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单词 At rest
1 Her heartbeat is only 55 at rest.
2 The sails of the windmill are now at rest.
3 The poor man is now at rest.
4 The waves of the sea are never at rest.
5 The dog lay at rest absolutely immobile.
6 Her remains lie at rest in St Andrew's churchyard.
7 At rest the insect looks like a dead leaf.
8 Those of our brethren were now at rest.
9 She now lies at rest in the churchyard.
10 It puts my mind at rest.
11 I wish I could put their minds at rest.
12 An external observer at rest sees things quite differently.
13 But let me set your mind at rest.
14 They're in the cemetery, at rest.
15 Is it present with the limb at rest or mainly on movement?
16 Even when it is at rest, silent and apparently non-polluting,[] the car continues to have environmental impacts.
17 At rest the cricket looks like a dead leaf, but it transforms itself at the last moment.
18 The mass was measured while the object was at rest.
19 The doctor set my mind at rest by explaining exactly what effect the drug would have on me.
20 When the belly is full, the bones would be at rest
21 Why don't you talk to him, and put his mind at rest.
22 Chris phoned to say they'd arrived safely, so that really put my mind at rest.
23 If you're worried, see a doctor to set your mind at rest.
24 Your father was a very troubled man, but he's at rest now.
25 A brain scan last Friday finally set his mind at rest.
26 It may be advisable to have a blood test to put your mind at rest.
27 He's unlikely to know how you feel, and until he does, he can't put your mind at rest.
28 He's been very kind to me and Lily, as regards putting our minds at rest about Stella.
29 Even during light exercise the heat produced is 20 times that at rest.
30 Why don't you take a peep at him, just to put your mind at rest?
1 Her heartbeat is only 55 at rest.
2 The sails of the windmill are now at rest.
31 He must set their minds at rest about the Freddie affair, because they knew of Freddie.
32 Each of the sisters who offers an appropriate form of service to the group enables the balance to be held at rest.
33 The only small short-billed wader looking black and white both at rest and in flight; legs orange.
34 Fast direct flight with quick clipped wing-beats; at rest bobs head when suspicious.
35 The body at rest in the cupboard in the women's room.
36 Quite often(), all that is required is a friendly chat to put your mind at rest.
37 At rest male's yellow wings and in flight white underwing contrasting strongly with black belly are useful pointers.
38 At rest they consist mostly of head and neck and their wings project well beyond the tail.
39 I received a very comprehensive report - I think some one wanted to put the old boy's mind at rest.
40 He wants to know what happened to put his own mind at rest.
41 Wings rather short and narrow, legs set well back, giving upright stance at rest.
42 It describes the mass for an observer at rest with the object.
43 It can safely be said that the investigation for the present is at rest, in a state of repose.
44 You feel protected and at rest and you have a great desire for solitude.
45 But she'd like to see him, to try and set her mind at rest.
46 At rest, Arthur was an aged peregrine constantly scanning local air currents for unwary prey.
47 Exercise promotes beneficial changes in the body. Heart rate and blood pressure are lowered at rest and at exercise.
48 He lies at rest in the Martyrs'Cemetery .
49 Positron emission tomography imaging was performed to measure specific microvascular blood flow at rest and during pharmacological vasodilation by IV dipyridamole.
50 The service most commonly used seems to offer good encryption of data in transit and at rest, but weak password security.
51 From the position of the legs, the curve of the abdomen, and the lack of wing marks, the researchers suspect that the imprint was made by an ancient mayfly that held its wings upright when at rest.
52 In pain patient groups, the increased EMG activity at rest and the reduction of the masseteric reflex amplitude were equally distributed in the pain and non-pain sides.
53 Pain due to dynamic coronary narrowing from arterial spasm although ischemic tends to occur at rest or nocturnally .
54 The earliest forms of jet-propulsion, such as the pulse jet utilized in the Flying Bomb, were incapable of functioning at rest, in view of the absence of any means of air-compression.
55 Your basal metabolic rate — the energy your body expends at rest — is generally determined by your genetics, but new research shows you can trick your body into burning calories more efficiently.
56 The motion of the torque-free gyrostat initially at rest is a permanent rotation about a certain axis.
57 Secondary outcomes included scores on a visual analog pain scale at rest, hydromorphone consumption, opioid-related side effects, complications, sensory and motor blockade, and patient satisfaction.
58 Your basal body temperature, or your body's temperature at rest, increases slightly during ovulation.
59 Suppose the mass of the body is 2 kg and that it is initially at rest.
60 Diastolic blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) when the heart is at rest between beats.
61 Absolute zero entropy is defined as the state of a pure, crystalline solid at absolute zero temperature. Each molecule is surrounded by identical molecules in a perfectly ordered structure at rest.
62 Shortness of breath - having difficulty breathing while doing normal avtivities or at rest.
63 People with restless legs syndrome experience discomfort and the urge to move the legs at rest.
64 The whole earth is at rest, and is quiet: they break forth into singing.
65 This alignment gives the front wheels a slight toe-in when the car is at rest.
66 Mindo:The story's not about the dogs. It's about my father honoring what the dogs had done for him. Jerry, what's important is finding that one thing that will truly put your heart at rest.
67 Though, in the planar design, the visual percept itself is at rest, the changes of the figure and colors show a variety of dynamic forces so as to make the planar vision active.
68 Copernicus, like Aristarchus some seventeen centuries earlier, described a world in which the sun was at rest and the planets revolved around it in circular orbits.
69 The whole earth is at rest and quiet; they break forth into singing.
70 This illustrates the principle of cultural inertia -- the tendency of a meme at rest to remain at rest.
71 Bubble formation and rise velocity beneath a downward facing inclined surface submerged in a liquid at rest.
72 In order to protect data at rest, DB2 and IDS both support column level encryption (CLE).
73 There the wicked cease from turmoil, and there the weary are at rest.
74 The principle of the calibration is the following : An accelerometer, on a vehicle at rest measures a constant vector ( the opposite of gravity ) in the earth frame, expressed in the vehicle frame.
75 Objective:To assess the accuracy of myocardial contrast echocardiography(MCE)in combination with dipyridamole stress in detecting nonflowlimited coronary stenoses at rest.
76 Or your reference frame is at rest in an aircraft that accelerates rapidly on takeoff.
77 Pain due to dynamic coronary narrowing from arterial asm, although ischemic,[] tends to occur at rest or nocturnally .
78 Restless legs syndrome is present when a peculiar and difficult-to-describe sensation occurs in the calves or thighs while at rest.
79 Thixotropy: The property of letterpress and offset inks of becoming fluid when stirred and setting to a semi solid state when left at rest for some times.
80 The second number is sometimes called the bottom number, or the diastolic pressure. It measures your blood pressure when the heart is at rest, between heartbeats.
81 All objects, moving or at rest, obey Newton's third law of motion, which holds that in nature, unaccompanied forces do not exist.
82 Science really doesn't understand why it happens, but it's likely due to racing thoughts, the 'he-said, she-said' reenactment of the break up plays out mentally while at rest.
83 One is the so-called principle of relativity, which means, roughly speaking, that we cannot tell whether we are at rest or moving smoothly.
84 The real advantage of the Copernican system is that the mathematics is much simpler in the frame of reference in which the sun is at rest.
85 Bed load particles move spasmodically, perhaps at long intervals, and are at rest on the stream bed most of the time.
86 If you find your basal metabolic rate (BMR), the rate at which you burn calories when at rest, you should be able to better calculate how many calories you need to eat every day.
87 And take measures to reinforce them. Please set your mind at rest.
88 At rest, the tail hangs in a slight curve a saber.
89 The clinical manifestation appeared to be atypical, with post-exercising tachypnea, cough, chest pain and apnea at rest dominated.
90 Your basal body temperature is your temperature when you're fully at rest.
91 In reference system of the electron at rest, the crystal field is taken as virtual photon.
92 The weak flocculate forms in the paste at rest. The paste is a shear thinning paste, which has rheological property and very fits screen printing.
93 Regular exercise not only burns calories, it also raises your basal metabolic rate, the number of calories you burn while at rest.




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