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单词 expulsion
释义  ex·pul·sion /ɪkˈspʌlʃən/ noun [countable, uncountable]  1  FORCE somebody TO DO somethingthe act of forcing someone to leave a place 驱逐,赶走 → expelexpulsion of the expulsion of the protesters 驱逐抗议者expulsion from his expulsion from the Soviet Union in 1964 1964年他被苏联驱逐出境2  LEAVE A JOB OR ORGANIZATIONLEAVE A SCHOOL OR COLLEGEthe act of stopping someone from going to the school where they were studying or from being part of the organization where they worked 开除,除名 → expel The headmaster threatened the boys with expulsion. 校长警告这几名男生说要开除他们。expulsion of the expulsion from the party of its former leader 前任领导人被开除出党3. HBHTthe act of forcing air, water, gas etc out of something 〔空气、水、气体等的〕排出 → expelExamples from the Corpusexpulsion• If you did, you risked verbal or physical abuse, derision and expulsion.• Rapid movement in cephalopods is achieved by expulsion of water from a muscular funnel beneath the head.• Deportation orders do not have to state the reasons for expulsion.• Violate the rules, and the price is expulsion.• The latest incident came to light when pupils were overheard discussing the expulsions at the Rising Sun pub in nearby Newbury.• The defeat is the second inflicted on the Government since the expulsion of hereditary peers.• The expulsions seem certain to resume, probably before Christmas.expulsion from• All the students responsible for the prank face expulsion from school.• the expulsion of air from the lungs• the expulsion of rebel forces from the areaFrom Longman Business Dictionaryexpulsionex‧pul‧sion /ɪkˈspʌlʃən/ noun [countable, uncountable] when someone is forced to leave a place or an organizationBankruptcy results in instant expulsion from the group.Companies which seriously breach the code face expulsion from the association.Origin expulsion (1400-1500) Latin expulsio, from expulsus, past participle of expellere; → EXPELex·pul·sion nounChineseSyllable  place a of the Business forcing to Corpus act someone leave




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