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单词 roadworthy
释义  Related topics: Motor vehiclesroad·wor·thy /ˈrəʊdˌwɜːði $ ˈroʊdˌwɜːr-/ adjective  TTCa vehicle that is roadworthy is in good condition and safe enough to drive 〔车辆〕适于行驶的 —roadworthiness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusroadworthy• As I have said, the inspectors are responsible for ensuring that all vehicles are safe and roadworthy.• Dozens of police motorcycles have been taken off the road in London after routine inspections found them not to be roadworthy.• He said he hadn't the strength to act on it, and yet he exhausted himself in making it roadworthy.• The bike has to be roadworthy and under 20 years old.• The new one was a roadworthy item, and Jenny could push it around the grounds.road·wor·thy adjectiveChineseSyllable  that in is a condition Corpus vehicle is roadworthy good




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