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单词 Phase in
1. We should phase in the new working plans.
2. The wedding marked the beginning of a new phase in Emma's life.
3. We're entering a new phase in international relations.
4. The agreement marks a new phase in international relations.
5. We have entered upon a new phase in history.
6. She sensed she was entering a new phase in her life.
7. For the Gallery, this is just the latest phase in a process of rethinking itself with every generation.
8. A new phase in the revolution was due to start on August 1.
9. During its water-living phase in the breeding season, the newt becomes quite fish-like.
10. These accusations came at a critical phase in the negotiations.
11. Each symbolises a distinct phase in the physical history of Lynn.
12. For all that, it was a dismal phase in the chequered history of postwar Britain.
13. Stephen Legate looked out of phase in the unison tableaux.
14. They have decided to phase in the new techniques.
15. We have entered upon a phase in history.
16. The second time was chosen with the rising phase in alliance with the Moscow principality perished in the east of the Golden Horde, in the west reduced Duchy of Lithuania.
17. The second phase in this paper, it refers to each container in the container cluster, which is sorted through beam search algorithm.
18. We pick up the instantaneous information of Moho phase in typical segment of the profile.
19. In deriving the geometric phase in two state system, the cyclic condition is emphasized for general nonadiabatic case.
20. Marketers said the ad campaign would enter a second phase in June, when tickets become available to the general public.
21. There was no significant difference in percentage of cells in S phase in the distal colon of rats in both diet groups.
22. Conclusions I have not provided a manifesto for that next phase in this article.
23. The project of European monetary union is entering the most dangerous phase in its 11 - year history.
24. Cradle cap may be unsightly , but it is a common, usually harmless, phase in many babies' development.
25. By electronic microscope analysis, it is found that there is a certain amount of second dispersed phase in the martensite matrix which is the metallurgical factor of forming built-up edge.
26. The corresponding calculating program was written by MATLAB to calculate the fractal dimensions of box-counting in the morphology imagine of semi-solid primary phase in A356 alloy.
27. It was found that rapid quenching eliminates the secondary phase in the as cast alloy. An amount of amorphous phase is formed in the quenched alloy.
28. Even gloomy Bosnians can see that Sarajevo has entered a new phase in its history.
29. The modified penicillin acylase was mainly present in the PEG phase in a PEG-dextran aqueous two-phase system, and the partition coefficient was 25.
30. Objective To assess the associations between Doppler ultrasound derived luteal blood flow indices and luteal hormonal profile in midluteal phase in spontaneous and stimulated cycles.
1. We should phase in the new working plans.
2. The wedding marked the beginning of a new phase in Emma's life.
31. In the past twenty years, owing to the discovery of Berry's geometrical phase in 1984 , a lot of efforts have been made on quantal adiabatic theorem and geometrical phase .
32. By the observation of MFM, it is obvious that magnetic exchange coupling effect exist between Nd2Fe14B and a-Fe phase in the powders.
33. The Sovereign prizes represent a new controversial phase in this history.
34. The model is more beneficial to on-line optimal control and energy saving in heat preservation phase in copper refining rotary anode furnace based on funcfional theory.
35. During the execution phase of a build, properties and items that are defined within targets are evaluated together in a single phase in the order in which they appear.
36. The formation of secondary phase in the non-equilibrium peritectic reaction was observed by precise transmission electron microscopy analysis.
37. The sorption of Acenaphthene and Phenanthrene was characterized by linear isotherm, indicating solute partition between water and the organic phase in soil.
38. C frame-braced structure will access elastic-plastic deformation phase in higher seismic acceleration, and then structure stiffness catagenesis should be considered.
39. Wind tunnel test is an important phase in the development of ram air parachutes.
40. However the total phase in a nonadiabatic cyclic evolution generally consists of both the geometric and dynamical phases.
41. The voltage between a phase in a polyphase system and the neutral point.
42. This provides another way for measuring the phase in two terminal AB ring system.
43. It is discovered that the handling capacity of operation phase in Yang-shan port area is surplus and the load is somewhat low, to which more attention is needed to pay.
44. In France, the first phase of neoclassicism is expressed in the "Louis XVI style", the second phase in the styles we call " Directoire " or "Empire.
45. It is very important to identify the engine dynamic top dead center phase in the combusting analysis of IC engine.
46. The gamete - producing phase in a plant characterized by alternation of generations.
47. States of fermentation at the logarithmic growth phase and stationary phase in non- agitation fermenter with glucose medium are researched.
48. The microstructure and composition of precipitated phase in unquenched and untempered die steel for plastic mould have been investigated using following techniques:TEM, AEM, EDS and chemical analysis.
49. DJK02-3 unit uses display trigger pulse phase in digital. It is convenient to read and adjust the phase.
50. The reaction of triphenyltin with nitrous acid in aqueous phase in the presence and absence of O2 was studied by a laser flash photolysis technique./phase in.html
51. Fula Transform Zone in the middle structural zone is formed during the first rifting phase in Early Cretaceous.
52. H. Q. Ye, D. X. Li and K. H. Kuo: Tetrahedrally close-packed phase in superalloys, New phases and domain structures, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 22 (1986), A1 - A43.
53. The channel closed , but prepared to undergo a next activity phase in case of its depolarization.
54. What's happening here is a stable "sustaining" phase in a product's lifecycle, managed in a waterfall state transition model with a flow.
55. You are about to enter upon a new phase in your life.
56. The molding filling process is a very important phase in RTM.
57. A run phase in which prices break support from the lead-in trend line and plunge lower in a downhill run.
58. China also promised to send a 315-member multi-functional engineering unit to Darfur, with 140 of them already in Darfur and the rest to phase in.
59. Synthetic subject design of the mechanic design is an important and unreplaceable practical phase in the cultivation of students ability in design and innovation.
60. And now followed a strange phase in the history of the French people.
61. A classic planetary nebula, the Cat's Eye (NGC 6543) represents a final, brief yet glorious phase in the life of a sun-like star.
62. Lumbar segmental instability is a temporary phase in the degenerative process of the lumbar spine.
63. Application of the technology of sampling in different phase in clock circuit realizes maximum 200M equivalent sampling rate of timing analyzer.
64. It was considered the mechanism of the fracture phenomenon is the same as split-off of iron phase in non-equilibrium heat treatment.
65. The PLC runs in the way of scanning period , so it is difficult to respond to the instantaneous signals of the frequency and the phase in the power plant synchronizing.
66. The cementite phase in steels increases the recrystallization temperature and abstracts the grain growth.
67. Root structures are scanned as part of the initial function of the mark phase in the collector.
68. Sun of a... - Defat Rajh before he completes an entire recharging phase in the Halls of Origination on Heroic difficulty.
69. The navigational practice is an important phase in navigators training.
70. Register allocation (RA) is a major phase in the compiler backend, which has deep effect on the optimization results of other phases in the backend and hence the performance of processors.
71. The result shows that the geometric phase in this cavity QED system is fault-tolerant not only against the classical noise induced by the parameter fluctuation but also against the quantum noise.
72. This is the start of the third phase in Kobe Bryant's career.
73. The peak in the dynamic spin structure factor at the finite wavevector implies the possible coexistence of the antiferromagnetic phase with the superfluid phase in ultracold Fermi gases of atoms.
74. Growth is a necessary phase in the evolution of a new company.
75. N-phthaloyl chitosan is able to form cholesteric liquid crystalline phase in concentrated solutions of some organic solvents, including DMF, DMSO, DMAc and pyridine.
76. The linear speed-up phase in the starting process basically determines the starting time, and it can be accelerated by increase its starting torque to the maximum value.
77. It can not only store data information of testing process, but also express the logical relation between testing flow and testing activity and testing phase in process.
78. The width, field and phase in temporal and spectral domains are retrieved.
79. They were entering upon a new phase in human culture, the Neolithic phase ( New Stone Age ).
80. The final phase in a bull move is an accelerated runaway near the top./phase in.html
81. The mechanism causing secondary arc current and recovery voltage of two compact circuits with the same array of phase in one pylon window is introduced.
82. Based on the results from both experimental petrology and mineral physics, scientists have worked out silicate perovskite as the major phase in the lower mantle.
83. The foundation of Theatre Libre in the late 19th century marked the coming of a new phase in French theatre history, and meanwhile initiated the worldwide little theater movement.
84. So establishing design check institute that auditing design files termly is a tarnal important phase in the pre-jobs of the project.
85. I probably only have time for one more phase in my career.
86. Color synchronous signal is setup to resume subcarrier color signal as same frequency and phase in receive end, which is suppressed in send end.
87. It is generally considered that the simple mechanical mixture of ferrite and cementite is gained in the pearlite transformation and there is prevenient phase in this process.
88. As you might recall from the design phase in Part 1, JavaScript provides two types of timers, one-shot timeouts and repeating timetick, and the finite state machine needs both.
89. The SOAD metamodel supports such tool development, for example, by giving issues a scope attribute and by calling out the project phase in which an issue typically is resolved.
90. You can phase in your treatment to avoid too quickly losing too much at one time.
91. These moves mark a new phase in Facebook's evolution as the five-year-old company meshes the viral power of social networks and its huge member base to barge into new markets.
92. The residence time distribution of continuous phase in a mixer - settler with double mixers has been investigated.
93. It is very different to fabricate pure perovskite phase materials without the appearance of pyrochlore phase in lead based ferroelectric relaxors studies.
94. Most projects have a dedicated requirements phase in which business analysts and consultants talk with end-users and business owners about what they want or need the system to do.
95. The metabolic characters of production phase in the fermentation of unde - cane dicarboxylic acid were analyzed.
96. In TM mode, the distortion of phase is less than apparent resistivity, so the weight of phase in inversion can be increased.
97. The monoclinic celsian phase in the matrix was produced in situ, during hot amphosous BAS.
98. MMT which is used as nanometre inorganic phase in nanometre plastic is a kind of rich natural clay mineral in our country.
99. In sintering process, for melted mineral fines bind unmelted core ores when cooled, the self-intensity of binding phase in iron ores is one of the basic indexes to estimate sintered binding status.




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