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单词 Early on
1. A lot of people bunk off early on Friday.
2. He is hoping to retire early on medical grounds.
3. We arose early on Christmas morning.
4. I realized early on I'd never pass the exam.
5. We encountered problems early on in the project.
6. She always skives off early on Fridays.
7. She retired early on account of ill health.
8. Share prices fell early on but rose again late in the day.
9. He was injured early on and didn't last the match.
10. The prime minister was always demanding active intervention early on.
11. He felt the call of the priesthood early on in his life.
12. I like to leave work early on Fridays so I can get a jump on the traffic.
13. I knew early on that I wasn't going to enjoy it.
14. The trees along the streets were planted early on in the season.
15. I knew quite early on that I wanted to marry her.
16. He left the party early on the pretext of having work to do.
17. The company ran into trouble early on, when a major order was cancelled.
18. It's a nuisance having to get up that early on a Sunday morning.
19. He left early on the pretext that he had a bad tootache and had to see the dentist.
20. I arrived at the forge early on Monday afternoon.
21. Armed police raided her house early on Wednesday.
22. We got out of school early on Thursday.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. Her teachers recognized her genius early on.
24. The accident happened early on Tuesday morning.
25. It was realized very early on that interactions involving isotropic stellar winds had serious inherent problems involving energy.
26. I realized early on that the relationship wasn't going to work.
27. I met him very late on Friday night, or rather, early on Saturday morning.
28. Hopes for an early cut in German interest rates lit the market's fuse early on.
29. Bonny Hicks appeared to me to be the paradigmatic example of an autonomous, free-choosing individual who decided early on to construct a lifestyle congenial to her idiosyncratic sense of self-expression.
30. The market square is a riot of colour and animation from early on in the morning.
1. A lot of people bunk off early on Friday.
2. He is hoping to retire early on medical grounds.
31. Massie and the Sensable team realized early on that customers needed a ready-made supply of digital objects.
32. Sadly, we fell behind early on and never really threatened them after that, although we chased them all the way.
33. Because they had been confused and upset early on in the campaign they found it hard to relax and trust us.
34. The West, by contrast, assimilated its own primitive peoples very early on.
35. No one had expected politics to become so fraught so early on in the post-handover political transition.
36. Lynn Bollington scored early on to settle the nerves and two Jo Green goals secured the win.
37. He always set off on his journey early on Monday morning, and returned on Wednesday.
38. Marsden was bowled early on the third morning for 16 so losing the match by an overwhelming innings and 50 runs.
39. Early on, it appeared the Clippers would rout Toronto, taking a 33-17 lead.
40. At a 12-hour meeting that ended early on March 21st, they found a compromise.
41. Early on he makes a general point, one taken up by later writers, that there is a relativity about identity.
42. There were 2 attacks early on, but it takes stronger stuff than this to beat Grimsby.
43. Gloucestershire, unusually, did not bowl well early on when the ball did plenty.
44. Children of scientists learn early on just how relative everything in the universe really is.
45. Early on, studies of the equatorial regions revealed great volcanic mountain systems and several apparent large impact craters.
46. He strolled home by a comfortable margin thanks to some good body work early on.
47. In fact I damn nearly lost early on because I found it hard to concentrate properly on her defence strategy.
48. I do not share the view of Professor Sleight that it is essential to give a beta blocker early on.
49. It is likely that the roles of husband and wife were defined early on in marriage.
50. The rebels raided the tiny mountain town early on Tuesday.
51. A bomb ripped apart the No. 18 bus on Jaffa Street early on a workday morning.
52. Both women were certain early on that they wanted a high-profile career related to politics and set their sights on achieving it.Sentencedict
53. Secure attachments early on in life provide inner resources to manage stressful and threatening situations in later years.
54. Usually the wisest thing to do is to cut your losses early on.
55. The dark fell early on the town of Abdera. As the merchants lit oil lamps,() their familiar booths turned magical.
56. It is perfectly rational for individual banks to want to foreclose early on companies having trouble repaying their loans.
57. Early on they amazed us with their valuable ideas and communication skills.
58. Early on it was a chrome stool and burger joint.
59. The failure to find a vaccine for leprosy led scientists early on to conclude that the disease was hopeless.
60. Canberra will sail again late on June 6, arriving back in Southampton early on June 7.
61. Early on Thursday, Cheney received a second lengthy briefing during the drive from his suburban Virginia home into Washington.
62. Only two dimensions of cost seem to have received any systematic consideration early on - body bag numbers, and money.
63. Early on the ninth night, he tells us, the crucial healing dance began.
64. The name of this caput is usually the same as the whole estate and it is often recorded very early on.
65. In the past he has sought to be aggressive early on to establish his authority at the crease.
66. Sales were hit early on by the Gulf war and profits fell 19 p.c. to £2.8m.
67. We found out early on that we could have no pride of authorship if we wanted the book to work.
68. Sexy young blond women, both committing adultery, turn up as victims early on.
69. I think that drama school stops you playing safe too early on in life and encourages you to take risks.
70. Early on, it sold its 21 percent holding in ATV.
71. Later writers would often have us believe that all the major steps were taken very early on.
72. Dale had beaten Sharpe 4-1 early on in the tournament.
73. Early on he learned - the hard way - that it was the passport to success.
74. Snider beat DeKalb and Warsaw this postseason(), but not without Heffner taking a seat on the bench early on.
75. Like Dudley Williams, Jamison threw in her lot with Alvin early on, at the start of her career.
76. My success as an attorney I chose early on in my career not to measure in fees.
77. Equities trailed Treasurys throughout the session, following bonds higher early on modest optimism about the prospect for a budget accord.
78. One source said that Liberty was asked early on to participate in the Dodger purchase but declined.
79. Early on, Time had decided not to bid against U. S. News for the serialization rights.
80. Early on, Grigsby Brandford was hurt by its small size and racism in the securities industry.
81. Some people began early on to hint that fat was a health risk.
82. Enemy artillery will probably be better than your own[ ], so try to counter it early on.
83. I suppose I was a bit on the short side early on in secondary school.
84. Not that Lily had had great hopes, so early on, of winning over Robert's daughter.
85. Ignorance of the union world was underlined early on by a detailed target list itemizing the amount sought from each union.
86. Early on the following Thursday morning, she grabbed the pale pink copy of the Financial Times from her breakfast tray.
87. Already early on this Saturday morning he and his pupils were beginning to prepare for the banquet in the Imperial kitchens.
88. Geoffrey was up bright and early on Saturday morning, and had everything packed before breakfast.
89. But it is also because girls imbibe early on the idea that education is not for them.
90. Early on in his career he had received a reprimand for that very sin.
91. The blue group took a route through the city, where street battles with police occurred fairly early on.
92. Winnicott was of slight and spare build, with an angular expressive face that was from early on deeply lined.
93. When we are defined early on in our lives as bad and worthless we may become addicted to guilt.
94. One name conspicuous by its absence was that of Nigel Kneale, whom Whitaker contacted very early on.
95. It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou 
96. Why should the worm of anxiety intrude so early on such pure pleasure?
97. Later a noted modern dancer, actress and teacher, de Lavallade began early on to attract attention.
98. The jazzy clarinet and saxophone solos of Norbert Stachel work well in setting the New Orleans milieu early on as well.
99. And as was evident early on in the match, she relied on her strong points to get into a rhythm.
100. Like most everyone else in this country, I learned early on that the flag is a sacred symbol.
101. Early on, the Mississippi Republican said he favored her selection, though recently he has expressed reservations.
102. If you own a computer it is worthwhile entering all your vocabulary on to a disk from early on in your programme.
103. However, early on, as he introduced the superposition principle, Dirac would break in half a piece of chalk.
104. My decision early on to build site-specific works in steel took me out of the traditional studio.
105. Thus autonomy can be viewed as a habit of action that children can begin to develop early on.
106. Time savings appear only if the best plays are looked at early on in the game.
107. Special thanks to Shelly McDonald for her indispensable administrative support early on.
108. Some unnecessarily tricky camera work early on is taxing, as is the film's glacial pace.
109. Sons of the Roman aristocracy, eager to pursue careers in the curia found their way early on to the Paris schools.
110. I was brought up a Catholic but I discarded it quite early on.
111. He retired early on grounds of ill health .
112. Children learn early on to categorize.
113. We may also service rooms early on request.
114. She tends to come to work early on Mondays.
115. Early on[http://], he particularly liked the French impressionists and Rembrandt's use of light.
116. So you have to make things rough for them and weed out the weenie trees early on.
117. Paying later for stuff we get today seems small, almost inconsequential early on –but becomes a noose that strangles as the years wear on.
118. So you have to make things rough for them weed out the weenie trees early on.
119. Though my fame and fortune rose, early on love began to doze. No longer young, I feel suffocated in this increasingly rarified atmosphere.
120. From very early on he believed a military revolution was necessary and he has never deviated from that ideological path.
121. In UX workshops early on in a project's life, sketching is a useful and efficient way to convey and record ideas.
122. Winter moves in early on the Adirondack Mountains. Cross-country skiers may find a pre-Thanksgiving snowscape to trek across.
123. One secret he learned very early on was not to flaunt his success.
124. Hoder was, briefly and early on, an advisor to the Committee to Protect Bloggers, the organization I started in 2004.
125. In powerful form early on, Heskey won the exchanges with the similarly statuesque Onyewu and one of his flicks early led to a second goal.
126. The Spanish armed forces ousted the Moroccan detachment from the tiny island early on July 17.
127. Early on, sumo was incorporated into Shinto purification rituals, after which it became court entertainment.
128. To at the Olympic Games, a Murdoch arrived in Beijing early on.
129. Indeed, gossypol, a toxic polyphenol derived from the cotton plant, was identified early on in the Foundation's research as an effective sterilant.
130. Patience is a virtue – admit early on in the strategic intelligence process that you are never going to have enough data and work to piece together parts of the puzzle over time.
131. Try to take off the rose-colored glasses early on in the relationship and pay attention to the interaction between your partner and your friends and family.
132. Bob up very early on Christmas morning because he was eager to open his presents.
133. But think, early on in the process, about how an article might end, especially if you are writing a longer news story or feature article.
134. Early on Good Friday 2002, Kanzius played a round of golf at the Forest Country Club in Fort Myers, Florida.
135. Early on 14 November Ely Curtiss's pusher biplane was hoisted aboard.
136. Musicality always comes off as spontaneity, and he was loved, early on, for that quality.
137. More research is needed to confirm if babies born full-term and healthy who are later diagnosed with autism show similar types of abnormalities early on, Cohen said.
138. Since I had very early on discovered that the socioeconomic value of a man's clothing is important in determining his credibility with certain groups.
139. Inflation says that very early on, the universe expanded in size by more than a trillion (num. ) fold in much less than a second, propelled by a sort of antigravity.
140. Paper victories aside, the salubrious effect on humans was also recognized early on.
141. The HTV-2 - shaped like the tip of a spear - took off atop a Minotaur IV rocket from Vanderberg Air Force Base in California early on Thursday.
142. So you have to make things rough for them and weed the weenie trees early on.
143. Liberalism was concerned with freedom and individuality and early on was identified with "laissez faire",[Sentence dictionary] or a lack of state intervention in the economy.
144. Also, the distributed structure defined early on is still in place: Directory services are distributed across a network, with each distributed service maintaining a portion of the global database.
145. "Early on, any radiation dose at the blastocyst stage is an all-or-nothing event, " says Higley, meaning the blastocyst is thought to either recover and continue growing or miscarry.
146. Walking exercise may be boring at times but early on a clear sunny morning there can be nothing finer.
147. Early on, programmers worked with the most primitive computer instructions: machine language.
148. At the beginning of the game, one doubloon should be valued as worth several VPs, and thus money and income are EXTERMELY important early on.
149. So you have to make things rough for them and 4)weed out the 5)weenie trees early on.
150. These breeders socialize their puppies early on, breed in good traits and breed out bad ones and they can show you your puppies' parents and give you their history.
151. As I mentioned early on, the NTSC and PAL resolutions both report a virtual/physical size of 576x384 pixels.
152. Early on, she developed an interest in the legal system, and particularly in bankruptcy law.
153. Early on, the award acquired a louche reputation when it was rumored to be offered in exchange for advertising pages paid for by the manufacturer and other emoluments.
154. Some machines, ofr example, are more efficient early on and generate greater service potential; matching dictates higher depreciation expense in those years .
155. We also describe early on the financial environment, financial forecasting, the fundamental trade-off between risk and return, and the time value of money.
156. A man ues a camera on a rocky crest filled with astronomical markers at the megalithic observatory of Kokino, soon after sunrise, early on June 21, 2010 -- the day of the summer solstice.
157. Fairly early on, we find out what Robin has in common with Tui.
158. EverQuest, have encouraged community ownership for years, realising early on that end-users make or break a title.
159. On a warm afternoon before a sellout crowd of 42, 286 at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Brazil controlled the tempo early on.
160. Investor Bradley Rotter added, "Jerry Parker did a very wise thing early on in his career."
161. And one of the things neophytes trip over early on is that we'll soon see there's not only an equal sign operator, there's equals equals.
162. Spain ran England ragged early on but goalkeeper Ian Walker proved a formidable barrier.
163. Early on, Davis decided against using any rhyming jokes or plays on words in the cartoon.
164. Conventional software engineering wisdom says that you should do as much design as possible early on in a project, because it is difficult to reverse key decisions later.
165. I never dieted but I realized early on that the old adage "eating for two" is really a bunch of the hooey.
166. Early on we discovered people get into a rut of trying harder without trying smarter.
167. Early on, he expelled the Italian community, forcing its members to exhume the bodies of Italians from Libyan graveyards to take home.
168. Up early on Cath and Rich's wedding day Holly : Wow!
169. even aside from the political dynamics, which said that we'd only get one shot, the economic dynamics also said that not doing enough early on only makes an eventual solution harder.
170. The antiviral drug ribavirin is effective treatment for Lassa fever if given early on in the course of clinical illness.
171. Better to squelch the speculators by choosing a substantially stronger yuan early on.
172. Jenny Hayes,[http://] architect at O'Connell East Architect's comments: "Modular construction was identified early on as key to the successful and timely delivery of this scheme."
173. Early on, he wrote software to snag expiring names on the cheap.
174. The engineering team had to agree on the package structure early on.
175. The IANA recognized this possibility early on, and in 1999, Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) was born.
176. I actually knew about Stravinsky very early on in my life.
177. Mr Matsuda, the senator, says the government should, early on in the crisis, have declared a state of emergency to override the petty regulations that snarl up disaster relief.
178. They stipulated early on that Edward was, indeed, a vampire. But since he was supposedly 100 years old, not 17 as he appeared, his adolescent moodiness suggested arrested development.
179. And then the child becomes dependent, and then the parent resents that, and it gets off into a blameful thing early on.
180. Ben Fogle was chosen very early on as the star of the show, and this caused resentment within the camp.
181. He is extremely pleased with the results of this process and will have all his pinot gris picked early on this week, and the remaining grapes over the next two weeks.
182. Arguably, that fantasy Deutschmark died early on May 10th, when a euro-zone bail-out mechanism was agreed and the European Central Bank started buying government bonds by the bucketload.
183. To preempt that potential objection, you have to signal your intentions early on.
184. If they had scored early on then we would have had to open up and possibly got beaten by a hatful .
185. A star join plan utilizing push-down hash join technology makes hash joins more effective primarily due to reduction of fact table (probe table) rows early on.




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