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单词 Reich
1. Now this, to Reich, is a new development.
2. Frank Reich, the brilliant professor of economics at Harvard.
3. Reich is a big thinker and a great writer.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
4. The Reich took precautions at Garmisch.
5. Fourthly, the Reich State Secretaries were also appointed ministers without portfolio in the Prussian cabinet.
6. With the departure of Reich, the president loses an important voice. In a sense, he is losing his conscience.
7. By Enabling Laws the Reich stag empowered the government to legislate in the name of the Reich stag.
8. Reich has generated a lot of good publicity for the Clinton administration.
9. Reich tended to ignore the interconnection, but it was an important one for Freud's sociology.
10. More important still for Reich was the fact that his wife and children also suffered from his patriarchal authority.
11. And the administration tactfully distanced itself from Reich when he said any welfare reform ought to include corporate welfare as well.
12. Reich subsidy to the city had now reached its limits and Schacht was in favour of cutting off all further aid.
13. Inside the Reich Rauschning's moral scruples would have appeared foolish, even suicidal.
14. As Reich puts it: The reactionary middle-class man perceives himself in the Fuhrer, in the authoritarian state.
15. With the departure of Reich, the president loses an important voice.
16. For low-skilled or unskilled workers, Reich notes, technology is taking away jobs.
17. Labor Secretary Robert Reich said the report proved that raising the minimum wage does not cost jobs.
18. The Third Reich seems to have been using it as a bank vault.
19. The Reich chapter, by contrast, draws us away from individual heroic figures towards collective creativity.
20. Because of the paralysis of Weimar Reich stags, presidential decrees were rarely in danger of repeal.
21. It is a book that records the fall of the Third Reich.
22. The traditional governing class with deep roots in the landed aristocracy was gradually displaced as the Third Reich consolidated its position.
23. Elbing s shipyards were kept going after the war only as a result of massive subsidy from the Reich.
24. Even though it was against Danzig law, these people were all sent to the Reich, presumably to concentration camps.
25. But his assertion was later rebutted by Robinson and Reich, who said those markings were irrelevant.
26. The internal and external reaction to the experience of the Third Reich had a number of long-term effects.
27. Until, encouraged to repeat the achievement, she chooses as subject: My Town in the Third Reich.
28. The Volksgerichte had long been a thorn in the flesh of the administration of justice in the Reich.
29. When used to sanction official disapproval of the Third Reich, this approach is unlikely to be controversial.
30. A former secretary of labor in the Clinton administration, Reich is a Faustian political economist.
1. It is a book that records the fall of the Third Reich.
31. Unfortunately, Howard Reich, a Chicago music critic, fails to solve the mystery of the pianist's rise and disappearance.
32. As in the Reich, it seems that they had gained votes at the expense of the middle-class Centre Party.
33. The dependence of the Reich Chancellor on coalition support sharply restricted his prerogatives.
34. Robert Reich and James Fallows are two of the best writers who worry over the new class division in the country.
35. I also named Bob Reich labor secretary.
36. But the Third Reich had passed into history.
37. For instance( ), Hitler speaks indiscriminately of the German Reich.
38. These pleasure-seeking bohemians gave Reich pause.
39. Former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich.
40. The last days of the Third Reich had come.
41. The Third Reich hangs over Nuremberglike a bad smell.
42. One day Goering deeply offended Morell by addressing him as " Herr Reich Inje ction Master. ".
43. The German radio blared each night that the Reich had no quarrel with France.
44. The third Reich was expiring, as it had begun , with a shabby lie.
45. Naturally, tailors and tailoring factories also made civilian clothing, and these seven books include pictures and details of all the latest Third Reich fashions and patterns for how to make them.
46. But former Labor Secretary Reich insisted that, when the private sector is lagging, the government should intervene.
47. One can never fully repair the suffering and losses of the Jews in the Third Reich.
48. According to Robert Reich, who served as Labor Secretary during the Clinton administration, America's lackluster economy is easy to explain.
49. But in the spring of 1945 the Third Reich simply ceased to exist.
50. Although Weimar Republic is the first democracy republic in German history, it was replaced by the gloomy and reaction Third Reich after only existing thirteen years.
51. This Obersturmfuhrer of Das reich, probably a Zug commander, sits perched confidently on his tank's cupola.
52. The Third Reich survived the death of its founder by seven days.
53. By that date East and West Prussia were cut off from the Reich.
54. Robert B. Reich is the former secretary of labor, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and the author of "Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future."
55. Did the master builder of the Third Reich, Albert Speer, really not know about the Nazi extermination camps?
56. The Reich Foreign Minister dilated upon the might of his country.
57. But judges concluded that he was a mere Nazi "fellow traveller" who played no active part in committing the crimes of the Third Reich. He was released in 1948.
58. In January 1964, Time magazine declared that "Dr Wilhelm Reich may have been a prophet.
59. But this German desire to return to the nation's military history goes much deeper than just glorifying the Second Reich.
60. The composer Steve Reich won the prize in music, for "Double Sextet."
61. The Supreme Court of the Reich was replaced by peoples'and special courts.
62. In the Clinton administration, Treasury secretary Rubin won: or, at least, labour secretary Reich lost.
63. Reich the types of curium and the content to set up a modern educational system.
64. Nevertheless the Reich Marshal drafted his telegram to Hitler with great care.
65. The price was high. These musicians were charged after the Third Reich collapsed.
66. The budget Clinton ultimately submitted was also the work of liberal activists like Robert Reich, the new secretary of labor, and Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, as well as Gore.
67. But it was Wilhelm Reich who eventually made it clear the utmost importance of the body for the building of the individual's personality.
68. His theater credits include a 2008 stage revival of "Taking Sides," which was paired with his newest play, "Collaboration," about the conduct of composer Richard Strauss during the Third Reich.
69. After a period of brief encounters , Das Reich was refit once again, this time as SS - Panzer - Reich.
70. Das Reich used the Kursk marking for many months after the summer campaign.
71. In the year 911, East Frank's The Last Emperor Carolingian Empire after the death of free people, Frank Kent Conrad I was elected King, Frank East Empire began the transition to the German Reich.
72. He would personally take over the defense of the capital of the Third Reich.
73. This Tiger I of Das Reich dark yellow with red brown and olive green mottling.
74. Berlin, the capital of the Reich, is four times the size of Hamburg.
75. Otto von Bismarck, the father of the Second Reich in continental Europe, would recognize the emerging Pacific system.
76. By utilizing the dynastic and the nationalistic force, Bismark founded the second Deutsches Reich.
77. I had already done the reading about the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich while I was in my sickbed.
78. That was probably an unprecedented request on the part of a Reich minister.
79. There is also a relation to the minimalist music of Steve Reich and also his own interest in repetitive and highly rhythmical chanting.
80. The defendants served as judges during the period of the Third Reich.
81. Fegelein, with Weber's help, had climbed quite high in the Third Reich.
82. Ten compounds and three polysaccharides were exhibited from Lasiosphaera fenzlii Reich.
83. The end came quickly for the Third Reich in the spring of 1945.
84. The Das Reich Division formed part of the order of battle of Army Group Centre at the beginning of Operation Barbarossa.
85. But without Adolf Hitler, there almost certainly would never have been a Third Reich.
86. Messer aus dem Deutschen Reich schneiden mittlerweile ebenso gut wie englische.
87. Enemy troops in overwhelming numbers were converging on the Reich.
88. This painting from 1944 by Adolf Wegener is called The Third Reich.
89. We have made the Reich by propaganda---Paul Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.




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