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单词 Not half
1. It's not half bad, your new flat.
2. The tumbler is not half full.
3. You're not half the man you think you are.
4. My work is not half done yet.
5. He is not half such a fool as they think.
6. Not three, not half a dozen, not a rifle platoon.
7. If the weather is any indication, this is not half way through the winter.
8. So he was not half as earnest and solemn as she had thought him.
9. She says they're not half as horrible as they look!
10. Not half an hour back I had been dewy-eyed with nostalgia for him.
11. It's not half so mysterious when you've got a horde of parents dragging screaming kids around it.
12. Not half an hour later, Ned has asked for and received her hand in marriage over that dinner of beans.
13. Yet not half so tiresome as a February expedition across the fens.
14. The boy is not half bad.
14. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
15. Jim is not half bad at football.
16. The show was not half bad.
17. He was not half bad at tennis.
18. The quartette was not half bad , either.
19. I help the auctioneer, the sloven does not half know his business.
20. Right in front of me, not half a mile away, I beheld the Hispaniola under sail.
21. He hardly ever gets shirty and does not half stand up for his rights.
22. The dwarf looked down at a little man not half as big as himself, dressed in a green jacket with brass buttons, and a red cap with a tassel.
23. Poor old Henry, and not half as clever as he'd thought.
24. Veronica : Not half . We got to dance with some really dishy guys.
25. The game could really have been over by about 60 mins, if not half time.
26. The man who can keep a secret may be wise, but he is not half as wise as the man with no secrets to keep. Edgar Watson Howe 
27. But I prefer to see the glass as half full, not half empty.
28. Likewise with Relevance: if B wants three bolts, he wants them now not half an hour later.
29. October alone has seen more than an inch over the monthly average ... and it's not half way through the month yet.
30. EXAMPLE : Most formal receptions bore me, but the event I went to yesterday not half bad.
1. It's not half bad, your new flat.
31. And, believe it or not, these diet shakes are really not half bad.
32. Stop piling it on: it's not half as bad as you make it appear.
33. "There'dbeen a tremendous amount of poverty around and presumably this made some impact then." — "Oh not half.".




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