Monte Carlo. 25, He's only staying three days, but he arrived with everything but the kitchen sink. 26, I keep cool by staying in the shade and not moving much. 27, Someone who lacks staying power and persistence is unlikely to make a good researcher. 28, After staying a few days in Shanghai, he moved on to Singapore. 29, She said she was staying in tonight to wash her hair. 30, My mother-in-law has been staying with us this past week and she's driving me crazy. 1, We have guests staying this weekend. 2, We'll be staying at the Hotel Ibis. 3, Pam's staying overnight at my house. 4, How long will you be staying in Paris? 5, You have to houseclean the room before your staying. 6, Lucy was staying in the nearby town of Hamilton. 7, I'm staying late at the office tonight. 8, I don't intend staying long. 9, Does good marketing mean playing safe and staying traditional? 10, Do you plan on staying here another year? 11, I'm staying at the Benson Hotel. 12, She fabricated a good excuse for staying home. 13, You'll be staying the night, I take it. 14, Society undervalues staying home and looking after children. 15, We ended up staying for lunch. 16, You frightened me to death, staying out all night! 17, I wonder why she is staying away. 18, Which hotel are you staying at? 19, He disliked her staying away from home. 20, The helicopter is staying over our heads. 21, How long will you be staying in the United States? 22, While staying in Paris we fell in with a party of Swiss tourists. 23, She tried to brownnose the boss by staying after work and helping him clean the room. 24, The athletes are acclimatising to the heat by staying in Monte Carlo. 25, He's only staying three days, but he arrived with everything but the kitchen sink. 26, I keep cool by staying in the shade and not moving much. 27, Someone who lacks staying power and persistence is unlikely to make a good researcher. 28, After staying a few days in Shanghai, he moved on to Singapore. 29, She said she was staying in tonight to wash her hair. 30, My mother-in-law has been staying with us this past week and she's driving me crazy. 31, I'm trying to break the habit of staying up too late. 32, In many marriages there has been a complete role reversal with the man staying at home and the woman going out to work. 33, His mother yap ped at him for staying away so long. 34, Are you staying in today? I want to see you. 35, Only those who constantly retool themselves stand a chance of staying employed in the years ahead. 36, Where are you staying? 37, His health did not permit of staying there. 38, Jenny's mother hates her staying out late. 39, I don't like you staying out so late. 40, We're staying in this evening. 41, She tactfully discouraged their uninvited guests from staying longer. 42, He started staying out late , drinking. 43, Don't your parents mind you staying out so late? 44, She is deliberately staying away from the meetings. 45, We're staying at a cheap hotel near the station. 46, She's staying with her aunt for the time being. 47, Staying calm was an exercise in self-control. 48, She's staying on at university to do research. 49, On his advice I am staying in bed. 50, He insisted on my staying to lunch. 51, The children are staying with their grandparents. 52, Anything would be better than staying at home! 53, They're staying in the same hotel. 54, She finds it boring staying/to stay at home. 55, He's started staying out till all hours . 56, She was given to staying in bed till lunchtime. 57, My husband's people are staying with us now. 58, How about staying at Bart's overnight? 59, He's staying with friends this weekend. 60, I've never been one for staying out late. 31, I'm trying to break the habit of staying up too late. 32, In many marriages there has been a complete role reversal with the man staying at home and the woman going out to work. 33, Are you staying in today? I want to see you. 34, Where are you staying? 35, She tactfully discouraged their uninvited guests from staying longer. 36, She's staying with her aunt for the time being. 37, His business is facing difficulties, but it is staying afloat. 38, The boy was often disciplined for staying away from school. 61, He's staying with one of his friends. 62, He showed great perseverance by staying in the job. 63, I was having difficulty in staying awake. 64, He's staying in rooms in West Kensington. 65, The miners are staying down for pay increase. 66, We have enjoyed staying with you very much. 67, The children quickly got bored with staying indoors. 68, We're staying at the Holiday Inn. 69, Do you figure on staying long in this city? 70, They chanced to be staying at the same hotel. 71, My mother is staying with us this week. 72, He frightened me into staying silent. 73, I'm staying until the end of this week. 74, He's only staying here on sufferance. 75, She was scored for staying out late. 76, I wasn't altogether happy about Mike staying over. 77, We were staying in this really crummy hotel. 78, He hovered between staying and leaving. 79, Are you staying over Christmas? 80, Personally(Sentence dictionary), I envisage them staying together. 81, I hate staying in hotels; they're so impersonal. 82, his hopes of staying on at university. 83, We enjoyed staying with you very much. 84, There was no point in staying any longer. 85, We have guests staying right now. 86, What have I to gain by staying here? 87, We're staying in a holiday cottage in Dorset. 88, We're just homebodies who like staying home watching TV. 89, It chanced they were staying at the same hotel. 90, I feel like staying in tonight. 91, I won't be staying much longer. 92, This allows the pair to mate properly and stops the hen staying in the nest-box. 93, Guests staying 14 nights will receive a ten per cent reduction. 94, Little Tom has come out in spots so he's staying in bed. 95, She's not one for staying up late—she likes to be in bed by eleven. 96, How much longer is he staying? He's eating us out of house and home. 97, She omitted to mention that they were staying the night. 98, He's staying with us until he can find a place of his own . 99, Staying late at the office to discuss shorter working hours rather defeats the object of the exercise! 100, We eventually wound up staying in a little hotel a few miles from town. 101, She mentally awarded herself top marks for staying cool under pressure. 102, I don't have much time so I won't be staying any longer than necessary. 103, By the looks of it, someone's already staying in this room. 104, We must decide between going home and staying at school during this winter vacation. 105, I had planned on staying here for two or three years. 105, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words. 106, It's small wonder you got tanned, staying out in the sun all that time. 107, The house is a bit chaotic at the moment - we've got all these extra people staying and we're still decorating. 108, Some skittish Wall Street investors are staying away from the market. 109, You've got school tomorrow. I don't want you staying up late. 110, The factories are staying open all weekend to try to meet the consumer demand for this product. 111, She's staying late at the office to catch up with/on some reports. 112, If you're staying in Rome, Ostia is well worth a visit. 113, You say you're bored and frustrated but in the same breath say you're resigned to staying in the same job. 114, I came with the/every intention of staying, but now I've decided to leave. 115, My mum was never really interested in going abroad until she went to America last year. Now she's been bitten by the travel bug and hates staying at home! 116, I'm staying with my parents for a while, until I've got myself together a bit. 117, The police staked out the hotel where the two terrorists were reported to be staying. 118, He suspected that the woman staying in the flat above was using heroin. 119, For staying dry you'll want nice lightweight waterproofs to wear over your leathers. 120, You should beware of undercooked food when staying in hot countries. 121, where she is staying? 122, 'Will you be staying for lunch?' she enquired of Charles. 123, I'm staying with a friend until I manage to sort myself out. 124, I wanted to go out, but I had no money. I had no alternative to staying at home. 125, It's precisely because I care about you that I don't like you staying out late. 126, They were staying in the capital at the time of the riots and witnessed several street battles. 127, As we can't afford a bigger house we must make up our minds to staying here. 128, You'll need a change of clothes if you're staying overnight. 129, He would gain considerable advantage from staying in that job. 130, I'd love to come - the only problem is I've got friends staying that night. 131, She opened out a lot while she was staying with us. 132, Our choices come down to staying here or leaving here. 133, We're staying in a two-star hotel in the centre of the city. 134, I had to choose between staying with my parents and going abroad. 135, The time comes) when dying seems preferable to staying alive. 136, Much as they hope to go home tomorrow,(http:///staying.html) they're resigned to staying on until the end of the year. 137, Demonstrators ransacked and burned the house where he was staying. 138, Before we had our child the idea of staying in every night would have been horrific. 139, His business is facing difficulties, but it is staying afloat. 140, Anyway, that evening, which I'll tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachel's place. 141, If you're staying for more than three months or working overseas, a full 10-year passport is required. 142, In the off season, there's hardly anyone staying at the hotel. 143, It was a straight choice between taking the job and staying out of work. 144, Staying at home all day was driving her round the bend. 145, The weather was so bad we'd have been better off staying at home. 146, Mills replied that he was staying at his parents' flat. 147, She won't consent to him staying out late/to his staying out late. 148, The budget crisis really dimmed my hopes of staying on. 149, We were staying in a seedy hotel close to the red light district. 150, We're staying at a farm that does bed and breakfast. 151, My parents are fairly relaxed about me staying out late. 152, She had the option of staying for an extra year. 153, She was very unhappy at the idea of staying in London. 154, I asked how long he was staying, but he fudged the answer. 155, We found out we were staying in the same hotel. 156, She stuck to her game plan of staying back and hitting the ball hard from the baseline. 157, Having served in four governments, he has the greatest staying power of any politician today. 158, The pop-star lists his likes as 'my new Porsche, my girlfriend and staying up all night'. 159, His daughters have led him a fine dance by constantly staying out late at night. 160, The only way to reach them in the place where they're staying is by mail. 161, The crew acted courageously in staying with the ship until all the passengers had been taken to safety. 162, Somehow I can't visualize myself staying with this company for much longer. 163, I ventured the idea that the secret of staying young was to mix with older people. 164, Mother let us go to the party, but when it came to staying overnight, she put her foot down firmly. 165, I'd scare my mom by diving in and staying under for as long as I could. 165, try its best to collect and make good sentences. 166, The boy was often disciplined for staying away from school. 167, Voluntary work can provide a bridge between staying at home and working full-time. 168, When my mother is staying at our house, I feel like I'm walking on eggshells. 169, The kids love staying with their nan at the weekend. 170, Some critics say he prostituted his musical skills by going into pop rather than staying with classical music. 171, She wants to be an old-fashioned mother, staying at home and looking after the children. 172, She is currently staying with her father at his home. 173, I was given to understand she was staying at this hotel. 174, He thinks nothing of staying up all night in casinos. 175, I'd neglected to give him the name of the hotel where I'd be staying. 176, Simply staying on a 500 is a major feat. 177, I won't be staying in your flat. 178, Maybe the cormorants were staying home today. 179, Because you can lose your mind staying in two rooms, and so I fix my hair and pluck my eyebrows. 180, I could be happy staying here where you have-more command and control over what goes on around you. 181, She had to think of an excuse for staying in Walton Street. 182, Now, in his senior year, Jeff feels staying was definitely the right decision. 183, He remembered Woil staying by the bench and the litter bin where the Men could reach him. 184, He gained experience and developed skills in staying calm in the face of abuse, working under pressure and organising his time. 185, Forget all those tales of our taking our position at dawn and staying there hardly daring to move. 186, The planes are returning to the United States, although F-One-Eleven fighter bombers are staying on. 187, To what extent though do student architects actually benefit from staying at university or polytechnic for so long? 188, Would that as many animal lovers were as quick to speak and defend dumb animals instead of staying silent as so many do. 189, The pub is staying open all day during the conference. 190, Hunting still faces an uphill task but, backed by a yield of 7.6 p.c., the shares are worth staying with. 191, But even they would be shocked at the idea of staying up all night dancing or taking drugs. 192, The eventual winner will receive an all expenses paid night out for two in London, staying at a top hotel. 193, For staying power nothing beats a bowl of porridge and, as a bonus, oats are great health value, too. 194, But it is not clear whether Peter Bullock, the chief executive of Neill, will be staying. 195, It was launched last February amid great fanfare and made stops in six cities, staying at least a month in each. 196, That's fine too, as long as you bear in mind that moderation is the key to staying healthy. 197, Staying up for a week during final exams is nothing compared to months of interrupted sleep with an infant. 198, Glenn Ferguson - staying put A new era is dawning at Strabane cricket club. 199, Even higher would have been fine with me. Very few pilots were killed by staying away from the ground. 200, Inside of a ring or out, ain't nothing wrong with going down. It's staying down that's wrong. Muhammad Ali 201, And staying awake long enough to get our kids into bed. 202, Anna's family are appalled. meaningful pay-off Andrew hagans was staying at this bail hostel when he murdered Anna McGurk. 203, Households are also staying in temporary accommodation for longer periods, a report to Middlesbrough Council's homeless advisory committee reveals. 204, He did not like the fact that his potential assassins had got so close to the Hotel where he was staying. 205, But the cost of staying at the downscale Hotel Stevens was only $ 4 a night. 206, His is constantly pre-occupied with fitness, strength, and staying in peak condition. 207, He expressed surprise when he learned we were staying there because he thought it was so expensive. 208, Tucholsky once remarked that there were people who thought that staying in an elegant hotel made them elegant themselves. 209, All creatures that live in the plankton have to devise means of staying afloat. 210, However, it has scheduled three extra round trips between Phoenix and Las Vegas on Sunday, to accommodate people staying there. 211, Sometimes, staying put is a greater act of courage than pulling up stakes and starting anew. 212, They have then concluded that going on to further education or staying at school are better options. 213, I was happy to observe that one member of the jury was having difficulty in staying awake. 214, Until then, Ted is staying in temporary accommodation and praying that lightning never strikes 3 times in the same place. 215, I was forced to admit we were related and that Alistair was staying with us. 216, Luke, who had a reputation for staying cool, had panicked. 217, Local restaurant chefs will discuss staying creative while running businesses at noon Sunday. 218, Il Maniero Complimentary lunch on day of arrival or day of departure for all guests staying 7 nights or more. 219, We have been frequent visitors at Government House and have been staying also at their cottage, New Norfolk. 220, By making breaking up harder to do, supporters believe that couples will focus more on staying together. 221, The family is staying in a private apartment loaned by Fergie's friend, brewing heir Peter Greenall. 222, Although exercise becomes more difficult as weight is gained, you expend more energy simply staying alive the heavier you are. 223, We were staying with our 17 year old daughter Rachel at Club Portinatx. 224, Support Both families are staying close, supporting each other through their ordeal. 225, The constitution prohibits him from staying another, so he is casting about for ways to hold on to power. 226, They were staying in the house and were joined almost daily by a number of their friends on holiday on the coast. 227, In 1987, I didn't have to concern myself about Doomsday scenarios as I was staying in Manchester. 228, We were staying in a seedy hotel in San Francisco close to the red light district. 229, Didn't really fancy staying in the country on my own. 230, He had taken care to tell no one save Felicity where he was staying. 231, Marconi Honeymoon and silver anniversary couples staying 5 nights receive dinner on arrival and a gondola ride. 232, The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 233, But suddenly she was filled with another fear - about the wisdom of staying on in such close proximity with him. 234, He'd been staying at a bail hostel in Gloucester whilst waiting for the case to come to court. 235, You have to get it for yourself, by updating your skills constantly and staying alert to new opportunities. 236, But advocates and families say patients end up staying much longer than necessary and their conditions deteriorate. 237, He was staying on Sula Sgeir with the guga hunters to make observations in his official capacity. 238, Secondary school classes have also grown, with more pupils staying on rather than face the dole queue. 239, It was tempting to ask, in view of his once held political ambitions, whether he had ever regretted staying in business. 240, Firstly, no other children were staying at our chalet that week and the other guests showed little tolerance. 241, The hon. Gentleman does not have to worry about the normal courtesy of staying to listen to the next speaker. 242, Clearly he found the familiar atmosphere in their house, Glamorgan, more congenial than staying with his director. 243, People already in Yosemite were given the choice of staying or being evacuated. 244, The hotel was a good one, not luxurious, but considerably better than she was accustomed to staying in while working. 245, Staying friendly with foreign telephone firms also helps in other ways. 246, Moreover he has spent a fair amount of time staying in touch with Donna Davidson and others on the reengineering project. 247, Instead of staying the requisite two years I came home after just nine months. 248, Ateneo Honeymoon and silver anniversary couples staying 5 nights or more receive dinner on arrival and a complimentary gondola ride. 249, Some members of the audience were clearly having difficulty staying awake. 250, One of the most difficult areas to assess is the impact on those who are staying outside. 251, The emphasis there is not on staying indoors, but on learning how to enjoy a sunny, beautiful country and survive. 252, The banks have done developers one favour by staying in Frankfurt rather than heading for Berlin. 253, So the Giants do have to get better, and history suggests rather strongly that better means not staying the same. 254, They got to the place where she was staying, a quiet cul-de-sac. 255, I was staying on a large country estate, taking part in a week's music course. 255, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. 256, It was as if, by staying at home continuously, without distraction, she would not risk missing the return of Montaine. 257, Elsewhere thousands of commuters avoided traffic chaos by staying at home. 258, Staying at home with the baby has been something of a mixed blessing for Pam. 259, And now this absurd notion of staying at the centre for an extra week, just to be with him! 260, There was another guy and his little baby and they were staying in a truck. 261, Later the same evening a bomb exploded at the Gaston Motel, where King had been staying during the Birmingham campaign. 262, Parents have the option of staying in the kids' rooms or booking an adjacent room. 263, It is hard to believe that Joan and I have now been staying on the east coast for six months. 264, Until welfare reform, staying home to receive those benefits was, unfortunately, a rational economic choice. 265, As soon as I walked on to the beach behind the resort where I was staying, I realised its potential. 266, Des Etrangers A complimentary bottle of Spumante for all guests staying 14 nights. 267, Her mother, who has now been evicted from her home too, is staying with friends. 268, Choose matt lipsticks for staying power; apply with a brush[], working colour from outer to inner lip. 269, The trick to that is staying close enough to see their instrument lights. 270, By staying calm, you increase your resistance against any kind of storms. Mehmet Murat ildan 271, The adults would take turns staying awake and fanning those sleeping, but this made little difference. 272, But dude ranching - staying on a working ranch - has other attractions too. 273, Developers are staying tight-lipped about details of the housing scheme until a formal announcement is made. 274, She obviously hadn't expected Jessamy to provide her with an excuse for staying longer at the house. 275, The player's manager will have no objection to whatever it is that is guiding McCoist staying firmly on course this evening. 276, A two night self-drive weekend break from their Winter-Inn programme staying at Les Trois Mousquetaires costs £181 per person high season. 277, He is staying at Seaview Hotel, Princes'Avenue, Briton. 278, He was fed up with people bending his ear about staying on at school. 279, I don't want to impose on you by staying too long. 279, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words. 280, "A cashmere sweater still thrills me," she admits. "It has wonderful staying power; it looks chic and modern.". 281, Jenny's staying in Dublin for a few weeks, but she now lives in Belfast. 282, "Wait a damn minute," Mindy spat. "Nobody said anything about staying overnight.". |
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