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单词 Ontario
1 The Art Gallery of Ontario has the world's largest collection of sculptures by Henry Moore.
2 The state has a boundary with Ontario.
3 If you go to Ontario in summer, you're in for a few surprises .
4 The Auto Pact yoked Ontario into the United States economy.
5 We passed the boundary with Ontario a moment ago.
6 She had bought a farm at Willowdale, Ontario.
7 The Breadalbane and Lake Ontario expeditions have opened a new era in underwater archaeology, Nelson says.
8 As the many Ontario lines stretched out in the 1870s and 1880s, dozens of new stations were built.
9 Microcell bid only in southern Ontario for a total cost of $ 19.2-million.
10 Des Collins, of the Royal Ontario Museum,[] doubts that it deserves quite such an honour.
11 Unlike the U.K., Ontario has the advantage of very distinct seasons.
12 A patch of Tufted Vetch in an Ontario field.
13 Hamilton Avenue. Thunder Bay, Ontario, " Michael mutters.
14 Receptionist: Do you have Ontario Health Insurance?
15 OPG, Ontario Power Generation, being a good example.
16 Sugar maple trees grow in Ontario.
17 Grapes, peaches and pears are grown in Ontario.
18 From Astoria , Oregon , to Yorktown, Ontario.
19 People from the four corners of the world have come to Ontario to make it their home.
20 Niagara Falis was seen, correctly, as the source that would create an industrial heartland in Southern Ontario.
21 It took police four days to trace the couple to Bridgnorth in Ontario.
22 His name would be linked for ever with the principle of publicly owned hydroelectric power in Ontario.
23 If New York State was being asked to pay the full cost,() why not Ontario?
24 And still larger sums have been expended in conducting a campaign against us outside of Ontario.
25 Then, discerning an unfilled need, he started a cigar-box company in the heart of the Southern Ontario tobacco fields.
26 The four doctors say they sent their findings to an Ontario government inquiry into the hospital deaths.
27 He engaged four excursion schooners to bring spectators from various points on Lake Ontario.
28 Day, who blamed the Niagara Falls mistake on his staff, failed to make inroads in Ontario.
29 Mostly older people, who arrive by the busload from all over, including Ontario.
30 Ottawa is the capital of Canada, a municipality and the second largest city within the province of Ontario.
1 The Art Gallery of Ontario has the world's largest collection of sculptures by Henry Moore.
31 In July, the OSC also initiated a review of Canadian-listed companies based in Ontario with significant business operations in emerging markets to ensure investors are sufficiently protected.
32 Shepard Siegel, a psychologist at McMaster University in Ontario writing in a recent issue of Perspectives on Psychological Science, doesn't think so.
33 It is showed by the data that Kitchener, belonging to Ontario, is famous for advanced education and high Technology.
34 If you design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit, you live in Ontario.
35 Queen Victoria chooses Ottawa, Ontario, as the capital of Canada.
36 The falls are on the Niagara River, which flows between the United States and Canada from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario.
37 Li studies bioinformatics and Kolmogorov complexity as professor of computer science at the University of Waterloo in Ontario.
38 The ISU Grand Prix final is held in Kitchener, Ontario , the past weekend.
39 The test method used here for mercury speciation was the Ontario Hydro Method.
40 If you have worn shorts and a parka at the same time,[Sentencedict] you live in Ontario.
41 Ontario, Canada, Celestino Caballero bt Steve Molitor by fourth-round knockout.
42 Superior , Lake Michigan Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario are the Five Great Lakes.
43 Rocks, trees and lakes abound in the Canadian Shield area of Ontario.
44 When Togo—a country with a population less than half of Ontario—had medals and Canada didn't, it put a bit of a dent in our National amour propre.
45 A member of a North American Indian people in the Ottawa river valley of Ontario and Quebec.
46 Lake Huron, Lake Eire and Lake Ontario. They are located between Canada and the United States except Lake Michigan.
47 The capital of Canada, in southeast Ontario at the confluence of the Ottawa River and the Rideau Canal.
48 Ms Munro comes from southern Ontario, an area of considerable psychic murkiness and oddity.
49 A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, near Lake Ontario east-northeast of Toronto. Founded in1790, it is a processing and manufacturing center. Population, 34, 881.
50 He called Mozambique "Mozam-cue-ee, " and he called himself the Canadian-American Stamp Co. because of a summer cottage in Ontario.
51 There are well-known lake Bear Lake, Slave Lake and Lake Huron , Lake Ontario, and so on.
52 A town of southern Ontario , Canada, on Lake Ontario east-southeast of Hamilton. Grimsby is a manufacturing center. Population, 15,797.
53 Mak Arvin and Byron Lew of Department of Economics, Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, have investigated the old adage that it's better to give than receive.
54 It starts on the Toronto lakeshore and winds its way northwesterly along Highway 11 to Rainy River, Ontario, at the Minnesota border.
55 Bee Beard Competition, a competition not for the fainthearted, was held in Ontario August 14.
56 Mark Clement was born in Winnipeg and raised in various towns in Ontario.
57 A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, north of Toronto. It is a summer resort and has varied light industries. Population, 23, 955 .
58 Norman Bethune was born in Graven Hurst , Ontario, Canada in 1890.
59 She is licensed and registered with the Board of Directors of Drugless Therapy (Naturopathy), the regulatory body for naturopathic medicine in Ontario, Canada.
60 According to Canada's Record, when Bieber arrived at the Fairview Park Mall in Kitchener, Ontario, the day after Christmas, he couldn't fly under the radar while trying to shop.
61 In her town of Sudbury, Ontario she became known for her bracelets and other goodies that added sparkle to so many peoples lives.
62 There are five lakes: Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario.
63 This includes Bring Back the Salmon, which helps the return of Atlantic salmon to Lake Ontario after its local extinction over 100 years ago.
64 The first lottery Mohan Srivastava decoded was a tic-tac-toe game run by the Ontario Lottery in 2003.
65 Trade certification for electricians (domestic and rural) is mandatory in Quebec and Ontario, and available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador.
66 A city of western New York east-northeast of Buffalo on the New York State Barge Canal near Lake Ontario.
67 Ontario "Global" World. aurora and " radio " detection "Shihab" through radio signals of "the" ion Falls to think ... use the discovery of a meteorite radio source of power analog TV transmissions.
68 For example, if your IT organization is having trouble supporting a large distributed organization, do what Ontario did and execute the ITIL help desk processes.
69 Fountainhead Christian Charitable Association, Box 117 , 3517 Kennedy Road , Unit 2 , Scarborough, Ontario M 1 V 4 Y 3, Canada.
70 The report is made by Canadian Professor Babuji at the University of Manitoba and professor Beamish at the University of Western Ontario together.
71 Toronto is a large city on the shore of Lake Ontario.
72 A city of southern Ontario, Canada[http://], west of Toronto. It is an industrial center in a farming area.
73 Dr. Mark Loeb of McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, and colleagues wanted to see what the long-term effects were.
74 Photographed from high above Detroit, Michigan, a bulk cargo freighter nearly a thousand feet long trundles past Windsor, Ontario (top), on its way to Lake Erie.
75 Long before my brother-in-law (a Newfie) even met my sister I heard a comedy skit where Newfoundlanders were rendered as loving to sing and frolic, moving to Ontario and turning into alcoholics.
76 The nickel market might get a leg-up though if the union at Xstrata's operations in Sudbury, Ontario decide to walk out at the end of January 2010.
77 They made the arduous trek over Indian trails, crossing the Niagara River to settle in what we now call Ontario.
78 Located on the Niagara River on the border between New York and Ontario, Canada, this famed cataract comprises three separate falls: Horseshoe, American, and Bridal Veil.
79 From 1911 to 1912, Bethune worked as a lumberjack and teacher in a remote area of Ontario.
80 Steamfitter- pipefitter trade certification is compulsory in Quebec, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia and available, but voluntary, in all other provinces and the territories.
81 As its name suggests, the Thousand Island Region comprises more than 1,000 islands along the U.S.-Canada border, surrounded by the St. Lawrence River, Lake Ontario and Adirondacks Mountains.
82 If you have more miles on your snow blower than your car, you live in Ontario .
83 Triec's financial backers include Toronto-Dominion Bank and Manulife Financial, two of Canada's biggest financial institutions, a private foundation and an Ontario government agency.
84 A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, on the Thames River east-northeast of Windsor. It is an industrial center in an agricultural region. Population, 40, 952.
85 This school is registered under Ontario legislation as a non - profit organization.
86 In terms of its severity, the damage in the Kola Peninsula equals the environmental catastrophe caused by the Sudbury nickel and copper smelters in Ontario, Canada.
87 He was mine manager of the Kirkland Lake Gold Mine in northern Ontario for many years.
88 A city of southern Ontario, Canada, west of Toronto. It is an industrial center in a farming area. Population, 71, 207.
89 Dr Kos commented: "If we have another successful run at Soudan, we're planning to go even deeper, possibly - to the SNOLAB in Sudbury, Ontario, in Canada.
90 The team has three more exhibitions after that, in San Diego, Anaheim and Ontario.
91 A city of central Ontario , Canada, northeast of Sault Sainte Marie . It is a gold - mining center.
92 Below that is a view of the entire Niagara River between Lake Ontario in the north and Lake Erie in the south, taken by astronauts aboard the International Space Station in 2007.
93 In the city of Toronto , Ontario, the major industries are service and manufacturing industry.
94 A city of central Ontario, Canada, northeast of Sault Sainte Marie. It is a gold-mining center. Population, 46, 114.
95 Visited Kitchener Ontario Canada in February 2005 to perform in a Tsunami relief fund raiser.
96 A team led by Joaquin Madrenas of the Robarts Research Institute in London, Ontario, have determined the process by which the superbug can stay in the body without causing harm.
97 End-of-life care for older people with advanced lung cancer differs in the United States and in the Canadian province of Ontario, a new study says.
98 Windswept white pine, rock faces scraped bare, and wide, wild waters number among the most prominent features of Georgian Bay Islands National Park in Ontario.
99 Last week, leaders of nations from both the G8 and G20 gathered in Ontario Canada, for meetings in in Huntsville and Toronto.
100 In 1998[http://], Ontario residents were crippled by a severe ice storm.
101 Celebrated opening of the Sustainability Centre at Lambton College in Sarnia, Ontario.
102 A town of southeast Ontario west - southwest of Toronto. It is an industrial center. Population, 28, 067.
103 The Horseshoe Falls straddle the Canadian - United States border between Ontario and New York State.
104 Taken at Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada, this image shows a fight between a redheaded woodpecker and a yellow-shafted northern flicker over a nest hole.
105 Chinook salmon are popular with sport fishermen and account for over 60% of the fish caught in the Lake Ontario boat fishery.
106 Last year Glenn Tattersall of Brock University in Ontario, Canada, found the toco toucan loses up to 60 per cent of its body heat through its beak.
107 Education tax rates, which are set by the Government of Ontario, will also be applied to the assessed value.
108 In March, Ms. Daley sold a four-bedroom vacation home in a gated community to Harry Morrison, a Canadian from Lakefield, Ontario.
109 The Toronto-based nickel miner said it planned to slash 423 positions across all of its Canadian operations, with 261 jobs alone at its Sudbury, Ontario, operations.
110 United Canada was divided into the provinces of Ontario and Quebec.
111 A city of southern Ontario, Canada, a suburb of Hamilton on Lake Ontario. Population, 114, 853.
112 A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, on Lake Nipissing east-southeast of Sudbury. It is a trade center in a lumber and mining region. Population, 51, 268.
113 Be part of this exciting show and see why Northern Ontario and in particular Sudbury is the mining and industrial capital of North America.
114 A spokeswoman for the Ontario Securities Commission confirmed the regulator referred the matter to the RCMP.
115 If you live in Ontario, you must be at least 16 years old and have a valid Ontario driver's licence to drive in the province.
116 Salim Yusuf of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada was the lead investigator.
117 Ramsey and Hannah, located in Sudbury, Ontario, are polluted from more than a century of mining, particularly with nickel.
118 1857 - Queen Victoria chooses Ottawa, Ontario, as the capital of Canada.
119 Our first leg meant crossing almost 65 kilometres of Lake Ontario.
120 The Taiwanese Association at Western ( TAW ) is a non - profIt'student - run ? organization at the University of Western Ontario.
121 A city of southeast Ontario , Canada, on the Welland Ship Canal east-southeast of Hamilton. Founded in 1790, it is an industrial center. Population, 124,018.
122 Ontario has introduced a one-piece plastic driver's licence. The licence has a digitized photograph and signature of the driver and a magnetic information strip.
123 What are the names of the Great Lakes Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario are the Five Great Lakes.
124 Himrod , produced from a cross between Ontario and Thompson Seedless, is the most successful table grape released from the Cornell University grape breeding program (1952).
125 Lamar Odom (calf) practiced with his teammates and might play Tuesday night in the Lakers' exhibition game against the Golden State Warriors in Ontario.
126 In Ontario and Quebec there is a large area of land.
127 Canada is the world's second largest country after Russia. 60% of the population in Canada inhabit in the area between Quebec city and the western end of Lake Ontario.
128 The Niagara River plunges down one hundred sixty seven feet into Lake Ontario.
129 The Ontario Hydro Method(OHM)was used for the in-situ mercury measurement and analysis of the mercury concentration in the flue gas flowing through the ESP in a 220 MW W-type pulverized coal furnace.
130 Trojan Technologies Inc. of Ontario, North America's dominant maker of ultraviolet disinfection equipment for treating sewage,[/ontario.html] is a key supplier to Aquarius and other companies.
131 But Alan Wapner, an Ontario council member and head of the SCAG Transportation Committee, said the project has a long way to go before final approval.
132 We met in Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada when we were counselors at summer camps there.
133 Only at Titan's "Ontario Lacus," as one interesting site is called, the runoff consists of liquid hydrocarbons, not water.
134 An Ontario driver's licence is your proof of your privilege to drive. You must carry it with you whenever you drive.
135 Martin Gibala, chairman of the department of kinesiology at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, agrees.
136 Lake Ontario tributary chinook salmon takes a moment to pose for the camera before this release. Photo by Brian Bradfiled.
137 A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, a manufacturing suburb of Kitchener. Population, 24, 933.
138 North American bugbane found from Main and Ontario to Wisconsin and south to Georgia.
139 A cow cares for her newborn calf on a Mennonite farm in Elora, Ontario , Canada.
140 CardioMed operates from a 43,500 square foot facility located in Lindsay, Ontario Canada.
141 A town of southern Ontario, Canada, on Lake Ontario east of Toronto and farm region.




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