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单词 Hubble
1. The Hubble Telescope has allowed astronomers to make significant discoveries about our galaxy.
2. Four years ago Hubble space telescope scientists tried looking not at light but at dark.
3. The Hubble already has helped fuel a raging controversy over the true age of the universe.
4. In the 1920s Edwin Hubble observed that distant galaxies look redder than nearby ones.
5. Louis, Mo.-based firm Hubble and Co., which designed and constructed the building.
6. The Hubble space telescope takes clearer pictures of stars than earthbound telescopes.
7. Herschel started life as a professional musician, Hubble embarked upon the legal profession.
8. Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have taken a picture that gives the farthest view ever into the depths of the cosmos.
9. He said he was particularly impressed that the Hubble pictures are organized by year and that each image has a caption.
10. But the general observational procedures laid down by Hubble have been followed by his successors to this day.
11. By next Tuesday, Hubble should have two new scientific instruments and replacements for its failing hardware.
12. Hubble was forced, therefore, to use indirect methods to measure the distances.
13. Let's stick with Edwin Hubble for a second.
14. This scientific rule is called " Hubble Law. "
15. When and by whom was the Hubble telescope launched?
16. This NASA Hubble Space Telescope image of the Trifid Nebula reveals a stellar nursery being torn apart by radiation from a nearby, massive star.
17. A recent NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope close-up image of part of NGC 7023, or the Iris Nebula, shows that the area is clogged with cosmic dust.http:///hubble.html
18. Named for Edwin Hubble, it was built under NASA supervision and deployed on a 1990 space-shuttle mission.
19. Seen so clearly in this sharp Hubble Space Telescope image, the truly cosmic eye is over half a light-year across.
20. Edwin Hubble was the first person to use the Hale Telescope.
21. However, twelve years later, Edwin Hubble showed that universe was not static, but expanding in space.
22. American astronomer Edwin Hubble first developed a classification system in the 1930s, known as the Hubble Sequence, which divides galaxies into two main types: spirals, and ellipticals.
23. The Hubble, when it was launched, represented an increasing in capability of other telescopes on the ground by a factor of ten.
24. It is now well known that distant galaxies are probably about 10 times farther away than Hubble inferred.
25. Theorists, including Albert Einstein, had been analyzing the dynamics of an expanding universe even before Edwin Hubble observed it in 1929.
26. This composite image of the Crab Nebula combines a Chandra X-ray image in light blue with the Spitzer Space Telescope infrared image in red and Hubble Space Telescope’s optical image.
27. The Virgo Cluster distance has been used to give an important determination of the Hubble Constant and the scale of the Universe.
28. JIM TEDDER: Nancy Grace Roman was the space agency's first chief of astronomy. She led the effort that led to the creation of the Hubble Space Telescope.
29. This stunning cosmic portrait is a composite of space and ground-based image data from the Hubble Legacy Archive and the 8.2 meter Subaru Telescope at the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii.
30. But the curvature of space does create phenomena that we can observe with the best telescopes on Earth, and naturally with the sharp-sighted Hubble.
31. When the gyroscopes give out altogether , Hubble will shut itself down but will remain salvageable.
32. Right from the start there was trouble with the Hubble.
33. In this image, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, new stars can been seen inside fingerlike protrusions extending from the top of the nebula.
34. ED WEILER: "The Hubble, when it was launched, represented an increase in capability of other telescopes on the ground by a factor of ten.
35. Hubble watched the night sky with instruments at the university's Yerkes Observatory.
36. In 1994, a researcher was smuggled one top-secret photo the Hubble Space Telescope had taken of what is presumed to be Heaven.
37. The Hubble Space Telescope began its outer-space adventures in April 1990, but by the early 2000s its batteries were drained and its sensors weren't, well, sensing.
38. A Hubble constant of is obtained fromobservati 0 ns of a distant Type II SN 1992 am.
39. How much did it cost to launch the Hubble telescope into space?
40. They used a giant armlike device to yank the Hubble out of its orbit and place it in the Atlantis' cargo bay.
41. It indicates that the Hubble constant is large – and therein lies a big problem.
42. The astronauts — fresh off successful repairs of the Hubble Space Telescope's sophisticated instruments — had been warned for days that the weather outlook was grim, and the forecasts proved true.
43. Edwin Hubble discovered that distant galaxies are moving away from us.
44. Then, a decade or so later, Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding after all.
45. Sheppard, Jewitt's former graduate student, recently became a Hubble postdoctoral fellow in the department of terrestrial magnetism at the Carnegie Institution of Washington.
46. Green shows optical data from the Hubble Space Telescope, and blue at the galaxy's core represents radio data from the Very Large Array in New Mexico.
47. By measuring the optical spectra of distant galaxies, Edwin Hubble noted that the velocity at which a galaxy moves away from the Earth increases proportionally to its distance from the Earth.
48. Hence it is proposed that the temperature and the density of electrons in a rich cluster and the Hubble constant H0 may be determined from the observations of the IR-background distortion.
49. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope caught Jupiter's moon, Ganymede, seemingly playing a game of peek-a-boo in this image from April 2007.
50. For more information visit the Spitzer or Hubble Space Telescope websites.
51. In 1990, large space telescope such as Hubble telescope on the history of chronometer.
52. The Hubble Space Telescope paved the way for new advances in astronomy.
53. Dr. J. : Thanks for the past twenty years, Hubble, and here's to many more.
54. The discovery was made using several telescopes, including NASA's Spitzer and Hubble space telescopes and the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope and Subaru Telescope in Hawaii.
55. Hubble observations of nearby stars show that a number of them have Kuiper Belt-like disks of icy debris encircling them.
56. The Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the universe.
57. H0 is the Hubble constant, or parameter that indicates the rate at which the universe is expanding; and distance is the galaxy's distance from the one with which it's being compared.
58. Now, the Shuttle has reached Hubble and astronauts have set to work.
59. This outburst appears to have created the Homunculus Nebula, pictured above in a composite image from the Hubble Space Telescope taken last decade.
60. Then, in 1929, Edwin Hubble published his observations showing that the universe is expanding.
61. Ever since astrophotography got its start in the late 1800's the two nebulae have been photographed. The Hubble Space Telescope has captured some spectacular images.
62. Edwin Hubble changed our ideas about the universe and how it developed.
63. The Hubble Space Telescope14) began its outer-space adventures in April 1990, but by the early 2000s its batteries were drained and its sensors weren't sensing.
64. The Hubble Deep Field (HDF) is an image of a small region in the constellation Ursa Major, based on the results of a series of observations by the Hubble Space Telescope.
65. Hubble has trained its new camera on the atmospheric disturbance on Jupiter believed to have been caused by a comet or asteroid impact.
66. The stellar EGGS are found in the "Eagle Nebula" (also called M16 -- the 16th object in Charles Messier's 18th century catalog of "fuzzy" permanent objects in the sky) in this hubble photo.
67. Combining the Hubble constant measurement with estimates for the density of the universe, the team determined that the universe is approximately 12 billion years old - similar to the oldest stars.
68. This NASA Hubble Space Telescope image shows Mars in 2005.
69. The telescope, which is perched on the summit of Mauna Kea, a volcanic island in Hawaii, picked up signs of methane in the planet's atmosphere that could not be seen by either Hubble or Spitzer.
70. The formula for this is pretty tried and tested, unfortunately it relies on one of sciences only variable constant, the Hubble Constant.
71. Bright, young stars spangle a region of the Eagle nebula in a new picture from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope released Monday.
72. It's named after Edwin Hubble, a pioneering American astronomer who furthered our understanding of other galaxies and demonstrated that the universe is continually expanding.
73. Before Hubble was launched in 1990, the estimates of the Hubble constant varied by a factor of two.
74. In 1990, the first space-based optical telescope, the Hubble Space Telescope, was launched, providing the deepest, most detailed visible-light view of the universe.
75. This became known as Hubble law, and would help establish that the known universe is expanding.
76. Measuring the Hubble constant was one of the three major goals for NASA's Hubble Space Telescope before it was launched in 1990.
77. Implications of the Hubble Law and Hubble Diagram are discussed.
77. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
78. Equipment problems penultimate space walk to repair the aging Hubble telescope.
79. They first saw it in a Hubble photo taken on June twenty-eighth.
80. Edwin P. Hubble is one of the greatest astronomers of all time.
81. An image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope gives the clearest view ever of the Quintuplet star cluster.
82. Dr. J. : It is a real honour to be able to celebrate my dear friend, Hubble.
83. Dr. J. : Astronomers have used Hubble to observe cepheids and to pin down their distances much more accurately.
84. The Hubble images provide further evidence that the undisturbed galaxies are enshrouded by a "cushion" of dark matter, which protects them from their rough-and-tumble neighbourhood.
85. The most widely accepted value for the Hubble constant right now is 72 kilometers per second per megaparsec, obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope.
86. The great Andromeda Galaxy owes a bit of its beauty to a dalliance with another galaxy billions of years ago, according to new data gathered with NASA's orbiting Hubble Space Telescope.
87. More prosaically , Hubble will receive new protective blankets, gyroscopes and batteries, a unit that transmits data to Earth will be replaced, and two existing instruments will be repaired.
88. The Mice galaxies, named after their distinct rodent-like tails, were captured in stunning detail by the Hubble Space Telescope's new Advanced Camera for Surveys.
89. Earlier, astronomer George Ellery Hale had offered Hubble a position at the Mount Wilson Observatory in southern California.
90. Pseudo-time travel like this happens every day, with pictures taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, the mammoth Keck telescopes in Hawaii and the Chandra X-ray Observatory satellite to name just a few.
91. The Hubble Space Telescope has taken photos of the Helix Nebula.
92. Among the mesmerizing images the Hubble has captured are these "elephant trunks, " towering columns of interstellar gas photographed in the Serpens constellation, 6, 500 light-years from Earth.
93. The shuttle Endeavour will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble.
94. This new image taken with NASA's Hubble Space Telescope depicts bright, blue, newly formed stars that are blowing a cavity in the center of a star-forming region in the Small Magellanic Cloud.
95. The wispy pink and yellow cloud in the new Hubble photo, which scientists released Tuesday, is made of mostly hydrogen gas heated by fierce ultraviolet radiation from the new stars at its heart.
96. Hubble Marks Dr. J. : In November 2001, Hubble made the first direct detection of the atmosphere of a planet orbiting another star.
97. But nobody was ever sent to prison for espousing the wrong value for the Hubble constant. There is always room for more data to argue over.
98. Other Hubble images have helped scientists better estimate the age of the universe and shed light on a mysterious antigravity force called "dark energy."
99. Worship on bended knees appeals, the hubble - bubble of my scald was defeated, how half A?
100. The freeboard of network economy period make, unreal changes the hubble - bubble that gives countless dimly discernible.
101. Edwin Hubble observed that all galaxies except the closest ones to us — which are those in our local group of galaxies — are moving away.
102. He started out as an aerospace engineer at TRW, developing technology for NASA projects like the James Webb Space Telescope, the replacement to Hubble, which is scheduled to launch in 2013.
103. Hubble left the Mount Wilson Observatory during World War Two.
104. I remember Mrs. Hubble as a little curly sharp - edged person in skyblue.
105. Although lost a few chances, but final with hubble - bubble net amalgamative also make him very satisfactory.
106. In his first observations from Mount Wilson, Hubble used a telescope with a mirror one hundred fifty-two centimeters across.
107. At the estimated distance of the Small Magellanic Cloud, the picture spans about 200 light-years, but a tantalizing assortment of background galaxies are also visible in the sharp Hubble view .
108. In October 2003 Hubble trained its razor-sharp eye on one of the universe's most photogenic galaxies, the Sombrero galaxy, Messier 104 (M104).
109. The team's precise measurements are the key to learning about the expansion rate of the universe, called the Hubble constant.
110. For the measured value of the Hubble constant, this distance is about 14 billion light - years .
111. Edwin Powell Hubble was born in 1889 in Marshfield , Missouri.
111. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
112. The image includes X-ray data from Chandra (colored purple), optical and ultraviolet (UV) data from Hubble (red and orange), and radio emission from the Very Large Array (VLA) and MERLIN (blue).
113. Edwin Hubble was about to make astronomy's greatest breakthrough of the century.
114. Today, Richard Rael and Tony Riggs tell the story of American astronomer Edwin Hubble.
115. Once its life is over the Hubble may be retrieved from space, or guided to a final splashdown in the ocean.




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