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单词 Omission
1. The play was shortened by the omission of two scenes.
2. The omission of her name was not a deliberate act.
3. The student's omission from the honour roll was an oversight.
4. Everyone was surprised at her omission from the squad.
5. His omission from the team is rather surprising.
6. The omission of the girls was unfair.
7. The principal reason for this omission is lack of time.
8. The duke was surprised by his wife's omission from the guest list.
9. The book's most glaring omission is the lack of an index.
10. Many of the fans believe that the omission of Heacock from the team cost England the match.
11. There can be a deception by omission.
12. Jobs vociferously disagreed with him about the omission.
13. May a person handle by an omission?
14. With Harry, omission was tantamount to deceit.
15. There is however, one strange omission.
16. There is one curious omission in Miles's eccentric thinking.
17. This omission was not entirely unexpected.
18. But another explanation is possible for their omission from Q1692.
19. The most glaring omission was the lack of reference to take-up problems.
20. Any major omission will lead to a group of documents which can not be classified under the scheme.
21. Several offences such as manslaughter may be committed by omission.
22. The conscientious researcher is careful to avoid up the pole and omission.
23. Your failing to note her mistakes is a serious omission.
24. The accident was not caused by any act or omission of the transport company.
24. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
25. Put a mark in the margin to show the omission.
26. Bellesiles's extensive research is undermined by errors of fact, omission and judgment.
27. Here are three of the most noticeable grammatical traits: Omission of the copula is: You out the game.
28. A reasoned discussion of the theory of psychoanalysis and its possible relevance to sociological theory is a major omission in sociological literature.
29. In fact, his list of credits is so extensive, it is understandable that an employer might overlook one glaring omission.
30. Since grievous bodily harm can be committed by an omission it would be strange if assault and battery could not be.
1. Several offences such as manslaughter may be committed by omission.
2. The omission of her name was not a deliberate act.
3. The student's omission from the honour roll was an oversight.
4. The omission of the girls was unfair.
5. The conscientious researcher is careful to avoid up the pole and omission.
31. A cross word, a careless omission and the ground beneath our feet turns to quick sand and we start to sink.
32. Like conscientious believers everywhere they confess a wide range of sins of omission and commission.
33. He saw the omission as a symptom of a temporary aberration.
34. Since the primary contraindications to sildenafil use are certain concurrent medications, this is a significant omission.
35. Such omission is completely in sympathy with the trend in physical geography for nearly a century after Man and Nature.
36. But it remains to be seen whether that will prove a significant omission.
37. Its only major omission was a failure to spot the Starship virus.
38. This was alleged to be a very serious omission, and a great handicap to the efficacy of the scheme.
39. The rule only applies where the subsequent abuse is a positive wrongful act as opposed to an omission.
40. It is simplified mainly by the omission of government and foreign trade activities.
41. The service charge may be in dispute or there may be an inadvertent omission to pay on the part of the tenant.
42. The wholeness of Geertz's cultural reading of the Balinese is achieved only by omission and suppression.
43. Counting errors of omission is part of the Oscar nominations ritual.
44. In fact, various techniques and a belated statutory intervention have combined to lessen the effect of the omission.
45. An omission this flagrant points to something deeper in our collective unconscious.
46. We might just as well grumble about Constable's omission of tractors from his landscapes.
47. Fixares says an unmet publishing schedule led to the omission of some information.
48. Worse was my omission of any mention of the essential ordeal by blanching of the vegetables,() and of course of the scallops.
49. In neither ease was the omission a necessary consequence of the intellectual stance of the two schools.
50. The omission of a material fact only involves an offence where that fact was concealed with dishonest intention.
51. The omission of these chapters will not detract from your general appreciation of homoeopathy.
52. O'Connor's omission from the Wigan team beaten in Cup football at Hull, last season, was both startling and crucial.
53. This omission, which now seems curious, was based upon the conventional notion of the organism as respondent.
54. This is a serious omission because the church is both medium and message in the process of gospel communication.
54. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
55. The most far-reaching omission was the lack of any firm commitment to a policy for integration.
56. Some see the distinction in terms of a commission which is unlawful and an omission which may not be.
57. This omission certainly weakened his position during the struggle that lay ahead.
58. The sole reason for the breach was the plaintiff's omission to use the equipment.
59. His omission was converted into an act by the means stated in Chapter 4.
60. Well, one pretty glaring omission in the case is any mention of marketing and promotion.
61. The omission also acted as a forcing device for Macintosh software developers.
62. This is the exception, however, and normally the plaintiff must prove the negligent act or omission.
63. An omission which might have and may still cost him serious casualties to personnel north of the Qattara depression. 2.
64. And at times it criticizes class-based politics, for its omission and marginalization of gender issues.
65. It is often said that an assault can be committed only by an act and that an omission is not sufficient.
66. It is an omission in almost all discussions of diversity.
67. One crucial omission in our description to this point is the absence of the political system.
68. But the omission was, none the less, a serious one.
69. If this omission was not the fault of some over-zealous sub-editor, them Mr Bailey ought to be ashamed of himself.
70. It's not a glaring omission, but an odd one, you have to admit.
71. The omission of a warning on the product's label was the result of a printing error.
72. This is a serious omission, given the importance of sentence lengths in determining the overall size of the prison population.
73. Brazenly, Rumsfeld ignored the question, but it was an eloquent omission.
74. There are two types of crime which will not suffice as the unlawful act: crimes of negligence and crimes of omission.
75. Eating and Drinking in Edinburgh is a selective guide but omission from its pages should not be regarded as implying criticism.
76. A glaring omission is, however, the lack of any details about military work in space.
77. Non-specific staining was assessed by omission of the primary antibody.
78. The mark denotes an omission.
79. Apparently, the shortage is due to omission in packing.
80. Next week, she intended to correct that omission.
81. Foreign policy is made by commission and omission.
82. As for its inscape, Public Security and its police have the special duty that should do and have the possibility to do, but manifest a state of omission.
83. When any action neglecting to perform the obligation of discretional act violates the rule of reason, it constitutes violation as administrative omission.
84. In a glaring omission in the Reader X sandbox[ ], they decided not to try to stop code from reading files and potentially stop a machine from sending them to some remote server.
85. The compiler folks called this optimization "Frame Pointer Omission", and it went by the acronym FPO.
86. The thesis analyses the errors of omission and addition in the compositions by Korean students under the guide of the theory of interlanguage and discusses the learning strategies reflected by the .
87. Significant errors of fact, as well as errors of omission, should be corrected promptly and prominently.
88. Omission, off side and three big problems of misplacing etc, government of role.
89. Apostrophe: Sign of omission of letter or to show possessive.
90. That omission has just been corrected by Manuel Leal and Brian Powell of Duke University, in North Carolina—and the result is intriguing.
91. Some of these mistakes of commission and omission had emotional components.
92. Objective:To study the clinical manifestation of remitted seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema(RS3PE) syndrome and reduce an omission and error of diagnosis.
93. It is an illegal administrative act, and it should include the omission in all stages of administrative license, such as prescript, examination and approval, supervision and so on.
94. No liability shall be assumed or thereby incurred for error or omission.
95. The stream data have the features of realtime, continuousness, orderliness and infinity, whose duplicates are detected generally by approximate methods which omission often exists.
96. The superscript sign(') used to indicate the omission of a letter or letters from a word, the possessive case, and the plurals of numbers, letters, and abbreviations.
97. Administrative omissions that administrative corpus implement mainly include power-oriented administrative omission and administrative omission without nonperformance administrative obligation .
98. Rich language skills are employed, such as omission and leaping out, metaphor and pun, repetition and reference, elegancy and plainness.
99. Furthermore, I made some errors of omission, sucking my thumb when new facts came in that should have caused me to re-examine my thinking and promptly take action.
100. While I love and use Foxit Reader the most, I give its interface the thumbs down for its strange default omission of the status bar (page layout, page number and navigation).
101. Minimization of joint volumes, renouncement of joint preparation , and omission of pre-and post treatment of welded joints reduce manufacturing costs of marine vessels and structures.
102. Earnestly information collecting, sorting and submit, do not significant information, omission, material misstatement.
103. There is a sin of omission as well as of commission.
104. Yet another contentious issue in the manufacture of infant formula involves the omission of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
105. The anti-theft early warning system for pipeline transportation reduces false drop rate and omission rate possibly caused by the interference of the nature.
106. We accept that the Organiser bears no responsibility for any error or omission.
107. They direct your attention to errors of omission and commission and offer encouragement for right endeavors.
108. The most crucial omission is capital markets, which remain stunted and closed to foreign investment institutions.
109. Nevertheless, no such act or omission subject the actual carrier to liability exceeding the legal limits.
110. An unwanted graphic , usually small , that remains on a screen after an image is distorted by a mistake , omission , or limitation in graphics software or hardware .
111. Dangling Participle is a complicated language phenomenon caused by omission.
112. All statements and representations are made without any omission of material fact and with full corporate and personal with legal responsibility under penalty of perjury.
113. Based on above mentioned, the article probed into the essentials of illegal nonfeasance accordingly, and summarized them at three logistic levels of "should act", "could act" and "omission".
114. The omission of prepositions is a common practice in informal English or spoken English.
115. I acknowledge that untruthful or omission answers are cause for immediate dismissal if employed.
116. Any falsification or omission of information may result in the Commissioner's refusal to give approval.
117. The other type of behavior is non-deceptive information misguide or incompleteness of information, namely[http://], significant omission of information disclosure.
118. Among the textual errors made by Korean students at the intermediate and advanced levels, the errors of connectives are secondary only to the errors of omission, making up 31.
119. The result of experiments shows that our adaptive worm detection algorithm can effectively detect the spread of network worms, and has a low false alarm rate and omission rate.
120. The omission of this chapter from the third edition was a gross oversight.
121. To work around this omission, I use the POSIX condition variable emulations synchronization primitives, which are outlined in the series of articles.
122. But at the present, a common problem with the academicians in the field is inaccuracy of statistical figures, omission of figures from the rural areas, and double counting.
123. "Beloved" to the random fragments cut fight disorder characterized omission of information warfare, the question and roentgenographic files were reviewed retrospectively.
124. Any omission or failure on the part of the Owner's inspector to disapprove or reject any work or materials shall not be construed as an acceptance of any defective work or materials.
125. If anyone has been left out , we apologise for the omission.
126. The Company may disclaim liability in event of intentional omission on the part of the Insured or his representatives to fulfill the aforesaid obligations.
127. A physical inventory should be carefully planned and supervised to prevent such errors as the double counting of items, the omission of goods from the count, and other quantitative errors.
128. Its omission,[sentencedict .com] asymmetrical reflection are also a form of existence.
129. The omission of " for " in this sentence is incorrect.
130. If we forget, we fix it when we eventually discover the omission.
131. Errors of omission particularly incense critics, such as how Stone left out the fact that Garrison's key testimony was brought on by drugging and hypnosis.
132. The clerks and ryots, however, seemed duly impressed, and likewise envious, as though deploring their parents' omission to endow them with so splendid a means of appealing to the Zamindar.
133. As one of the infringements, misrepresentation contains false recordation, misleading representation and material omission.
134. And, the earthquake Zhe of the scathing penalty dint is by luck usually caused by the dragnet of justice careless omission mental state offset.
135. The detection precision is high, the incidence, the fallout ratio and the omission ratio of the non-drilling through hole on the glass product are reduced, and the labor intensity is also reduced.
136. Split profit has slit the permit of a submitting admittance with little omission and transmission.
137. It is not intended that the individual parts of the Code be used in isolation to justify errors of omission or commission.
138. Interpersonal Perception Scale could reduce the omission of MMPI in Group screening of mental disorder.
139. Combined with the types of the misrepresentation such as False Recordation, Mislead Statement, Serious Omission and Irregular Revelation, the paper gives a formal definition for Material.
140. This paper discusses the emergence and omission of prepositions and the substitutions of hidden Chinese prepositions by using Case grammar, Valence grammar and Argument theory.
141. The administrative omission that this text inquires only means administrative omission without nonperformance administrative obligation.
142. Most worrisome are errors of omission, where journalists fail to ask the hard but necessary questions of people in power.
143. The book is littered with errors of commission and omission.
144. Any material falsification or omission of information may result in the Commissioner's refusal to give approval.
145. By the common law of England, misprision of felony or treason was a crime of omission.
146. This paper focuses on the phenomenon of noun omission in the natural language understanding system. And then it explores the applications of noun omission and recovery in electronic product design.
147. Never once did he call for mother, wife, sister or sweetheart and this omission worried Carreen.
148. Although there are a lot of reasons causing the wideness of the income gap of China, the main reason is omission of the design of financial policy and arrangement of system.
149. I acknowledge that untruthful or omission answers are caused for immediate dismissal if employed.




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