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单词 Marie
1. A new dictionary was bought for Marie by John.
2. Marie Curie is famous for her contribution to science.
3. Marie took an apple as she walked past the tree.
4. Marie was sitting at her desk.
5. Marie seemed to revel in his old-fashioned chivalry.
6. The bright brown eyes were intent on Marie.
7. Marie still blames herself for Patrick's death.
8. His wife Marie secretly entered him for the Championship.
9. I can't do it as well as Marie can.
10. Marie stood at the sink, peeling potatoes .
11. Marie changed her name when she got married.
12. Marie still had fond memories of their time together.
13. Mrs Nolan always reminded Marie of her own mother.
14. Marie held the baby tightly in her arms.
15. Marie took her time cutting my hair and did it really well.
16. I don't think Marie is enjoying herself very much at school.
17. Marie Curie's remains were exhumed and interred in the Pantheon.
18. He looked exhausted, but Marie felt no pity for him.
19. After Marie Antoinette was guillotined, her lips moved in an attempt to speak.
20. Didn't Marie come in just now? I must have been seeing things.
21. Marie Curie was the woman behind enormous changes in the science of chemistry.
22. Marie says he went crazy, and smashed the room up.
23. Marie is good at making decisions because she's a very clear thinker.
24. All the best , then, Marie, and we'll see you in two weeks.
25. She was conscious that Marie was listening to every word.
26. Sensing she was on shaky ground, Marie changed the subject.
27. Marie immediately felt guilty.
28. As soon as Marie opened the door, the dog ran in.
29. He doubted if he would learn anything new from Marie.
30. Pantelaras was giving his art collection away for nothing, to spite Marie and her husband.
1. A new dictionary was bought for Marie by John.
2. Marie Curie is famous for her contribution to science.
3. Marie took an apple as she walked past the tree.
4. Marie Curie's remains were exhumed and interred in the Pantheon.
5. All the best , then, Marie, and we'll see you in two weeks.
6. As soon as Marie opened the door, the dog ran in.
7. Down deep in that ugly heap Marie Curie felt sure that her new element lay hidden.
8. All the girls in the office whipped round to give Marie a wedding present.
31. Down deep in that ugly heap Marie Curie felt sure that her new element lay hidden.
32. Attention, please! Could Passenger Marie Thomas please proceed to Gate 25 immediately.
33. All the girls in the office whipped round to give Marie a wedding present.
34. He forgot to offer Darren a drink, but Marie did not appear to notice the lapse.
35. He's really come out of his shell since he met Marie.
36. Marie tried to find the right words to give shape to the confusion in her head.
37. Henry's eyelids flickered. 'He's coming around!' Marie cried.
38. Marie had watched many hospital dramas on television.
39. Marie Helvin naked,[/Marie.html] stiletto-heeled and sheathed in bandages.
40. What would become of mamma without Marie?
41. Marie comes back in and gives me a smile.
42. Marie: Yeah, we think he farted around.
43. Hi Dot, it's Marie from the Senior Center.
44. Marie Claire called from the balcony.
45. Marie pulls the curtains back and steps out.
46. Marie started to say something, then closed her mouth.
47. The good-natured banter between them excluded Marie.
48. Marie breathed a sigh of relief.
49. Marie: But then, she raised nine kids.
50. We had real fun with Marie cutting my hair.
51. Marie said, the words forced through lips of wire.
52. Marie selects a fantasy concoction for our salad.
53. Conway's secretary, Marie, was sitting at a desk.
54. Marie and Peter are watching me with a sort of worried look on their face.
55. The puddle suddenly disappears and I look over at Marie.
56. Not sick, Marie guessed, but probably hungover now that she was going dancing every night at the Lake Hotel.
57. For many years I was convinced we stayed with a lady by the name of Marie Bonaparte.
58. He didn't offer Darren a drink, and Marie did not appear to notice the lapse.
59. Marie said, following Helen along the hallway with its familiar dank smell of musty horsehair and cedar and mothballs.
60. Marie, who is single, really enjoys mucking in with the lads.
61. Marie slipped Omar a dollar to buy ice cream from a boy with a silver cooler strapped to his chest.
62. According to Marie Pastor, Macchio was torn between his girlfriend, Phyllis, who became his wife, and his career.
63. I liked that picture so Marie let me cut it out and stick it on the wall.
64. I know Marie Thwaites was in service at the time she was courting John.
65. His voice was urgent, pleading, but Marie shut it out.
66. Marie said, her low voice steady and sure like a dark path they were compelled to follow.
67. The £30,000 capital with which George and Marie had started in business had now grown to £140,000.
68. It was the day after Marie went missing four years ago.sentencedict .com
69. I sort of dabble my foot in it like it's a puddle. I never knew Marie was married.
70. I wish Marie was here - we could go in and have a meal together.
71. The plan is that Marie decoys the victim into a position that will give Bobbie plenty of time to take aim.
72. Marie asks one of the old women if she can use the changing room, and she shows her where it is.
73. In this situation, many women find their minds turning to horror stories such as that of Marie Wilkes.
74. At the time Marie was a sales rep for some of the top companies.
75. As I thanked her, Marie looked over her shoulder at Bobbie and gave a little shrug, sharing the joke with her.
76. I should go - Marie will be waiting up for me.
77. Marie got up especially early to do all her work so that she could enjoy herself afterwards with a clear conscience.
78. The numbers were limited to thirty-five, and Marie and a committee including Picasso arranged the guest list.
79. I also got married because of the constant fear of losing Marie, which really is no foundation for a good relationship.
80. His daughter Marie, a nurse, was killed in the Enniskillen Remembrance Day atrocity in 1987.
81. One such dispute was settled by Marie with a verdict apparently asserting that true love can not exist between man and wife.
82. Marie decided not to move after all, but she neglected to inform the rental agency.
83. Dolce e Gabbana were caught raking through Marie Antoinette's closet for their collection presented in Milan.
84. Marie - he couldn't imagine what a girl would be doing in the morning.
85. It looked as if Marie had already cleared the place up.
86. Jessie Kfubock called out and waved for her to join them, but Marie pretended not to have heard.
87. Marie Claire was nothing like a nun and made a noise as she walked in her high-heeled shoes.
88. In a ghost town, silent and deserted as the Marie Celeste, I gave myself a history lesson.
89. I move to one side so it's just Marie on the telly, and watch her.
90. Unfortunately both he and Marie fall asleep, and Haimet now spears and steals a piece of bacon from the boiling cauldron.
91. One of the theories about the abandoned ship Marie Celeste is that the crew were plucked off by a hungry kraken.
92. Soon after, Marie Sklodowska-Curie made the crucial discovery and isolation of radium, a radioactive element.
93. During the flying, Bob's wife, Marie, flew on one sortie as observer.
94. Marie Brown thought she was one of the fortunate ones to sail through unaffected.
95. If Marie waits too long, she may find that even Arnold is no longer interested in her.
96. His sister, Marie, his children-they had all grown tired of him.
97. I have a look round the shop while Marie gets changed.
98. The play, written by Marie Jones, examines the problems and pressures facing young teenagers today.
98. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
99. The man convicted of murdering pregnant housewife Marie Wilkes says he hopes to get bail so he can be set free.
100. He was only told of the burglary last night as he visited his sister, Anne Marie, in Hoddesdon, Herts.
101. Marie extended her hand graciously, inclined her head, thanked me.
102. Marie had never understood how women could bare their souls with such ease, exposing themselves so shamelessly to one another.
103. Marie carves radishes into flowers and arranges them prettily on a plate with salt and olives.
104. Outside, Ben was barking for Marie to go and chuck sticks fur him.
105. The church sold the property to Christopher and Marie Maier in 1986.
106. Clutching the strings of their red balloons, they watched in astonishment as Marie and Benjy passed with Omar.
107. Twenty miles away on the outskirts of Southampton, former hospital worker Marie, 27, is suffering the same anguish.
108. Marie said nothing at all on the subject of Mr Bertram.
109. Marie had stepped off the platform and into the salon and people were clustering round her, offering congratulations.
110. Marie said with a nervous laugh as she gave him a dime.
111. Marie Claire devoted last October's issue to the disease, and carried photos of topless celebrities waxing lyrical about their assets.
112. I am hiring a lawyer to look into that trust fund, Marie had written.
113. Marie had slept well last night: there had been no dreams of violence.
114. She had stupidly given him the name Marie and he had latched on to it.
115. Looking for family-right, Aunt Marie, I know what you mean.
116. Marie bought loads of cat food before she left, so there's plenty for him.
117. Newton and Marie Shank received final approval to build 10 single-family homes on 17.35 acres. 11.
118. The Marie Curie Research Institute develops molecular biological research into the causes and treatment of cancer.
119. The comfortable middle-class life she had enjoyed fell apart when parents John and Marie split up.
120. The number of young men who called asking for Marie distressed her mother.
121. She was alone in this isolated house and not a soul knew she was here except that wretched Marie.
122. I told him all about Marie and showed him the pictures we took in that photo booth.
123. Marie Fermoyle turned the sputtering steak, then wiped her eyes with the dish towel.
124. Marie, whose high-boned cheeks and weary eyes he had met a thousand times before.
125. Marie screamed as she lunged, trying to drag him to the door.
126. I don't think Marie is as secure as she would have liked us to believe.
127. After breakfast, I go out to the toilet and get dressed and Marie gets dressed in the room.
128. Marie said and hung up quickly as Astrid teetered back into the office on her gold spike heels.
129. I can smell Marie - the way her hair used to smell.
130. I du n no why he did that, but when I heard Marie tell that, I felt really horrible.
131. When Juliette becomes depressed and finally suicidal, Alex and Marie put aside their jealousies to aid the girl.
132. All the walls were painted a sickly green: the same colour, thought Marie, as mushy peas.
133. The divorce was very traumatic, full of accusations, stamping of feet and pleading from Marie for me to come back.
134. Because his adopted son was the father of Marie O'Donnell's baby?
135. The curtains swung back to reveal Marie in a glistening silver robe and an expression suggesting the onset of migraine.
136. During their trip, they also met world-famous peace campaigner Gordon Wilson, whose daughter Marie died in the Enniskillen massacre.
137. Even now, Marie could sense that the stranglehold of her rage had been broken.
138. Marie opened the shutters, letting light in on the devastation.
139. At the graveside, Jules and Marie were joining the priest in prayer.
140. The home-help walked down the road towards Marie, wheeling her bike which had been propped up against the curb.
141. Expect instrumentals, funky numbers and some soulful jazz vocals from one Marie Harper.
142. Pressed against the wall so she couldn't be seen, Marie edged her way, very quietly, towards the pill-box.
143. Lisa Marie has been secretly recording demo tapes of songs she has written.
144. Marie and Jimmy Sloane had been doing it ever since eighth grade.
145. Holberg asked Marie to take him across the water and he left a note about that meeting in his eighty-seventh Epistle.
146. No one any longer seriously believes that Marie and Eleanor actually did preside over such tribunals.
147. As she works, Marie Galloway shows no fear.
148. Marie: The lasagna is delicious, Justin!
149. Experts claimed that teachers had to be Einstein, Marie Curie and Linford Christie rolled into one to help children grasp the new national curriculum.
150. My Marie Curie (1867-1934) French nationality Polish scientists to study the phenomenon of radioactive found radium and polonium two radioelement, twice the life of Nobel Prize.
151. I'd be Marie Antoinette and live in the luxury of Versailles.
152. When they got back to their little apartment, Marie made a humiliating discovery. She couldn't cook!
153. Marie Curie , in a simple, dark evening dress, glanced down the long banquet table.
154. Madame Marie Curie was, and still is the world's most famous woman scientist.
155. Marie McCarthy & J . S . Goble: Music education philosophy : Changing times , Music Educators Journal , September 2002 , pp .19 - 20.
156. From the crew of the Marie Celeste to Jimmy Hoffa Amelia Earhart and Natalee Holloway some people seem to have vanished without a trace.
157. A metal called uranium gave off a kind of radiation, which Marie Curie later called radioactivity.
158. In 1904 , Marie and Pierre Curie were given the Nobel Prize for physics.
159. I mentioned this to Marie, but she paid no attention. She was carrying an oilcloth bag in which she had stowed our bathing kit and a towel. Presently we heard Raymond shutting his door.
160. At a statewide convention last month, they presented Ann - Marie with the Medal of Honor.
161. Our first hosts were in Sault Sainte Marie(), and I was blown away9) by their generosity.
162. On 9-19-1783, the brothers showed their balloon to King Louis XVI, Queen Marie Antoinette and guests at the Palace of Versailles.
163. Even in his rusty black evening clothes, it seemed to Marie that he was the most distinguished looking man in the room.
164. Former Marie Claire editor Liz Jones wrote in the Daily Mail in August 2008, "When I wrote about how old is too old for a miniskirt a decade ago, the cut-off point was 25.
165. Marie pinned in the convent for a year, until her eighteenth birthday was passed.
166. Our first hosts were in Sault Sainte Marie, and I was blown away by their generosity.
167. Does the old lord incur any risk in transferring responsibility to Anne - Marie ?
168. What is Marie - Ange Guilleminot MAG account of postwar censorship?
169. Soon after the accident, she was given Pierre's post at the University of Paris as head of the Physics Department. So Marie Curie became the first woman in France to be a university professor.
170. Not only was atomic scientist Marie Curie left-handed, but she was the matriarch of a whole family of accomplished, southpaw scientists.
171. Lisa Marie Odegard an interior designer that " a home is a haen. "
172. Joseph Marie Jacquard created a device which could be affixed to looms, which used a pattern of holes, much like early computer punched cards, to direct the textile design.
173. Marie Curie's lungs became affected by this exposure, and doctors ordered her to bed.
174. A Frenchwoman, Marie Curie , was the first person who won two Nobel Prizes in science.




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