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单词 Characterized
1. The era was characterized by political and cultural turbulence.
2. The cuckoo is characterized by its familiar call.
3. This election campaign has been characterized by violence.
4. The group was characterized as being well-educated and liberal.
5. Mozart's music is characterized by its naivety and clarity.
6. Mannerism is characterized by a distortion of proportions and perspective.
7. He characterized briefly the main trend in the world today.
8. Natural language is characterized by redundancy .
9. These countries are characterized by highly dynamic economies.
10. The giraffe is characterized by its very long neck.
11. These alloys are characterized by their extreme hardness.
12. Both companies have characterized the relationship as friendly.
13. The author characterized the leading character in the novel as a dauntless hero.
14. Today, the once-grand streets are characterized by decaying HMOs, sorely in need not just of redecoration but more fundamental repair.
15. She claims that society is still characterized by male domination and female subordination.
16. The writer characterized the protagonist in his latest novel as lazy and selfish.
17. Dorothy Parker's writing is characterized by a trenchant wit and sophistication.
18. The cliffs are characterized by remarkable zigzagging strata of shale(), limestone and sandstone.
19. Persian rugs are characterized by their geometric designs and rich colours.
20. Daniel's few encounters with Gold had been characterized by a laboured politeness.
21. His work is characterized by lack of attention to detail.
22. The city is characterized by tall modern buildings in steel and glass.
23. Natural law thinking is characterized by two major problems.
24. This hand-craft stage was characterized by the stall system.
25. Kitty was characterized as a negligent mother.
26. Second, the political world is characterized by political stratification.
27. This illness is characterized by episodic neck pain.
28. Four major themes characterized its approach: 1.
28. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
29. Geographically distant sites are characterized by very different faunas.
30. Dandruff is characterized by a scaly and sometimes itchy scalp.
1. The era was characterized by political and cultural turbulence.
2. The cuckoo is characterized by its familiar call.
3. This election campaign has been characterized by violence.
4. The group was characterized as being well-educated and liberal.
5. Mozart's music is characterized by its naivety and clarity.
6. Mannerism is characterized by a distortion of proportions and perspective.
7. He characterized briefly the main trend in the world today.
31. Vigorous appraisal of a problem and tenacious pursuit of its solution characterized Edward's whole life.
32. Their relationship was characterized by a battle of wills that Constance always made sure to win.
33. A constant underlying tension therefore characterized the socio-political structure of the duchy of Aquitaine.
34. Another sign of danger is tinnitus, a condition usually characterized by a ringing in the ear after listening.
35. On the basis of many types of psychological testing of individuals, the researchers characterized a personality syndrome they termed authoritarianism.
36. People on welfare are often wrongly characterized as lazy or dishonest.
37. The congress was characterized by frank admissions of past failings, notably in the economic sphere.
38. Three years of long and protracted negotiations characterized the proposals for an indoor-events arena.
39. The gridlock that characterized the Lamm years was about to end.
40. The region is characterized by permafrost, and smectite and kaolinite are the common authigenic clay minerals in the soils.
41. The Victorian era is characterized by its strict conventions and repressed emotion.
42. His lawyer says he was entrapped by overzealous prosecutors who wrongly characterized campaign contributions as bribes.
43. It provides an extraordinarily careful and detailed picture and records - factually and unemotionally - the abuses which characterized the whole system.
44. The comparatively long time intervals between such environmental vicissitudes may be characterized by stasis in ecosystems as well as the component species.
45. No doubt stress and change have always characterized human society and psychiatrists point out that these two factors are closely linked.
46. Yorick had discarded the strong rhythms, the simple melodies and the accessible lyrics which characterized the first phase of his career.
47. These families are characterized as being socio-economically disadvantaged and socially isolated.
48. Aerobic exercise is characterized by the body using large muscle groups in rhythmical continuous activity for relatively long periods of time.
49. A similar, selective approach has characterized the way the Government has attempted to create an incentive-based culture.
50. In addition, 1995 was characterized by some large-scale IPOs from household names.
51. The experience of these writers was seen as emblematic of the increased social mobility that characterized post-war Britain.
52. The relationships and responsibilities that characterized life in the larger society could be put aside here, for better or for worse.
53. They may have characterized their Gods in very human terms, but they also described them as pure energy.
54. The process of disordering can be characterized by a relaxation time, but may not be easily measured.
55. Two-Party Systems A two-party system is characterized by the alternation in governmental power of two major political parties.
56. This was exacerbated by the instability and personal feuding which characterized the new ruling group.
57. Z is produced with variety-specifIc increasing returns to scale, and the Z market is characterized by monopolistic competition.
58. But what is undoubtedly the case is that the possibilities of transcendent interpretation are differently characterized in different traditions.
59. The condition is characterized by spinal cysts and the gradual erosion of spinal nerves.
60. The same strategy seems to have characterized the work of most development agencies in rural areas.
61. The age is characterized by huge international migrations, people in search of jobs, housing, even food.
62. They are also characterized by their pelvic fins, which are jugular in position and have two to four rays.
63. This era was characterized by a marked change in the nature of the Earth's vegetation.
64. The latter is characterized by blood and mucus in the stools.
65. In particular, regulatory control is characterized by an ambivalence which has both political and moral dimensions.
66. Crises are characterized by anger, miscommunications, defending of positions and unwillingness to listen.
67. Thus, informal admissions were characterized by a combination of mental ill health and transgression of traditional social role expectations.
68. Globalization has been characterized as the overarching global political process.
69. The parallels with the years since 1988, also characterized by strong deflationary pressure and tight money, are apparent.
70. The essential hypocrisy that has characterized so much modern film journalism was being established.
71. According to the theory, pre-industrial populations can be characterized by high levels of birth and death rates, and low growth rates.
72. It was based on numerous small workshops rather than upon the large factories that characterized the Lancashire cotton industry.
73. But it has to be a generation of recent enough vintage so that individual members can still be recollected and characterized.
74. If you are victimized by a negative character, which is characterized by laziness, irresponsibility, low self-esteem, irresolution and wavering, you will lose control of your future. Dr T.P.Chia 
75. The album is filled with folky, pop-inflected tunes, characterized by visual imagery, hope and passion.
76. Atonic seizures are characterized by a sudden loss of postural muscle tone.
77. The dynamical consequences at the cellular level of these feedback relationships are not yet fully characterized.
78. Many see life in the modern context as being characterized by wide diversity.
79. While there, Levada worked under Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who has characterized homosexuality as a disorder.
80. These immediate-return hunter-gatherers never suffer anxiety about the future of food supplies and are characterized by improvident, generous, happy-go-lucky personalities.
81. The authoritarian parent or dutiful child attitudes that so often characterized these relationships in previous generations are thankfully on the way out.
82. This stage is characterized by the development of language and other forms of representation and rapid conceptual development.
83. You are less vulnerable in a culture characterized by struggle, hostility, and competition.
84. Hypnagogic experiences, as they are called, are characterized by a series of relatively disconnected but vivid images.
85. These figures correctly suggest that our economy is highly industrialized, characterized by gigantic business corporations in its manufacturing industries.
86. The first of these is characterized by state control of the press and its eventual emancipation from such controls.
87. The post-war period in Britain has been characterized by the development of geriatric medicine as a legitimate medical specialism.
88. Such proposals are typical of the tunnel vision that has characterized most of our economic models.
88. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
89. Whereas the scientific enterprise is legitimated by agreed testing procedures, the theological enterprise has been characterized by dogmatism.
90. Second, the economies of all three countries continued to be based on agrarian production characterized by a strong presence of peasants.
91. Structurally, bureaucracy is characterized by hierarchical organization and specialization by means of an elaborate division of labor.
92. The 1990s have been characterized by record-breaking growth in most wireless segments, including cellular, paging, and specialized mobile radio.
93. Conversely, those to whom citizens accord deference have been characterized by having an in-bred sense of duty.
94. The hierarchy of logical systems that one obtains by the procedure that I have described above is characterized by computable ordinal numbers.
95. Some systems are characterized by rapid and sometimes revolutionary change.
96. It is a rare disease characterized by progressive liver enlargement or cirrhosis and muscular weakness by the age of 2 months.
97. Other spots are characterized by their ability to modify or amplify sound, even to the point of acoustical saturation.
98. The post-war period has also been characterized by very profound changes in family and household formation patterns.
99. The divergent junction is characterized by earthquake activity and volcanism.
100. Another, contemporary series of Gosol paintings is characterized by a gentle, pastoral mood that is quite distinctive.
101. Robinson's photographs are characterized by the intense contrasts of dark and light areas, and the consequent loss of detail.
102. It has been less completely characterized than the glycolytic system.
103. Local government services, afflicted by heavy cut-backs, have also been characterized by increasing politicization.
104. Indeed, Beautiful World is a dense collection of tightly constructed tracks characterized by their complexity and variety.
105. This pattern of segregation is sometimes characterized as that of a dual labour market.
106. His negative expression of this belief in bipolarity was his denunciation of neutrality, which he characterized as immoral.
107. They were all fortified some time after the late third century and are characterized by their broadly rectangular shape and small size.
108. If male-female separatism characterized the first decade of the new century, it was separatism of a very distinct flavor.
109. The black family is also characterized by the open and flexible boundaries necessary for parent networks to function.
110. Like other managerial occupations, this occupation is characterized by low turnover.
111. Other chemical sediments are also characterized by their chemical composition in relation to origin.
112. The pursuit of control that characterized the sixties was consistent with the hierarchical organizations of the late industrial era.
113. This seems to fit quite well with the detailed process of manoeuvring which characterized the early period of financial centralization.
114. The settlement and infrastructure field is also characterized by a wide range of users with a great diversity of interests.
115. Far from being accidents, these things characterized the very foundation of what it supposedly meant to experience gay liberation.
116. Each advance, each new construction or reconstruction, is characterized by capability for qualitatively different reasoning.
117. Ms. Louis' attorney characterized her ex-husband as a freeloader, looking for the easy life.
118. It is characterized by escalating blood pressure,[http:///characterized.html] protein in the urine and fluid retention in the extremities.
119. Along with his artist peers, Toulouse-Lautrec developed a social awareness that characterized the fin-de-siecle arts.
120. Respiratory alkalosis is characterized by a primary deficiency in physically dissolved CO2 which is quantitated by measuring the blood PCO2 level.
121. Sometimes Bone ThugsN-Harmony member FleshN-Bone comes to the fore with rhymes that could be characterized as urban psalms.
122. We wanted her relationship with Hannah to be characterized by less tension and anxiety and by neither overprotectiveness nor escapism.
123. He intends to plead not guilty, according to his lawyer, Plato Cacheris, who characterized his client as emotionally distraught.
124. Thus the higher values on the cumulative percentage by weight plot occur in the range characterized by the finer particles.
125. Kim denied charges of inconsistency, and characterized the dispute as a further attempt to discredit him.
126. The Connecticut campaign was characterized by ferocious attacks by Brown on the character of Clinton.
127. The warm, maternal, caring streak which has characterized her adult life, was becoming evident in her daily life.
128. Finnis remarks that the relationship between principles and decisions is too complex to be characterized as pure deduction and nothing else.
129. Generally speaking, it has been assimilation rather than accommodation which has characterized interpretation in the domain of language pedagogy over recent years.
130. The food associated with economic capital is characterized by rich sauces and desserts, and rare and luxurious items such as truffles.
131. Kerzner has denied breaking the law, and Sun has characterized the episode as commercial extortion.
132. In addition to impenetrability and extension, Leibnizian primitive force is characterized by inertia.
133. Pollution control work, then, is typical of the many areas of social control characterized by goals of regulation rather than repression.
134. In contrast, a nonconstitutional regime is characterized by unchecked power, and the structural arrangements of the constitution are not upheld.
135. Kuhn argues that science education is characterized by an uncritical teaching of the dominant paradigm within a subject.
136. The ensuing 15 years have been characterized mainly by a series of opportunities for or constraints upon developing theses principles.
137. The dominance of mass production meant that this was a system characterized by large plants.
138. True art is characterized by an irresistible urge in the creative artist. Albert Einstein 
139. The phase is typically characterized by the outright purchase of the works in question.
140. Thus, both of the point mutations characterized here would be expected to eliminate kinase activity of the proposed atk protein product.
141. They are often, and perhaps even typically, characterized by authoritarian rather than democratic forms of government.
142. Gastrointestinal parasitism is characterized gastroenteritis, unthriftiness and anemia.
143. Two new complexes of L-lysine, L-threonine and Arsenic triiodide were synthesized by the solid phase reaction and characterized by elemental analysis, XRD, UV spectra and IR spectra.
144. The movement was characterized by its concern with fleeting effects of light and its motion.
145. This is characterized by evidence of a chronic inflammatory on gross or microscopic examination.
146. A new anticorrosive pigment based on potassium zinc phosphate and zinc phosphate tetrahydrate was synthesized and characterized by XRD, FT-IR and laser nano-granulometer.
147. The objective vertigo is a disorder characterized by the inter vestibular nerve.
148. The synthesized films were characterized by X - ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.
148. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
149. Furthermore, an Invalidating Environment is characterized by a tendency to place a high value on self-control and self-reliance.
150. Flaccid constipation is characterized by a lazy or atonic intestinal muscle.
151. Calf diphtheria, is characterized by bilateral necrosis of the mucous membrane of the larynx.
152. The best characterized member of this latter group is a rhamnose - glucose - IAA glycosidic complex.
153. Rabies is characterized by a syndrome of excitation, depression, paralysis, coma and death.
154. Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes characterized these arrests as one of " the worst practices of tyranny ".
155. The program is characterized by its multiplicity of functions and fewness of data-input.
156. Allyl-functional benzoxazine is synthesized with the allyl phenol produced by us. And the product is characterized and deduced by H-NMR, FTIR, MS and DSC.
157. The author characterized his heroine in a few short paragraphs.
158. However, another kind of SSS associated with sinus node and atrioventricular node dysfunction, characterized by long P-R interval, has not yet been reported in the literature.
159. It is more aptly characterized as a religious faith of atheism.
160. Both are characterized by solitariness. But all resemblance ends at the surface.
161. Conclusions coronary atherosclerosis in humans is characterized by local production of Lp - PLA 2.
162. After practical testing, it indicates that this GPRS TE is characterized with good real-time, high reliability and inexpensiveness.
163. The method is characterized by its clearness in principle and simple in measuring operation.
164. Characterized by a luxurious, pleasure-seeking, and often immoral way of life.
165. It is characterized by a relatively high production per tree and per acre.
166. Immune swine gave an allergic response characterized by an inflammatory swelling at the area of injection.
167. A novel bifat chain amphiphilic molecule nitrogencrown ( NC ) in Langmuir Blodgett ( LB ) films was characterized.




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