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单词 Axial
1 the change of astigmatic axial.
2 The slow, retrograde axial rotation of Venus is a puzzle to which I shall return in section 4.2.
3 The axial spin of the more massive body M tends to carry the tide ahead of the orbital motion.
4 As the cylinder descends into deeper air, axial stress increases until elastic failure occurs.
5 Seen in comparison with the preceding axial age, the Hellenistic age is tame and conservative.
6 This is because of the rapid axial rotation of Jupiter which yields a powerful Coriolis effect.
7 The axial plane is a surface that divides a fold as symmetrically as possible.
8 This torque will gradually reduce the axial spin rate of M until it too is in synchronous rotation.
9 Therefore their period should be the axial rotation period of the Jovian interior.
10 The defect is axial and circumferential crack and lamination.
11 The axial pump has a broad scope in futu.
12 Hydrostatic bearing can solve the equilibrium problem of axial force of multistage centrifugal pump satisfactorily.
13 Figure 2: T2-weighted axial image once again demonstrates a large, heterogeneous lesion located in the ethmoidal sinus (arrow). The lesion is predominately isointense to grey matter.
14 Occurs when the Edition axis axial movement , the substrate is unstable, color swatch color tag up.
15 Differentiation of"tunior shadow"from"mass shad-ow"on CT scan, Axial scan US direct coronal scan and the phenomeron of delayed decompres5ion of optic chiasm were discussed.
16 Axial motion and misalignment (radial and angular offset) between the encoder shaft and the drive shaft are compensated by the coupling.
17 All constructs had reduced stiffness in axial rotation compared with intact spines.
18 Objective : To explore a new means for axial length measurements when vitreous turbidity in intercurrent cataract.
19 In the axial systems, the phloem consists of sieve cells, phloem parenchyma cells, albuminous cell and phloem fibers. In the radial systems, it consists of phloem rays.
20 The specific trend features mosaics of circular-concentric configuration, whereas the general one features mosaics of relatively complex, strictly axial geometries.
21 Several theories of planetary formation include the possibility of disturbance to axial spins during the late stages of formation of a planet.
22 High above them the constant roof of clouds would merely lighten and darken in a long solar axial period of 116.8 days.
23 Jupiter is therefore appreciably flattened, though this is not surprising in view of its rapid axial rotation.
24 This practice had been retained even though it had been suspected since the late 18th century that our planet's axial rotation was not entirely constant.
25 The inner flow field of modified Perspex impeller of a centrifugal pump was measured by advanced PIV system, and the absolute speed vectorgraph and original data of the axial eddy were acquired.
26 The relation between load and deformation of the spring element is analysed and the calculating methods of constant angle and maximum axial load are set up.
27 The spaces in-between often allow for multiple readings contradicting the axial and hierarchical set up.
28 Capillary electrochromatography; plate height equation; chromatographic process kinetics; radial diffusion; axial diffusion; column efficiency.
29 The conventional compution membrane stress method is more complicated, and it is the key about solve membrane stress that compute axial component of external applied load which was studied.
30 With the intact atlantoaxial ligamentous complex, intralaminar fixation was superior to pars and similar to pedicle instrumentation at limiting axial torsion.
31 At the same time, the historical term "technology" in the prehistorical civilization period, ancient civilization period, the axial period and the era of technology and science is carefully explored.
32 It is difficult to pull out the bolt with ordinary socket wrench that can not provide axial tension because of the bolt drilling hole deformation and the collapse of holes.
33 An axial vector may itself enter into a vector product.
34 The program will design or check concrete columns for axial tension, compression and biaxial moments.
35 Constant radial load (constant axial load center), in the load, the bearing can withstand 1 million transfer theory, the basic rating life.
36 There are so many kinds of fans, such as axial flow fan, centrifugal fan and high pressure fan.
37 Measurements included cycloplegic refraction , biometric axial length and optic disc stereo - photographs.
38 The axial skeleton of mutant embryos shows abnormal vertebral fusions in cervical, lumbar and caudal regions.
39 A method of rotation-photograph was suggested by which the Kinoform with axial rotating symmetry was made up, and experimental results of the spherical Kinoform was presented.
40 With increasing riser height, the average solid holdup at various axial locations of the riser decreases and becomes more uniformly distributed along the riser height.
41 Intercrossed dynamic characteristics related to the axis are not equal to zero, which illustrates that the axial of radial-thrust hybrid bearing has a relationship with the radial of it.
42 In 60 intracranial hypertension patients, 21 cases(35%) displayed superior ophthalmic vein in double axial layers continuously and 8 cases(13.3%) showed tortuosity of superior ophthalmic vein.
43 The equations for magnetic-force pump magnet steel axial direction length, circumferential length, and radial thickness were developed after the analyses of the experiment results.
44 The influence of structure axial vibration on the internal ballistics of solid rocket motor was investigated.
45 Higher lateral deformation and Poisson's ratio as well as negative volumetric strain can be reached for higher pore pressure even though axial strain of specimen is lower.
46 An axial symmetrical model is set up for the sealing structure of the platea columniform dewar.
47 The optimization model of fiber dimension of membrane bioreactor is presented by selecting the axial flux distribution coefficient and energy consumption product as objective functions.
48 The axial stress in them produces a clamping force equal to the product of the proof-load stress, reduced by a design factor, and the core area of the bolt or screw.
49 According to experiences in final assembly, factory test and performance test, some adjustment methods are summarized for the axial clearance of single-row tapered roller bearing.
50 When the radial component of the vapour velocity and the axial variation of the vapour temperature were neglected, the error of the sonic limit is within 10 per cent.
51 The model about performance analysis of seal which is 3D is put forward on the basis of lucubration, and hydrokinetics model of static axial symmetry is established.
52 The maximum force increases with the coil axial length increase, given the fixed coil diameters. The acceleration of armature reaches its maximum when the axial length of coils is short is short.
53 A Z - axial moving cylinder is vertically arranged in front of the clamp.
54 February 12, New York - Washington co - axial cable circuits opened for television transmission on an experimental basis.
55 Axial flow type . A standard agitator in low viscosity . The cycling speed is high.
56 The reasons of unusual axial moving in multistage centrifugal pump were analyzed.
57 The matrix method and axial tracing method were applied in the calculation of the measurement of buildings which had quadrature axes.
58 Key words: lumbar spinal morphology, spinal stenosis, positional MRI, axial load,(http://) dural sac cross - sectional area.
59 The ultrasound scanning ways covering the total axial, circumferential and zone of drill tube were researched.
60 Acepting axial inletpulp, the device is suitable for long fiber wood pulp, high consistency pulp.
61 Those that are aligned perpendicular to the plane are called axial hydrogens.
62 Figure 1 and Figure 2: Axial T2 weighted images demonstrate diffuse high signal throughout the supratentorial white matter involving the centrum semiovale and corona radiata.
63 The methods are suggested to determine the tensile steps and the tensile forces of prestressed strands for decreasing the secondary bending moment along the axial of the penstock.
64 Two - way ventilation axial fans high temperature, ventilation and other ancillary products.
65 Figure 1: Axial non contrast CT demonstrates symmetric low attenuation in the temporal-parietal white matter. Note involvement of the splenium of the corpus callosum (red arrows).
66 The central frequency of the filter is adjusted by changing the voltage applied on the Wheatstone bridge, which can change the average temperature and axial strain of the bridge.
67 Axial velocity presents a saddle-shaped distribution, and with a good axial symmetry except the inlet position. Radial velocity is less an order of magnitude with a non-axisymmetric distribution.
68 The in-out axis represents on the same axial line or on the same axis parallel line, so the new type mill is central drive.
69 The volume flow amount is also calculated. The dimension variation law for rolling flange ring and the volume distribution law for its rolling blank are derived from the axial volume flow.
70 Moreover, a gear pair with curvilinear - tooth traces operates without axial thrust force.
71 Using magnetic fluid dynamics and thermodynamics theory, a study on the results of axial bearing pressure ability of rotation axis magnetic fluid static seals was introduced.
72 Minisize axial flow blood pump is the focus on the structure study of artificial heart recently. Being driven via outside magnetic field is a new driving method on blood pump.
73 Polar vectors and axial vectors are distinguished by their inversion properties.
74 An error correction method for three axial fluxgate sensor based on support vector regression(SVR)is proposed.
75 The contributing factors of loading on pilot bearing of a large, vertical, axial flow pump were investigated and a calculating method of the loading was developed.
76 This paper has introduced the method of manufacturing rotating blade in Meridionally accelerated axial flow fan.
77 Firstly, the testing principle with axial precompression stress is re-examined based on one-dimensional wave theory.
78 The stability of a four-span simply-supported plate-type beam in an axial viscous flow was studied. The coupling effect of fluid-structure was considered based on viscous fluid theory.
79 Then, the distribution of frictional resistance and axial force along the Bolt length are discussed by different kin detail on the base of the obtained analytical solution.
80 The oscilloscope bandwidth set at 20 MHz with co - axial probe.
81 An axial type fan with a capacity of at least 71 m3/min (2500CFM) must be used to circulate the fumigant.
82 ECG - gated axial 3 D VRT image reconstructions were performed at 20 % ~80 % R - R intervals.
83 The results of the axial wake at the propeller plane showed that the calculation method is reasonable.
84 According to the experimental results for axial feed grinding of steel 55 with CBN grinding wheel, validates and analyses the grinding force model of profile grinding with axial feed.
85 For the dynamic behaviour of piles, a beam-column element was used for considering the axial force-dependency as well as the volume effect.
86 Made some researches about internal flow of contra-rotating axial flow fan under low flow rate, blade separator was designed to control internal flow and was proved effective by experimentation.
87 Angular contact ball bearings are able to support radial load and axial load.
88 Axisymmetrical bifurcation buckling of multilayer composite circular cylindrical shells under axial compression is discussed.
89 Results show that the compression resistance(), axial compression resistance and cleavage strength of CHTHSC are higher than those of the other two kinds of concrete.
90 The internal stress is consisting of circumferential stress and axial stress, from which the compound stress of the weld seam is derived.
91 Reacting gases flow radially across the porous ceria cylinder, while products from the reaction exit the cavity through an axial outlet port.
92 Taper roller bearings of the series 313 are particularly adequate due to their comparatively large contact angle (approximate 30 deg), when high axial forces are to be considered.
93 A fault movement can be resolved into an axial component (parallel to the pipe axis ) , a lateral component (perpendicular to the pipe axis) in the horizontal plane and a vertical component.
94 If the axial plane of a fold is essentially horizontal. Then we call it recumbent fold.
95 The construction and the operating principle of the axial split phase hybrid type permanent magnet stepper motor are analyzed.
96 Results: The FJ play an important role in load transmission; they provide a posterior load-bearing helper, stabilizing the motion segment in flexion and extension and also restricting axial rotation.
97 Analysis indicates that the axial chromatic aberration evaluation function of the GRIN rod is approximately 0.6~0.7 %.
98 Efficacy measures include axial length, keratometric power and mean absolute refractive error.
99 The method reduces the noise caused by discrete phase on reconstructing imago. This method can apply to either spherical or aspherical kind of Kinoform with axial rotating symmetry.
100 An axial suspending control strategy of magnetic suspending switched reluctance motor was proposed.
101 PROPERTIES : With axial resin canals. bark: Black, coarse and scaly when trees young.
102 The Machinery Factory is specialized in the production of Heading Machine, Thread Rolling Machine, Nail Making Machine, Slotting Machine, End Cutting Machine and Axial Machinery for toys.
103 Ten small sized concrete block walls are tested under cyclic revers load, in order to investigate the functions of the inner columns and the axial load on the seismic behavior of these walls.
104 The tank location for these vehicles is chosen for optimum airframe design for axial loads.
105 All subjects were examined with sagittal T 2 and axial T 1 - weighted spin - echo images.
106 When the fault displacement is same, the maximum axial compressive strain of the buried pipeline with different crossing angle is very close.
107 Axial flow fan is the main ventilation device presently. This paper introduces the application of axial flow fan, settles saving energy problem and air regulation problem.
108 The wave-guide equation of the liquid-filled pipe is deduced by adopting the axial displacement as basic variable.
109 This paper build an one dimensional axial propagating model for Helmholtz resonator, and the noise eliminating mechanism has been revealed.
110 Firstly, in accordance with the materials of the vertical static load test of the single pile, the author analyses the laws of the axial force, lateral friction and end resistance of the piles.
111 During adjustments, axial play of large and small bevel gears will make tooth clearance and tooth flank imprints have changes.
112 It advances that the value of the axial deviation angle is looked on as the value of the norms which evaluate the level of the tire wearing, and it calculates and analyzes a steering mechanism.
113 The simulation indicated that the polarization axial ratio and antenna gain pattern of this antenna are good for "BD-1" signal and GPS signal.
114 To explore a new means for axial eye length measurements when vitreous turbidity in intercurrent cataract.
115 The cyclo- hoop effect which steel tubular has exert to the concrete shows the character of heterogeneous in the arch rib section, the same to the axial direction .
116 Besides, the eccentricity magnifying coefficient and the axial load limit for steel reinforced concrete column were also introduced.
117 We would like to make a brief review of the principle of computerized axial tomography.
118 The stress distribution is radius parameter quadratic function for transverse isotropy material. Along the cylinder axial line,(Sentence dictionary) circumference and radial stresses were maximum and equal to each other.
119 One of the cool things to eavesdrop on might be an undersea volcano called the Axial Seamount.
120 The barrel (20) is supported on means such as a trestle (11) which has roller bearings (15) to facilitate free axial rotation of the barrel.
121 The theory and method of simulating axial symmetry field resistance net - work are introduced in this paper.
122 Axial radiographs can demonstrate the presence of trochlear dysplasia, patellar tilt or subluxation, and the extent of patellofemoral arthritis.
123 We study the influence on the self-bias -tuning capacitor curve made by the axial place of substrate.
124 The pump adopts a pump body structure with axial return of liquid.
125 It discusses the effects of using impeller sealing ring to regulate axial force of turbo pump.
126 Based on nonlinear relationship of the axial load and displacement of angular contact ball bearing, the experiments to load on coupled bearings are done.
127 Objective. To investigate the effect of body position and axial load of the lumbar spine on disc height, lumbar lordosis , and dural sac cross-sectional area (DCSA).
128 The treatment can be used to describe the effect of cross angle and density ratio on the axial velocity decay in fully developed jet flow.
129 The shear strength of CFST columns was correlated to the axial force ratio and the shear-span ratio.
130 The criterion of energy transformation and conservation are used to derive the supplementary restraint condition of buckling deformation at the front of axial compression wave.
131 The simulation results show that this method can reduce maximal axial stress by more than 5%, and it observably improves stress distribution.
132 The micro-plasma spraying gun adopted unique passage and spraying nozzle structure and center axial to be sent the powder method.
133 The chaotic motion problem for the Longitudinal vibration of a nonlinear viscoelastic pile subjected to an axial periodic force is investigated.
134 Therefore, the deteriorated insulator and its position can be detected by analyzing the space axial electric field change of insulator string directly.
135 How many radial ( axial ) clearance are there in this bush ( journal bearing, thrust bearing )?
136 The design method of new axial flow impeller of RAF profile is developed.
137 The axial velocity and stagnation point offset of two opposed jets coming from two asymmetric nozzles oppositely located with large separation distance were studied by using hot-wire anemometry (HWA).
138 Parametric studies show that the axial elastic modulus of the composites increases with increasing the linear density ratio of axial yarn to braider yarns and pitch length.
139 In the process of tube hydro forming, the tube changes its shape under combined internal pressure and axial compressive load.
140 An artificial compressibility approach was applied for the numerical simulation of the turbulent flow field in an axial cascade with tip clearance.
141 Introduces the developments of Water Hydraulic transmission and Water Hydraulic Axial Piston Pump ( Motor ).
142 Objective : To investigate the relations between central cornea thickness ( CCT ) , central cornea diopter and axial in myopia.
143 Materials and methods: 5 cases of aspergillar sinusitis confirmed by surgery and pathology were examined by CT with axial and coronal position.
144 The domestic and foreign measurements of lubricating film of the slipper-pair in axial piston pumps were compared, and they were classified by where the displacement transducer can be installed.
145 Before surgical intervention, the differential diagnosis was found with difficulty by imaging studies, such as ultrasonography, computerized axial tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
146 The soft-stiff rings of the experimental box are used to ensure axial softness and radial stiffness; the veridical experiments simulate better the one-dimensional plane strain motion.
147 For a complanate parallel chords truss,(http:///axial.html) the axial forces of a member can be solved by the shear-diagram and two simple expressions.
148 With same circular radiating antenna, same center frequency pulse, the analytical and numerical results of axial energy of several typical waveform pulse are offered by electromagnetic theory.
149 When the pump cylinder could not be filled with enough liquid, the liquid shock will occur, and the liquid shock load will make the down stroke axial load of the plunger increase.
150 Flow motion in space of the vortex tube is superposed to free vortex of inlet plane, sink and the constant axial velocity by means of hodograph transformation and superposition theory.
151 An axial electron pair meets at right angles with 3 neighboring pairs.
152 SV-wave displacement is an axial vector, and its direction changes with the change of coordinate system.
153 CBM sealed condition is bad under neutral plane at axial part where shows tensile stress in syncline structure.
154 In this method, interpolation is used to get the axial force at the analysis site,(http:///axial.html) then put the force into the correction formula to get the corrected moment of the deflective girder.
155 On axial HRCT, the palatovaginal canal was located behind of the pterygopalatine fossa and medial of the front part of pterygoid canal, showing narrow cone shaped.
156 In this range of air-water ratio the flow rate of mixture slightly decreased, the axial power increased linearly and the pump efficiency increased parabolically with a rise in effective head.
157 In addition, our factory also provides steel plate casing axial flow fan motors, YS , YU, YC and YY series energy-saving fractional horsepower motors Specialpurpose motors can be customized.
158 The effect of initial deflection on the first frequency increased with either the length of drill stem or the axial compressive force on the drill stem increases.
159 We test gear teeth runout with various of gear dia and axial direction runout tester.
160 Subjected to high axial compressive load and internal pressure, the stiffened waffle cylindrical tankage forms part of the primary structure of missiles and launch vehicles.




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