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单词 Worry over
(1) She always worries over her husband's health.
(2) There's no point in worrying over things you can't change.
(3) There's no point worrying over such trifles.
(4) They will not have worries over money.
(5) Don't worry over these little things.
(6) Dad worries over the slightest thing.
(7) Recent worries over the president's health have prompted speculation over his political future.
(8) All that needless worrying over what I'd say to him at the party, and he wasn't even there!
(9) Share prices and trading have been dulled by worries over the war.
(10) The launch was delayed because of worries over protestors.
(11) He worried over the pace of his build-up, which he knew should be quickened though resources for this were severely limited.
(12) The poor mother was sick with worry over her missing daughter.
(13) Worries over the economy have kept attendance flat at California's theme parks.
(14) He worried over it for a few seconds before he pinpointed the cause.
(15) Worries over consumer spending if interest rates rise sent Kingfisher down 21p to 459p and Dixons 27p to 190p.
(16) The two leaders had been doing most of the talking, thinking, and worrying over two long days of intensive negotiations.
(17) The rising unemployment rate was balm to Wall Street, which always worries over any hints of possible inflation.
(18) He stopped worrying over the troubling knowledge which he could not quite remember.
(19) Intel Corp is reportedly getting worried over the resources of its traditional vendors to weather market upheavals.
(20) Armstrong also expressed his worry over the inconsistency between benzene-diazo-chloride and benzene-azo-benzene, both with two nitrogen atoms.
(21) Do not worry over me, I am all right.
(22) Do not worry over being quite blunt and honest with them.
(23) No speedo, no power-meter, no worry over how many watts I'm producing.
(24) The repeated emergence of conservatism reflects Chinese intellectuals' worry over modernness.
(25) He's in an agony of worry over the baby, and he feels she let him down.
(26) There is no call for you to worry over his affairs.
(27) There is no need to worry over such a side - issue.
(28) Robert Reich and James Fallows are two of the best writers who worry over the new class division in the country.
(29) Tangled as all his matters were, he did not worry over that.
(30) Still, twenty-nine-year-old blogger and journalist Haythem el Mekki says much of the worry over Islam is fueled by the West.
(31) In more - recent discussions, their worry over Chinese competition seems to have subsided.
(32) He was sick to his soul with this worry over Berenice.
(33) Worry over his job and his wife's health put him under a great stress.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:27:48