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单词 In that
1. You look very smart in that suit.
2. He looked a right prat in that pink suit.
3. His talents are not fully appreciated in that company.
4. You look good in that shirt.
5. I heard a girl squeal in that room.
6. Is there anything in that box?
7. She lives in that house among the trees.
8. Mr. Jay wears the pants in that family.
9. You look really stunning in that dress!
10. A great epidemic burst forth in that area.
11. He was the most timorous person in that event.
12. We've been deceived in that boy.
13. You won't be warm enough in that flimsy dress.
14. You look good in that dress.
15. They are visiting in that city.
16. History is well taught in that school.
17. It was barbarous to treat prisoners in that manner.
18. I stayed in that night awaiting her summons.
19. All sorts of lamps are available in that shop./in that.html
20. A king governs in that country.
21. She always sits in that chair.
22. You look terrific in that dress.
23. Next week those goods will exhibit in that shop.
24. These attractions induce people to travel in that country.
25. I would never trust in that kind of person.
26. There's more than a grain of truth in that.
27. I was press-ganged into working in that business.
28. The lighting in that restaurant is soft and romantic.
29. There is no use in that.
30. She looks rather masculine in that suit.
1. You look very smart in that suit.
2. He looked a right prat in that pink suit.
3. His talents are not fully appreciated in that company.
4. You look good in that shirt.
5. Is there anything in that box?
6. Mr. Jay wears the pants in that family.
7. You won't be warm enough in that flimsy dress.
8. You look good in that dress.
9. I stayed in that night awaiting her summons.
10. All sorts of lamps are available in that shop.
11. She always sits in that chair.
12. You look terrific in that dress.
13. There's more than a grain of truth in that.
14. I was press-ganged into working in that business.
15. Intelligence seems to run in that family.
16. Are there any stamps in that drawer?
17. The unemployment rate is rising in that country.
18. A group of girls was waiting in that room.
19. The toilets in that restaurant were horribly smelly.
20. Food rationing was abolished in that country long ago.
21. Careful you don't tread in that puddle.
22. You look fantastic in that dress.
23. 'God knows what's happening in that madman's mind,' she muttered.
24. They have been kissing away in that room for hours!
25. Don't put your trust in that man; he may trick you.
26. I find it insulting to be spoken to in that way.
27. It is the custom in that country for women to marry young.
28. Look, we're just going out for a few drinks, where's the harm in that?
29. It's in that drawer.
30. The annual cost of income support to unmarried mothers amounted to £700 million in that year.
31. I always think of her in that dress.
32. Albert managed to hold his ground in that field.
33. We bivouacked for the evening in that area.
34. Intelligence seems to run in that family.
35. Are there any stamps in that drawer?
36. The unemployment rate is rising in that country.
37. There are several talented people in that organization.
38. A group of girls was waiting in that room.
39. The toilets in that restaurant were horribly smelly.
40. Food rationing was abolished in that country long ago.
41. Don't slash your horse in that cruel way.
42. I am disgusted at your behaving in that way.
43. Careful you don't tread in that puddle.
44. You look fantastic in that dress.
45. Living in that small flat,she feels boxed in.
46. 'God knows what's happening in that madman's mind,' she muttered.
47. She was misplaced in that job; she ought to be doing something more creative.
48. They have been kissing away in that room for hours!
49. Don't put someone in the heart,(http:///in that.html) because in that person's heart you may be No.
50. Don't put your trust in that man; he may trick you.
51. I find it insulting to be spoken to in that way.
52. In that street there's a man who hucksters boiled corn.
53. It is the custom in that country for women to marry young.
54. They captured more than ten thousand prisoners and large quantities of arms in that campaign.
55. Look, we're just going out for a few drinks, where's the harm in that?
56. The annual cost of income support to unmarried mothers amounted to £700 million in that year.
57. In that case, we must stay to-gether or none of us will survive.
58. I keep all the children's playthings in that big cupboard.
59. She got eight million dollars for appearing in that film.
60. We were stifling in that hot room with all the windows closed.
31. I keep all the children's playthings in that big cupboard.
32. She got eight million dollars for appearing in that film.
33. Don't speak to me in that tone of voice .
34. His monopoly of shipbuilding in that country has been established.
35. Is there any space for my clothes in that cupboard?
36. We've made extraordinary progress as a society in that regard.
37. There is a rigid hierarchy of power in that country.
38. It upsets me to think of her all alone in that big house.
39. A large proportion of the dolphins in that area will eventually die.
40. The bad language in that play overstepped the limits/boundaries of what ought to be allowed on television.
41. The election campaign heated up in that state.
42. Plague was then prevailing in that city.
43. The examples in that dictionary are in italic type.
44. It's a science in that it can be measured by results and is subject to methodological analysis.
45. You should not have sold the car in that unsafe condition ; sooner or later your misdeeds will come home to roost.
46. He groaned inwardly at the thought of spending another day in that place.
47. Anyone can tell that she wears the pants in that family.
48. Down deep in that ugly heap Marie Curie felt sure that her new element lay hidden.
49. Neutralism differs from neutrality in that it is an attitude of mind in time of peace rather than a legal status in time of war.
50. In that year, Finland came in from the cold and became a member of the EU.
51. He swore that he had put the papers in that drawer.
52. There was a negligible amount of rain in that region last year.
53. Population is increasing in that country in a geometrical progression.
61. Don't speak to me in that tone of voice .
62. His monopoly of shipbuilding in that country has been established.
63. She sottishly told me,in that morning, that she swilled in the night before.
64. There are some nice apples on sale in that shop.
65. Is there any space for my clothes in that cupboard?
66. Her performance in that play really put her on the map as a comedy actress.
67. In that way one is sure of accepting no humbug.
68. We've made extraordinary progress as a society in that regard.
69. There is a rigid hierarchy of power in that country.
70. It upsets me to think of her all alone in that big house.
71. A large proportion of the dolphins in that area will eventually die.
72. His speech had an unfortunate sequel,() in that it caused a riot.
73. In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him.
74. The bad language in that play overstepped the limits/boundaries of what ought to be allowed on television.
75. You must be boiling in that thick sweater.
76. I can't understand what she sees in that clown.
77. Her destiny lay in that city.
78. She came out well in that photograph.
79. You'll bake in that fleece jacket!
79. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
80. You look swell in that dress!
81. She lives all alone in that large house.
82. She won't last long in that job.
83. The colours in that picture contrast nicely.
84. His mind was bound up in that question.
85. You look a twit in that suit.
86. He looked ludicrous in that suit!
87. The evidence seems to point in that direction.
88. His talents are wasted in that job.
89. She drawled in that slow,lazy style of hers.
90. You do look nice in that hat.
91. They live in that old farmhouse on the hill.
92. You dealt me an appalling hand in that game.
93. She has no ability in that kind of work.
94. You look very sexy in that dress.
95. There's a wasps' nest in that old tree.
96. She's the first countess in that country.
97. I was practically nodding off in that meeting.
98. The company are prospecting for gold in that area.
99. She looks ridiculous in that getup.
100. We could pitch our tent in that field.
101. His money was haemorrhaged in that economic crisis.
102. I'm lucky in that I've got four sisters.
103. You look nice in that suit.
104. What a sight she looks in that old dress!
105. He feels boxed in, living in that tiny flat.
106. They tried to humble your importance in that achievement.
107. Don't slouch in that slovenly way!
108. Darling, you look simply ravishing in that dress!
109. It's obvious who wears the trousers in that family!
110. Women feel like outsiders in that club.
111. You look great in that dress.
112. She looks devastating in that skirt.
113. She looks really tacky in that dress.
114. Thirteen unarmed civilians died in that attack.
115. Do they observe Christmas Day in that country?
116. They live in that great barn of a house.
117. In that year(), two momentous discoveries were made.
118. Capital can be safely invested in that company.
119. Running in that heat nearly finished him off.
120. He tossed her a towel. 'Wrap yourself in that.'
121. Women in that town wailed for their dead.
122. The election campaign heated up in that state.
123. Mark can't possibly drive home in that condition .
124. Plague was then prevailing in that city.
125. Mind you don't tread in that puddle.
126. Both generals had commanded units in that area.
127. I can't go with you in that.
128. He looked in that direction and saw an airplane.
129. I was done in that time.
130. She's the sultry blonde in that new chocolate commercial.
131. The cloth looked slightly green in that light.
132. I don't fancy swimming in that river.
133. Hannah's wasted in that clerical job.
134. You look very fetching in that hat.
135. We landed up teaching in that country.
136. Most of my classmates accord in that opinion.
137. You look so sweet in that hat!
138. There are some drifting petals in that river.
139. In that event you must do as he says.
140. The examples in that dictionary are in italic type.
141. My sister came out well in that photograph.
142. What defence did you use in that last game?
143. You must be boiling in that sweater!
144. You look absolutely priceless in that hat!
145. There's a chasm between rich and poor in that society.
146. It's a science in that it can be measured by results and is subject to methodological analysis.
147. I'm only trying to earn a bit of money. Where's the harm in that?
148. You should not have sold the car in that unsafe condition ; sooner or later your misdeeds will come home to roost.
149. It's a miracle you weren't killed in that car crash!
150. People who live in that area tend to look down their noses at their poorer neighbours.
151. In that war England was not an ally; she was neutral.
152. She won't last long in that job it's too tough.
153. In that flash of illumination, he realized where he had gone wrong.
154. He doesn't think there's any mileage in that type of advertising.
155. How would you like it if someone treated you in that way?
156. He's worked in that same office week after week, year after year, since he was 18.
157. I think she feels that she's just treading water in that job.
158. She has made so many mistakes that her days must be numbered in that job.
159. The last thing he wants to do is to cocoon all weekend in that same house.
160. He groaned inwardly at the thought of spending another day in that place.
161. It is difficult to preserve one's self-respect in that job.
162. Anyone can tell that she wears the pants in that family.
163. Population is increasing in that country in a geometric progression.
164. The tension in that story builds up toward a climax.
165. You couldn't take a boat out in that wild sea.
166. There've been a lot of strange/odd goings-on in that house recently.
167. Be careful in that shop — they have a habit of short change.
168. You may thank your lucky stars that you were just slightly hurt while the others were either killed or maimed for life in that accident.
169. Privatization is thought to be beneficial in that it promotes competition.
170. You look in this box and I look in that box.
171. I'm only just beginning to take it in that he's still missing.
172. It's quite clear who wears the trousers in that house!
173. The road blocks were a counter to terrorist attacks in that area.
174. There are some weird things going on in that house.
175. There are a lot of small businesses starting up in that area.
176. There are three options open to us in that matter.
177. They notified the authorities that pollution in that area was serious.
178. Brian may seem bossy(), but I'll tell you it's Lisa that really wears the trousers in that relationship.
179. We were incarcerated in that broken elevator for four hours.
180. You could be right, and in that event they'll have to pay you back.
181. I should like to get at some of the papers in that drawer.
182. There was no need to fling in that rude remark.
183. I'm not going to stay in that fleabitten old place.
184. You'll be as warm as toast in that sleeping bag.
185. The events business, she said, was crucial to the group in that it provides a constant revenue stream.
186. Untypically for a man in that situation he became interested in Buddhism.
187. Clean water is a precious commodity in that part of the world.
188. He's a real bastard, leaving his wife in that way.
189. He had no choice but to kip in that small inn.
190. Some people in that country are now out of work.
191. You can't go out in that dress - it's positively indecent!
192. It was George who first proposed that we dry clothes in that locker.
193. In that family it is the grandma who rules the roost.
194. Jack distributes computers for the computer rental service in that region.
195. She's invested a lot of emotional energy in that business.
196. It is a tradition that women get married in long white dresses in that area.
197. He felt a real country bumpkin, sitting in that expensive restaurant, not knowing which cutlery to use.
198. Several hundreds of office workers in that company walked off their jobs in a wage dispute.
199. I don't know how you can work in that office - it's like a three-ring circus.
199. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
200. There's not a whit of sense in that head of his!
201. Look at those men in that car. What on earth are they doing?
202. You stick out like a sore thumb in that uniform.
203. Down deep in that ugly heap Marie Curie felt sure that her new element lay hidden.
204. We have drawn ahead of our competitors in that field.
205. The TV would go nicely in that corner, wouldn't it?
206. In that neighborhood of New York, we were all ethnics.
207. The iron bridge bears testimony to the skills developed in that era.
208. If you carry on in that way,you will be more and more divorced from the masses.
209. You won't find any good tomatoes in that basket; they've been well picked over.
210. Taylor announced another departure from practice in that England will train at Wembley.
211. There's no need to fling his recent failure in his teeth in that unkind way.
212. If you had only the least thought for others you would not have spoken out in that way.
213. I'm afraid I can't catch up on how things are in that region.
214. You don't like your job? In that case why don't you leave?
215. She stepped towards the door and in that very same instant, the doorbell rang.
216. He's had it too cosy in that job; we ought to keep a stricter check on him.
217. Your jigsaw puzzles and games are all mixed up together in that box. Shall we sort them out?
218. They live like pigs in that house over the road.
219. I'd have to be crazy to get mixed up in that kind of thing.
220. I've been lucky in that I have never had to worry about money.
221. Neutralism differs from neutrality in that it is an attitude of mind in time of peace rather than a legal status in time of war.
222. I was too tired and frightened to find comfort in that familiar promise.
223. In that year, Finland came in from the cold and became a member of the EU.
224. She doesn't want to poke around in that city any longer.
225. Kept in that dark cell, I could no longer tell whether it was day or night.
226. You earn loads if you get to the top in that profession.
227. He knew the hidden drifts in that part of the river.
228. Her little son chipped in that it was time to go home.
229. He swore that he had put the papers in that drawer.
230. We shouldn't use the police in that way. It's just not on.
231. She has been warned of the danger of driving the car in that state.
232. There was a negligible amount of rain in that region last year.
233. In that part of the world you can feed cattle on almost any green vegetable or fruit.
234. When he spoke in that innocent way,(http:///in that.html) I saw red and struck him.
235. After marriage Mrs Black felt boxed in living in that small flat.
236. There were some holes in that theory, some unanswered questions.
237. Some of the tall buildings in that city are colossal.
238. She could not comprehend how someone would risk people's lives in that way.
239. That's better. I was suffocating in that cell of a room.
240. The modern huge building looks incongruous in that old-fashioned village.
241. Shine your light in that dark corner so that we can see what is there.
242. I wonder what those children are after in that shed.
243. He had never envisaged spending the whole of his working life in that particular job.
244. We were all living on top of each other in that tiny apartment.
245. Population is increasing in that country in a geometrical progression.
246. I'm very fortunate in that I don'thave to do the washing-up or the dusting.
247. She was afraid she would get sick if she stayed in that place any longer.




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