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单词 Homosexuality
1 It is a society in which homosexuality is rarely avowed.
2 The Irish government announced it was to legalize homosexuality.
3 I've never been ashamed of my homosexuality.
4 Their position on homosexuality is intolerant and ignorant.
5 Public attitudes to homosexuality are gradually changing.
6 Clergy who revile homosexuality from the pulpit often turn around and take up collections and provide care for AIDS sufferers.
7 He has dropped homosexuality as an impediment to security clearances.
8 That homosexuality has been excised as an official disease state is certainly good news.
9 With publicity over gay marriages, the debate over homosexuality and the Bible once again fills radio talk-show airwaves.
10 The authority had also accused him of encouraging homosexuality in his religious education lessons.
11 In the 1950s, male homosexuality was a frequent cause of suicidal attempts or feelings, because of the pre-Woolfenden potential for blackmail.
12 If the scenes of homosexuality were less explicit, there would be a powerful case for allowing its broadcast.
13 Similarly, Spong believes that homosexuality, by itself, is not a sin.
14 The play was the first commercially successful work dealing explicitly with homosexuality.
15 It's widely assumed that his lyrics were coded references to homosexuality.
16 In the New Testament there are only four references to homosexuality.
17 Tilden died broke(), and shunned by many because of his conviction for homosexuality with underage partners.
18 The distinctive area of the single television play has produced a surprising number of allusions to homosexuality.
19 I agree, and this can stand as a cogent it incomplete description of what is meant by a political homosexuality.
20 Sometimes it ignores lesbianism; sometimes it brackets it together with male homosexuality.
21 Such are the mechanisms of the human mind that angry condemnation of homosexuality is often expressed by these very people.
22 The abolition of capital punishment and reform of the law on homosexuality came about in a similar way.
23 The Salvation Army is an institution that performs good works, and it is entitled to its views of homosexuality.
24 It took away one of the reasons he used to justify trying to suppress his homosexuality, you see.
25 Scores of theories have been presented to explain the incidence of homosexuality.
26 He has escaped lightly from other brushes with the law, and from politically incorrect condemnations of homosexuality, feminism and contraception.
27 An insightful, entertaining documentary about how movies have portrayed homosexuality down through the decades.
28 They condemn as absurd, lessons that teach children about homosexuality years before they can understand the meaning of the word.
29 Some readers may give them a moralistic spin, arguing that they prove something essential about gay men or homosexuality or promiscuity.
30 There is a subtle heritage that connects the military repression of homosexuality with negligent pollution.
1 It is a society in which homosexuality is rarely avowed.
2 The play was the first commercially successful work dealing explicitly with homosexuality.
31 By this time - the early seventies - homosexuality was no longer a taboo subject.
32 Betts said he announced his homosexuality because he couldn't go on living a lie.
33 Homosexuality was not discussed, it was simply a fact of life.
34 It may well have been rooted in a repressed homosexuality according to the psychoanalytic model.
35 It further calls for discussion within the trade union movement on this question, with a view to dispelling the myths that surround homosexuality.
36 The marriage was soon undermined by Price's homosexuality and alcoholism.
37 Put bluntly, to be identified positively, homosexuality usually has to be dissolved into the androgynous.
38 Steiner and Sontag are in a sense correct about the centrality of homosexuality to modern culture.
39 The scandal in question was, of course, the implication of female homosexuality.
40 Homosexuality can therefore feel more natural to many men than their comparatively laborious, expensive, and frustrating pursuits of young women.
41 One area of television where frequent reference has been made to homosexuality is in the arts programmes.
42 While there, Levada worked under Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who has characterized homosexuality as a disorder.
43 Homosexuality aroused revulsion in about a quarter of the respondents, another quarter seeing it as sick, odd or ridiculous.
44 They came from Williams' dysfunctional family, his tortured psyche and his repressed homosexuality.
45 We attack anti-gay stigma in order to encourage homosexuality to flourish.
46 In the armed services homosexuality is still punishable by imprisonment.
47 It can only be deduced that most young people learn about homosexuality from the negative and misinformed images in the mainstream media.
48 It may seem odd, but this deviant definition of homosexuality contributed greatly to the rise of gay liberation.
49 This is a backward and cruel society, in which people are executed for homosexuality and adultery.
50 It is remarkable how similarly the law treats both homosexuality and pornography.
51 In many countries there is still a strong social stigma attached to homosexuality.
52 Because psychologists can not explain homosexuality, they discuss it in terms of sickness or mystery.
53 Although homosexuality is no longer against the law, homosexuals still face a good deal of criticism and stigma.
54 And surprisingly only one in five teenagers questioned had been taught about homosexuality and lesbianism in school.
55 A sizeable reservoir of homosexuality, which had been held in abeyance(), suddenly stirred in the town.
56 There was a generally growing permissive attitude, although I don't think that the attitude towards homosexuality was particularly permissive.
57 Overall though, gay is good, which is why Sam Snort welcomes the proposed decriminalisation of homosexuality on the part of the Progressive Democrats.
58 The chief effect of his Bill would have been the banning of almost all images of homosexuality from the small screen.
59 He was one of the people who campaigned to change the law on homosexuality.
60 And so I became the single, visible manifestation of homosexuality in South Yorkshire.
61 It seemed to indicate that the primary reason for the defection was homosexuality.
62 Third, his anxieties about homosexuality were conjoined with class antagonism.
63 We grew up in a heterosexual culture which banishes positive images of homosexuality.
64 E.' s leader, Chuck D., has spoken out against homosexuality on several occasions.
65 Most people have been conditioned from earliest childhood to fear and have extremely negative views about homosexuals and homosexuality.
66 Perhaps the worst perversion occasioned by homosexuality is the police practice of entrapment.
67 Graham came to San Francisco a week ago and reiterated his belief that homosexuality is a sin.
68 Everyone said our show about homosexuality would be a minefield.
69 The facts of male homosexuality are also endlessly misrepresented and confused by the homosexual women who often speak for gay liberation.
70 Homosexuality, the topic of conversation being a few group.
71 Is homosexuality legal in China?
72 Britain's laws on homosexuality are hypocritical humbug.
73 Homosexuality is one of the crimes punishable by death.
74 Are you opposing the act of homosexuality?
75 There is about homosexuality in this film.
76 Homosexuality, prostitution and abortion permeated every level of society.
77 A view echoed by a more recent incumbent of the Petrine Inheritance Pope Paul VI, when he remarked in 1976 that homosexuality was, "shameful, infamous and horrible."
78 The private world, Emotions, Self-torture, Violence Pornography Homosexuality Despair Mess, Movies, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Heroism, Loneliness.
79 But in the face of homosexuality wooer, female showed remarkably higher percentage of rejection than male.
80 "The sexual urge is strong in all animals. ... It's a part of life, it's fun to have sex," Soeli said of the reasons for homosexuality or bisexuality among animals.
81 Condemnation from gay groups and the French government forced the Vatican into damage control over remarks by the pope's right-hand man linking paedophilia to homosexuality.
82 In 1988, PFLAG member Tinkle Hake surveyed a number of well-known figures in thefield about their views on homosexuality.
83 The Church of England has come a step closer to agreeing a deal to prevent the worldwide Anglican Communion from splitting over homosexuality.
84 In August, another gay man was executed for homosexuality and on July 19 two gay teenagers were executed in the northeastern city of Mashhad.
85 Psycho-social explanations offer a variety of factors that could contribute to the development of a person's homosexuality.
86 Homosexuality is a capital offense under Islamic law and gays have been under increasing pressure.
87 Homosexuality was described officially as a mental illness in China until 2001.
88 The Roman Catholic Church has always condemned homosexuality because of its supposed unnaturalness - but it has long idealized celibacy, which, some might argue, is equally unnatural.
89 According to new APA guidelines, the therapist must make clear that homosexuality doesn't signal a mental or emotional disorder.
90 Examples of demonization of homosexuality is not unique in history.
91 But I want to say it: Celibacy is the crime. Homosexuality is only a symptom.
92 Despite recent neurobiological findings suggesting homosexuality isgenetically-biologically determined, credible evidence is lacking for abiological model of homosexuality.
93 The process of legislating a law to protect our children against homosexuality and defending our family values must go on.
94 This year, we say goodbye together to the mosaic age of homosexuality.
95 Just like lesbianism during this period, it's hard to talk about homosexuality because the term was not used in its contemporary sense until the 1880s.
96 Remember, masturbation, promiscuity, homosexuality and nymphomania were once classified as psychiatric diseases too.
97 Don't let fear of homophobia or the stigma associated with homosexuality prevent you from identifying yourself as gay or bisexual to your doctor or seeking routine health care.
98 These three strategies reflect the plight of woman homosexuality in modern China.
99 We have laws that criminalize homosexuality. We have laws that criminalize drug use.
100 There is no Hebrew or Greek cognate word in the Biblical text to reflect the modern term "same-sex orientation" or "homosexuality."
101 In fact, my earliest conscious tactic to hide my homosexuality involved being outlandishly homophobic .
102 Psychoanalytic literature tended to explain cross-dressing as either a form of homosexuality or an escape from homosexuality resulting from castration anxiety.
103 Big Hong Kong session of homosexuality rallies appearance be irritable!
104 Homosexuality is so unaccepted in Latino culture. To portray a Latino family that loves and supports and accepts this child for who he is was incredibly groundbreaking.
105 Cameron's remarks came after Clegg made his call for children to be taught that homosexuality is normal and for faith schools to be required to introduce anti-homophobic bullying policies.
106 Hong Kong lacks any non-discriminatory ordinance, and many locals still regard homosexuality with unease.
107 He said he had Sarkozy's full support and would not resign; politicians attacking him were confusing homosexuality and paedophilia.
108 The homosexuality writing can be traced back a long time ago, back in the "Book of Songs" period, there are some words about homoerotic in literary works.
109 "The sexual urge is strong in all Its...It s a part of life, its fun to have sex, " Soeli said of the reasons for homosexuality or bisexuality among animals.
110 The group will study homosexuality and oppose sexual discrimination, according to Ai Xiaoming, the group tutor.
111 Homosexuality in ancient Roman society resulted only from their practice of Hellenization.
112 Heterosexuality is the natural norm, bisexuality and homosexuality must be suppressed.
113 His struggle against his homosexuality was unraveling both his marriage and his academic post in a religious school.
114 Homosexuality later came to be viewed widely as less a sin than a sickness, but now no mental-health profession any longer considers homosexuality an illness.
115 A rival statement presented by Syria said protecting homosexuality could lead to social normalization and possibly legalization of deplorable acts,(http:///homosexuality.html) including pedophilia.
116 Bertone's comment that "many" psychologists and psychiatrists had demonstrated a link between paedophilia and homosexuality, but not the vow of celibacy, drew official ire from France.
117 In the vast rural regions however, homosexuality is still taboo.
118 The decision comes at the same time that the Indian government has said it is considering legislation to decriminalize homosexuality.
119 Lee said he was focusing on traditions of behavior, not homosexuality.
120 But in a society where homosexuality is punishable by death, the movie is thought-provoking.
121 About the moral permissibility of homosexuality. About the proper ends of marriage as a social institution.
122 Only a small minority in America's well-groomed Episcopal churches or the Church of England's underpopulated pews finds clerical homosexuality non-negotiably bad nowadays.
123 Sex is a basic human desire, in some cases, some people will always stand up to temptation and premarital and extramarital sex and homosexuality.
124 Three cases of homosexuality correction by electric desiccation under hypnoticsituation had all been done successfuly.
125 In Greek and Roman antiquity homosexuality was already considered a mental illness.
126 But this rationale is just another way people try to devalue bisexuality as an identity, the same tactic used to devalue homosexuality, or being transgender, etc.
127 In a society that institutionalizes homosexuality, they will be homosexual.
128 That is the problem facing Ling Yu, a project officer for homosexuality at the Aizhixing Institute, an AIDS prevention and awareness grassroots nongovernmental organization based in Beijing.
129 He recalls two Malayalam films, Rendu Penkuttikal (Two Girls) and Desadanakkili Karayarilla (Migratory Birds Don't Cry), which treated the theme of homosexuality in a matter-of-fact manner.
130 In this review, we primarily focus on the behavioral-neuroendocrine mechanism of development of homosexuality from genetic, neuroendocrine neuroanatomical and behavioral studies.
131 The gay of ancient China was in top form in Ming and Chin Dynasties, so that the term gay become a synonym for homosexuality, and kept pace with the opposite sexuality.
132 Themovie tolerance also may do regarding the homosexuality and comradelike is view.
133 An 18-year-old Iranian is facing imminent execution on charges of homosexuality, even though he has no legal representation.
133 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
134 Evo Morales has claimed that both homosexuality and baldness can be caused by the humble chicken.
135 In What Everyone Should Know About Homosexuality, LaHaye employs Galen's theory of the four humors to help explain gayness.
136 Whereas sexual perversion and homosexuality are thalert:ning to destroy the Christian foundations on which this nation was built.




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