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单词 Crick
(1) I got a crick in my neck from painting the ceiling.
(2) He was getting a crick in his neck from leaning out of the window for so long.
(3) He got a crick in the neck from sleeping in an awkward position.
(4) Jim Watson and Francis Crick were the discoverers of DNA.
(5) Crick soon established himself as a scientist of great insight and creativity.
(6) Kitson, Crick and Clarke were all talented individuals who disagreed strongly with the prevailing establishment views in their field.
(7) This theory has been elaborated by Francis Crick and Graeme Mitchison.
(8) If you crick your neck you might spot the odd bald patch, too!
(9) Francis Crick and James Watson made mistakes.
(10) Crick writes to collaborator Dr. Maurice Wilkins and praises the exit of a female collaborator, Dr. Rosalind Franklin.
(11) Crush, crack, crick, crick.
(12) Dairyman Crick was discovered stamping about the house. He had received a letter, in which a customer had complained that the butter had a twang.
(13) In this dastardly sideplot, Crick raced to submit his and Watson's history-changing paper to Nature, in fear that Franklin would leak DNA information when Pauling visited London.
(14) Crick a painful cramp or muscle spasm, as in the back or neck.
(15) Mister Crick works at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California.
(16) MASTER S THESISAbstractFrancis Crick began consciousness research in 1970 s and gained remarkable achivements.
(17) Dairyman Crick, who was there with the rest, his wrapper gleaming miraculously white against a leaden evening sky( ), suddenly looked at his heavy watch.
(18) The Nobel Prize was shared by Francis Crick, James Watson and Maurice Wilkins.
(19) Today, James Watson and Francis Crick are investigating new areas of science.
(20) Crick : What? What? Hey! Hello? What? Why? Why my death? Hello! Excuse me! When? How imminent?
(21) The cortico-thalamic axis of Crick and Koch is too narrow an explanation of complexity to warrant investing on it.
(22) In the fourth part I give comments on Crick ? s theory.
(23) Mister Watson and Mister Crick said nothing about this picture in their famous paper.
(24) Nick Stokes: And I got one from Francis Crick . What's going on, Greg?
(25) In April 1962, three men -- James Watson, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins -- shared the Nobel Prize for their discovery a decade earlier of the structure of DNA.
(26) Supported by a studentship from the Medical Research Council and with some financial help from his family, Crick went to Cambridge and worked at the Strangeways Research Laboratory.
(27) But by cooperating with Maurice Wilkins, a scientist at a rival lab in London, Watson and Crick learned of experimental evidence that enabled them to clinch their discovery.
(28) The discovery brought and fortune to scientists James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Willkins.
(29) It would be a tragedy if the chirk and the crick of this once common creature should no more be heard as a choral accompaniment to spring.
(30) She might have shared the Nobel Prize with Watson, Crick and Wikins.
(1) I got a crick in my neck from painting the ceiling.
(2) He was getting a crick in his neck from leaning out of the window for so long.
(31) This site is moved. Crick here and jump to new address.
(32) On base of scientific experiments Crick presentedhis theory of visual consciousness.
(33) In 1953, Watson and Crick set forth their hypothesis for the double - helical nature of DNA.
(34) James Watson and Francis Crick worked at Cambridge University in England.
(35) She drank a little milk as temporary refreshment - to the surprise - indeed, slight contempt - of Dairyman Crick, to whose mind it had apparently never occurred that milk was good as a beverage.
(36) As Francis Crick and James Watson say, the possibilities are endless.




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