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单词 Sound like
1. He didn't sound like his usual happy self.
2. It might sound like some kind of wild fantasy, but it wasn't an erotic experience at all.
3. Doesn't that sound like the signature tune from The Late Late Show?
4. It was meant to sound like an epoch-making declaration.
5. The engine doesn't sound like it's supposed to.
6. You don't sound like a foreigner talking English.
7. It doesn't sound like a very practical solution.
8. She's beginning to sound like one of the locals.
9. It mustn't sound like a contrived compliment.
10. Although this may sound like a simple process, great care is needed.
11. 'Sorry. I sound like Abby, don't I?'--'No. Not at all.'.
12. It doesn't sound like a very viable proposition to me.
13. I don't want to sound like a snob, but I thought she was vulgar.
14. When a boy's voice breaks it begins to sound like a man's.
15. I don't want to sound like I'm some old fogy.
16. It doesn't sound like business for a long time.Still it won't do any harm to watch out and keep our powder dry.
17. I sound like a plaster saint.
18. Does a small-town pageant sound like comedy material?
19. She made it sound like bally madness.
20. Or would it sound like gibberish?
21. They sound like pirates, or ruffians.
22. The blueness split with a sound like tearing wood.
23. Other times, they sound like a more clued-up Tackhead.
23. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. That may sound like a technical point.
25. You make us sound like the Mafia or something.
26. Which black singer is it that I sound like?
27. Kirilenko made it sound like a scholarly aside.
28. I know I sound like some fuddy-duddy here.
29. They made him sound like a homicidal monster.
30. He made a pensive sound like a distant bugle.
1. He didn't sound like his usual happy self.
2. It might sound like some kind of wild fantasy, but it wasn't an erotic experience at all.
3. Doesn't that sound like the signature tune from The Late Late Show?
31. I sound like a nagging father.
32. They kind of sound like crows.
33. Altogether, they sound like a formidably intellectual bunch.
34. Recommending a strong secretary-general can sound like touting safe airlines or honest stockbrokers.
35. This does not sound like a player who has requested a transfer.
36. A crooner in a John Collier suit was trying to sound like Vince Hill.
37. It made a sound like he was built of hollow wood.
38. He had spoken very flatly, making his introduction sound like a threat.
39. Terribly difficult not to make it sound like a silly joke.
40. It don't really sound like the tune, but it fits in real well with the rest of them.
41. These pieces of pop antiquity might sound like cartoon music to contemporary ears.
42. The captain slapped her palm on the desk with a sound like a breaking plate.
43. This system is what makes diving in a submersible sound like you are diving in a submersible.
44. Johnny tried to deepen his voice to sound like a grown-up.
45. Does this sound like the rational act of the most intelligent species on the planet?
46. This may sound like petty whimpering, but intrusions upon the exercise of lawful freedom is no small matter.
47. It may sound like sour grapes but I assure you I feel no bitterness merely disappointed.
48. I don't want to sound like a snob, but I found the decor vulgar.
49. The front door made a sound like a cherry bomb when opened by the remote handle.
50. I'd gone behind the set to take a leak and I heard this sound like snapping wood.
51. And when the symbol ceases to look or sound like what it symbolizes, it becomes a sign.
52. This does not sound like a very practical proposition, at least not in the immediate future.
53. They made a sound like hysterical laughter as they played their games.
53. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
54. They could hear the wood splintering under his teeth - a sound like a mouse in a shed wainscot at midnight.
55. Imaginary time may sound like something out of science fiction, but it is a well-defined mathematical concept.
56. I, on the other hand, was made to sound like something out of Animal House.
57. Otherwise, it would sound like some kind of weird, fawning lie.
58. Even so, our Bell West connection made him sound like he was in the Antipodes, or Oakland!
59. But how to word it so that it didn't sound like the rambling of a wild man?
60. This does not mean that you will sound like Pollyanna, pretending the sun is shining during a storm.
61. My job was a matter of learning to think and sound like a money spinner.
62. But he has, making it sound like a golden lacework surrounding the crystalline vocals of Carol Kidd.
63. I wonder: is there something wrong with the electric seat motors or should they sound like they have sand in them?
64. Shit, I sound like I was bunking with the guy.
65. Liese made the ocean sound like a hungry beast that demanded to be fed with human flesh.
66. Although their names make them sound like large predators, they are actually tiny insect larvae.
67. He lowered his face into his hands and sighed once with relief, a sound like a low note on a bagpipe.
68. If you think the contrarian suggestions sound like so much hogwash, consider this.
69. Five percent may not sound like much but it's a lot of money when you add it all up.
70. Even if chat doesn't quite sound like your sort of give it a go once on twice, just for fun.
71. We wanted to use as few effects as possible and make it sound like a live band.
72. When it rained their branches swayed and hissed with a sound like that of the ocean spilling over some distant shore.
73. Whatever I say about my ex-wife will probably sound like sour grapes.
74. Mention his name to these pre-war survivors and you hear a sound like soup sucked through clenched teeth.
75. All he could get was atmospherics,() a gushing sound like running water.
76. They sound like they are sure of their place within the ongoing scheme of things.
77. This may sound like the conventional wisdom on the brave new world of short-term, contingent jobs.
78. The words tumble out, making a sound like the rumble of distant thunder, taking shape, depth, and substance.
79. Although providing your own software may sound like a hassle, it has its benefits.
80. This may sound like a strange question but it's very relevant.
81. His eloquent description makes it sound like a building that any community would be proud to have in its midst.
82. This may sound like putting the cart before the horse and being unnecessarily pessimistic.
83. It may sound like an intermittent road drill combined with a jet plane.
84. I know it might sound like a trite remark, but mothers usually know best.
85. It lasted only about 60 seconds, and perhaps it doesn't sound like a particularly memorable sighting.
86. If Karen's shopping chores sound like a nightmare, her job has its perks.
87. She made it sound like a public execution, Christina thought.
88. A sound like a brief, deep blast from a motor horn was the only response.
89. At its worst, this might sound like a circular method of analysis, setting up a prototypical chicken-and-egg dilemma.
90. You sound like all those parents who complain that their children use the house like a hotel. course they do.
91. The interviewer made it sound like I thought it was okay to hit a woman, which is totally untrue.
92. Elvis Presley's trying to sound like Dean Martin, and so is some poor guy in Waikiki.
93. A sound like an electric drill ran round the room.
94. At first glance this might sound like a cop-out for policymakers who don't want to pay their share.
95. As well as looking like their host's young, the chicks of some brood parasites also sound like them.
96. It fostered an atmosphere of intimidation and blackmail within which realism came to sound like racism.
97. She came even closer and emitted a sound like laughter.
98. Its distinctive call is said to sound like an unhappy goat.
99. And with so many diverse elements, it still manages to sound like pop?
100. Maybe it's because they sound like a goat rammed down a foghorn.
101. On paper this may sound like splitting hairs, but in practice it is perfectly possible to make the difference clear.
102. After a while it began to sound like Bill was just growing accustomed to getting a rise out of people.
103. For anyone who doesn't know the work of this prodigiously talented jazz pianist, he made one piano sound like three.
104. Sound like a sure recipe for conflict? Welcome back to the 1980s.
105. Pour forth the sound like enchanted wine.
106. What does the abandon ship alarm signal sound like?
107. Andy: Sound like you are a paparazzo.
108. Does that sound like techno - hype?
109. It makes me sound like a womanizer.
110. That may sound like damning criticism.
111. These all sound like surrealistic, dreamy scenes from fiction.
112. This may sound like voodoo.
113. They make it sound like Here comes moneybags.
114. This might sound like hyperbole.
115. Andy: Sound like you are a real paparazzo.
116. This may sound like Groundhog Day meets Afterschool Special, but it's actually a subtle,() layered and ultimately ethical book.
117. MONIQUE: I can step on a pinecone and the cracking of it can sound like ice breaking.
118. I just did not get there by that path. Rereading this I sound like some mystical jerk.
119. To them, I must sound like a stick in the mud. Unless the medication they're taking is not working, however, I'm generally reluctant to change.
120. Selections like View, Insert , Format , Tools, and Options sound like tools and functions, not goals.
121. This may sound like mumbo jumbo, but this is a Lynch movie we're talking about, and nothing can be what it seems.
122. Giant hogweed might sound like something out of Harry Potter, but it's straight out of New York.
123. The strains of the polonaise, which had already lasted some time, were beginning to sound like a melancholy reminiscence in the ears of Natasha.
124. That may sound like a bunch of Internet quackery, but there's now some empirical evidence for the claim that defecation posture affects your body.
125. Do you sound like a dynamic worker any company would be thrilled to have, or like a ho-hum employee?
126. I called in from my body shop, and Jericho made me sound like a schmuck.
127. Portamento is a natural aspect of speaking and singing, central to making people sound like people.
128. That may not sound like much--except that he has a staff of 68, and at $4,500 a child, "that's probably a teacher's salary,'' Felty says.
129. The sky turn into orange red and the surface of the sea is glittering like a sheet of gold leaf. the waves beating at the rocks sound like music.
130. It doesn't really sound like you have a hankering for anything in particular at all.
131. It may sound like an oxymoron but money has its Achilles'heel.
132. You can apply robotic effect to sound like alien or echo effect to sound like you speaking from a well or tunnel.
133. Patrick Gorman, co-founder of the iFind group, an executive recruiter based in New York, "but you have to show how you attempted to solve it so you don't sound like a whiner.
134. (Limit 10 per person.) I sound like an infomercial, but I thought that the price was pretty low.
135. This makes me all sound like punched card computers to you, But for me i was very proud of my 2400 baud modem.
136. The advantage of that is that it doesn't draw so much attention, or make it sound like we are trying to get people involved in gay rights or in any sort of protest.
137. But then I realized that to him I must sound like a crazy person—like one of those people who claims that he can crack the lotto draw because last night's number was his birthday spelled backward.
138. A lot of bands go out of the way to sound like someone because that's what they like.
139. Its eyes are red-rimmed, and strangely human; a sound like a wailing baby comes from its mouth.
140. A spokesman said:'While an increase of a few pence on the price of a stamp might not sound like much, many of our members already spend thousands on postage costs every year.
141. I am aware that I sound like the biggest wuss on the planet but I hate leeches and continue with my display of stoic bravery and jungle survival skills.
142. Strength and a beautiful sound like in the tautness of a bow.
143. We discover that the reason Madagascan cockroaches hiss is because they are scared, and hope that if they can sound like snakes, they will frighten off their attackers (usually lemurs).
143. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
144. Don't whine about it, or you'll sound like a baby boomer.
145. I don't want to sound like a busybody, but didn't you plan to go abroad?
146. Until Dec. 25, you can purchase the otherwise $499 test for just $99. (Limit 10 per person.) I sound like an infomercial, but I thought that the price was pretty low.
147. That might sound like an irritatingly abstract or pious plea.
148. I think electrons, perhaps, sound like a glockenspiel to me.
149. Don't point anyone down a wrong path simply because it's fun to sound like an expert.
150. A roaring sound like the breaking of surf rose from the crowd.
151. Percentage-wise, that may not sound like much, but Bower said that on average, American households have about $300 worth of unredeemed cards.
152. This may sound like a no-brainer, but the early bird gets the worm.
153. You can make your phone look and sound like the famous tower clock in London.
154. Whilst this might sound like a truism, it is nevertheless a crucial problem to address.
155. I sound like a jackass if I say you're all four, which obviously you are.
156. This may sound like buck-passing by the world's main international macroeconomic organisation.
157. Benchmarking may sound like a term from the big-business board room, but it's a useful practice for nonprofits of any size.
158. I mean, if you've ever heard the eerie song of the humpback whale [whale song], you know that it don't sound like no spring peeper [frog sound].
159. "Not to sound like a salesman, but there are some real bargains out there," said Kevin Berman, a broker with Bankers Realty Services in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
160. Hagrid suddenly pulled out a very dirty, spotted handkerchief and blew his nose with a sound like a foghorn.
161. This may sound like shock therapy, but it is better than a slow death by starvation.
162. (Chirping sound.) That may not sound like much–but it's the loudest animal in the world. For its size, that is. The insect called the water boatman is two millimeters long.
163. Roosevelt could sound like a proponent of what today we call Wilsonian internationalism.
164. RD: You sound like the dying Lou Gehrig, when he said farewell to his fans and fellow players in Yankee Stadium and called himself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.
165. Neal: You sound like the technician geek on the second floor.
166. On the face of it, his new role does not sound like the sort of thing that one might imagine LeBlanc - who played the dim-witted Joey Tribbiani in Friends - would instantly have been attracted to.
167. While Middle English still sounds similar to German , it also begins to sound like Modern English.
168. That may sound like a clear - cut piece of biological determinism.
169. That may sound like hyperbole, or abstract nonsense . So let's get concrete.
170. Your ideas, on the other hand, sound like the ravings of a hobo in a tinfoil hat.
171. All the jubilation that follows can sound like an attempt to forget whatever existential threat the Scherzo poses.
172. I mean, if you've ever heard the eerie song of the humpback whale , you know that it don't sound like no spring peeper .
173. You don't need to commit yourself to the company for a decade, but don't make yourself sound like a flight risk, either.
174. I say to my friend that cracked sound like " a tip hair has split end . "
175. A leatherneck or a grunt do not sound like nice names to call someone.
176. I look like Patrick Stewart and sound like Sean Co ery.
177. If you want to listen to a $3 million Stradivarius violin, you need to hear it in a hall that allows the instrument to sound like $3 million.
178. A sound like quiet, subdued weeping spread softly , pervading every corner of the moonlit night.
179. It may sound like an oxymoron: " A phone booth for the mobile world. "
180. This may sound like science fiction, yet a new technique for making gelatin from human DNA is attracting increasing interest from research and industrial circles.
181. Dan said the only male gay icons he could think of were Oscar Wilde, James Dean, Rudolf Nureyev and "that dude who shot himself in the '80s, " which made it sound like the canon didn't run that deep.
182. R & B stands for rhythm and blues, but It'sure doesn't sound like blues!
183. A noted pastor once told me, "When I'm preaching through the Sermon on the Mount, I sound like a legalist;"
184. Some invitations sound like the fowler's whistle to the quail.
185. Patents in new fields often sound like gobbledygook, since each inventor makes up his own terminology.
186. There are a few expressions in the industry that irritate me - not necessarily for good reason but simply because they sound like the extremes of pretentiousness and marketing put together.
187. The American writer knew how to sound like a common man.
188. Now I can subtly produce that my smartphone and have the entire skyscape at my disposal to make me sound like a regular Galileo.




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