随便看 |
- become hardened to something
- become hardened to sth
- be/come on the scene
- become part of the furniture
- becomes
- become second nature
- become second nature to
- become second nature to sb
- become second nature to somebody
- be/come under fire
- be/come up against a (brick) wall
- be/come up against somebody/something
- becoming
- becoming
- be coming apart at the seams
- be coming/falling apart at the seams
- becomingly
- be coming up roses
- be commissioned
- be commissioned into
- be commissioned (into something)
- be commissioned into something
- be commissioned into sth
- be common practice
- be common/standard/normal practice
- Fringing
- Scrap heap
- With confidence
- Olden
- Manual labor
- Pea green
- Mitre
- Postal clerk
- Snap back
- Illuminance
- 诬告的意思,诬告的近义词,反义词,造句
- 诬善之人其辞游,失其守者其词屈
- 诬害的意思,诬害的近义词,反义词,造句
- 诬赖》同义词与近义词
- 诬陷词义,诬陷组词,诬陷造句
- 语不惊人的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 语丝社
- 语义学与诗歌
- 语义学派
- 语之不从,争之愈勍,名之乃惊。不语不争,无所事名,忽忽冥冥,吾事已成,彼亦懵懵。昔人谓不动声色而措天下于泰山,予以为动声色则不能措天下于泰山矣。故曰:“默而成之,不言而信,存乎德行。”
- 语云:“纵欲忘身。”“忘”之一字最宜体玩。昏不省记谓之忘,欲迷而不悟,情胜而不顾也。夜气清明时,都一一分晓,着迷处,便思不起,沉溺者可以惊心回首矣。
- 语云:一错二误,最好理会。凡一错者必二误,盖错必悔怍,悔怍则心凝于所悔,不暇他思,又错一事。是以无心成一错,有心成二误也。礼节应对间,最多此失。苟有错处,更宜镇定,不可忙乱,一忙乱则相因而错者无穷矣。
- 语人之短不曰直,济人之恶不曰义
- 语告也,言教人者当随其高下而告语之,则言易入。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 语意超绝,笔力横空——陈与义
- Clarified butter句子
- Caparison句子
- Amen句子
- Onboard句子
- Artistry句子
- Planeload句子
- Debilitate句子
- Freshwater句子
- Astir句子
- Meditation句子
- Reassuringly句子
- Well nigh句子
- Theorem句子
- Aquatic句子
- Somnolence句子