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单词 canvas
释义  Related topics: Material & textiles, Painting and drawingcan·vas /ˈkænvəs/ ●●○ noun  1  [uncountable]TIM strong cloth used to make bags, tents, shoes etc 帆布 a canvas bag 帆布包2  [countable]AVP a painting done with oil paints, or the piece of cloth it is painted on 油画;油画布 The gallery has a canvas by Paul Cézanne. 这个美术馆有一幅保罗·塞尚的油画作品。 ‘Four Women on a Bench’, oil on canvas, 1991 《长凳上的四个女人》,布面油画,作于1991年 →5 see picture at 见图 stand23  a broader/wider/larger canvas the whole of a situation, and not just a part of it 全局,总体形势 These questions must be considered on a broader canvas. 这些问题必须从全局来考虑。4. under canvas British EnglishDLO in a tent 在帐篷内Examples from the Corpuscanvas• And from somewhere beneath a cupboard she produced an enormous canvas draped in a sheet and showed it to me.• Some artists prefer the springy sensitivity of an open canvas whilst others prefer the hardness or smoothness of a board.• Painting on wall or canvas as dream of plenitude, painting on glass as revelation of potential in poverty.• This was not the fluid, precise canvas of the Cal victory.• He tried out the Helen Frankenthaler technique of staining raw canvas with diluted paint.• He had brought the canvas bag with him.• The man in the canvas chair threw his Daily Variety to the floor.Origin canvas (1300-1400) Old North French canevas, from Latin cannabis “hemp”can·vas nounChineseSyllable  to make tents, used Corpus shoes strong cloth bags,




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