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单词 Scanned
1. She scanned the advertisement pages of the newspapers.
2. The detective scanned every bit of evidence.
3. He scanned the horizon, looking for land.
4. They scanned the sky for the spacecraft.
5. She scanned his face anxiously.
6. The shipwrecked sailor scanned the horizon anxiously every morning.
7. He scanned the horizon for any sign of land.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. She anxiously scanned the faces of the men leaving the train.
9. He scanned the horizon, but there was no sign of the ship.
10. His eyes scanned the room as he entered.
11. She scanned through the newspaper over breakfast.
12. She scanned the vast sea of faces below her.
13. She scanned the newspaper over breakfast.
14. Shading her eyes, Anita scanned the horizon.
15. All luggage has to be scanned at the airport.
16. The ship'sradar scanned the sea ahead.
17. She scanned the job/property advertisements in the paper.
18. Text and pictures can be scanned into the computer.
19. I scanned the street for people I knew.
20. Video cameras scanned the car park.
21. New material is scanned, indexed and stored electronically.
22. Existing paper documents could be scanned into a computer.
23. I scanned the list quickly for my name.
24. I scanned the page for her name.
25. Designs can also be scanned in from paper.
26. They scanned his brain for signs of damage.
27. She scanned through the paper.
28. I scanned the newspaper for the information I needed.
29. The disk has no viruses— I've scanned it already.
30. The flashlight's beam scanned every corner of the room.
1. She scanned the advertisement pages of the newspapers.
2. The detective scanned every bit of evidence.
3. They scanned the sky for the spacecraft.
4. She scanned his face anxiously.
5. He scanned the horizon for any sign of land.
6. She anxiously scanned the faces of the men leaving the train.
7. He scanned the horizon, but there was no sign of the ship.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. I scanned the newspaper for the information I needed.
9. She scanned his face to see if he was telling the truth.
31. I scanned the paper for news.
32. Doug scanned the horizon for any sign of the boat.
33. Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize.
34. I scanned in some photographs of the family to send to friends by email.
35. Jessica scanned the lines, none of which had any punctuation.
36. I scanned through the booklet but couldn't find the address.
37. She scanned the street nervously, looking for the two men.
37. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
38. Import your scanned images from the scanner and save as a JPG file.
39. She scanned the crowd on the off chance of seeing someone she knew.
40. The captain scanned the horizon for any sign of other vessels.
41. She scanned his face to see if he was telling the truth.
42. I haven't read much into it as yet. I've only just scanned through it.
43. The entire paper contents of all libraries will eventually be scanned into computers.
44. Their brains are scanned so that researchers can monitor the progress of the disease.
45. She scanned his face,() looking for signs of what he was thinking.
46. He scanned the audience, searching for a familiar face.
47. She scanned Leo's angry face helplessly.
48. Robert scanned the lists for his name.
49. I scanned the xeroxed blurbs and reviews.
50. Anxiously, Marcus scanned Gleeson's shirt: no loose threads.
51. Its pages were scanned with eagle eyes.
52. He scanned the sky, suspicious of tricks and ambushes.
53. The village bobby's eyes scanned the room.
54. The officer scanned the room.
55. She scanned the room for other changes.
56. I scanned the room, as small as mine.
57. I scanned the beach for familiar faces.
58. At last it is becoming possible to include production quality scanned images in desktop publishing.
59. In the vestibule, I scanned the column of buzzers while she fumbled in her purse for her keys.
60. Before getting off the bed, Mungo scanned the books to see what reading matter Vic preferred.
61. Jaq scanned another swarm of these hybrids, on the rampage with guns and blades.
62. Journals, books, conference proceedings, etc. will be scanned for relevant material.
63. The images are reproducible electronic versions of scanned illustrations, slides, microscopic and other visual material.
64. Sitting back, humming under his breath, he scanned the waters for anything that might present itself.
65. It is proposed that this collection should be sifted, and the contents scanned and stored electronically on optical media.
66. He scanned the sidewalks, shut his eyes briefly, then turned and made his way back to her dorm.
67. They also scanned the brains of some control dyslexics who were not on the programme.
67. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
68. He picked up the correspondence and miscellaneous papers in the in-tray and quickly scanned the contents.
69. As soon as she was safely past the shuffling fraternity, she opened her own newspaper and rapidly scanned the front page.
70. This index was started by Herbarium staff, who scanned new journals and books coming in to the Library.
71. All incoming journals are scanned for taxonomically significant papers, which are then indexed under the family or generic name.
72. He scanned the list for obscure schools in certain locations, then wrote away for an application.
73. Secondly, existing paper documents could be scanned into a computer and then converted to electronic form to allow further processing.
74. They are working on invoices that have been scanned and emailed to them from half way across the world.
75. Tony seemed amused as he took a bite of pot roast and scanned the room.
76. Lily scanned the empty room from the doorway, pleased that she was first to arrive.
77. He scanned the newsprint greedily while his teeth sank into the bacon sandwich,() the melted margarine dribbling over his fingers.
78. She scanned the displays set round the visor on the inside of the helmet.
79. He scanned the colossal sky like a young man whose girlfriend is late for a date, never tiring of the search.
80. They carefully scanned the area, unmoving, and waiting for any sign of life.
81. I scanned the faces of the two men who, suddenly, seemed strangers.
82. He was a tourist peering over a painter's shoulder as he scanned my unread stack of books.
83. Pockets were emptied of loose change, parcels scanned as if for a malignant tumour and handbags rifled for evidence of evil intent.
84. Breathless with excitement, Meredith scanned the stretch of stunning palaces which lined the canal, feeling a sense of awe.
85. PaperPort software creates a graphic image of the scanned item and lets the user edit, annotate and sort the result.
86. Tallboy scanned the list of people from whom statements had been taken.
87. As he scanned the room for potential defenders his eyes fell on Father Ed Dougherty.
88. He scanned her tense expression, his eyes crinkled up against the sun.
89. The researchers then scanned their brains while they completed two tasks.
90. John Bracken scanned the ewes with ultrasound and, by March, he was detecting pregnancies.
91. Third, avoid bitmapped graphics generally and scanned halftones in particular.
92. The atmosphere inside the plane immediately became tense, five pairs of eyes scanned the starry sky, they could see nothing.
93. Programs such as this are essential for anybody building a library of scanned images, gem drawing files or other formats.
94. Dr. Schlaug scanned the brains of several musicians as part of his research.
95. Thrilled, Barlow scanned computer data on 42, 283 Martian craters photographed by the Viking Orbiter since the mid-1970s.
96. Very large peels or sections can be scanned at low magnifications.
97. The door closed behind Tweed as he scanned the luxuriously furnished double room which overlooked Albemarle Street.
97. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
98. For example, customer enquiries and correspondence can be scanned into the computer system on receipt, or entered by the telephone operator.
99. Cornelius stood up, drew back his hair and scanned the horizon.
100. Sitting up in bed, I scanned the article, which the News of the World claimed was an exclusive interview.
101. The only local paper that we get on a regular basis is the Evening News which is scanned daily.
102. I scanned the window for some new detail that would intimate we were getting closer to Moscow.
103. Miguel scanned it as Spider hopped away from the car with his bouncy street shuffle.
104. I scanned the beach, looking for familiar faces and objects of desire.
105. They eagerly scanned the horizon where they had last seen the car disappear.
106. Once documents have been scanned and indexed, they have to be saved to optical disk.
107. After all the records have been scanned a list of two names - Mason and Vince - would be provided.
108. She ignored his lecherous gaze and scanned the sea of faces for Stephen.
109. Fenn stood and, hands on hips, scanned the underground chamber once more.
110. As she scanned the titles Polly's brows contracted in a puzzled frown.
111. Later I scanned Teletext as you usually get a few after match quotes appear.
112. The old nomes grumbled among themselves, and scanned the sky anxiously for the first signs of robins or reindeer.
113. Each object shown in these pictures has been scanned at two or three different wavelengths.
114. Ezra turned the page and scanned the chapter titles down.
115. Three helicopters scanned the area; the soldiers meanwhile were looking into back gardens, dustbins, and under hedgerows.
116. There was a time when she scanned the fields every morning and every evening for her boys.
117. Poised on the little platform stage in front, she quickly scanned the faces confronting her.
118. He scanned the horizon and saw on the edge of the sky the familiar yellowish stain.
119. Rostov scanned the platform above for Alexei and saw him finally on the topmost section of the catwalk.
120. You've scanned the shy a long time to reach safety.
121. Brown eyes scanned the beautiful intensity of her face and triggered a breathless response.
122. She scanned the menu outside the restaurant, but decided it looked too expensive.
123. Huck scanned his own clothing forlornly.
124. Her melancholy eyes avidly scanned his smiling face.
125. The officer scanned the battlefield with a binocular.
126. Clauses are scanned sequentially until a match is found.
127. He scanned the newspaper while having his breakfast.
128. Annex has been attached to my ophthalmologist prescribed scanned.
129. When scanned by a smart phone, the code will link you to the rec center's schedule, hours,(http:///scanned.html) and weekly information.
130. The original should be scanned from the front cover, then page spread originals in page order.
131. A quick and accurate algorithm of generation of the scanned body of the cutting tool in three-head NC milling em ula tion system for rose cutter is given.
132. More specifically, take care while converting your scanned image manually with a Bezier based pen tool.
133. Scanned photos of several documents, including a March 5, 1940, note from NKVD head Lavrenty Beria - signed by Stalin and three other members of the Soviet Politburo - were published online.
134. This is a primigravida scanned at 28th week of pregnancy. These are some images we obtained. No other anomalies were found.
135. The invention reduces paper waste, data bit storage on a User's computer, and mitigates pagination issues in a hard copy scanned document.
136. Her gaze scanned the expensively tailored cut of his dark suit.
137. Methods: 50 cases of adult normal isthmian part of lumbar vertebral arch were scanned via CT. The screw of porous side entry route and angle were observed.
138. Books are being scanned into digital form by the thousands.
139. It is important to note that the concept of controlling beam position by varying the relative phase of radiating elements is common to frequency-scanned, phase-scanned, and time-delay scanned arrays.
140. A novel approach to the imaging system by scanning with the advantages of both the confocal scanning mode and the optical heterodyne detection method are scanned.
141. October, 13, 2009, Two Chinese writers' groups claim that Google has scanned Chinese works into an electronic database in violation of international copyright standards.
142. The researchers then scanned the volunteers' brains using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) as they viewed faces with angry, sad, and neutral expressions.
143. By making good use of the intelligent measure and control function of the Microprogrammed Control Unit, the numerical-controlled and scanned direct current source is designed.
144. Methods 51 patients who have tumefaction or ache of submandibular gland were scanned by high-frequency ultrasound.
145. Thankfully, there is a patch available for 2.4 kernels that causes the SCSI bus to be scanned on startup (see Resources for more details).
146. If there is an RFID tag in the letter, the RFID code is scanned in addition to optical scanning and linked with the data record.
147. The present invention reduces the number of scanned lines to shorten the addressing time, and increase the holding time, so as to raise image brightness of color plasma display screen.
148. In the IBM 3886 Optical Character Reader , an area of a line that is scanned without data transmission.
149. As I scanned my class of Casanova boys and chaste girls, it dawned on me that the only thing the survey revealed was what we wanted to be true.
150. After photographs are scanned and databases checked, the painting is identified as the other Renoir, Jeune Parisienne, stolen nearly five years ago in Sweden.
151. Then, all directories under this root path are recursively scanned for media files whose tags are read and stored in a database.
152. Each line is prefixed with the protocol level within the packet that was scanned.
153. I always start with a pencil sketch that is scanned into my computer before starting.
154. The researchers scanned publicly available data on a star known as CoRoT-1, which is 1600 light-years away.
155. The shop assistant scanned the bar code to check the price.
156. Door handles can open with scanned fingerprints or a four-digit code, eliminating the need to fumble for house keys.
157. CHAR is a global variable which will always hold the source program being scanned./scanned.html
158. His mother scanned his face to see if he was telling the truth.
159. After all of the assets are scanned and analyzed, a postprocessor automatically starts.
160. This means that a paper drawing can be scanned, line artwork automatically recognized and represented in a vector format that then can be imported to your CAD or drawing program .
161. In the IBM 3886 Optical Character Reader , an area of line that is scanned without data transmission.
162. One study showed that 79% of test users scanned any new page they visited, while only 16% read the page word-for-word.
163. Any files potentially dangerous for a system are scanned by the SpIDer Guard resident monitor in a real time mode immediately after they come to your computer.
164. The RMP will incorporate an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) antenna with more-supportable radar electronics.
165. Our results show that when applying our improvements, the number of objects scanned during cycle collection phase, can be reduced by an average of 39.0%.
166. Left photo shows an example of a deadeye on a modern ship. ) Archaeologists of the Newport City Council scanned artefactual material such as a deadeye with the FARO ScanArm.
167. If the port is not open, the scanned host sends a packet with the RST and ACK flags set.
168. ICT cross-section scanned image processing, which mainly include image smoothing, image two-valued processing, edge detection and contour tracing.
169. The GMTI of space based sparse array scanned pattern interferometric radar (SPIR) has been thought to fail when there are ambiguities in azimuth.
170. The more recent the scanned pages, the more likely the OCR text is to be accurate.
171. Rick scanned the crowd and received nods of agreement from Lisa, Wolff, Miriya, Vince, and Cabell.
172. Recovered File Fragment - pieces of files found when your disk was scanned.
173. Methods 64 cases of pelvic mixed masses were scanned with trans - abdominal and - virginal ultrasound.
174. Until now, all the files have been scanned, it finally checks the file and play list cache entry to see whether all items still existed in the file system.
175. It includes some basic points such as scanning precision, format description of scanned data, conversion from the scanned data to generalized raster data, geometric correction and photograph merging.
176. The average size of the retransmit queue can be calculated from the packets scanned counter if the number of SACK options sent is also tracked at the client.
177. Instead, it darted in different directions, sullen and aggressive, nearly brushing against me as it scanned me with large, black, disk-shaped eyes.
178. If you require a full size scanned copy, please send us ane-mail with your name, address and land line phone number .
179. After discovering that The Sunday Republican had recently been scanned and digitized by Readex, a publisher of digital historical materials, I was finally able to zero in on this forgotten document.
180. Root structures are scanned as part of the initial function of the mark phase in the collector.
181. Two particular deals -- named after U.S. Presidents James Buchanan and Andrew Jackson -- were scanned by the investigators, the paper said, citing a person familiar with the matter.
182. After killing the animals, cancellous bone specimens from the vertebra, femurs, and tibias were micro-CT scanned and tested mechanically. Serum biomarkers were determined.
183. However, the benefit of the merge scan join is that the inner table does not have to be scanned repeatedly as it does for nested loop joins.
184. You can use a template for another redaction method that is suitable for scanned forms, and which does not require any semantic analysis for redaction.
185. By the method of Computer Aided Geometrical Design(CAGD), with computer graphics technology, the curves of load factor for tray tower are scanned into raster presentation.
186. Outside I scanned a redbud tree and spied the almond - shaped silhouette of the trilling bird.
187. Methods: 88 cases with breast phymatoid disease were scanned on the breast in prone position by CT with the aid of Breast Bracket.
188. By making good use of the intelligent measure and control function of the Microprogrammed Control Unit(MCU)(/scanned.html), the numerical-controlled and scanned direct current source is designed.
189. Embryos developed by in vitro fertilisation Methods : Would be routinely scanned for genetic illnesses.
190. There was less cover, so he scanned the skies for Sentinel overwatch .
191. Each item scanned which has an entry in the stock table will add an entry to the sales ticket.
192. The region is then scanned for black body radiation in a medium infrared waveband.
193. Using computer-aided design technology, they scanned the main dish, bread and plates and calculated the size of portion relative to the size of the average head in the painting.
194. The resulting latent image is optically coupled to the semiconductor detector and and scanned locally in this detector and digitized pixel by pixel.
195. In this thesis, the orientation accuracy of scanned topographic map is analyzed, which influences the accuracy of the flight plan of aerial photography, and a conclusion is drawn.
196. Then the frequency of the test signal is scanned at the HVDC rectifier current set point, and the oscillated active power flow in the parallel AC tie line is obtained.
197. His coffee grew cold, while he scanned the paper indifferently.
198. Wu Sun - fu listened attentively, while his eyes scanned Tu Weiyueh's imperturbable face.
199. Have you scanned all the satellite imagery around the rocklyn building?
200. People who think nothing of entering passwords balk at the idea of having their eyeballs scanned.
201. Can be directly connected to the scanning head of the test needle. Not to replace the probe can be scanned simultaneously and point measurements.
202. The codes turn URLs and text into barcode-like images that can be scanned using a mobile phone or a QR code reader.
203. Is there any special scanner settings required versus just a standard carriage return after scanned data?
204. A contour tracking algorithm with simultaneous edge feature detection is proposed and the character contour is separated from the complete graph contour of the scanned image based on rules.
205. In the drum type laser typesetter, the screw with laser beam heads moves continuously when the drum is rotating and the film is scanned line by line.
206. They scanned the skulls for injuries around where Triceratops might have locked horns and wrestled.
207. Post - sorts , as the image placed in the scanning area, is scanned for best scans.
208. Applying the scanning device , the residual limb is scanned and its multi - angle ultrasonic images are obtained.
209. With the comprehensive historical materials, the history of our country's pawnbroking is scanned and pawnbroking's role in Chinese history is discussed with rational thinking.
210. It is a property for practical application as a frequency scanning antenna since it ensures a stable radiation pattern with little distortions while beam is being scanned.
211. Optical character recognition, usually abbreviated to OCR, is the mechanical or electronic translation of scanned images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded text.
212. Laser scanned textile pattern processing system is also briefly described.
213. Speedy scanned the traffic behind them in the side-view mirror and maintained a tense silence.
214. After the p-boxes are filled, labeled, and scanned, a robot stores them in the facility until they are needed to put together a full LEGO set.
215. Speed results when disk partition are scanned are considerably improved.
216. Electronic colour retouching: The ability to alter local areas of a scanned colour subject by defining and then amending them electronically. Available on most electronic page composition systems.
217. It includes some basic points such as scanning precision, format description of scanned data, conversion from the scanned data to generalized raster data, g...
218. Jason Salavon took centerfold images from all the playboy magazines between 1960 and 1990 and scanned these images.
219. Method:31 cases of cervical disc herniation(CDH) scanned in neutral position under MRI were taken in hyperflexion and hyperextension.
220. By contrast, PC keyboards are not only cheap, stable and reliable but also a kind of coded keyboard which can be scanned and send the scan code via a standard 5 core socket automatically.
220. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
221. Another limitation was in the assessment of wear using coordinate data from the scanned bearing surfaces.
222. Methods The patients were scanned by high-low frequency probe with compression. All cases were confirmed by operation and pathematology.
223. I started at the nearest shelf and scanned it for the first item on my list: pork and beans.
224. The young woman, he recalls, scanned him from head to toe in a slow once-over and then breathily replied, "Just me, honey."
225. Jun printed out the information, then scanned her hard copy for any hints as to treatment.




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