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单词 Cannon ball
1. Unlike the solid cannon ball a mortar shell is hollow and filled with gunpowder.
2. Mark the point where the cannon ball strikes the ground and roll the Artillery dice to establish the bounce distance.
3. Any model struck by a cannon ball takes a strength 10 hit resolved in the normal manner.
4. One poor fellow.... lost both legs by a cannon ball.
5. The cannon ball travels forward this distance before striking the ground. 3.
6. Once you have established where the cannon ball hits place a small coin or other marker directly over the spot.
7. On the pillar is a cannon ball from the Prussian bombardment of Prague in 1757.
8. If the cannon ball wounds its target then it causes not 1 but D4 wounds.
9. I hope a cannon ball lands slap on you.
10. When the cannon ball blows on the ground a poison is splashed.
11. He was continually fancying that a cannon ball was swooping down upon him with a fearful whiz.
12. Revolution is like throwing a cannon ball into a bathtub.
13. This is called cannon ball,[Sentence dictionary] and that is called swallow dive.
14. Today, I was at a public pool. A very fat kid yelled, "Cannon Ball! " He jumped right on me. I now have a broken collarbone. FML.
15. A well-aimed cannon ball could hit below its iron covering and sink it.
16. Seriously though: if a cannon ball hit you in the chest it would probably go straight through you.
17. A Confederate cannon ball hit the iron side of the Monitor and bounced away. Union sailors cheered.
18. If you roll a misfire for the bounce the cannon ball has stuck in the ground and does not bounce. 6.
19. In my case it really was a form of celestial cannon ball.
20. The king himself only narrowly avoided capture; his litter was smashed by a cannon ball and several of his bearers were killed.
21. Then from the 19th Century there is an early example of a manufactured iron nail, and from the English Civil War, a solid cannon ball.
22. But when it came to firearms it was impractical to tie feathers to a cannon ball.
23. "Well, " said the pirate, "Our ship was in a fierce sea battle, and me leg got hit by a cannon ball, but I'm fine now. "
24. Some of the men suffered burst eardrums. At least one man was struck unconscious from the force of a cannon ball against the iron.
25. well there is this initial impedance from explosion, sure the cannon ball can keep going horizontally but as soon that impedance goes it store its natural motion which is downward.
26. His left arm was shattered into matches by a cannon ball.




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