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单词 tick
释义  Related topics: Educationtick1 /tɪk/ ●●○ verb  1  [intransitive] (also tick away)SOUND if a clock or watch ticks, it makes a short repeated sound 〔钟表〕发出嘀嗒声 The old clock ticked noisily. 那只古老的钟大声地嘀嗒着。2  [transitive] British EnglishSECORRECT to mark a test, list of questions etc with a tick, in order to show that something is correct, to choose something etc 给〔试卷、问题等〕打钩号 SYN American English check Tick the description that best fits you. 给最符合你的描述打钩。 Just tick the box on your order form. 就在你订单的方框内打钩。3  what makes somebody tick informalCHARACTER/PERSONALITY the thoughts, feelings, opinions etc that give someone their character or make them behave in a particular way 形成某人性格[影响某人行为]的思想[情感,见解] I’ve never really understood what makes her tick. 我一直没搞清楚她为何会是这样一个人。4. tick all the right boxes informal if something ticks all the right boxes, it does everything that you wanted it to do or is everything you wanted it to be 事情发展如人所愿,一切顺利5 tick away/by/past phrasal verb PASS/TIME PASSINGif time ticks away, by, or past, it passes, especially when you are waiting for something to happen 〔尤指等待某事发生时〕时光在流逝,时间一点一点地过去 We need a decision – time’s ticking away. 我们需要作出决定——时间正在一分一秒地过去。 The minutes ticked past and still she didn’t call. 时间一分一秒地过去,她仍未打电话来。6 tick somebody/something ↔ off phrasal verb a) TELL somebody OFF British English informal to tell someone angrily that you are annoyed with them or disapprove of them 责备,怒斥〔某人〕 Mrs Watts will tick you off if you’re late again. 要是你再迟到,沃茨太太要骂你了。b) LIST British English to mark the things on a list with a tick to show that they have been dealt with, chosen etc 给…打钩号〔表明已作处理、选择等〕 SYN American English check off As you finish each task, tick it off. 每完成一项任务,就打一个钩。 Have you ticked off Kate’s name on the list? 你在名单里凯特的名字上打钩了吗?c) ANNOY American English informal to annoy someone 使生气,激怒 Her attitude is really ticking me off. 她的态度真让我光火。d) American English to tell someone a list of things, especially when you touch a different finger as you say each thing on the list 〔扳着手指〕报出,列举〔项目〕 Carville began ticking off points on his fingers. 卡维尔开始扳着手指一一列举。7 tick over phrasal verb British English a) TTCif an engine ticks over, it works while the vehicle is not moving 〔引擎〕空转 Mark left the engine ticking over and went back inside. 马克让引擎空转着,又回到了屋里。b) CONTINUE/NOT STOPif a system, business etc ticks over, it continues working but without producing very much or without much happening 〔某一系统、公司等〕进展迟滞地缓慢运作 The business is just about ticking over. 公司勉强经营着。 Jane will keep things ticking over while I’m away. 我不在的时候将由简来维持。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustick• A strong interest in people and what makes them tick.• Try to figure out what makes him tick.• His mind noted this fact among others, ticking efficiently on like a water-clock.• I find it impossible to sleep if there's a clock ticking in the room.• But the clock was ticking loudly.• He ticked off those he had just interviewed and wondered which of the rest ought to take up his time and attention.• Even as the trajectory of his thought kept rising in the early seventies, the clock was ticking on his pet project.• As usual, there was a bomb ticking somewhere and James Bond had to find it.• Usually when you wonder what makes people tick you speculate about such things as their motives, attitudes and feelings.tick ... box• They only have to tick the boxes.• Could I tick the box in my bird book?• To take advantage of this extra bonus offer, simply tick the box on your order form.• Please tick the box which best expresses your opinion.Related topics: Education, Insectstick2 noun  1  [countable]SE British English a mark (✓) written next to an answer, something on a list etc, to show that it is correct or has been dealt with 〔在答案旁边或名单上标明正确或已经处理的〕钩号〔√〕 SYN check American English Put a tick in the box if you agree with this statement. 如果你同意这种说法,就在方框内打一个钩。 → cross22. [countable]HBI a very small animal like an insect that lives under the skin of other animals and sucks their blood 〔动物身上的〕蜱,壁虱3. [singular]SOUND the short repeated sound that a clock or watch makes every second 〔钟表发出的〕嘀嗒声4  [countable] British English spoken SHORT TIME a very short time 一瞬间,一刹那 SYN moment I’ll be with you in a tick (=soon). 我马上就来。 It’ll only take two ticks. 只要一会儿。5. on tick British English old-fashioned informalBORROW if you buy something on tick, you arrange to take it now and pay later 赊购,赊账 SYN creditExamples from the Corpustick• Most of the questions may be answered with a tick.• The car made cooling, metallic ticks sitting there, giving off heat as I passed it.• Did you find any more ticks on him you know this is tick season, Mom.• Do the pages of ticks mean that Fred is a genius or that the work was set at too low a standard?• No sound except the tick from the watch on Suzy's wrist.• Jeremy waited anxiously, listening to the ticking of the clock on the wall.• The tick of the Edwardian wall-clock bounced from wall to wall.Put ... tick• Paul puts a tick next to Keith's name.• Put a tick in the column that applies to you. 1.• Sometimes Paul puts a tick next to Keith's name, and then Keith remembers a meeting or changes his mind or something.• Every time he had a tantrum she put a tick in the appropriate square.From Longman Business Dictionaryticktick1 /tɪk/ noun [countable]1a mark that you put next to an answer to show that it is correct or against an item on a list to show that you have dealt with itSYN AmE checkPut a tick in the column that applies to you.2on tick British English informalCOMMERCE if you get something on tick, you arrange to take it now and pay for it later3FINANCE an occasion when the price of a share, bond etc moves up or downHe had the trades done near the close of the trading day on either a plus tick (=a price higher than the previous trade) or a zero-plus tick (=an unchanged price following upward price movement).4FINANCE in interest rates, bond prices etc one hundredth of one per centThe price of the December Eurodollar future quickly rose four ticks, from 94.15 to 94.19.ticktick2 verb [transitive] to make a mark next to an answer or something on a list to show that it is correct or has been dealt withSYNcheck AmEWhich of the following features do you feel are important when choosing a bed? (Please tick all that apply). → tick over→ See Verb tableOrigin tick1 1. (1200-1300) Origin unknown. 2. Old English ticiatick1 verbtick2 nounChinese  ticks, makes it Business Corpus a or if watch clock




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