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单词 Primary health care
1 How is primary health care best delivered?
2 Primary health care teams are the first point of contact for users of the service.
3 primary health care providers.
4 Conclusion Primary health care is at a crossroads.
5 Professional development and postgraduate training in primary health care could be a useful adjunct in improving quality.
6 Village schooling and primary health care will be available locally, with more advanced education and medical services in the main centres.
7 Governments all over the world have advocated primary health care without taking it seriously.
8 A member of the primary health care team has now been designated liaison officer and all messages are passed to her.
9 Primary health care managers have the task of ensuring that their health information systems produce relevant information.
10 Secondly, general practitioners and primary health care teams are the first point of contact for users of the health service.
11 A survey of primary health care facilities in Bangladesh found the absenteeism rate among doctors to be 74 percent.
12 Strengthening the construction and management of primary health care and immunization network.
13 Great changes have taken place in the primary health care system opening.
14 Town set up a primary health care committees, village doctors association.
15 Central to the primary health care team is the good family medicine practice.
16 We will also improve primary health care and strengthen services for the chronically ill.
17 The conference adopted the Alma-Ata Declaration, which defined primary health care as the key to achieving the goal of "health for all by the year 2000".
18 The front-line members of these teams are local women recruited and trained to provide primary health care to their villages.
19 An important feature will be the investigation of the relationship between women workers and women users of primary health care services.
20 If this is so then increasing the counselling skills of general practitioners may be preferable to widening the primary health care team.
21 Most of the countries concerned will need a radically reorganized system for delivering primary health care.
22 There may also be inter-professional tensions, as well as intra-professional ones, for example in the case of primary health care teams.
23 My family health services authority is making plans to establish its own primary health care research ethics committee.
24 It could lead to the dilution and fragmentation of the strengths and skills of the primary health care team.
25 They are mostly women with little formal education who render basic primary health care to people in their villages.
26 Polio eradication can be a potent arrow head for transforming routine immunization and primary health care systems.
27 We were arranged to see several doctors, including the primary physician who was then another member of the primary health care team, an audologist and an otolaryngologist.
28 The National Health Service ( NHS ) is on a primary health care model.
29 In September 1978, WHO and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) held a historical international conference on primary health care in Alma-Ata, then the capital of Kazakhstan.
30 Over 75 percent of all counties fulfilled targets in the rural primary health care program.
31 Then we had this spiritual and intellectual awakening that came out of Alma-Ata, and suddenly some proponents of primary health care went back to the old selective approach again.
32 It is needed that realized the new problem and challenge faced by primary health care.
33 Data and methods: The data of the 4th National Health Service Investigation and a survey on function and human resources of primary health care facilities were used to descriptively analyze the study.
34 He joined WHO in 1991 serving as medical officer for primary health care development in Afghanistan.
35 A: Primary health care is more urgently needed now than ever before, not least because you have to find ways of bridging what happened during the first few years after Alma-Ata and what now exists.
36 The report will, I believe, help concretize my commitment to primary health care, while giving policymakers a realistic assessment of what can be achieved and how it can be done.




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