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单词 Prospecting
(1) They are using a new prospecting method to quest for oil.
(2) Today the principal tools for prospecting the brain are electrical.
(3) The geological prospecting team ranged over the desert in search of valuable deposits of oil.
(4) The prospecting team ploughed their way through the snow.
(5) The company is prospecting for gold in Alaska.
(6) The company are prospecting for gold in that area.
(7) He was involved in oil, zinc and lead prospecting.
(8) The prospecting team ploughed their way through the snows.
(9) The prospecting teams ploughed their way throngh the weeds.
(10) In fact(), the oil companies are already prospecting not far from here.
(11) It felt challenging and risky, like prospecting for gold.
(12) Since 1965 prospecting birds have also been noted regularly at other localities on the chalk and east of Hastings.
(13) If Northgate ignored the bureaucratic niceties of prospecting licences, it also ignored the legal niceties of land ownership and trespass.
(14) Prospecting continued in other provinces, though most intensely in Connaught and Ulster.
(15) They need your help about everything from prospecting to how to get along with their administrative assistant.
(16) John St.Clair spent hours prospecting for gold, and was rewarded with some bright literary nuggets.
(17) Nor was Anglo-United the only company prospecting for gold in the early eighties.
(18) Okioc has been forced to defend its prospecting by calling in experts to look at the seal deaths.
(19) Of course gold prospecting in Ireland started much earlier than this - in 1957 Anglo-United were prospecting for gold in Clentibret, Co.
(20) He spent a year prospecting for the elusive metal.
(21) Such storms cause considerable disruption in magnetic prospecting operation.
(22) So, Rayleigh wave prospecting is presented in this thesis.
(23) Geochemical prospecting remains in the realm of the naturalist.
(24) Despite this seemingly unattractive situation, there was a large influx of mining companies prospecting in the country in the late sixties.
(25) In recent years, the tribe had been badly affected by diseases brought in by prospecting miners.
(26) Increased tin and gold metal prices from 1980 onwards encouraged prospecting for these commodities.
(27) Many have proved beneficial to areas such as medical diagnosis, geological prospecting and computer system configuration.
(28) Something I should have mentioned earlier is just how good gold prospecting is as a family hobby.
(29) Mining company employees made no attempt to inform local residents of what they were prospecting for.
(30) The most direct way of doing so was by prospecting and directing capital to developing mines in new lands.
(1) They are using a new prospecting method to quest for oil.
(2) Today the principal tools for prospecting the brain are electrical.
(3) The geological prospecting team ranged over the desert in search of valuable deposits of oil.
(31) Equipment management is of importance in geophysical prospecting.
(32) Therefore, ore prospecting was cast about for source bed.
(33) This paper expounds the prospecting test study on electromagnetic sounding of fixed excitated source used magnetic stick as magnetic detector in varied topography area.
(34) This principle is important in magnetic prospecting only insofar as it forms the basis.
(35) Although he spent a year prospecting for the elusive metal, he met only with failure.
(36) There have been a rapid development in the areas of the diamond resources prospecting, diamond mineralogy and diamond gemology .
(37) The seismic tomography technique is a efficient geophysical prospecting method.
(38) Ni - Cd alkaline rechargeable battery in cylindrical shape is widely used in the geophysical prospecting instruments.
(39) The technique shows successful and economically reasonable in prospecting for Karst caves at superterranean and subterrane construction.
(40) Therefore, the crenulation cleavage is the basic character of the brittle-ductile shear zones as well as the prospecting criteria of meso-low temperature structural-hydrothermal deposit.
(41) For the potential assessment of basin and the selection of potential area, the model is an important prospecting criterion.
(42) In 1896, a prospecting party discovered gold in Alaska, a finding that touched off the Klondike gold rush.
(43) Description: Thanks to goblin prospecting , the large salt flat is actually a rich source of oil.
(44) The nuclear - magnetic - resonance magnetometer first went into service in airborne prospecting during the middle 1950 s.
(45) So, the geoscience can develop forward and raise the rate of success for mineral prospecting.
(46) Finally, we consider that the Jinshan area a good target area for prospecting large gold deposits.
(47) The prospecting team has traversed the length and breadth of the land.
(48) A geological prospecting engineer who had made a spectral analysis ores discovered a new open - cut coalmine.
(49) Under the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, the Secretary of the Interior was empowered to issue prospecting permits and leases for certain minerals such as oil and gas .
(50) A "three-in-one" sign can be as the prospecting model for primary kimberlite. One aspect of the sign is anomalies of heavy placer minerals in which the pyrope with high Cr and low Ca occurs.
(51) Otherwise, to deepen the reform and vitalize the prospecting would be only idle talk.
(52) The hinterland of Junggar basin is mostly covered with desert. It brings about difficulty for seismic prospecting due to its fluctuation, inhomogeneous distribution of surface dune sand.
(53) I was told that the gravitational method is the most inexpensive method among the geophysical prospecting.
(54) So the combination of ground and down hole superconductive gravity is one of practicable method in further prospecting of residual oil.
(55) The talcose deposit has great resource potentialities and new ore - prospecting significance.
(56) Bauxite is an abundant supplyin Guangxi Province, owing considerable prospecting potential.
(57) Prospecting metal mine goafs by Rayleigh wave method is introduced.
(58) It is meaningful for the research of the characteristics of ore bearing fracture of the area and the laying out of the prospecting project, even for the calculation of reserves.
(59) The shallow seismic prospecting is one of indispensable important prospecting method to civic seismic micro zoning.
(60) Noise has always been the most troublesome problem in seismic prospecting.
(61) Finally well geochemical prospecting anomaly model gas condensate reservoir with its genesis being discussed.
(62) Genetic model of Qiyugou type gold deposit is proposed and prospecting direction was pointed out according to plate tectonic theory.
(63) This paper discusses the industrial utilization, market prospecting, property and utilizing purpose of sepiolite deposit Yonghe.
(64) Remote sensing as a new technology has been applyed in the prospecting of ground anormal indication of oil and gas.
(65) The novel, a short book, easy to fall into oblivion off, off, or destroy residual seeking prospecting nothing.
(66) So this algorithm has great potential applications in the high density electrical resistivity tomography prospecting.
(67) Based on analysis of the geological characteristics and origin, the Jianbidong Cu-Pb-Zn deposit is regarded as a porphyritic type. Finally the criteria for prospecting are expounded.
(68) Where you have water ice, you have a potential mother lode for lunar prospecting of hydrogen.
(69) The method of gold placer mineral includes significant prospecting information in the prospecting assessments gold deposits./prospecting.html
(70) China had successfully sent into orbit small satellites for the purposes of scientific experiments, resource survey , natural disaster forecast and environment prospecting and monitoring.
(71) In this paper, the exploration mechanism, working method in field and prospecting result are introduced.
(72) In magnetic prospecting, considering the curve characters in the area, established data volume model to forward modeling the burnt boundary.
(73) The qualification of mining market access is the managerial right of mining, and mineral prospecting right and mineral exploitation right is the property right of mineral resources.
(74) Gravity prospecting involves the measurement of variations in the gravitational field of the earth.
(75) The area's seismic prospecting characteristics have tantivy attenuation of seismic waves, strong interference waves, low signal-noise ratio and difficult operational conditions.
(76) The synthetic geophysical and geochemical prospecting anomalies inosculate better with the ore body.
(77) Article 2 These Regulations shall apply to foreign businessmen investing in the prospecting and mining of mineral resources within the administrative area of Szechwan Province.
(78) With the typomorphic characteristics of galena pyroelectricity, prospecting in deep part of the deposit is discussed.
(79) The radon migration in uranium prospecting surveyed is discussed with a newly-developed method. The action of "relay transmission" presented is the main way of radon migration.
(80) The mineral resources exploration, prospecting and capacity level is an important symbol of human social progress.
(81) Along with the oil prospecting and production(), the existent drilling bit (steel and tungsten carbide tooth bit) was not effective in some complicated stratum.
(82) Enterprises of oil and gas prospecting face severe market competition. Expense control plays an important role in the globally commercial war for more market shares.
(83) The study of reservoir thickness has direct and close relations with gas-oil prospecting and exploitation.
(84) Oil-cracking gas is one of the greatest academic progresses in natural gas prospecting, and it directly related to the decision-making and disposal of exploitation and prospecting.
(85) Collecting geochemical prospecting information of kimberlite in Huabei Platform shows: Cr is an important indicative element for determining a rock mass is ore bearing.
(86) According to the prospecting data , Kohistan - Ladakh massif was a group of isles during Dinosaur Days.
(87) Studying seismo electric exploration is a new research in geophysical prospecting.
(88) Shallow polyhalite potash deposit has the instruction meaning for its resource and the prospecting for solid-state solubility potash salt.
(89) By the study of the feature of alluvial gold conjuncture, its haul distance was determined, the types of its Primary deposits assessed and the target area for ProsPecting Primary deposit defined.
(90) They may help to define the industrial type of primary deposit and prospecting by the association type of arsenate minerals.
(91) A geological prospecting engineer a spectral analysis of ores discovered a new open - cut coalmine.
(92) The measurement of natural thermoluminescence of Quaternary sediment is a new method for oil and gas prospecting.
(93) Seismic impedance inversion throve from the 70s of 20 century, and change conventional seismic data into lithology data, which provide important information for oil-gas prospecting.
(94) A geological prospecting engineer who a spectral analysis of ores discovered a new open - cut coalmine.
(95) Foreign investors are allowed to incorporate expenditures on prospecting into deferred assets and have them amortized at the prospecting stage.
(96) Research about the relationship of diapir, ore body and structure of controlling them has important theoretical value and prospecting significance.
(97) The introduction of some typical examples shows that integrated geophysical exploration method has high application value in deep prospecting.
(98) The discovery of the Yankeng decollement structures is of importance to theevaluation of the coal deposits and prospecting other mineral deposits in the area.
(99) The prospecting, development and utilizing the ocean resources have become the focus of the international concern .
(100) Achieve monthly prospecting target through promotion booth and synergy events.
(101) Subvocanics is the final carrier of hydrothermal fluid of magmatism thus is the prospecting target.
(102) Besides, the development and the use of these results are discussed on geological prospecting, environment evaluation, endemic disease prevent and cure. geologic hazard forcasting and ...
(103) The paper introduces theory and design of high density resistivity prospecting testing sys-tem, especially the programming multiplexor in its key components.
(104) This event is significant for solving basic problems concerning the Cambrian biogeographic provinces, the geotectonic nature of the northern margin of the North China platform and mineral prospecting.
(105) Vegetation prospecting for thallium includes plant indication and plant ore.
(106) Through prospecting in productive and doing comprehensive research on deposit's geological features, Bizigou Mine has been found the existence law of ore body which is under the "S-shaped" fold.
(107) This regularity is indicative to the deep prospecting and ore - finding.
(108) The metallogenic system is the couple results of the same energy field, fluid field and different ore source field, and has good potential for ore prospecting.
(109) Beneath this log sheet in reverse-chronological order should be past logs, booking tickets, account brochures, correspondence and articles that are current and pertinent to the prospecting effort.
(110) Up to now, the exploration extents in these zones are higher, but the middle-deep prospecting effort is fewer.
(111) What technique needs to employ so as to develop the deep prospecting?
(112) The authors consider Daguzhai pluton and the near periphery, especially its northeast part, as the prospecting target for further exploration.
(113) In physical prospecting, we need to calculate the integrals of 1th Bessel function.
(114) In-situ tests show that the reflection wave method is cheap, efficient and accurate in prospecting of down-pile rocks. Therefore, it is worth popularizing.
(115) A geological prospecting engineer who had made a spectral analysis of ores discovered a new open-cut coalmine.
(116) Therefore, it is the high time to start the deep prospecting in the Hua nan area, which has drawn a wide attention from the national and local governments and enterprises.
(117) This method has deep prospecting and is applied to a thick- bedded covered area of allochthonous accumulation.
(118) Currently, it is clear that the state state-run geological prospecting enterprises should be the dominant subject in China' s mining market.
(119) Environmental geophysics is a new scientific and applied branch of prospecting geophysics.
(120) No single prospecting technique can be regarded as a panacea.
(121) Based on the theory of gravity prospecting and measuring accuracy of superconductive gravimeter, the migrating and accumulating of residual oil and gas are studied.
(122) The data obtained in electromagnetic prospecting need to be reduced.
(123) A NASA prospecting mission to sample the frozen contents of a lunar crater found not only a rich supply of water, but a tapestry of other minerals, origins unknown.
(124) Prospecting experience indicates that not all subsurface medium is white noise random medium, not all reflection coefficient sequence is white noise random time sequence.
(125) The discovery of this deposit provided a successful model for achieving significant breakthrough of geological prospecting within low-pitched geochemical anomalies.
(126) I was gravitational method is the most inexpensive method among the geophysical prospecting.
(127) By Yunnan gold exploration records, medium-large scale original and sand gold deposits have been explored to some extent in history. Expanding the prospecting scale was also based on old deposits.
(128) Terrain effect of 1: 50000 gravity prospecting result in mountainous region is removed by respectively using slope-top trihedral prism model and rectangular prism model in near, mid and far areas.
(129) The scientists are prospecting this wetland area for mineral resources.
(129) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(130) On the basis of theoretical study, the authors of this paper applied it to the prospecting of rock gold and alluvial gold , achieving much better result.
(131) Gold deposit's prospecting criteria include sedimentary facies, silication, pyritization and structural fracture belt.
(132) Underwater plasma sound source, namely underwater sparker, is a significant application of pulsed discharge in water, which has been employed for underwater acoustics and sea oil prospecting.
(133) The acquisition system obtains the geological information through the geophone in seism prospecting.
(134) After enduring the hardship of the arduous fieldwork , the prospecting team discovered many new ores.
(135) Because this fact was no recognized , the early magnetic prospecting for iron deposits was spectacularly unsuccessful.
(136) This paper expounds the prospecting test study on electromagnetic sounding of fixed excitated source used magnetic stick as magnetic detector in vari...
(137) In this paper the sources of superprofit and resource prospecting taxare analysed.
(138) China's geological prospecting industry has been directly subsidized by the national finance allocates funds for dozens of years, which has formed the management pattern pursuing no direct output.
(139) These geophysical parameters indicate that conditions are available in these areas for prospecting copper sulfide deposit using induced polarization method.
(140) The pyroelectricity characteristics of pyrite can be used as the indicators for prospecting of gold deposit.
(141) Expanding exploration target are proved at Jiuqu regions. Prediction in goaf of Jiuqu area was tested by tectonic altered lithofacies geological survey and deep prospecting method.
(142) The visual software system for IP Groundwater Prospecting is a vital tool in the processing and explanation of IP Groundwater Prospecting data.
(143) The article discusses what will the geological prospecting units be confronted with when China restored its membership in GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade).
(144) The new design of digital geophone used in the occasion of high resolution seismic prospecting will pay an important roll in a new kind of seismography.
(145) The activities of mineral prospecting exist as a form of systematology.
(146) These superminiature textures and fossils are of great importance to discovering further the mystery of rocks and strata, prospecting petroleum and other minerals, and discussing the l...
(147) SN388 seismographer is one of major seismograph used in seismic prospecting at home.
(148) The seismic modeling is the foundation of the seismic prospecting and the seismography.
(149) The result of geochemical prospecting field data in Liaohe Oilfield shows that this method is feasible.
(150) In present paper the author gives a full account of the geological prospecting work of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry in the development of China's steel industry.
(151) It cost saving, simple and convenient and the result is prone to explain by ludwigite -magnetite prospecting with this method.
(152) Indicator minerals for diamond prospecting, such as high Cr-bearing chromite pyrope, Cr- picrotanite and Mg-ilmenite, have been found during the diamond research by heavy minerals in Xin- jiang .
(153) It is of significance in the improvement of prospecting efficiency and in searching endogenetic deposits.
(154) To detect the paleobiology fossil with the geophysical prospecting technique is a very difficult project, which has no great breakthrough all over the world.




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