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单词 Bats
1 Thousands of bats had colonized the ruins.
2 bats feed on insects and fruit.
3 Dogs, cats, foxes and bats can all carry rabies.
4 In the fading light we saw bats flitting around/about in the garden.
5 Dogs, cats and bats can all carry rabies.
6 At dusk bats appear in vast numbers.
7 Two thugs clubbed him with baseball bats.
8 They were beaten to death with baseball bats.
9 Unlike most other bats, this species is diurnal.
10 The bats have graphite shafts that absorb the vibration.
11 Fruits are an important food source for bats.
12 Apparently there are bats in the inmost caves.
13 As dusk fell, bats began to fly between the trees.
14 He bats very well.
15 Prisoners armed with baseball bats used the hostages to hold police at bay.
16 Bats are crepuscular creatures.
17 Bats sleep in the daytime and come out to hunt for food at night.
18 These bats are sometimes misleadingly referred to as 'flying foxes'.
19 The sounds made by bats are not audible to the human ear.
20 Nocturnal animals such as bats and owls only come out at night.
21 Bats are the only mammals to have wings and to achieve sustained flight.
22 He had a baseball and a couple of bats in his sports bag.
23 Most bats are nocturnal.
24 Or, possibly, Loopy Old Bats Against ditto.
25 Bats roost naturally both in caves and hollow trees.
26 Our classmates tested five bats from K. C. Slammer.
27 Bats have a very powerful sense of hearing.
28 Most bats navigate by echolocation.
29 We think wooden bats are making a comeback in Little League.
30 She had her car windows smashed by a gang wielding baseball bats.
1 Thousands of bats had colonized the ruins.
2 bats feed on insects and fruit.
3 Dogs, cats, foxes and bats can all carry rabies.
4 In the fading light we saw bats flitting around/about in the garden.
5 Dogs, cats and bats can all carry rabies.
6 Bats are crepuscular creatures.
7 Bats sleep in the daytime and come out to hunt for food at night.
8 Bats are the only mammals to have wings and to achieve sustained flight.
31 There are no Draculas turning into bats and flying around.
32 Furthermore, bats go to great lengths to avoid confrontations with people.
33 Pieces of pine from apple cases became cricket bats, tennis rackets or hockey sticks and gave them endless hours of pleasure.
34 Three of the seven players told investigators they put Tiger in a bag and beat her with baseball bats.
35 Bats too criss-crossed the liquid air with a more deliberate motion, like water-beetles.
36 Sunbirds and bats, which live outside the forest, also work the flowers at this level.
37 Bats and we need the same kind of internal model for representing the position of objects in three-dimensional space.
38 Human experimenters have found it surprisingly difficult to put bats off their stride by playing loud artificial ultrasound at them.
39 The three each buried one of their name-engraved bats in the concrete being poured in the right-field bleachers.
40 Be that as it may, blood-sharing in vampire bats seems to fit the Axelrod model well.
41 Families with children carrying picnic baskets, thermoses, baseball bats, shoulder bags.
42 He has driven in 74 runs, and he is batting. 512 in 82 at- bats with men in scoring position.
43 They use personalized K. C. Slammers baseball bats, and now you can get your own customized bat, too.
44 Some woman who bats him over the head with a rolling pin.
45 Get tooled up with baseball bats and go smash some windows in some club.
45 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
46 The bats leave the caverns at sunset each day to feed on night-flying insects.
47 Birds, bats and gliding mammals simply take to the air.
48 Wild turkeys strut among the pines and black oak; bats fly through the house at night.
49 The general populace is in a terror, and is fingering bats as the culprits.
50 When the algorithmic bats were run, they flocked like real bats.
51 Bats flittered about him; their warning squeaks sounded like chalk on a blackboard.
52 The others, the storm-troopers or Sturmabteilungen, would spread through the crowds, wielding clubs, baseball bats and sometimes knives.
53 Voice over They've been following the progress of around 150 bats.
54 The insects that bats prey upon have a comparable battery of sophisticated electronic and acoustic gear.
55 Noctuid moths are eaten by bats(), and have evolved a special pair of ears to warn them of approaching danger.
56 Fruit Bats are only able to live where fruit is available throughout the year, in tropical areas of the old world.
57 The experiment was repeated many times, with the bats taking turns to be the starved victim.
58 When he tickles her on the tummy for photographers, she bats his hand away.
59 Bats and batting helmets as well as gloves and cleats were collected.
60 The old bats included a plastic, an aluminum and a wooden one.
61 Like the vampire bats that we shall meet in a moment, they are playing to well-ritualized rules.
62 Theoretically, bats could do the same thing, but dolphins seem more likely candidates because they are in general more social.
63 These bats are like miniature spy planes, bristling with sophisticated instrumentation.
64 As a boy, he had fashioned pieces of wood into homemade baseball bats.
65 Most of our women in the House are frightful old bats.
66 In the film Batman Returns a horde of large black bats swarmed through flooded tunnels into downtown Gotham.
67 This is tested by gagging the bats before releasing them.
68 This time it is found that the ability of the bats to avoid obstacles is considerably impaired.
69 She tested a couple aluminum bats as the equipment was loaded into trucks.
70 As my eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness I could finally make out the bats.
71 Others were queueing up for cracks at goal as well, notably Jon Newsome on at least two occasions, as well as Speed and Bats.
72 The experiment is now performed and it is found that the bats avoid collisions just as efficiently as before.
73 Like many other mammals, bats are also particularly well endowed with olfactory receivers and transmitters.
74 Today, no-one bats an eyelid as he takes a stroll along the ley-lines of Wiltshire.
75 He also played softball,(http:///bats.html) at first using the big 16-inch ball and thin bats popular in the Chicago area.
76 The bats normally emerge from the tunnel at about 8 p. m. to take advantage of the prime bug-hunting time.
77 What do bats come under?
78 Much as bats do, robots send out ultrasonic signals.
79 Bats are flitting about in the dusk.
80 Bats flit about in the twilight.
81 These bats buds themselves also produce auxin.
82 Most bats produce echolocation sounds by contracting their larynx.
83 Louisville Slugger has been manufacturing bats for some time.
84 They all hinge together like bats in a steeple.
85 Some bats have specialized structures for emitting echolocation calls.
86 Bats flitted about in the darkening sky.
87 Histoplasmosis is a disease carried by bats and birds.
88 According to the United State Geological Survey, bats save farmers at least $3 billion a year by scarfing down insects that would otherwise eat crops.
89 Bats eat a midge called Culicoides, which carries bluetongue, a devastating livestock disease that is moving northwards in Europe as a result of climate change.
90 Like the bats, the computer-modeled 3-D penguins were cloned en masse and then set loose into the scene aimed in a certain direction.
91 You cannot believe a word she say because she is bats in the belfry.
92 DWT is testified to be a new effective way in analyzing the echolocation signals of bats.
93 But for vampire bats it works as a homing device, turning the night-flying mammal into a heat-seeking missile with fangs.
94 Forget cricket bats, golf clubs or carbon dioxide, Australia has found a new weapon in its war on the cane toad: cat food.
95 There is evidence that bats are involved, but much work remains to be done to definitively describe the the natural transmission cycle. .
96 In China bats are thought of as being very lucky.
97 Dr Davy confidently bats away some obvious doubts about the results.
98 Scientists had long assumed that the balsa tree's target audience must be bats.
99 Now the World of Darkness, the exhibit inhabited by the porcupines, bats and night monkeys, has been ordered to close.
100 The flower leaves in the spatter of rain between doing greeted the Chuigu, make fully awakened tears to blue valley watch Night bats.
101 If somebody has bats in the belfry, they are slightly mad or eccentric.
102 Siemers, research leader of the Sensory Ecology Group at the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, said the bats reach notes that are 8 octaves higher than what the best human sopranos can produce.
103 "The finding of fellatio in bats is exciting news," says Frans de Waal, a primatologist at Emory University in Atlanta who has worked extensively with bonobos.
104 There are some ghostly shapes of bats flitting about in the dark.
105 Accompanied with a local guide from the community, one can spend hours in the dark cave, admiring stalagmites, stalactites, waterfalls, bats, rare eyeless fish-species and more.
105 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
106 Some Horseshoe bats can detect differences as slight as 0 . 0001 KHz.
107 During intercourse, female short-nosed fruit bats lick the genitals of their partner, a possible ploy to increase copulation time.
108 Damon is hitless in 17 at - bats and batting an embarrassing . 233.
109 Although it is hard to imagine, bats have an auditory version of a saccade as well.
110 The bats can also "sweep through a frequency range of up to 170 kilohertz, " moving from lower to higher notes, "while a human singer produces a glissando through less than 2 kilohertz at most."
111 Like bats, they send out sound waves and make sense of their environment from the echoes they receive back.
112 For example, Windmill and his team discovered that the yellow underwing "moth cleverly tunes its ear to enhance its detection of bats."
113 The pectoralis major attaches to the sternum , as it does in birds, but bats do not generally have such a well developed ridge that is seen on the sternum of birds.
114 He did a lot of research into the embryological origins of a rare blood disorder in vampire bats. He dissected their embryos and documented every stage of their embryonic life.
115 Lord includes such fascinating facts as details about the "third eyelid" of the manatee, the strange hair of sloths, how vampire bats actually feed, and the unusual lives of river dolphins.
116 The list extends to bats, beetles, electric fishes and eels.
117 Becoming active in the evening as bats and owls ; crepuscular.
118 Transmission of the Marburg virus also occurred by handling ill or dead infected wild animals (monkeys, fruit bats).
119 And with the hot bats came some good old - fashioned excitement in the Bronx.
120 The poor man have bats in the belfry -- he wears such peculiar clothes.
121 A dental surgeon contacted the White House, and suggested strapping small incendiary devices to bats, loading them into cages shaped like bombshells and dropping them over a wide area.
122 If bats fly within a meter or so of a spinning turbine, they get caught in the depressurized zone and experience barotrauma .
123 Louisville, Kentucky, is best known for its bourbon, its bluegrass, its "Louisville Slugger" baseball bats, and the Kentucky Derby horse race held each May.
124 Don't say such silly things, Tom. People will think you have bats in your belfry.
125 The natural host of the virus has been identified as being fruit bats of the Pteropodidae Family, Pteropus genus.
126 Brown long-eared bats were discovered breeding on the Isles of Scilly this week.
127 The Yankees have a potent offense of their own, and Rays right-hander Jason Hammel will be charged with keeping those bats in check.
128 Among them, 20 bats were used to test their obstacle ability by the pinna back on the animal's head.
129 However many things we are familiar with; the wearing of evening clothes, capes with tall collars, turning into bats, etc are much more recent inventions.
130 In Bangladesh in 2004, humans became infected with NiV as a result of consuming date palm sap that had been contaminated by infected fruit bats.
131 Punctuation is the way one bats one's eyes, lowers one's voice or blushes demurely.
132 The bats are hungry for pests like corn earworm moths—nutrition to keep milk flowing for their pups.
133 She uses her abilities to call upon carnivorous bats and long dead spirits to lay to rest all who still pump blood through their veins.
134 The pterosaurs resembled both birds and bats in their overall structure and proportions.
135 Some bats are pollinator, too. They are active at night. That's when sweet cactus flowers bloom.
136 WASHINGTON, D.C.—When Winifred Frick sits down at her computer to look at radar maps, it's not to track a local thunderstorm. It's to follow bats.
137 In that day men will throw away to the rodents and bats their idols of silver and idols of gold, which they made to worship.
138 Murinabeelzebub, like the other two tube-nosed bats discovered, depends on the tropical forest for its survival.
139 I've been bashed up by people with baseball bats because they said I was thieving on their patch.
140 The library's stained-glass window and cozy chairs give the book a retro, inviting look that reinforces the theme, as the bats are transported to lands reached through only one path — books.
141 Bats were long considered the primary pollinators of Ochroma(), but recent research suggests arboreal mammals do most of the work.
142 The poor man must have bats in the belfry -- he wears such peculiar clothes.
143 Fruit bats of the family Pteropodidae – particularly species belonging to the Pteropus genus – are the natural hosts for Nipah virus.
144 The poor man must have bats in the belfry -- he wear such peculiar clothes.
145 The upper - middle - classes communicate with each other in inaudible squeaks, like bats.
146 During gargoyle waves, everybody needs to group back together to take down the bats.
147 They used the closely nibbled smooth green spaces as their pitch , the wooden barred gate of the sheep pen as their wicket and the crooks made from willow branches as their bats.
148 The natural host of the virus are fruit bats of the Pteropodidae Family, Pteropus genus.
149 Damon , as we know, plays center field and bats leadoff for the Yankees.
150 The scarier one is the vampire bat which sucks fresh blood from animals, these bats are generally larger.
151 But in dry years, water stress and fewer insects make the bats come out earlier, says Frick.
152 Many male animals, including short-nosed fruit bats, lick their genitals after copulation, and in some species this has been shown to reduce the incidence of such diseases.
153 The few night - flitting things - bats, moths, owls - were vigorous in the warm darkness.
154 Everybody said that the old man had bats in his belfry.
155 As a pinch - hitter, though , Williams had just 3 hits in 19 at - bats last season.
156 Visual systems with a fovea are the most familiar, but auditory systems can have an acoustic fovea as well, as has been elegantly demonstrated by Nobuo Suga of Washington University in mustached bats.
157 He did a lot of research into the embryological origins of a rare blood disorder in vampire bats.
158 Mexican free-tailed bats spiral out of Eckert James River Bat Cave Preserve in Texas at dusk.
159 "Basically, we can think that the bats have a cocktail party every evening," says Jagmeet Kanwal, who studies mustached bats at Georgetown University.
160 Indeed, horse is related to the Manta Ray kingdom that often appears as large birds or bats flying under the water.
161 Bats, owls and other nocturnal animals are also popular symbols of Halloween.
162 In the lab, scientists noticed that Pallas's long-tongued bats excelled at finding hollow hemisphere shapes hidden among artificial leaves.
163 Even so, we can hear echolocation clicks from some bats, such as the spotted bats.
164 Bats are nocturnal flying mammals. The statistics presented here describe small, insectivorous bats.
165 The mantid ear -- a single slit -- is sensitive to the ultrasonic "pings" emitted by hunting bats.
165 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
166 Although it's possible, he says, that bats are just being sexually playful, like their human and bonobo counterparts.
167 Raccoon removal squirrel control Fredericksburg, Stafford, Virginia, and wildlife snake Skunk Valley pest control services experts bats, squirrels, mice, and remove the raccoons.
168 In the early 1940s, a test with some armed bats went awry, and they set fire to a small Air Force base in Carlsbad, New Mexico.
169 These incredibly high-pitched and fast-paced calls enable the bats to track bugs and other prey in the dense rainforest understory.
170 Some problems in naming, assorting as well as the status quo of some species of these bats and their protection have been discussed.
171 One-day trip around East Lake:Cartin, tennis, equitation, toxophily, fishing, bumper bats, bridge, local nosh etc.
172 Cowhide - covered hard balls, wooden bats, and padded gloves constitute the basic equipment.
173 Fruit bats of the family Pteropodidae – particularly the species belonging to the Pteropus category – are the natural hosts for Hendra virus.
174 Most bats produce a complicated sequence of calls, combining constant frequencies and frequency modulation components.
175 There were pillared halls, long corridors carved most beautifully, and there was the smell of bats and of incense.
176 The transmission route is likely through contamination of pasture or feed by infected birthing fluids or fetal tissues from bats.




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