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单词 Emily
1. Poor Emily. Her kinsfolk should come to her.
2. Sophie and Emily are sisters.
3. Emily knew nothing about her husband's misdemeanours.
4. Emily realized that she sounded hysterical.
5. Emily remained completely unruffled by the chaos.
6. 'Stop shouting, Emily,' John intervened.
7. Be patient, Emily! All in good time.
8. Emily is Sophie's younger/little/older/big sister.
9. You can never be sure what Emily is thinking.
10. Emily hugged her teddy bear tightly to her chest.
11. Emily opened her eyes .
12. Emily knitted him some socks.
13. Emily turned and threw her a suggestive grin.
14. Emily kept circling around her mother.
15. Emily felt that everything was conspiring against her.
16. Emily felt a searing anger against her father.
17. Emily glanced over her shoulder.
18. Emily is very/completely/entirely different from her sister.
19. At one time Emily was my best friend.
20. Emily edged her chair forward.
21. Emily drew in her breath sharply.
22. He wished Emily were with him.
23. Is Emily in school today or is she still ill?
24. He told about Mrs. Emily, who was kind and charitable.
25. Emily doubted what he told her but kept her own counsel.
26. " Many happy returns! " Emily said to me at my birthday party.
27. When her son finally left home, Emily felt completely at a loss.
28. Emily scraped away the dead leaves to reveal the tiny shoot of a new plant.
29. Emily filled the washing-up bowl with hot soapy water.
30. Emily dipped her toes in the water and squealed.
1. Poor Emily. Her kinsfolk should come to her.
2. Sophie and Emily are sisters.
3. Emily knew nothing about her husband's misdemeanours.
4. Emily realized that she sounded hysterical.
5. He told about Mrs. Emily, who was kind and charitable.
6. " Many happy returns! " Emily said to me at my birthday party.
31. Emily squeezed lemon into her tea.
32. Emily looked troubled as she turned to Mr Zamoyski.
33. Emily sighed as she stood in the shabby kitchen.
34. Emily perched on a stool, biting her bottom lip.
35. But Emily lay beside him, sleeping peacefully.
36. Ten days with Emily would do him good!
37. And no-one was more surprised than Emily herself.
38. Emily is less enthusiastic about her other direct antecedents.
39. Emily Lightbody returned shortly before five.
40. The secluded garden is a perfect playground for Emily.
41. Emily gasped as she looked around her.
42. Emily chewed her lip,() thinking about Hari and Craig.
43. It's not like Emily to lie.
44. But she was more sensible than Emily.
45. And the living proof of that was Emily.
46. He wasn't quite sure how to treat Emily.
47. Emily, you missed your chance.
48. A little later, Emily embarked on a teaching career.
49. Emily hunched forward over her handlebars, tense and determined.
50. But he was killing himself to do it, Emily felt; his terrible headaches proved as much.
51. Emily always managed to say something cutting whenever we met at a party.
52. Emily wanted to join in but with Hudson alongside she was too shy.
53. Mungo reflected that he had never seen Emily so happy.
54. Emily Pfeiffer's case for women's education, for example(), was couched in language that would appease social Darwinists.
55. As she made her way to the modest Grenfell town house, Emily felt the beginning of a headache coming on.
56. Keeper went everywhere with her - I think Emily loved that dog more than any person.
57. Emily followed her across the yard into the surprisingly sunny warmth of the kitchen.
58. Emily was turning over their labels, to the accompaniment of Mr Zamoyski's hammering from the back room.
59. In writing, as in painting, Emily Carr was a master craftsman.
60. Emily was curled up in a foetal position, naked, on the floor, sobbing.
61. Even with Emily I didn't shut up, and we have always had the capacity for shutting up.
62. Emily realised that her handbag was open and her money gone.
63. Letty seemed about to demur but Emily lifted her chin challengingly and the maid bobbed and left the room.
64. The poet Emily Dickinson is known for her brilliant fancies.
65. Nicola and Emily stuck together and together they stuck to Richard, content to be a part of it all.
66. Emily had taken her revenge swiftly, severing the ties that had long been between the Grenfells and the Morgans.
67. A whole menagerie came to life to see, but more importantly to help, Emily play.
68. Emily Carr died peacefully in her sleep in March of 1945.
69. I didn't think it was worth falling out over, but Emily obviously did.
70. The station was practically empty of people and Emily felt so alone as she stepped on to the train.
71. She'd turned down the offers of promotion because of Emily.
71. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
72. Emily goes to a women's group for comfort and emotional support.
73. Emily was watching Vic, seeing how he would deal with the question.
74. And then Emily fetched the cream cakes in from the fridge.
75. He and Emily had left the bicycles in the room with the dartboard.
76. If I hung around here any longer, it would all go on a nose job for Emily Quigley.
77. Emily sat in her coat while Hudson lit the fire.
78. This seemed to be developing into a regular pattern in his dealings with Emily.
79. Emily seemed to sense this too as she gazed at the uppermost branches.
80. Even the en suite bathroom of the bedroom she shared with Emily could be described by no other word than glorious!
81. Emily, as a special treat, was staying over at a school-friend's.
82. Emily enjoyed her walks in the park with her father.
83. Emily had, by age eighteen, witnessed stirring and historic events.
84. As the music pounded on, I pulled Emily this way and that across the baked earth.
85. Emily had turned towards the fire, holding the fork up to the flames, toasting a slice of bread.
86. He was nice, Emily decided, too nice by far for a hussy like Sarah.
87. As Emily Mahon stood in the kitchen she hoped that Nan would be warm and pleasant to her father this morning.
88. I gave directions and Emily Lightbody saw that they were carried out.
89. Emily unlocked the door and moved into the cool of the hallway, putting down her bag gratefully.
90. It seemed reasonable enough to Emily to select Mrs Marsh's boarding house, it's one of the best in Oystermouth.
91. Because if there was anything that Emily Mahon wanted for her little princess, it was a transformed life.
92. Emily and I put our heads together after office hours and came up with the answers we needed.
93. I wonder if Emily Post has a chapter on what to wear and whom to sit next to at a hanging.
94. Hardly bothering to look at the prized volume, Emily said it was worth a try.
95. Emily sat with her hands in her lap, quite unperturbed.
96. A huge fire was burning, and beside it sat Aunt Emily, dressed in heliotrope and a number of shawls.
97. Calling Emily, I legged it to the youth hostel two miles away.
98. Emily recommended a savoury pancake with prawns and mushrooms and much else.
99. His first wife christened Emily, affectionately and universally known as Pem died on Christmas Day 1988 after 53 years happy marriage.
100. When I got up to go to bed, I saw Emily sitting quietly by the fire.
101. Emily sighed with relief, she must be alone, she must have time to think things out.
101. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
102. There was nothing to do but read, but it was impossible to read for long with Aunt Emily prowling about.
103. It did not occur to him to propose to Emily and assume that he could live off his wife.
104. Emily was polite but firm - her answer was 'no'.
105. Emily moved to the desk and sat down, spreading the pages of figures out before her.
106. Emily bit her lip, the girl was obviously in touch with Craig, perhaps they were even living in the same house.
107. That way nobody would raise too many objections about Emily going out to work.
108. Emily and Maudie can mind the shop quite well without me, so I can look after Josh and the boys.
109. This was the shop which had been run by Eb's Aunt Emily ever since she was widowed, thirty years earlier.
110. Giving her the name Emily, I decided to adopt her, bought a packet of flea powder and that was that.
111. Emily was wearing a dark green skirt and matching blouse.
112. Emily is upset that she looks as if she is going to be out of a job.
113. Emily rose from her chair and Eline knew that the meeting was over.
114. Emily Groundwater's eyes opened widely, and he saw that they were smoke-grey, fringed by long dark lashes.
115. Emily is an industrial engineer by day and a punk rock bass guitarist by night.
116. Emily had only been away from home twice, and each time she had been very unhappy.
117. The school was apparently a failure; by the following spring Emily was set to return to Philadelphia.
118. There were the unfinished shoes for Emily Grenfell lying on the bench, the amethysts agleam against the softness of the leather.
119. Many letters from friends have gone by the wayside but I have kept those from Emily Carr.
120. He shows her a text message sent by Emily asking how the field trip is going.
121. Emily Mahon stood in front of the gas cooker and grilled the ten rashers that she served every morning except Friday.
122. When the students return from the field trip, Emily is dismayed when Gina does not get off the minibus.
123. Emily considered lots of options for being in a more intellectual environment.
124. And now, with Emily tucked up in bed, she was sharing a drink with Vass before bedtime.
125. Intense though Emily Dickinson was, Emily had never experienced the spume and spray of arterial blood.
126. Before Mungo and Emily could focus on it, Vic made as if to throw it into the air.
127. After those first few chats with his Aunt Emily, Alec soon realised that she was slightly senile.
128. Old Emily could ramrod a trail drive through the Panhandle.
129. The next day, Emily came to work wreathed in smiles.
130. Emily was looking at me in a way I found frankly flirtatious.
131. Spencer lifted his arms in a flamboyant gesture and Emily felt physically sick at the mere thought of marrying him.
132. Emily was sitting on the edge of the bed in one of his shirts, holding a tray.
133. He seated himself at one end, and Emily sat beside him.
134. I fixed an interview time with Sylvia on my way out. 7 Emily Lightbody came back to work the following Monday.
135. Emily Jane Wood needed a full set of dentures at a cost of £6.
136. Emily refolded the letter and put it into the envelope.
137. Emily rubbed her eyes as the figures swam before her, that didn't make sense.
138. Emily Williams, 75, was found slumped on her bedroom floor at Rumney, Cardiff, by a neighbour.
139. John caught Sarah's arm and hustled her into the sitting room while Emily hurried down the stairs to join them.
140. Letty knocked and glancing up Emily saw a slight figure with a mass of dark hair following the maid into the room.
141. Emily shook back a stray curl of hair and held herself upright, she must stop feeling sorry for herself.
142. Tatum had stayed out of the spotlight to bring up their three children Kevin, six, Sean, five and one-year-old Emily.
143. I folded my arms and observed Emily Lightbody as she touched up her make-up preparatory to leaving.
144. Perhaps they thought Anne and Emily and Branwell were coming home too - I don't know.
145. Emily paced around the book-lined study and blamed her father for his hostile attitude to Craig.
146. The profit margin on one sheet was much lower than the other and Emily drew in her breath sharply.
147. Emily is a country music fan.
148. I returned to Aunt Emily slightly oiled.
149. Emily lent Sarah her music book.
150. You are Dr. Emily Meredith Patterson?
151. How did Emily Thomas become a schoolteacher?
152. In the sitting-room I found Daniel, Ham and Emily.
153. Emily is sucking the juice up through a straw.
154. Emily Appleton: You're a treasure hunter aren't you?
155. Emily sits adjacent to Michelle in the central office.
156. Emily. : Are you referring to the navigational system?
157. Lawmaker Emily Lau Wai - hing's offices have been subjected to an arson attack and smeared with faeces.
158. D · H · Lawrence lived about a century after Emily Bronte.
159. Nine - year - old Emily Hoffman of Humble, Texas, was born weighing nearly 11 pounds.
160. What are emily chanthe permissible deductible items in computing the appreciation value?
161. Heathcliff was the well-known revenger in the novel Wuthering Heights written by Emily Bronte.
162. By the time that we got to the airport in Beijing though, Emily and I bee-lined it for Pizza Hut,(/Emily.html) then got our satisfyingly American burgers in LA.
163. Three daughters of an Irish-born clergyman grew up at Haworth parsonage, in Yorkshire. This remote region of bleak moors greatly influenced the imagination of the sisters, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne.
164. As a representative story of Faulkner's Yokanpatawtha, A Rose For Emily describes a typical southern woman victimized by the conventional system of the South and patriarchy.
165. Be in the United States on literary history, very few somebody can resemble Emily · Di Jinsen is alone in that way, malapropos in that way.
166. Miss Emily, who was regarded as a woman victimized and betrayed by violating the old conventional system of the South and by the patriarchy traced by many critics from feminism.
167. Patrick Bronte fathered Bronte, but more importantly, he fathered Anne, Emily and Charlotte.
168. Two sisters, that is, Anne Bronte and Emily Bronte, is also well-known writer, so often in the history of English literature in the "three Bronte sisters."
169. After Emily was rushed to Kosair Children’s Hospital in Louisville a deputy sheriff shot and killed the out-of-control dog.
170. Charlotte wrote as Currer Bell, Emily as Ellis Bell, and Anne as Acton Bell.
171. Emily Lau, Former Chairperson of Hong Kong Journalists Association, Legislative Councillor, Convenor of the Frontier, Vice-chairperson of China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group, Hong Kong.
172. When the Brooklyn Bridge was opened, Emily was honored with the first ride over the bridge.
173. Emily Dickinson gives the sense of having come before her time.
174. Emily turned and saw the lawyer and the lollipop following close behind them.
175. Emily , my GPA is 2.7 last year. I get the scholarship, and pigs might fly.
176. Emily confessed to me that she had not written to her mother.
177. Not to put too fine a point on it, your Emily is a liar.
178. Emily had to cast on extra stitches to make the pullover wide enough.
179. Emily Bronte ( 1818 -- 1848 ) is one of the most f 8 mous f 6 maIeEngIish writers.
180. "Getting back on the right path as quickly as possible is what makes you a good employee," says Anna Post, an author and spokesperson for the Emily Post Institute.
181. Emily: Yeah, if we were filming in, you know, 7)the back of beyond.
182. Carissa Pittman consoles her daughter Emily 15 while her husband Pete in the car and son Allen 21 prepare to leave Los Alamos N.M. because of the wildfire on June 27 2011.
183. When Dixon Hughes recently had an for a development executive, Emily Bennington, the 's of and development, posted a link to the opportunity on her page.
184. Another noted that September 21 is also the birthday of Emily and Zooey’s father, Academy Award nominated cinematographer and director Caleb Deschanel.
185. Emily Dickinson, a famous 19th century American poetess, enjoys equal popularity with Whitman and is conferred the pioneer of the 20th century English and American Imagist movement.
186. Emily Dickinson was born on December 10 , 1830 , in Amherst , Massachusetts.
187. Emily Bronte , English novelist, author of Wuthering Heights, was born at Thornton in Yorkshire.
188. When Emily was torn from him he took a substitute.
189. The most common names, according to a Social Security Administration release last month, are Jacob, Michael and Ethan for boys, and Emma, Isabella and Emily for girls.
190. Natalie Portman has bowed out of the upcoming movie adaption of Emily Bronte's classic Wuthering Heights.
191. How does Roslin sum up her attitude toward the gods to Emily in Faith?
191. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
192. Keeper Emily Pugh , 22, said Kera was already settling in well with the zoo's other gorillas.
193. says Anna Post, spokesperson for the Emily Post Institute, a promoter of etiquette and civility that's based in Burlington, Vt.
194. Herbert and Emily were deeply in love and desired to love in a cottage.
195. It probably won't be appreciated, says Lizzie Post, author and spokeswoman for the Emily Post Institute and great-great granddaughter of the etiquette queen.
196. Talent: Director George Nolfi, who wrote the script for The Bourne Ultimatum, steers the always-edgy Matt Damon through the paranoid plot twists, with Emily Blunt on board as the femme fatale.
197. See also Emily Byme Curtis, 'Notes on Qing Glassmaking: D'Incarville's "Catalogue Alphabetique", in Journal of Glass Studies, 1997, v. 39, pp. 71-75.
198. Emily and Jacob top the list of the most popular baby names in the country. That's according to the Social Security Administration.
199. Emily Lau talked to the students of the City University of Hong Kong on 17 November about the "Budgetary politics in Hong Kong: the role of the Legislative Council".
200. Gerin, Winifred. 1971 . Emily Bronte [ M ]. New York: Oxford University Press.
201. Emily Bront is an unique female writer and poetess in English literature in the 19 th century.
202. Interpreting microsimulation output by Emily Seaman SIAS. Traffic Engineering and Control TEC June 2006 Emily Seaman.
203. The other two are by Jia Zhangke, a winner of the Golden Lion at the Venice film festival and the doyen of the new generation of Chinese filmmakers, and Emily Tang.
204. Emily: that's why I wanted to do the Wolfman, and, you know, it's a really good movie and look who's in it.
205. Emily Appleton : All this doesn't involve another treasure hunt , does it?
206. An addict herself, Emily serves a prison term for supplying the fatal heroin. Mr.
207. Tony proposed on their own timetable - on Valentine's Day - and her mother was never the wiser. Read by Emily Cheng. Emily Cheng is a journalist at the China Daily Website.
208. Their vocabulary, like that of Emily Dickinson, acquired regal overtones.
209. The Emily Post Institute recommends sending a handwritten thank-you but says it doesn't matter whether the note is in cursive or print, as long as it looks tidy.
210. Emily Bazelon and I researched false rape allegations for Slate in 2009, when a Hofstra student garnered headlines for recanting after claiming that she was gang-raped by five men in a bathroom.
211. The Bronte sisters left all their life ideal with her, who embodies the memory and praying of the author for her litter sister Emily.
212. Poehler and Dratch also write prolifically, often in collaboration with the staff writers Emily Spivey and Paula Pell.
213. Emily Dickinson , a famous American poetess of the 19 th century, is a unique and unprecedented poet.
214. Emily Dickinson too is unsure how to pitch her work.
215. Emily: I'll use my store card. There's a ten-percent discount and I get six-months interest-free credit.
216. Mr Campbell has inherited a well run, financially sound institution. Emily Rafferty, its president, is a gifted fund-raiser. The museum's last annual report values the endowment at $2.5 billion.
217. Dealing with moochers is tricky even for etiquette experts like Lizzie Post, who keeps an eye on America's "civility barometer" at the Emily Post Institute in Vermont.
218. At her death Emily Dickinson left over a thousand unpublished poems.
219. Watch as a flower expert and professional gardener demonstrates how to plant and care for fall-blooming Crocosmia Emily Mckenzie bulbs in this free online video about home gardening.
219. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
220. The Dickinsons had come to America with John Winthrop in 1630 and had settled all over the Connecticut River Valley by the time Emily Dickinson was born two hundred years later.
221. The marshals have come to investigate the disappearance of a patient named Rachel Solando (Emily Mortimer), a murderess who has, in Dr. Cawley's words, "evaporated through the walls."
222. If canonity is strangeness, it is her unique thinking pattern canonized the poetry of Emily Dickinson.
223. While her upcoming role in Sucker Punch might change that image of her, Emily Browning fits the bill.
224. Emily : But they're dragging the rivers and digging up the woods.
225. "We can study the meteorological cycle on another planetary body involving a different molecule (methane), " said Emily Schaller, of the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory.
226. Emily Sweeney of the US crashes in the ice channel during the luge World Cup race in Oberhof, Germany January 16, 2011.
227. Emily Oken, an associate professor at Harvard Medical School who studies nutrition during pregnancy(), recommends that moms-to-be use moderation.
228. Mum asked all the riders to mount up and follow Emily.
229. In the novel A Rose for Emily, the protagonist Emily is endowed with the images of protecter of the tradition, and its convict, beneficiary and revolter.
230. Emily laid her finger on her lips, but the word Irene had caught James's ear.
231. Nathaniel Hawthorne ( 1804 - 1864 ) and Emily Bronte ( 1818 - 1848 ), are both full of romanticism.
232. Charlotte Bronte held her position on the literature history with her Jane Eyre, and her two little sisters, Anne Bronte and Emily Bronte, were not inferior to her.
233. Emily Appleton: [ Ben is reaching into a rock ] This could be a horrible trap.
234. Pop an extra pillow and blanket (or your private treasure) inside the headboard of the Emily Storage Platform Bed - White, and you'll be ready for anything, if not a deep and restful night's sleep.
235. Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, and their gifted sister Anne Bronte came from a large family of Irish origin.




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