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单词 Testicular
1) Under the microscope, human testicular tissue often looks unhealthy.
2) Hamilton, 39, was diagnosed with testicular cancer in March.
3) Prostate cancer has risen by 200 %, testicular cancer in young men by 300 %.
4) Armstrong recovered from testicular cancer to compete in one of sport's most gruelling tests a year later.
5) Was this a result of pollution and increased testicular cancer, which has doubled in the past 20 years?
6) Testicular cancer is unusual; most others do not disappear.
7) Objective: To explore the diagnosis and treatment of testicular intratubular seminoma.
8) Testicular cancer is a highly treatable condition, affecting either one or both testicles.
9) Varicocelectomy retroperitoneal approach with ligation of both testicular vein trunci and the artery has the advantage of a decreased persistence rate.
10) The histological characteristic of testicular MALT -- oma are similar to gastrointestine MALT -- oma.
11) The association between mumps orchitis and testicular cancer is weak an incidence rate of 0.5 percent.
12) Testicular torsion is considered a surgical emergency. It is most commonly seen in adolescence, but a few cases also preasent during the neonatal period.
13) Conclusion: Human fetal testicular tissues could survive and continuously develop after being xenograft into castrated immunodeficient mice.
14) Methods: We had performed the testicular transplantation to cure 8 patients suffered from hypogonadism with the fetal testis as donor tissue.
15) Similarly, testicular cancer once claimed 95 percent of its victims; today upwards of 95 percent survive.
16) Objective:To investigate the clinical significance and diagnosis of testicular microlithiasis(TM).
17) Pudendal neuralgia syndrome, also called testicular or reproductive neuralgia syndrome, has a high incidence and an unclear pathogenetic mechanism.
18) Besides fighting ovarian and head and neck cancers, cisplatin is most effective against bladder, testicular and some lung cancers.
19) Previously chemotherapy was most commonly used to treat men suffering from testicular cancer.
20) The drug was banned more than 20 years later when the adults who were exposed in utero developed vaginal and testicular cancers.
21) Former world cycling champion Lance Armstrong is returning to the sport after a year-long battle with testicular cancer next year.
22) His academic interests focus on cancers of young adults, particularly lymphomas and testicular tumours.
23) Scott Hamilton, tears shining in his eyes, fell while skating in his first show since beating testicular cancer in Inglewood.
24) As a 17-year-old, Daniel was diagnosed as suffering from testicular cancer and was treated at the Royal Marsden.
25) A varicocele is a varicose vein of the testicle and scrotum that may cause pain, testicular atrophy or fertility problems.
26) A castration in adults can become necessary because of testicular cancer and other diseases.
27) Objective:To explore the value of laparoscopic varicocelectomy and to make a comparison between cluster ligation of internal spermatic veins and arteries and ligation of testicular veins alone.
28) Recently insulin like hormone 3 is a hotspot of concerning affecting gubernacular development and testicular descent. This article br...
29) Objective To evaluate the value of color Doppler flow imaging (CDFI) in the diagnosis of testicular torsion, epididymitis , testitis,[http:///testicular.html] varicocele and testicular trauma.
30) Objective:To provide anatomic basis for the clinical imaging diagnosis and treatment of the left testicular vein(TV) and the left suprarenal vein(SV).
31) At the end of the study, all 600 were screened for prostate and testicular cancer. Eight tested positive for prostate cancer; six for testicular.
32) Testicular allotransplantation is one of the effective options for the treatment of male infertility and hypogonadism.
33) One possibility, according to Prof Berry, is that Mary may have had a condition called testicular feminisation.
34) The disease is caused by a condition known as testicular maldescent, when the testes don't descend properly into the scrotum, and a syndrome of the urethra called testicular dysgenesis.
35) Male pseudohermaphroditism has been well - described in the testicular feminizing syndrome of man.
36) The fact that sperm counts have dropped so quickly, and mirrors the increase in the incidence of testicular cancer in Finland, suggests that the effect is probably environmental.
37) Objective To investigate the relation between serum inhibin B and testicular spermatogenic function.
38) Testicular descent can get arrested at any point from the renal hilum to the external inguinal ring. Of all the undescended testes, 90% to 95% are low and in the inguinal canal.
39) Testicular torsion is the twisting of a testicle on its spermatic cord.
40) Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of testicular blood perfusion imaging of impalpable undescended testis.
41) Conclusion Transverse testicular ectopia is a rare anatomic abnormality. The etiology of TTE is unclear. The excellent management is operation.
42) Objective:To investigate the testicular blood flow in patients with testicular microlithiasis(TM)and its correlation with the seminal profile in infertile men.
43) These other signs, she said, include lower testosterone levels and sperm counts, as well as increases in testicular cancer, a disease that most often affects young men.
44) Objective: To Study the influence of prepubertal testicular torsion on development of testes in puberty.
45) For men, discuss testicular exams and prostate screening with a health professional.
46) Biopsy on both sides of the testes for evaluation and testicular incision for extracting spermatozoon might be necessary in the patients who intend to breed by intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
47) Here is a testicular neoplasm that is teratoma, but embryonal carcinoma and seminoma were found microscopically.
48) Missoula, MT -- Heterosexual men who are regularly fellated by homosexual men have a lower risk of developing prostate and testicular cancer, a research study has found.
49) To observe the developing changes after reduction of the testicular torsion.
50) Intravenous immunoglobulin on mumps orchitis can efficiently resolve acute symptoms, and is likely to prevent testicular atrophy .
51) After surviving a bout of testicular cancer that had spread to his brain and lungs, Armstrong won more Tour de France titles than anyone else in history.
52) Objective: To explore the correlation between testicular volume, age and visible intratesticular blood flow in puberty.
53) Some scientists have dubbed this compilation of male disorders "testicular dysgenesis syndrome, " and suggested that hormone-disrupting environmental contaminants play a role.
54) Objective : To evaluate the diagnosis and treatment of testicular torsion.
55) Gubernaculum and sex hormones play critical roles in testicular descent.
56) Objective To explain the regulation mechanism of "kidney corresponding with winter" through the observation of seasonal changes of testicular follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH) receptor.
57) Objective To study sonography of testicular microlithiasis and its correlation with male disease.
58) Objective To investigate the value of radionuclide scrotal imaging for differentiating the acute testicular torsion from the acute orchiepididymitis.
59) Due to the benign nature of testicular adrenal rests and effective response to steroid replacement therapy,[] unnecessary testicular biopsy and orchiectomy should be avoided in these patients.
60) And truth be told, Lance's testicular cancer was an easy one to beat.
61) Testicular epidermoid cyst is usually incidentally found during a physical check-up. It is an uncommon intratesticular benign tumor.
62) Fibrous pseudotumor is not uncommon in other sites of the body, but rarely occurs on the testicular tunica albuginea.
63) Conclusion:CDFI have a profound differential diagnostic value of acute testitis and testicular torsion in children.
64) Objective: To investigate the development of xenografted primitive human germ cells by using fetal testicular tissues as donor tissues and an immunodeficient mouse as the recipient.
65) Objective To study the ultrasonographic features and clinical significance of testicular microlithiasis(TM).
66) Expression of the MAGE - A 3 gene has been observed in testicular cells but without antigen presentation capabilities.
67) It is a recommendable method that simple testicular needle aspiration in the men diagnosis and treatment of the men with obstructive azoospermia.
68) Ring-enhancement in intravaginal testicular torsion group was significantly stronger than that in extravaginal testicular torsion group.
69) Among them were:13 cases were with scrotal trauma, 12 with testis torsion, 32 with epididymitis, 7 with testitis, 15 with epididymoorchitis and 8 with torsion of testicular appendage.
70) Methods: Clinical data of 25 cases of testicular torsion were analysed retrospectively.
71) Patients undergoing orchiectomy should be offered the option to receive a testicular prosthesis implantation.
72) Testicular tumor of adrenogenital syndrome, also being called adrenal rests, is rare bilateral intratesticular tumors highly associated with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).
73) Decreased likelihood of developing certain hormone-dependent illnesses such as testicular cancer, prostate hypertrophy, prostatic cancer, mammary cancer and pyometra.
74) I know it sounds hammy , but I'm a performer, and all my life center stage is where I've wanted to be. This was my comeback performance —my comeback from testicular cancer.
75) Prior to being diagnosed with testicular cancer in 1996, Lance Armstrong was a professional bicyclist.
76) Germ cell neoplasms are the most common types of testicular neoplasm.
77) Objective:To explore the protective effect of the Phyllanthus Urinaria(PU)extract on the N-cadherin expression in the testicular tissues disrupted by nitrogen mustard(HN2)in vivo.
78) Poor testicular salvage rate was the result of delayed presentation at this department in most cases.
79) Objective To investigate the usefulness of serum inhibin B for successful testicular sperm extraction (TESE) in patients with non-obstructive azoospermia .
80) Conclusion Testicular microlithiasis is a common disease and has no direct correlation with male infertility.
81) CHRISTOPHER KUZAWA: "Having high levels of testosterone can increase your risk for diseases like prostate cancer [and] testicular cancer.
82) Objective:To study the sonographic appearance of testicular microlithiasis(TM)and its correlation with male infertility.
83) Such self - exams are actually recommended for all males ( see Testicular self - examination ).
84) The significant seasonal difference was disappeared in testicular FSH receptor between winter and summer.
85) The objective of this experiment was to study the effects of zinc on testicular histocyte, and on levels of plasma LH and testosterone in ram.
86) Limitations of this study include possible unmeasured confounding and lack of data concerning cryptorchidism , which is another potential cause of infertility and testicular cancer.
86) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
87) Objective To find any predictive factors for successful testicular sperm recovery in azoospermic patients.
88) Conclusion: Testicular torsion should be considered in the younger patients with acute scrotum pain.
89) Typically, testicular epidermoid cyst has a target appearance on MR imaging s.
90) Mango: take mango nuclear 10 grams, smashing the decoction, after service, twice a day, even served two weeks, can rule orchitis and testicular swelling and pain.
91) The data the US team analysed came from 13 different studies investigating testicular cancer.
92) Objective To study the CT manifestation of testicular endodermal sinus tumor in childhood.
93) Objectives: To observe the effect of removal of testicular essence combined with therapy of Flutamide in patients with advanced prostate cancer .
94) Get the lowdown on testicular cancer and other testicular diseases.
95) Results 24 cases testicular adnexa were made orchidectomy by operations research, and 6 cases of them were made expectant treatment because of rejecting operation.
96) Conclusion: Mouse spermatogonia could differentiate into spermatids in the experimental culture system where immature mouse testicular cells were incubated with supplementation of exogenous hormones.
97) Testicular feminization syndrome, the most common type of male pseudohermaphroditism, is an X - linked recessive disorder.
98) Objective : To study the changes of testicular spermatogenic function after kidney transplantation.
99) Male fertility is thought to be declining in many countries, and testicular cancer is increasing.
100) Resection of prostate can make both testicular atrophy and pre - pubescent will also stop destroying, pituitary prostate.
101) Methods:The origin, position, outer diameter and separating length of superficial epigastric vein and testicular vein were observed on 34 side of child specimens.
102) Objective : To investigate the relationship of Traumatic Dislocation of Testis and Testicular Canceration.
103) The study shows using the drugs during pregnancy may increase the risk of boys having undescended testicles, which can lead to poor sperm quality and testicular cancer in later life.
104) Objective: To observe the morphological structure of the testicular vein in the Chinese.
105) Testicular microlithiasis is a rare situation. We reported 3 cases and reviewed literatures to discuss the pathology and the sonography of the disease and associated complications.
106) These results indicated that 17B-estradiol might suppress the development of the distal portion if gubernaculum , processus vaginalis, and therefore inhibit testicular descent.
107) Darvill added "it's no surprise" that fewer gay men die of prostate or testicular cancer.
108) The fibre started from the ganglia formed part of the renal plexus, abdominal aortic plexus and testicular plexus.
109) Objective To investigate the efficacy of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) combined with percutaneous testicular sperm aspiration (PTSA)in the treatment of severe male infertility.
110) Features new material on high resolution chest CT, prostatic and testicular ultrasound and expanded coverage of GI tract and obstetric ultrasound.
111) Lance, after all, is a man who cheated his own death(), having survived testicular cancer.
112) Objective:To differentiate acute testitis from testicular torsion by ultrasound in children.
113) Method We have performed the testicular transplantation to cure 6 patients suffered from hypogonadism with the fetal testis as donor.
114) The emergence of secondary sexual characteristics by men after puberty, testicular androgen secretion in inspired by.
115) Objective To investigate the correlation between testicular volume and sex hormone and the pathogenesis of male sterility in Klinefelter syndrome.
116) Results Two-dimensional sonographic findings of testicular seminoma included intratesticular mass in 14 cases, extratesticular mass in 3 cases and infiltration in 5 cases.
117) This paper is to realize the variations of testicular vein and ovarian vein.
118) Objective To study the etiology, diagnosis and management of transverse testicular ectopia(TTE).
119) The link between teenagers who were overweight and later cancer was particularly strong for lung, skin, oesophageal, kidney, bladder, prostate and testicular cancers.
120) To explore the mechanism of testicular descent of human fetus and the cause of cryptorchism.
121) The conceptual departure point of "Cremaster"is the male cremaster muscle, which controls testicular contractions in response to external stimuli.
122) Methods Thirty-seven cases with testicular microlithiasis were examined with high resolution two-dimensional ultrasound.
123) Objective:To further explore the regulatory role of the spermatic nerves in spermatogenesis by investigating effects of testicular denervation on sexual hormone levels.
124) Results: 28 cases testicular adnexa were made orchidectomy by operations research, and 7 cases of them were made expectant treatment because of rejecting operation.
125) In extravaginal testicular torsion group, scrotal sac and muscles were slightly enhanced, while tunica vaginalis was not enhanced.
126) It is unlikely that many African nations will be able to afford such a costly medicine for breast cancer, when far cheaper ones for colon and testicular cancer are going wanting.




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