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单词 weather-beaten
释义  ˈweather-ˌbeaten adjective  weather-beaten buildings, skin, clothing etc look old and damaged because they have been out in bad weather 〔建筑物、皮肤、衣物等〕受日晒雨淋的,饱经风霜的 his weather-beaten face 他饱经风霜的脸Examples from the Corpusweather-beaten• The rose wreath still hung in the apple tree, a little weather-beaten, already.• Here the lane ended, and she found herself by the Green, facing the tiny weather-beaten church.• And in the weather-beaten flesh Johnny Cash is a mighty impressive man.• The church was a bare, weather-beaten ghost of a building with hollow windows and a sagging door.• A tall man, with a pleasantly weather-beaten look, as though he spent much time out of doors.• Each boat had been freshly painted in bright colours for the occasion, and beside them stood their sinewy weather-beaten owners.• a weather-beaten tableˈweather-ˌbeaten adjectiveChineseSyllable  because old they look and weather-beaten buildings, etc skin, damaged clothing Corpus




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