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单词 misread
释义  mis·read /ˌmɪsˈriːd/ verb (past tense and past participle misread /-ˈred/) [transitive]  1  UNDERSTAND#to make a wrong judgment about a person or situation 对…判断错误 SYN misinterpret I think she misread the situation. 我想她是错误地估计了形势。 He may be misreading her intentions. 他也许误解了她的意图。2  READto read something incorrectly 读错,念错,看错 The doctor must have misread the notes. 医生一定是看错了记录。 —misreading noun [countable, uncountable] a misreading of the situation 对局势的错误判断→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmisread• Hobert misread a coverage, thought he was looking at a blitz and threw a killer interception.• More, he had hinted, unless I had misread him, at a connection with the family.• Jody misreads his caution for negativity and is mystified by his attitude.• The intelligence community was criticized for misreading Iraq's intentions.• She was beginning to wonder if she'd misread it - got the time all wrong.• Auditory processing challenges further contributed to his sense of confusion and, at times, to misreading of situations.• It was found that tests had been systematically misread since 1987.• We misread the level of interest in the campaign.• Unfortunately, we misread the situation and lost a lot of sales.• I believe Taylor is misreading the situation yet again by delaying his comeback.mis·read verbChineseSyllable  make situation Corpus person or wrong judgment about a a to




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