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单词 skivvy
释义  skiv·vy1 /ˈskɪvi/ noun (plural skivvies)  1  [countable] British EnglishOBEY a servant who does only the dirty unpleasant jobs in a house 〔专干脏活的〕佣人,仆人 You iron your shirt – I’m not your skivvy. 你自己熨衬衣吧——我又不是你的佣人。2. skivvies [plural] informal a man’s underwear 男式内衣skivvy2 verb (skivvied, skivvying, skivvies) [intransitive] British English  WORK HARDto do all the dirty unpleasant jobs in a house, as if you were a servant 〔像佣人似的〕干脏活,干粗活→ See Verb tableskiv·vy1 nounskivvy2 verbChineseSyllable  who jobs servant Corpus the dirty does in a only unpleasant




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