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单词 Rid of
1. He couldn't get rid of the enchantment of Lucy.
2. I thought I got rid of you.
3. Radicals were jubilant at getting rid of him.
4. It is difficult to get rid of insects.
5. Are you trying to get rid of me?
6. Try to get rid of your nasty cold.
7. We'll have to get rid of him.
8. The regime got rid of most of its opponents.
9. I can't get rid of the idea.
10. He was a nuisance and we're all well rid of him .
11. The owner needs to get rid of the car for financial reasons.
12. We had to fumigate the cellar to get rid of cockroaches.
13. He shook the blankets vigorously to get rid of the dust.
14. The mother wanted her little son to get rid of the bad habit of picking at his food.
15. This exercise is brilliant for getting rid of flabby tums.
16. be rid of sb/sth to be free of sb/sth that has been annoying you or that you do not want: She wanted to be rid of her parents and their authority.
17. It's time we got rid of all these old toys.
18. I was glad to be rid of the car when I finally sold it.
19. He has gone, and I'm glad to be rid of him.
20. This shampoo helps to get rid of scurf.
21. We got rid of all the old furniture.
22. Let's get rid of this mouldy old furniture.
23. For openers we'll get rid of this old furniture.
24. To flee vice is the begnning of virtue, and to have got rid of folly is the beginning of wisdom. 
25. Stepping forward can't finish the distance while going backwards can't get rid of the memory.
26. I began to suspect they were trying to get rid of me.
27. He was a boring nuisance! I'm glad to be rid of him.
28. A young man attached himself to me at the party and I couldn't get rid of him.
29. I didn't enjoy marking those papers and I was glad to be rid of them.
30. He persisted in obtruding himself despite our efforts to get rid of him.
1. He couldn't get rid of the enchantment of Lucy.
2. Radicals were jubilant at getting rid of him.
3. It is difficult to get rid of insects.
4. Are you trying to get rid of me?
5. Try to get rid of your nasty cold.
6. We'll have to get rid of him.
7. The regime got rid of most of its opponents.
8. I can't get rid of the idea.
9. I began to suspect they were trying to get rid of me.
10. He was a nuisance and we're all well rid of him .
11. The owner needs to get rid of the car for financial reasons.
12. We had to fumigate the cellar to get rid of cockroaches.
13. He shook the blankets vigorously to get rid of the dust.
14. I didn't enjoy marking those papers and I was glad to be rid of them.
15. The mother wanted her little son to get rid of the bad habit of picking at his food.
16. This exercise is brilliant for getting rid of flabby tums.
17. be rid of sb/sth to be free of sb/sth that has been annoying you or that you do not want: She wanted to be rid of her parents and their authority.
18. It's time we got rid of all these old toys.
19. I was glad to be rid of the car when I finally sold it.
20. He has gone, and I'm glad to be rid of him.
21. This shampoo helps to get rid of scurf.
22. The committee needs to be shaken out to get rid of some of the elderly members.
23. Part of the output of an amplifier can be fed back to get rid of sound distortion.
31. Getting rid of rubbish can cost $100 a ton.
32. I can't get rid of this cough.
33. I can't get rid of this headache.
34. It fell to me to get rid of them.
35. We must get rid of these pestilential flies.
36. That cream got rid of my skin rash.
37. The problem is getting rid of nuclear waste.
38. Get rid of that meddlesome fool!
39. I could tell that he wanted rid of me.
40. She is rid of fever.
41. Having mown the lawn, there are all those grass clippings to get rid of.
42. How to get rid of these things is a big problem.
43. He believed that his manager wanted to get rid of him for personal reasons.
44. The new government has promised to clean up the city by getting rid of all the criminals.
45. The committee needs to be shaken out to get rid of some of the elderly members.
46. His colleagues, meanwhile, were busily scheming to get rid of him.
47. Could you get rid of some of that clutter in your bedroom?
48. You can usually get rid of hiccups by drinking water very quickly.
49. Trying to lose weight? Here are some suggestions to help you get rid of that excess baggage.
50. She tried to get rid of him at the party but he stuck to her like a bur.
51. The museum is trying to get rid of its staid image.
52. If you get rid of your car you could be helping the environment.
53. Making a completely clean break with the past, the couple got rid of all their old furniture.
54. If a member of the Cabinet started making waves, the prime minister simply got rid of them.
55. He rinsed the teapot out under the tap, to get rid of the tea-leaves.
56. I would be glad to get rid of them myself. But that is not our concern.
57. He got rid of anyone who represented a challenge to his authority.
58. We've got rid of the old computer system,[] and good riddance to bad rubbish is what I say.
59. Vigorous exercise will help to get rid of your spare tyre.
60. We got rid of our unwelcome guests by saying we had to go to bed.
61. The directors were trying to get rid of her, but her staff all supported her.
62. An exorcist was called in to get rid of the ghost.
63. It's not enough to get rid of raw sewage by pumping it out to sea.
64. This sounded suspiciously like an attempt to get rid of me.
65. The family had sought a way to be rid of her and the problems she had caused them.
66. We need to get rid of that mangy old carpet in the bedroom.
67. Try and get rid of your visitors before I get there.
68. Governments should be encouraged to get rid of all nuclear weapons.
69. We had to sluice out the garage to get rid of the smell of petrol.
70. I've had some success in getting rid of the weeds.
71. Take some exercise and get rid of some of that blubber!
72. Have you got anything for getting rid of scuff marks on shoes?
73. The company made a paper profit last year, but they still got rid of six employees.
74. I rather suspect they were trying to get rid of me.
75. I began to have a sinking feeling that I was not going to get rid of her.
76. Are you trying to say you want rid of me?
77. He was a bully, and we're well rid of him .
78. I used weed killer to get rid of the weeds in the garden.
79. Ministers who wouldn't toe the party line were swiftly got rid of.
80. Eventually the world will come to its senses and get rid of them.
81. They had trumped the whole thing up to get rid of him.
82. This is standard procedure for getting rid of toxic waste.
83. I've tried everything under the sun on this stain, but I just can't get rid of it.
84. Bomb disposal experts were called in to get rid of the device.
85. You can't simply wave a wand and get rid of nuclear weapons.
86. I had a clear-out and got rid of a lot of old toys.
87. The treaty requires them to get rid of their most potent weapons.
88. I'd like an excuse to get rid of him for good and all.
89. We can't sell the house because we can't get rid of the sitting tenants.
90. We'll have to get rid of him he never does a stroke.
91. I strongly suspect that they're trying to get rid of me.
92. You'd better get rid of that attitude and shape up, young man.
93. If she had any smarts, she'd get rid of the guy.
94. He tried to devise a foolproof plan for getting rid of termites.
95. He opened the windows to get rid of the smell.
96. He latched onto us and we couldn't get rid of him.
97. Can you get rid of the crackle on my radio?
98. Have you managed to get rid of your old Volvo yet?
99. Do they put down poison for getting rid of these rats?
100. He shook the carpet to get rid of the dust.
101. Part of the output of an amplifier can be fed back to get rid of sound distortion.
102. The idea of the game is to get rid of all your cards as soon as you can.
103. I'll have to exercise to get rid of my spare tyre.
104. He attached himself to me at the party and I couldn't get rid of him.
105. You can usually get rid of hiccoughs by drinking water very quickly.
106. The more the boss tries to get rid of her, the more she digs in.
107. The horses swished their tails to get rid of the flies hovering around them.
108. It can be difficult for schools to get rid of poor teachers.
109. The clerical part of his job was tedious, and he was glad to be rid of it.
110. I must buy a razor today and get rid of the fuzz on my legs!
111. There is a manual pump to get rid of the water.
112. Ask him to get rid of his arthritis?
113. Get rid of the perishing lot.
114. Get rid of your piggy banks, kids.
115. The fungus is extremely difficult to get rid of.
116. Good section, but get rid of that maggot!
117. Forbes suggests getting rid of the existing tax system.
118. I'd give anything to be rid of this headache.
119. Florida is an anagram of Rid Of Al.
120. I wanted it to go. Be rid of it.
121. How can I get rid of head lice?
122. Perry is rid of his pursuer, fresh again.
123. My mother made me get rid of my dog.
124. But you don't get rid of me like that.
125. Getting rid of PAHs requires the replacement of old cast iron mains lined with coal tar paper.
126. She also aims to help Joe Public get rid of those niggling aches and pains.
127. With a microwave, he calculates, we could get rid of our cook.
128. You were slobbering all over me, telling me how glad you were to be rid of him.
129. But look on the bright side: we've finally found a way of getting rid of Liverpool, too.
130. To get rid of garlic breath try strong coffee, cloves, honey, yogurt, or parsley.
131. It's about time you got rid of that old gas-guzzling car.
132. He was glad to be rid of the typewriter, though he had been unwilling to part with it until now.
133. Get rid of the trusty old Program Manager and replace it with the Start menu?
134. Using consolidation to get rid of duplicative layers or segments is fine, with an important caveat.
135. They burned the ship to get rid of the evidence.
136. A Godsend for anyone who has to submit work as it gets rid of the chance of sending a duff disk.
137. Managers talk about the long list of serious reasons to get rid of a stock with a casual professional ruthlessness.
138. In one swoop the feeling swallowed her up and she had never got rid of it since.
139. To add to Sears' woes another £82 million went on getting rid of its loss-making menswear arm, which included Fosters.
140. I know you finally told me about him to get rid of me, and here I am pestering you still.
141. I had to rinse quite often to get rid of debris, but it did give a close shave.
142. I thought I'd actually got rid of the damned things.
143. Whilst regular vacuuming removes surface dirt, crumbs and dust, it can't get rid of the ground dirt.
144. She said it was Humphreys' responsibility as managing director to follow the correct procedure for getting rid of toxic waste.
145. By the time Frodo reaches Mount Doom he is loath to get rid of the Ring.
146. Anxious to be rid of the interruption, Madame Weill carefully brought the offending nude inside.
147. Getting rid of weapons reduces the risk of accidental, unauthorised, hair trigger or pre-emptive use.
148. Data compression can increase the effective speed at which a connection operates by getting rid of redundant information.
148. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
149. Not that you are rid of it, but you have conquered it.
150. Getting rid of me had proved too much for him and he was now trying to force through a muddled compromise.
151. If Frank wanted to be rid of me, he would be.
152. To flee vice is the beginning of virtue, and to have got rid of folly is the beginning of wisdom. Horace 
153. They crawl into your house, you get rid of them.
154. The team shot quizzical glances at their new addition but made no move to get rid of him.
155. To get rid of it you usually need to remove the radiator so you can flush it out.
156. In fact, some of them were not even valued, so anxious were the Government to get rid of them.
157. It seems a lot of these companies want to get rid of the old ones and keep on the young ones.
158. It's very disturbing, the way they're getting rid of older employees.
159. It has not escaped the fate of having to get rid of the father.
160. Chief amongst these had been the inescapable fact that she must get rid of Rose Cottage.
161. Concentrate on getting hair in peak condition with moisturising treatments and more importantly, regular trims to get rid of split ends.
162. You will be able to ask whichever expert is available how you can go about getting rid of your cellulite.
163. It took a long time to focus and get rid of the swimming water.
164. People who want to get rid of old cars sometimes dump them in the woods.
165. Miss Nazir warned them to get rid of the stolen property and then went to alert her sister.
166. Other Andean countries, spotting new opportunities in free trade, have agreed to get rid of most trade barriers by 1992.
167. It was strange but, since they'd started talking about getting rid of Donald, the baby had quietened down.
168. To that extent we shall have less input cost because by husbandry practice we shall get rid of resistant blackgrass.
169. Mind you, I do have a relative who has one tried and tested way of getting rid of his junk mail.
170. They wanted to get rid of her because they thought she was an interfering busybody.
171. Petrie used a complicated measure of condition to get rid of the effects of size alone.
172. And nationalisation: that was great because it got rid of the old bosses.
173. Like they got rid of that dry dock down there.
174. Our goal was to get rid of them, restore democracy and fix things up.
175. I can never get rid of the lumps in my gravy.
176. It may need hosing at high pressure to get rid of any surface slime.
177. You know, turn off the stereo, get rid of any reading material.
178. The church says it got rid of the weapons as part of a settlement with the IRS over its tax-exempt status.
178. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
179. This way we get rid of several problems at one stroke, including probably reducing the agricultural capacity of farmers in Britain.
180. Vicky's mother has warned parents to get rid of any dog they are dubious about.
181. Last December they were instrumental in getting rid of Mr Gaidar and replacing him with one of those industrialists.
182. We need to get rid of Africa's long-term debt burden, and ease trade and commerce.
183. A building firm is getting rid of properties it took in part-exchange for new homes in a huge sale.
184. American scientists have come up with an ingenious way of getting rid of cockroaches.
185. Then parents put up with the toy lying around for another couple of months before they want to get rid of it.
186. Is this just to get rid of the nomenklatura or will it be a permanent feature?
187. Closing a raft of useless federal establishments will get rid of only some 80,000 of them.
188. They can also threaten to get rid of you or deselect you.
189. Ideal conditions then saw steady progress and plenty of time to experiment with different ways of getting rid of straw.
190. We're terrible animals. I think that the Earth's immune system is trying to get rid of us, as well it should. Kurt Vonnegut 
191. My workout video will help you get rid of that flab.
192. Apparently, natural selection favored creatures that could get rid of these tiny quantities of ethanol.
193. Congress never really tried very hard to get rid of Education or any other department.
194. I let him have it to get rid of him.
195. I am glad to be rid of them, but the thousands of species outdoors delight me.
196. The whole point of those reforms was to get rid of the food mountains.
197. He was fixing to get rid of the first one in the divorce courts.
198. But the exercise of editing had become for him a mechanical one, and he was glad to be rid of it.
199. A Texas court in 1990 limited the reasons Avis could use for getting rid of a franchisee.
200. Evidently, cosmetic changes like getting rid of man do not entirely work.
201. Having just received the whole kingdom from him, they can't wait to get rid of him.
202. She has now called in an exorcist from Beverly Hills to get rid of her celebrity ghosts.
203. All you need is a clean water-supply and an efficient way of getting rid of human excrement.
204. It was a habit of disguise that she recognized as costly but could not be rid of.
205. It's going to take more than one fag to get rid of these mosquitoes.
206. At the state level, Arizona got rid of line items for several years under Governor Bruce Babbitt, with great success.
207. But if we got rid of the old masts, we would be losing at least a quarter-ton of dead weight.
208. She got rid of her victims one by one, with cold and calculated precision.
208. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
209. I couldn't get rid of the black Martin, purchased in a moment of island madness instead of a car.
210. Before dying in March 1953 Stalin seems to have decided at last to get rid of him.
211. The maternal instinct can't be dumped, even when you've got rid of your baby.
212. The water being driven along the hot pipes should get rid of the bubble of air.
213. Our goal is to get rid of many of the objectionable features of capitalism.
214. Is Wilko trying to prove a point or does he just want rid of Rocky???
215. If you sear the outside of the meat, you get rid of any other bacteria.
216. Sponsor her, share my income, raise her child, get rid of her boyfriend?!
217. These old shoes are so comfy. I don't want to get rid of them.
218. Get rid of them nasty things down your throat what's harbouring the germs.
219. But once the snow arrives, the technology of getting rid of it is little changed from the Ice Age.
220. The committee agreed on the need to get rid of the hooligan element amongst football supporters.
221. Nor can the market get rid of or store nuclear waste.
222. If rates rise, investors can get rid of the bonds and use their money to lend at higher rates.
223. A major battle must be fought to get rid of it.
224. If he hadn't eaten it, I would have bought the cake at the auction and got rid of it.
225. There is another problem about getting rid of the Lords.
226. If you ask me, getting rid of the death tax is the best thing they could do.
227. It was either get rid of the ball quick or just lay on the ground.
228. She's the one who ought to be got rid of.
229. My previous attempts at getting rid of them had had the effect of reactivating them.
230. According to company secretary Lawrence Bland, the aim was to get rid of excess capacity.
231. But being well rid of him and being able to forget him were horses of a very different colour!
232. Forbes would keep it pure, getting rid of the home mortgage, medical expense and charitable deductions and everything else.
233. We got the car for nothing because the woman wanted to get rid of it fast.
234. It is never too early to prepare for the future. It is never too late to get rid of undesirable habits. Dr T.P.Chia 
235. I had to get rid of that albatross called my ego, but still maintain self-assurance.
236. They seem to be trying to get rid of all left-wing elements in the party.
237. And it has also got rid of the yellow lines which once scarred them.
238. Mr Ratner, who is 41, quickly got rid of the snobby atmosphere which prevails in most independent jewellery stores.
239. They left the fluids overnight to get rid of the air bubbles trapped inside.
240. Yet why should you castrate yourself To be rid of them both?
241. Luckily a pinch of salt got rid of them, leaving behind a blood-stained sock.
242. Automatic packing machines should get rid of the bottlenecks in the process.
243. You'll never quite get rid of every last bit of grit.
244. It seemed difficult for the celebrity couple to get rid of the ubiquitous paparazzi.
245. There's corruption, and we're going to get rid of it.
246. Composting is the ideal way of getting rid of vegetable, garden and organic waste.
247. He was glad to be rid of that chattering, hideous, and fantastic creature.
248. We must try to get rid of our blindness and raise the level of our political awareness.




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更新时间:2024/7/9 5:38:05