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单词 Watermark
1 The sheet bears the watermark '1836'.
2 The card has a digital watermark detectable only to electronic cash dispensers.
3 There is a watermark on this $50 bill.
4 This contains an invisible watermark ... detectable only to electronic tills and cash dispensers.The company says it should be impossible to copy.
5 Laid paper with a watermark pattern showing the wire marks used in the paper making process.
6 Watermark an impression incorporated in the paper making process showing the name of the paper and/or the company logo.
7 On machine-made paper the watermark is embossed into the sheet whilst it is still wet.
8 Design the detection method of watermark bars of Euros.
9 The watermark is extracted without the original unmarked image.
10 Shaded watermark: watermark with opaque rather than tranaparent appearance.
11 The watermark on the banknote is to prevent forgery.
12 In the meanwhile, watermark system can be regarded as a communication model in order to analyse the influence of human audio system on the watermark capacity.
13 The watermark is processed by convolutional encoding and interleaving before embedding, in order to improve the ability for overcoming error bit rate.
14 Based on the similarity of watermark system and communication transform system model, there is an image watermarking method proposed here which adopted convolutional encoding technique.
15 In this article a meaningful public watermark algorithm based on DCT was realized. An idea of controlling the position embedded by the random series was inducted which improved the algorithm.
16 The basic idea is to embed a watermark by adding an echo the original sample.
17 The strength of the embedded watermark is image-adaptive according to the wavelets quantization noise, and combined with the error-correct code, it improved the characteristic to anti-attack.
18 A new method that digital watermarking information was embedded in numerical attributes Least Significant Bit(LSB) was put forward in view of the existing watermark algorithms insufficiency.
19 The watermark is detected resorting to FICA. The experimental results demonstrate its good unification between the robustness and invisibility.
20 Reagan's presidency may prove to have been the high watermark of the US-Israeli alliance.
21 And not just any old envelope, but a special luxury brand with a griffin watermark.
22 I am distinguished not by my appearance, but by a watermark.
23 Penal Policy in a Changing Society stands as the high watermark of what later became known as the treatment model.
24 By moving the portrait to the left, engravers made more room for a watermark.
25 In industry of bank paper , the reliability and stability can not be achieved on on - line real time monitoring of the watermark all the time.
26 He was beyond any pretension. Although he corresponded with many of the world's most important people, his stationery carried only a watermark—W—for Woolworth 's.
27 Based on the masking properties of the psychoacoustic model, we then derive the required sound pressure level of the watermark.
28 This article presents a novel self - synchronizing audio watermark algorithm for shortwave narrow band channel.
29 In these algorithms, meaningful binary images are adopted as the watermark.
30 The algorithm is the base of application for presswork watermark.
1 The sheet bears the watermark '1836'.
31 Spread spectrum was conducted first, and then it was embedded into watermark by means of integer modulo .
32 The important modulus of (2) choice optesthesia is used for watermark implantation.
33 Do wavelet packet decomposition and embed watermark by modifying wavelet packet coefficients.
34 First the system changes the watermark into a bit sequence, and then embeds the bits into the block-DCT of the image based on modular arithmetic.
35 The conflict between transparence and robustness of the watermark system is better solved by the algorithm.
36 This watermark algorithm can contain the detection threshold into a predefined scope and attain quite good imperceptibility .
37 To improve the traditional detection methods related to the accuracy, used embedded watermark embedding two are not related to the pseudo-random sequence, greatly improve the detection accuracy.
38 By still image compression coding technique, the color digital watermark is encoded into a series of binary ID numbers for watermarking.
39 Then, the original PDF document is transformed into PS file. The binary watermark image with its location information is embedded into the character spacing of the PS file.
40 This paper studies an improved secure algorithm for the non-linear digital image watermark based on error correcting coding and non-linear detector.
41 This kind of watermark technique can give attention to invisibleness and robustness, and realize blind examination efficiently.
42 Watermark Master is a multifunctional video editor primarily intended for conversion of video and image files with adding any kinds of watermarks to them.
43 Digital watermark technology is the integrality of data through embedding secret information - the watermark initial data.
44 Based on the characteristics of the binary image, we present a digital watermark authentication method with the supervisory relationship of Hamming Code.
45 The information hiding technology mainly includes the steganography and digital watermark technology.
46 The security features of the former 10, 000 yen notes were the watermark, the use of ultrafine line printing, and luminescent ink.
47 Generally called as water transfer, water applique , watermark , water painting, water paper and BC mark, etc.
48 It don't need to add any ideograph or watermark in the digital images, the authentication only depend on the characteristics of the images.
49 The technologies most used for reproduction of Chinese ancient books on Xuan paper such as digital ink jet, woodblock watermark, collotype and screen print were compared and analyzed.
50 To create a watermark that appears on every page in a document, insert a drawing object in a header or footer.
51 Although he corresponded with many of the world's most important people, his stationery carried only a watermark - W - for Woolworth 's.
52 Invisibleness and robustness are two of the most basic requirements for digital watermarks. Embedding strategy, embedding formula and watermark strength all affect robustness of invisible watermarks.
53 Confirmable watermark, which is obtained from Discriminating watermark after an especial process with pseudo random sequence, is embedded into the wavelet coefficients of low sub-band.
54 The publication of reference watermark does not compromise the embedding one.
55 The chaos map is introduced to improve the watermark imperceptibility . The experiment result shows that it has a good HVS and is robust.
56 On these grounds, the wavelet domain optimal watermark imbedding algorithm is put forward based on the genetic algorithm.
57 The watermark can be any meaningful digital file or meaningless random series. The invention protects video data or files transferred on networks.
58 Spread Spectrum Watermark complete source code can be used directly.
59 The experimental results demonstrate that the watermark is robust against cut attack, salt-pepper noise attack, Least Significant Bit (LSB) attack, winner attack,() and so on.
60 The intensity of watermark was proportional to the intensity of saliency of the image, which made the watermark be adapted to the original image.
61 Utilizing the human visual texture masking and luminance masking models, watermark is embedded into the largest coefficient of third level detail subimage.
62 Watermark Layout is in the attachment file for both type paper.
63 Firstly, a watermark was embedded in low band of DWT domain according to the conceal quality of human visual system (HVS).
64 The algorithm employs the baker transformation to encrypt binary watermark, simple and timesaving in implementation.
65 Designed three mentally densest key, uses to define the watermark and the position that it imbed.
66 Chaos map and singular value decomposition of matrix technology are introduced to improve the watermarking imperceptibility, security and robustness of watermark image.
67 The scheme meets properly the requirement of invisibleness and robustness for watermark.
68 In this scheme, zero reference watermark is defined based on quantization function.
69 He used original colour compositions which evoke Slavonic popular art and which are similar to precious watermark works.
70 The watermark detection algorithm based on the central limit theorem can test watermarking information accurately.
71 Audio watermarking that modulates DC level shift according to watermark has wonderful low pass and noise resistance performance.
72 The digital watermark technology is one kind of effective digital product copyright protection and the data security maintenance technology which appears in the recent ten years.
73 Then we embed watermark through modifying the motion vector type flag.
74 Finally, making use of autocorrelation function characteristic of spread spectrum sequence, watermark information was detected. In the detection process, it is not requisite for initial carrier image.
75 A method of marking an article with a watermark that diffracts radiation according to Bragg's law is disclosed.
76 Based on the similarity of watermark system and communication transform system model, there is an image watermarking method proposed here which adopts convolutional encoding technique.
77 Experiments demonstrate that the new detector can improve the performance of watermark correlation detector greatly.
78 This arithmetic can detect the digital watermark without the original carrier image and the original watermark.
79 Because of the limitation of their characteristic, video watermark technique has less hiding capacity , they can't meet the need of large data secret communication or information intercept controller.
80 An algorithm for embedding color watermark image in color carrier image was realized.
81 Reseatch result shows that watermark detection error is mainly influenced by the watermark mean energy and watermarking capacity. The detection error rises with the increase of watermarking capacity.
82 The watermark can be used to encoded information to detect illegal misuses.
83 Simple operation, the technical and professional effectiveness, which is " easily watermark. "
84 This scheme took account of two kinds of desynchronization attacks: translation and scaling. Watermark was embedded by RDM and detected by the framework of joint synchronization and decoding.
85 By utilizing error correction code, the robustness of robust watermark is improved.
86 Watermark become a new copyright protection method, the research of this aspect is more and more.
87 The embedding process is firstly JPEG decoding on carrier image, then selects the bit plane to replace the watermark according to the key.
88 The accuracy of watermark extraction depends on the key and the statistical independence between the original images and watermark.
89 Hardware monitoring module's screenshot watermark image is now stored into.
90 Considering the requirement of watermarks robustness and imperception, we present a method which can definite the intensity of the image embedded by digital watermark by the content of image.
91 The robustness of JND plays a key role in blind watermark detection.
92 A proved secure protocol for watermark verification based on perfect zero knowledge interactive proof system and bit commitments scheme is proposed.
93 It also provides rich functions about watermark string and job definition.
94 A lossless scheme of a binary image watermark based on wavelet transform is proposed.
95 The application of watermark for joint ownership can improve the security and redundancy of watermark information.
96 Firstly, the watermark sequence is encrypted by pseud - number sequence.
97 Considering robustness of watermark, we choice frequency Coefficients of DWT ( Discrete Wavelet Transformation ) to embed white watermark.
98 Experimentation shows that this watermark algorithm has good concealment and frangibility.
99 This algorithm can extract the watermark without the original carrier image and the original watermark image.
100 Brightness factor F is keywords , the simultaneous inner minor wave modulus carries out a descending sort on all son , the F minor wave modulus choosing front implants location as figure watermark.
101 From the experiment results, it indicates that, after the watermarked MPEG-4 video suffer filtering, rotation, scaling and transcoding, the watermark possesses good imperceptibility and robustness.
102 Cut - to - register: Paper with a watermark in the same position on each cut sheet.
103 Then after preprocessing the binary image watermark, with different embedding strength the watermark image is embedded by the rule of odd-even adjudgement.
104 The ownership prover insert the watermark into the host signal using symmetric watermark technology based on spread spectrum.
105 In addition, we introduce the integration of the spread spectrum technology and the digital watermark technology, so this digital technology has a strong haleness and safety.
106 The brightness level of the watermark and shadow colors are adjustable as well.
107 Experimental results show the watermark is invisible and robust to common image processing operations such as JPEG compression, cropping, resizing, median value filtering and noise perturbation.
108 Moreover, we consider the characters of HVS Human Visual System , consequently watermark has nice invisibility.
109 This watermark extracted using correlation detection, without the participation of the original carrier image to achieve the blind watermark detection.
110 Through imbedding the watermark in the high-density 2D symbol ones it while having large data memory capacity, and it satisfying the information safety.
111 The watermark can be extracted by DCT on the audio signal embedded watermark.
112 The availability of the extracted watermark ise-valuated by comparing the normalized correlation coefficient of the extracted watermark with the true one.
113 This algorithm can quickly embed the watermark to large-scale 3D meshes and is robust to various attacks. Finally we analyze some necessary conditions to construct the non-invertible scheme.
114 Watermark is extracted by comparing the line - spacing under consideration with the reference line - spacing.
115 It is based on JND model which provides the maximum amount of watermark signal that can be tolerated at every image location without affecting the visual quality of the image.
116 One algorithm frame about secure and exact image authentication based on fragile watermark is presented.
117 Use your existing Watermark Sensor with WatchDog Weather Stations and Data Loggers.
118 The first scheme: In the video domain, ICA is used to extract dynamic component and static component of the consecutive frames(Sentence dictionary), the watermark is embeded into the dynamic one.
119 This context firstly introduced the foundation, classification, research status and application areas of digital watermark in the aspects of inreversible and reversible watermark.
120 In order to improve the ability to resist the disturbance, the watermark was processed by convolutional encoding and interleaving before embedding.
121 Digital watermark is wrapup marks in the way of signal processing in digitized hyperactive data imbedded.
122 Calligraphy can gallop without the rein of brush and ink, it might be hiding inside the wooden grain or the wave of hair, or the scratch of prick on sand, or the watermark dripping from the roof.
123 The results of experiment specify the security of the scheme, which is the linkup of Digital Signature technology, Digital Encryption technology and Digital Watermark technology.
124 The statistical detection principle is used to achieve the blind extraction of the discriminating watermark and the blind detection of the Confirmable watermark.
125 Two blind watermark algorithms based on HVS in DCT domain are proposed.
126 Digital watermark technology, as a method of providing copyright protection, has been a hotspot in academic.
127 A method of embedding a color digital watermark into a gray level image is proposed.
128 Through various attack tests, the digital watermark imbed can be withdraw with the higher likeness degree.
129 Prints also development from wood block print to the watermark, oil sets, hard aboard sets.
130 The experiments show that the algorithm can assure good imperceptibility for watermarked image and the watermark beseem to exact authentication for image, this watermark can be successfully erased.
131 A new algorithm for digital image watermarking based on binary operation in the wavelet transform domain is proposed, and the original image is not required for detecting the watermark.
132 This 17,000 square foot facility focuses on treatments like the Mesquite Scrub, the Watermark Restoration, and the Avocado Lime Blossom Scalp and Body Treatment.
133 Because the chaotic sequence is very sensitive to the initial value, the attackers cannot deduce the whole sequence from the finite sequence and the security of watermark information is ensured.
133 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
134 In these cases, the watermark detector unambiguously identi es the owner.
135 The Paperivalo studio in the serenity of Lapland is where unique luminaires, cinerary urns and watermark paper cards take shape.
136 It embed the correlative information with the actual watermark in the more significant bit of the vector data, and the actual watermark in the hypo- significant bit of the vector data.
137 Includes loading an image, can be binary, opening and closing operations, corrosion, grayscale, Laplace operator, add watermark and other operations.
138 A geometric distortion correction algorithm for watermark image is proposed.




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