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单词 In writing
1. I assisted him in writing his paper.
2. Please confirm your acceptance of this offer in writing.
3. In writing you should underline titles of books.
4. In writing this report I have omitted all unnecessary details.
5. Please apply in writing to the address below.
6. All bookings must be confirmed in writing.
7. I employ all my energies in writing.
8. Cancellations must be made in writing.
9. We notified him of it in writing.
10. All applicants should apply in writing.
11. This agreement has to be confirmed in writing.
12. He was occupied in writing letters.
13. Could you put that in writing , please?
14. All claims should be made in writing.
15. The statement may be given orally or in writing.
16. Please confirm your reservation in writing by Friday.
17. All telephone reservations must be confirmed in writing.
18. You must get his agreement in writing.
19. The quantum leap in writing technology came with the introduction of personal computers.
20. Contractions are much more common in speech than in writing.
21. The student and his teacher echoed each other in writing style.
22. It's better to get something in writing right at the outset.
23. I found solace in writing when my father died three years ago.
24. You make the reservation, and I'll confirm it in writing.
25. Most hotels require confirmation from a prospective guest in writing.
26. Information is given to the patient verbally and in writing.
26. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
27. This expression is used mainly in speech, not in writing.
28. The company had received complaints both verbally and in writing.
29. I've accepted the job over the phone, but I haven't confirmed in writing yet.
30. If you have a complaint about your holiday, please inform us in writing.
1. I assisted him in writing his paper.
2. Please confirm your acceptance of this offer in writing.
3. In writing you should underline titles of books.
4. In writing this report I have omitted all unnecessary details.
5. We need confirmation in writing before we can send your order out.
31. You agreed to the contract in writing, so now you have no comeback.
32. In speech we use a smaller vocabulary than in writing.
33. He has levied heavily on the memory of the veterans in writing the history of the war.
34. We need confirmation in writing before we can send your order out.
35. They had left school at fifteen and were quite untutored in writing.
36. Section 17 provides that all decisions must be circulated in writing.
37. Everyone knows what's best for him or herself. He/she or he can also be used in writing:If in doubt, ask your doctor. He/she can give you more information. These uses can seem awkward when they are used a lot. It is better to try to change the sentence, using a plural noun. Instead of saying:A baby cries when he or she is tired you can say Babies cry when they are tired.
38. His interest in writing came from a long correspondence with a close college friend.
39. You must notify us in writing if you wish to cancel your subscription.
40. Do you have it down in writing/on paper, or was it just a verbal agreement?
41. Some expressions are used more in speech than in writing.
42. We will always confirm the revised amount to you in writing before debiting your account.
43. In writing poetry, one is unfettered by the normal rules of sentence structure.
44. She agreed to collaborate with him in writing her biography.
45. Put it in writing.
46. Most people don't realize the amount of effort involved in writing a novel.
47. The terms of engagement are to be agreed in writing.
48. In writing, you must kill all your darlings. William Faulkner 
49. Some have difficulty in writing and spelling.
50. It should be confirmed in writing.
51. They couldn't communicate in writing, because William was illiterate.
52. Has itand its boundaries-been defined in writing? 4.
53. All investigators participated in writing the paper.
54. Notice is given to the landlord in writing.
55. Agree the terms of the engagement in writing.
56. He suggested I confirm my complaint in writing.
57. I find it hard to express myself in writing.
58. It is important to put the plan in writing.
59. The revisions should preferably be confirmed in writing.
60. In writing, Leyner is part gonzo journalist,[http:///in writing.html] part satirist.
61. The instructions should either be given or confirmed in writing.
62. Religious instruction and lessons in writing Arabic, followed by training in weapons and tactics.
63. Perhaps some of her edits are rooted in writing principles.
64. He was a redoubtable debater with a caustic tongue in polemics and a nice touch in irony in writing.
65. Such undertaking may be given orally or in writing, though a solicitor can never be compelled to give an undertaking.
66. Other symptoms of dyslexia can include difficulty in writing, calculating or even understanding the spoken word.
67. The vowels were originally understood by native speakers and it was not necessary to provide them in writing.
68. An oral quote given over the telephone or at a personal meeting should be followed up in writing.
69. Manville knew then that Hayman had been right in writing him off as a washed-up veteran.
70. Details for inclusion in this column must be received in writing three days before publication.
71. If revised arrangements are made over the telephone, these, too, should be confirmed in writing.
72. For the making of a will compliance with the following formalities is now necessary: The will must be in writing.
73. In writing, as in painting, Emily Carr was a master craftsman.
74. All bids must be submitted in writing to the above address.
75. Get an agreement in writing of the conditions, expectations and remuneration for your residency.
76. You should have asked them to put what they agreed in writing.
77. The freeholder refused to put in writing any guarantee(), such as that no comprehensive redevelopment of the site was planned.
78. I don't have anything in writing, but they said they expected me to start work Monday.
79. Baggage Condition 2 also requires that the transport company, authority or hotel should have been notified in writing.
80. Even if he does come and he won't be able to stay long, even though the division is not marked in writing.
81. Both the material to be covered in tests as well as the criteria used in evaluating student performance are clearly communicated in writing.
82. In writing, do not be afraid to let these dictate the way you go.
83. Again LEAs were requested to draw up curriculum policies and schools were expected to set out their aims in writing.
84. Maybe the hardest thing in writing is simply to tell the truth about things as we see them. John Steinbeck 
85. When agreement is reached close the deal quickly and immediately confirm the agreed terms in writing in a heads of agreement.
86. Wherever you go you need permission in writing from whoever has the right to grant it.
87. Put things in writing whenever possible,[http:///in writing.html] either directly or via strategic copying to certain people on your letters and memos.
88. But Summerlee was not to be found, and further time was consumed in writing a note for him.
89. The attorney admitted that she had made a mistake in writing the contract.
90. In writing, these words need a point of reference already established in the text.
91. From the start, the participants decided that firm agreements should be made in advance in writing.
92. The guidelines say they should be so informed, and it should also be confirmed in writing.
93. Article 35 requires a third party to accept an obligation in writing.
94. Suppliers are required to submit each proposal in writing by the tender submission date of 1 August 1983.
95. So, I felt justified in writing my life and death of Elsie in the way I did.
96. Neologisms come and go very quickly in spoken language but tend to be less frequent in writing.
97. Also, in writing of events the writer is certain to have to abbreviate any descriptions very sharply.
98. Diplomats said Washington was reluctant to offer any formula in writing because this would mean taking sides.
99. And, when the time for your evaluation arrives, make sure that these critical successes are documented in writing.
100. An employee wanting a written statement may request one verbally or in writing.
101. She wasted no time in writing to me and commanding me to return home at once.
102. Household chores may be put in writing and posted in some obvious place-perhaps on the refrigerator.
103. When he did, he found that to acknowledge these events in writing became a sort of therapy for him.
104. Direct Debit payments can be cancelled by informing GRE and asking your bank, in writing[], to stop paying the premium.
105. In writing his sweeping historical overview of the region, Shoumatoff relies heavily on other published histories.
106. We put it in writing, sending written details up the hierarchy in case we have to prove we have fulfilled our role.
107. Leapor in many places feels compelled to defend the pleasure she takes in writing poetry and reading books.
108. These are for the two people involved in writing the Project Video books.
109. Such approaches are best made by telephone rather than in writing and will only rarely be successful.
110. They must be able to clearly communicate the results of their work, orally and in writing, to clients and management.
111. Get estimates and quotations in writing from at least two firms.
112. However, Romley left a loophole in the deal by not securing in writing the promise that Carey would resign.
113. You can ask for information about charges to be put in writing.
114. Those unable to attend could complete a questionnaire in writing at home.
115. Radio Freedom asked its listeners to put in writing what they were worried about.
116. The hotel's response in writing confirming the booking is an acceptance of the guest's offer to contract.
117. After the 30 days, lawyers may contact families of the victims,[http:///in writing.html] but only in writing.
118. Any essential communication should be sent in writing and all letters of acceptance should be sent in as a matter of urgency.
119. For example, careful attention is given to communication in writing.
120. Weber says he is interested in writing for its own sake - an uncommon attitude in Hollywood these days.
121. Nordenfalk's book includes the scrupulous examination of visual evidence always welcome and often found in writing by a museum curator.
122. The work involved in writing this summation must have been back-breaking, and certainly took years of research.
123. In writing a book for a general audience, I have relied heavily on the research of experts in the field.
124. We argue strongly that practice in writing should not be confined to the literary essay.
125. This of course poses a problem in writing which the author recognizes while deciding on separate chapters for each aspect.
126. It is prudent to confirm oral communications in writing to ensure that a record of events is available.
127. You should follow this convention in writing a press release.
128. If a specific idea has been discussed over the phone confirm the details in writing.
129. In this case a consent application should be filed in writing and signed by all parties.
130. Check the draft for arithmetical accuracy and internal consistency Obtain representation in writing from the client acknowledging its responsibility.
131. The charges must be reasonable and agreed by the other trustees in writing.
132. I excavated and preserved in writing fragmented memories of the tropical island I had been taken from.
133. Your task in writing a crime novel will be different.
134. Many questions are answered in writing, but those that receive oral answers may be followed up by supplementary questions.
135. Draft a report indicating three examples of contracts which need to be in writing. 2.
136. My purpose in writing this book was to draw attention to the problem of global warming.
137. Information: management informs employees in writing or at joint meetings.
138. Mr Keith Banks, a principal education officer for Durham, said he had not yet seen the guarantee in writing.
139. In writing chords for the harp, the two hands should be kept close together, and the chords well filled in.
140. But the who-dun-it tug is not the only resource you have in writing comic crime fiction.
141. Put them in writing and be sure you know and he understands what you want to achieve.
142. Most scholars would agree that Mark came first and the other two used him in writing their accounts.
143. The Chairman thanked Mrs Lucas for her work in writing very detailed minutes during the Society's first year.
144. In fact, one temptation in writing a management book is to quote Drucker on every other page.
145. This form is widely - though by no means universally - adopted in writing text for young children to read.
146. It is normal practice for hotels to require confirmation from a prospective guest in writing.
147. First the head teacher asks the girl to put her allegations in writing.
148. In a phone interview with a dozen reporters, Bradley, 52,[http:///in writing.html] says he had several goals in writing the book.
149. If you're going to complain, you have to do it within a reasonable time and in writing.
150. Their functions are usually clearly specified, their membership restricted, their control over resources limited, often in writing.
151. The ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, is also important.
152. All of the tenants have been notified in writing that interested parties may wish to carry out internal inspections.
153. It is helpful to define these areas in writing so that you both know where you are.
154. Please confirm in writing the date you intend to leave.
155. Twenty-one days' notice of any proposed alterations, amendments or additions shall be given to the Secretary in writing.
156. Cases of corporal punishment shall be reported by each teacher on the dates of their occurrence in writing..
157. Tammy seems to have meant the ability to express more complex thoughts in writing.
158. Suddenly, in writing the words out, I see what she is trying to get us to see.
159. Such workers must be able to communicate orally and in writing, work in groups, and monitor their own performance.
160. A nation of music lovers mourns ... Despite his lack of musical ability, Gedge became interested in writing songs.
161. Complaints Members of third parties may make complaints in writing to the director.
162. Yet much of the research of the last fifteen years in writing has challenged this view.
163. Please pardon my presumption in writing to you.
164. Program that helps in writing hypertext or multimedia applications.
165. He was involved in writing his doctoral dissertation.
166. Investment Guidelines from time to time as it deems necessary and shall notify Party B of any revision to the Investment Guidelines in writing.
167. As complaints must be made in writing, Ombudsman receives an average of 1(),200 letters a year.
168. The directors, supervisors and senior managers of the issuer shall confirm in writing the listing announcement so as to ensure the genuineness, accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed.
169. If there is any need to extend the 10 workday deadline, the designee must notify the employee in writing of the reason for the delay and the date the employee will receive the written decision.
170. They also turn our dreams into reality because they are specific, in writing, have a deadline, and include a clear step-by-step plan.
171. Everyone in the family is happy with the payment arrangement. Nothing was put in writing. But elder law attorneys say families should draw up a formal personal care contract.
172. However, in each case the justification for the deletion shall be explained fully in writing.
173. It is possible to nest dollar-quoted string constants by choosing different tags at each nesting level. This is most commonly used in writing function definitions. For example.
174. He shall forthwith notify the Purchaser In Writing of the suspension.
175. If the Buyer shall for any reason terminate this Contract in whole or in part, the notice of termination must be given in writing to the Seller.
176. A decision not to indict should immediately be reported to the court in writing by the foreperson so that the accused may promptly be released from jail or freed on bail.
177. No candidate shall circularise or canvass in writing other Members in respect of any such election.
178. In writing an essay one must do a lot of pruning.
179. And his Impersonally Appraising and poetic reflection in writing strategy narrated those killing events without turning a hair. This relates with his experience,[] thanatopsis and aesthetic pursuing.
180. My mom always used to caution me to never put in writing something I didn't want the world to see.
181. Such rights to Agency are granted or revokable only by Advanced in writing. In the China at Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hunan, Guangxi province, expands and develops this item!
182. Article 128 Charter parties including time charter parties and bareboat charter parties shall be concluded in writing.
183. If Party A desires to sell the Premises during the lease term, it shall notify Party B in writing three months in advance.
184. No, Mr. Collins, we have not an iota of proof in writing.
185. This paper discusses the confusion in writing forms of adjectival modifiers for mineralogical nomenclature, especially in Chinese, and analyses the reasons resulting in this situation.
186. If you wish to contest the payment notice, you MUST do so IN WRITING, quoting the payment notice number, including full name and address.
187. Further any respite and any deadline shall be in writing.
188. Article 38 A mortgagor and a mortgagee shall conclude a mortgage contract in writing.
189. At the same time, they are asked to put in writing their thoughts about the ongoing experience, which will become itself an ongoing process, allowing additions, deletions and revisions at anytime.




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