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单词 Pashtun
1 From cradle to grave, the Pashtun woman's lot is one of shame and sadness.
2 The Taliban cannot be sufficiently weakened in Pashtun Afghanistan to coerce it to the negotiating table.
3 But unlike Sunnis in Iraq, the Pashtun and the Taliban represent the majority of Afghans, at least in the south.
4 During period of British intervention, ethnic Pashtun territories were divided by the Durand Line; such a division led to strained relations between Afghanistan and British India and later, Pakistan.
5 Yes, President Hamid Karzai is a Pashtun, but that's window dressing.
6 But it is not generally acceptable for Pashtun women to extend hospitality or exact revenge.
7 They are Pashtun, an ethnicity famous for its hospitality,[] but tradition is being stretched to its limit.
8 So we are not seeing deals with Pashtun groups that break with the Taliban, as we did with Sunnis in Iraq breaking with the insurgency there?
9 These are the same Pashtun tribesman whose descendants are today's Taliban.
10 The Taliban's promise - in Pashtun areas straddling Pakistan and Afghanistan - was to restore peace and security and enforce their own austere version of Sharia, or Islamic law, once in power.
11 In the third season, one of the finalists was Lema Sahar, a Pashtun woman from Kandahar, the spiritual home of the Taliban.
12 America cannot win over sufficient numbers of the Afghan Pashtun on whom Coin depends.
13 This is a land stuck in the past: there are few roads, electricity is scarce, and entire communities of ethnic Pashtun tribesmen live as they have for millenniums.
14 Is a lot of what is going on in Afghanistan a Pashtun rebellion, in the sense that the Pashtuns, who used to rule Afghanistan, feel left out as power has been ceded to the Tajiks and other groups?
15 In some respects, one might hazard, the current insurgency -- as an almost exclusively Pashtun affair -- harks back to an earlier, more fragmented pattern of Afghanistan's history.
16 While American and Indian hopes that the Taliban can be defeated in the Pashtun areas are clearly impossible, so to are Taliban hopes of sweeping to power in the whole of Afghanistan.
17 Inevitably, this will mean incorporating some of the Taliban and their mostly Pashtun supporters into the political fold.
18 "Here, we are all of the same tribe, " said a young Pashtun poet and journalist. He had a flimsy beard and eyes the colour of honey.
19 On top of the years of grudges, there's a persistent strain of ethnic animosity between the Taliban's overwhelmingly Pashtun membership and its mostly Punjabi patrons from Pakistan's security forces.
20 Attached to one of the Jordanian's regular emails was a few seconds of digital video showing a gathering of men in Pashtun dress.
21 Areas on the Pakistan side stretching north-eastwards along the border from Quetta to the town of Zhob are inhabited by Pashtun tribes.
22 This malign neglect has allowed foreign militants to radicalize Pakistani Pashtun tribes, which have now linked up with militant groups in Punjab -- with the aim of overthrowing the Pakistani state.




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