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单词 Historian
1, No serious historian today accepts this theory.
2, A good historian must have an academic mind.
3, My father was a historian of repute. His speciality was the history of Germany.
4, Historian Michael Beschloss debunks a few myths.
5, Marx was strongly influenced by the historian Niebuhr.
6, She is a historian of great distinction.
7, The historian Yakut described it picturesquely as a "mother of castles".
8, His work as a historian brought him into conflict with the political establishment.
9, As a historian, he was most typical of the times in which he lived.
10, The oldest tradition goes back to the contemporary historian John Foxe.
11, Although not formally trained as an art historian, he is widely respected for his knowledge of the period.
12, An art historian and collector, he was also a practising architect.
13, This is the acclaimed historian John Taylor's first sortie into fiction.
14, The historian brushed crumbs from the tablecloth.
15, Sir Ernst Gombrich, leading art historian certainly thinks so!
16, She was an art historian named Linda Nochlin.
17, This literature, however,(http:///historian.html) presents considerable problems for the historian.
18, Although not formally trained as a historian of ancient art, Ortiz's scholarship is widely respected.
19, Mehta warmed to the one historian he met who did not consider journalists a lower caste.
20, The social historian may he interested in changing modes of dress, or agricultural and industrial machinery.
21, So too has his historian, confronted by a growing body of evidence for change in the ninth-century economy.
22, Her career as a historian began when her father taught the 6-year-old to keep box scores of each Dodgers game.
23, Both men knew the claim was false, the historian contends.
24, This information is of the highest utility to a historian.
25, She is a writer as well as a distinguished modern historian.
26, The book is an invaluable source of reference for the art historian.
27, He was a man of many parts: writer, literary critic and historian.
28, Deciding where is the beginning can be a trouble for an art historian.
29, The visitation records have several values for the local historian.
30, It provides a useful point of departure for a historian of the present-day civil rights movement in the Soviet Union.
1, No serious historian today accepts this theory.
2, A good historian must have an academic mind.
3, My father was a historian of repute. His speciality was the history of Germany.
4, As a historian, he was most typical of the times in which he lived.
31, In the 1960s he gave up practice to pursue an academic career as an architectural historian.
32, I make a date with my friend Patrick, a labor historian.
33, A skilled historian is able to entwine his inventory material with evidence gathered from a variety of other sources.
34, Their position reveals another source of the difficulties of the recent historian.
35, In those ten years, a blink of the eye to a historian, the United States changed greatly.
36, One of us is the granddaughter who rescued the paintings from a warehouse room; the other, a young art historian.
37, Find a local historian or architect who can help you in dating or describing it.
38, The great historian Henry Jackson Turner had just decreed the official closing of the frontier.
39, The Service Industries For the economic historian, as for the economist, services constitute the most enigmatic sector of the economy.
40, So the hedges which most interest the historian are those which most fascinate the botanist.
41, The series was the brainchild of publisher Allen Lane and architectural historian Nikolaus Pevsner and the first volume appeared in 1953.
42, More than one modern historian has enjoyed wrestling with the question: was Charles the Bald really bald?
43, When intellectual influences of this sort have to be considered by the general historian, he can not go far for himself.
44, As well as being an ardent botanist, Mr Taylor is also something of a historian.
45, First, no other type of historical evidence offers the historian such depths of insight into human conduct.
46, I am no art historian but I appreciate fine works of art, and would just like to make two points.
47, Last week she had the good fortune to have as guest the great art historian Sir Ernst Gombrich.
48, They are among the material marshalled by the historian in order to investigate the past.
49, The relationship of the nuclear family to wider social forms has troubled the historian for a long time.
50, An artist has as much right to interpret history as a historian.
51, Martin, formerly editor of Arts magazine, is a trained art historian.
52, It is what makes him such a refreshing literary historian.
53, Read in studio Author and historian Count Nikolai Tolstoy has applied to have a bankruptcy order against him annulled.
54, Will the historian of the future be adequately served if only the internal reports profiling donors survive?
55, This is what a recent historian, S. D. Gothein, has suggested.
56, The modern historian sees greater variety than the thesis's defenders wished to concede.
57, Even as I became a professional art historian in the 1960s, the look of Olympia did not change.
58, Of particular interest to the historian is the question of continuity or discontinuity in this kind of behaviour.
59, To find clues we asked market historian and newsletter writer Martin Zweig.
60, Sweet as the victory over polio was, one medical historian wrote: It left a slightly bitter taste in many mouths.
61, The job of the historian is to go beyond the facts, and to make interpretations.
62, Despite the best endeavours of every serious historian who has written about the subject, this myth is still widely believed.
63, His views are echoed by Oxford modern historian Mark Almond.
64, Additions and embellishments can be more difficult to detect, and here of course the cooperation of the art historian is essential.
65, Would a single airline reservation transaction have value to a future historian?
66, The state of euphoria of a historian who unearths a long-forgotten manuscript may be chemically induced.
67, The importance of these datasets for the social historian is probably obvious.
68, The requirements of the social science historian with regard to the archiving of computer-generated data are the same as those of any social scientist.
69, In 1937 the historian Meyer Schapiro, writing first in Marxist Quarterly, analysed the opposition of realist and abstract art.
70, I have for some reason a picture of a rather youthful military historian.
71, There will also be a local historian and lecturer to guide the group through Old Town in the city of Tours.
72, According to military historian Martin van Creveld, successful armies have always decentralized authority.
73, Fundamentally it requires a dialogue between you, as reader and apprentice-historian, and the author, as writer and professional historian.
74, The grant has led one historian to question Edward's mental state, but this is an over-reaction.
75, Megill writes not as a literary critic but as a philosophically trained historian of ideas.
76, This material abundance gives the modern historian a quite different range of experience from that of his classical or medieval colleagues.
77, It retreats into the ghetto and dismisses the work of the historian as irrelevant to its needs.
78, The local historian should be aware of the systems and the difficulties they create.
79, For the historian it is equally illegitimate to overlook what they had in common as it is to neglect the differences.
80, Any art critic may take such a position, but a historian almost never.
81, The action is jointly defended by the historian Count Nikolai Tolstoy, who supplied much of the information for the pamphlet.
82, To the funerary historian the Tor Abbey Jewel is a highly important record.
83, Their pecuniary interests were probably greater than their antiquarian ones, and their errors were written up by the historian.
84, Registration districts usually cover very different areas from the administrative units that the local historian is more familiar with.
85, About the Holocaust, Ludens had prided himself on keeping, as a historian, a cool head.
86, The historian with the gift of hindsight might wish to counter-assert the greater benefits brought by well-planned public infrastructural investment.
87, The editor will continue to be anthropologist, art historian and classicist Francesco Pellizzi.
88, Similarly, a historian will make use of statistical techniques to give objective substance to intuitively sensed historical processes or trends.
89, Politician, historian and writer of many biographies, he was our immediate predecessor, yielding the Green Study to me.
90, This is an excellent example of what the local historian will be coping with at parish level.
91, It is interesting to see a professional historian reminding the reader explicitly of the relevance of his facts, analysis and discussion.
92, Each has set the archivist and potential historian technical, organizational, and intellectual problems of increasing complexity.
93, This is one aspect that art historian and critic Deborah Cherry will be taking up in the next issue.
94, Very often it helps pupils to make the imaginative leap that is required of a historian.
95, A historian remembers the mid-'70s, as well as his struggles to complete a biography of President James Buchanan.
96, The historian had turned his front bedroom into a study.
97, Tacitus was the greatest historian in Ancient Rome.
98, The historian draws a parallel between Washington and Lincoln.
99, Stephen Ambrose is a historian and teacher.
100, He was a French pedagogue and historian.
101, He was a french historian and pedagogue.
102, The evidence from the historian Josephus is problematical.
103, However, historian Paul Stoker thinks this isn't true.
104, The visiting historian was disposed to be argumentative.
105, Sima Qian is a famouse historian, literati and editor.
106, Shards of titanium from the wrecked A-12 scatter the crash site as aerospace historian Peter Merlin recently searches the debris field with a metal detector.
107, His book is not exactly a history of secularism; he is a philosopher, not a historian.
107, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
108, Even the limestone in the Egyptian pyramids contains foram remains, the ancient historian Herodotus noted.
109, TYPICAL USE A judicious historian selects and weighs facts carefully and critically.
110, North Kingstown historian Tim Cranston said the two men were part of a civilian army hired to build two military bases in the area.
111, The field of aesthetics presents an especially difficult problem to the historian.
112, Pulitzer Prize winning historian and Kennedy insider Arthur Schlesinger has died at the age of 89.
113, Josephus was a Jewish historian who lived circa 37-100 AD.
114, An important early modern historian was the British scholar Edward Gibbon.
115, For a couple of hours, the White House itself will be empty of all but its permanent domestic staff. William Seale, a White House historian, recalls being in the building at that time.
116, The bookish historian now accepts it, reluctantly and ungraciously enough.
117, To make a country's history intelligible, the historian naturally seeks for some point of unity.
118, The historian can only treat conscientious religious belief with the respect it deserves.
119, Edward Gibbon is the greatest British historian in the 18th century, who is also prominent in Western rationalism historiography.
120, The compensation offered to the innocent detainees by the West German government was "politically scandalous," says Berlin historian Meinhard Stark today.
121, The historian searched for primary sources of information about the past.
122, Zhang Xuecheng, a famous historian and bibliographer of the Qing Dynasty, devoted all his life to giving lectures, writing and compiling history and annals.
123, Sources for his life the four Gospels the Acts of the Apostles, and the historian Josephus.
124, For nearly twenty years, Manning Marable, a historian at Columbia, labored on what he hoped would be a definitive scholarly work on Malcolm X.
125, Andrei Zorin, a historian at Oxford, argues that intelligentsia was largely the product of nuclear research.
126, Until the Eastern Han Dynasty, historian with the ephemeris officer is always unity.
127, The second - best job is software engineer, followed by computer systems analyst, biologist and historian.
128, The British historian Lawrence Stone pointed out this relationship in his study of the English revolution in the 16th and 17th centuries.
129, Pascal Ory, a historian at the Sorbonne university author of Mickey Go Home.
130, Around the first century AD, the Greek historian Plutarch wrote about pirates of Cilicia who practiced the Mithraic "secret rites" around 67 BC.
131, Weiyuan is a famous ideologist, historian and aggressive reformer in modern China.
132, Allan Lichtman is the a presidential historian at American University in Washington.
133, But the historian attempting to reconstruct the distant past is always faced with a difficult task.
134, Consequently, as the art historian Frederick Fried observed, “the fancies of the carver, sometimes influenced by the liquid he had taken, went wild.”
135, "A cat may look at a king," he wrote, "and sometimes a historian can challenge an economist.
136, REP: Canon Dr Martyn Percy is a historian of the Anglican Church.
137, Sima Qian ( 145 ~86 BC ) was such an extensively traveled Western Han historian.
137, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
138, Spencer Keith is a local radio presenter and Beatles historian.
139, "On the broad canvas of presidential trade policy, Obama's decision is unexceptional, " says Doug Irwin, a trade historian at Dartmouth College.
140, As a well - known contemporary historian, archeologist and expert in the study of paleography and document.
141, The art historian set out to discover how the pictures were made.
142, Dionysius:Greek historian whose 20-volume history of Rome, of which 10 volumes are extant, is a valuable source for early Roman history.
143, Local historian Ann Boutwell, a docent at the Margaret Mitchell House for 12 years, gives an entertaining and lively tour through "the dump."
144, The trip's expense and impracticality have cooled government enthusiasm, says National Air and Space Museum historian Valerie Neal.
145, From this silence there arises a certain mysterious plenitude which filters into thought and there congeals into bronze. The compression of history produces conciseness in the historian.
146, To clarify what accelerates development of architecture, this article uses the comparison analysis method of the historian, Arnold Toynbee, to trim the development of architecture.
147, Writing in the British journal New Scientist, the famed poet and historian Robert Graves said in 1972, "Technology is now warring openly against the crafts, and science covertly against poetry."
148, It was reminiscent of British historian can not help Parkinson's Connaught 's " officialdom's disease - Parkinson's Law. "
149, I felt ready to abandon self-absorption for the sake of consummate empathy, to catalogue every one of Chloe's memories, to become a historian of her childhood, to learn all of her loves and fears.
150, Ulysses S. Grant's only daughter wed in the White House at the age of 18, in "perhaps the greatest American social event of the nineteenth century, " according to presidential historian Doug Wead.
151, The eminent French literary historian Pierre Vidal-Naquet has denounced the revisionists as assassins de la memoire.
152, Lutheran Church Historian Martin Marty argues that all too many pews are filled on Sunday with practical atheists—disguised nonbelievers who behave during the rest of the week as if God did not exist.
153, As a trained historian and former Cold Warrior, Gates is well aware of the costs and dangers of military competitions among great powers.
154, In 1995 the science historian Gerald L. Geison ran a story in the New York Times illustrating that Pasteur gave a misleading account on his preparation of the anthrax vaccine (shall he be dishonored).
155, Alexander Solzhenitsyn ( 1918 -- ), Soviet novelist and historian.
156, "La Fornarina," the renowned art historian and MacArthur fellow Leo Steinberg explains, "is the closest thing to soft porn in the high Renaissance."
157, Harnack was a German historian and theologian, one of the main representatives of liberal Protestant theology.
158, Of course, Mr. Kagan relies heavily on Thucydides, as any historian of the Peloponnesian War must, but he doesn't hesitate to take issue with his judgments.
159, "You have these third-party analysts setting the agenda for the agency in ways that never happened before, " said Daniel Carpenter, an F.D.A. historian at Harvard.
160, Zhang Dai was a literature, historian and ideologist in turn from Ming to Qing Dynasty.
161, Tacitus (a historian in Roman) tells us that in the time of Agricola, the Britons who were unfriendly toward the language of their conquerors, now became eager to speak it.
162, Oswald Spengler is a famous historian, culture scientist and philosophy anthropologist in modern German.
163, His choices are bound to be informed by his gifts as art historian and curator but also by a rather less obvious attribute.
164, As an Asian nation competing with the Western powers, Japan inspired admiration, but also consternation for its colonization of Asia, said Sugata Bose, a historian of South Asia at Harvard.
165, He teamed up with Walter Scheidel, a Stanford classicist and historian, to create a model of population growth and decline based on coin-hoard data gathered over the years.
166, Historian Ellen Schrecker wrote that "in this country, McCarthyism did more damage to the constitution than the American Communist Party ever did."
167, He calls himself a historian, but his books are a mere journalism.
167, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
168, But according to one German historian who enlisted the aid of a poison specialist for his study, a drug cocktail is the most likely culprit in Cleopatra's death.
169, The Greek historian Herodotus told of its use in the form of pitch for building and road making in the ancient city of Babylon in present-day Iraq.
170, Every person has two educations, one which he receives from others, and one, more important, which he gives himself---Edward Gibbon, English historian.
171, Mr. Daojing Hu was a well-known Chinese philologist on ancient book and historian on the history of science and technology.
172, Prof. Monica Junejah (Art Historian, University of Delhi): The Taj Mahal was a mammoth project of Shah Jahan's reign.
173, He is a historian, constructor, woodcarver, jeweler and the only master making miniature copies of shotguns and cold weapon.
174, To the historian, the volume in which Millikan's paper appeared shows that physics in America was still a mixed bag.
175, But by early 1945, aviation historian George Cully said, "The Germans had run out of pilots, petroleum, and time.
176, What steps should a historian take in the critical evaluation of archival sources?
177, Several examples can illustrate the value of theory-based analysis as a source of hypotheses for the historian to investigate.
178, The German historian Oswald Spengler argued in his book The Decline of the West (1918-1922) that civilizations, like organisms, go through a cycle of birth, development, and death.
179, In terms of writing psychology, in the course of writing The Records of the Historian, Sima Qian was always struggling hard in the dilemma between rational reasoning and passional excitement.
180, As students of economic historian Charles Kindleberger know ("Panics, Manias, and Crashes"), financial manias throughout history have shared one trait: the excessive expansion of credit.




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