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单词 bill of exchange
释义  ˌbill of exˈchange noun (plural bills of exchange) [countable]  PAY FOR technical a signed document ordering someone to pay someone else a particular amount of money 汇票Examples from the Corpusbill of exchange• In international trade, however, the bill of exchange still operates in this way.• You may also negotiate cash advances from your bank, using the bill of exchange as security.From Longman Business Dictionarybill of exchangeˌbill of exˈchange abbreviation b/e or, bill noun (plural bills of exchange) [countable]BANKING a document ordering someone to pay a particular amount on a fixed date, used especially in international tradeThe exporter’s bank sends the bill of exchange to its overseas branch in the importer’s country.When the buyer accepts a bill of exchange (=agrees to pay it), the exporter may arrange for it to be discounted.Essing dishonoured fourbills of exchange (=failed to pay them) drawn by Byrd to the amount of £2.39 million. → backed bill → bank bill → bills in a set → bills payable → bills receivable → commercial bill → discharged bill → discounted bill → documents-against-acceptance bill → documents-against-payment bill → eligible bill → fine trade bill → non-prime bill → sight bill → term billˌbill of exˈchange nounChineseSyllable  document Corpus ordering to someone a signed someone pay Business




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